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Journal : U-JET: Unila Journal of English Teaching

U-JET Vol 4, No 2 (2015): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari korelasi antara motivasi siswa dalam belajar dan prestasi mereka dalam berbicara. Peneliti menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan menggunakan metode yang lebih khusus yakni Pearson-product moment correlation coefficient. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa korelasi antara dua variabel yang disebutkan adalah 0,622. Hasil ini membuktikan bahwa korelasi antara keduanya bernilai signifikan. Untuk nilai regresi, hasil dari pengolahan data menunjukkan angka 0,387. Hasil ini menjelaskan bahwa motivasi mempengaruhi prestasi siswa dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris sebanyak 38,7%. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa motivasi telah mempengaruhi tingkah laku siswa dalam belajar, mengubah pola belajar kognitif siswa dan membuat siswa fokus dalam mencapai tujuan mereka. Siswa yang termotivasi mengatasi rintangan yang datang kepada mereka dengan kekuatan yang kuat dari dalam diri mereka. Selain itu, siswa yang termotivasi sering mendapat hasil yang baik karena motivasi meningkatkan penampilan mereka dalam mencapai tujuan belajar mereka.This research was aimed at investigating the correlation between students motivation in learning English and their speaking ability. The researcher used quantitative method and more specifically the researcher used Pearson-product moment correlation coefficient. The result of this research showed that the correlation between both variables was 0.622. It means that the correlation between both variables was significantly correlated. For the contribution, the students motivation contribution toward their English speaking ability was 0.387. It means that the motivation contributed on the students English speaking ability for 38.7%. The researcher concluded that the motivation directed students behavior in learning, changing the cognitive processes in learning and making the students focus on reaching their goals. Motivated students overcome obstacles which come to them with strongly powerful from inside. Moreover, motivated students often got best result because motivation improved their performance to achieve their goals.Keywords: correlation, English speaking ability, motivation.
Teaching Reading through Picture Series in Narrative Text at the Second Grade Students of SMAN 1 Kota Agung Diah Astuti; Bambang Setiyadi; Sudirman Sudirman
U-JET Vol 8, No 2 (2019): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada peningkatan yang signifikan dari kemampuan pemahaman membaca siswa, aspek membaca manakah yang paling meningkat, dan masalah yang dihadapi siswa dalam pembelajaran pemahaman membaca menggunakan picture series. Sasaran penelitian ini mencakup 35 siswa kelas XI-H di SMAN 1 Kota Agung Tahun Akademik 2018/2019. Data penelitian berupa nilai yang dianalisis menggunakan t-test dengan derajat signifikan p0.05. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan tes membaca berbentuk pilihan jamak dengan empat alternative jawaban. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan yang signifikan dari pencapaian pemahaman membaca siswa setelah diajar menggunakan picture series. Aspek membaca yang paling meningkat adalah informasi spesifik. Masalah yang dihadapi siswa dalam pembelajaran pemahaman membaca menggunakan picture series adalah kecepatan dalam membaca, membuat simpulan, dan pemahaman kosa-kata.The aims of this research were to find out whether there was significant improvement of students’ reading comprehension ability, which aspect of reading improved the most, and the students’ obstacles in learning reading comprehension through picture series. The subjects of the research were 35 students of class XI-H at SMAN 1 Kota Agung in academic year 2018/2019. The data in form of scores were analyzed by using t-test with the significant level p0.05. This research was quantitative and qualitative research. The data were collected through reading test in form of multiple choices with four alternative answers. The result of the research showed that there was a significant improvement of the students’ reading comprehension achievement after being taught through picture series. The aspect of reading that improved the most was specific information. The obstacles faced by the students in learning reading through picture series were speed in reading, making inference, and understanding difficult words in vocabulary. Key words: reading comprehension, narrative text, picture series.
Developing Extensive Reading Project based Learning to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension in EFL Class Juni Hartiwi; Bambang Setiyadi; Heri Yufrizal
U-JET Vol 8, No 2 (2019): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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Penelitian ini bertujuan memperkirakan Extensive Reading Project Based Learning (PjBL) dapat memperbaiki kemampuan membaca dan untuk memeriksa apakah Extensive Reading PjBL dapat memperbaiki aktifitas mahasiswa. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa semester dua program studi Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung yang terdiri dari 30 mahasiswa. Test diberikan untuk mengukur kemampuan membaca, dan observation checklist dipakai mencatat progress aktifitas. Hasil menunjukkan Extensive Reading PjBL dapat memperbaiki kemampuan membaca dan aktifitas mahasiswa. Kesimpulannya, Extensive Reading PjBL memberikan kesempatan bekerja sama dan berinteraksi. Fakta tersebut berhasil memperbaiki kemampuan membaca mereka. Penulis merekomendasikan teknik ini untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca. Peneliti yang akan datang disarankan mendesain penelitian serupa dengan sesuatu yang baru dengan mempertimbangkan kondisi dan karakteristik mereka.The research is intended to estimate Extensive Reading Project Based Learning (PjBL) which can improve students' reading achievement and to examine whether Extensive Reading PjBL can improve students' activities. The population was second-semester students of English study program of STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung consisted of 30 students. A reading test was provided to measure the students’ reading achievement, and the observation checklist was used to record the progress of students’ activities. The result revealed that the Extensive Reading PjBL can improve the achievement of students’ reading comprehension. Moreover, the Extensive Reading PjBL can increase the students’ activities in doing the project. In conclusion, the stages of Extensive Reading PjBL provided a lot of chances for students to work together in their group and interacted directly among the members. Subconsciously, they enjoyed the process and positive atmosphere was created, then. They were helping each other among the members and they were really interactive. Those facts above made the students successfully in promoting their reading comprehension achievement through Extensive Reading PjBL technique. Therefore, the writer recommends the English teacher/ lecturer to apply this technique to promote the students’ reading comprehension. For further researchers, they are suggested to design a similar area of research with something new for students by considering the learners' condition and characteristics.Keywords: Extensive reading, project based learning, reading comprehension.
The implementation of Peer-Correction technique to improve students’ writing capability of recount texts at the first grade of SMA N 1 Pringsewu Nur Afifah; Bambang Setiyadi; Mahpul Mahpul
U-JET Vol 9, No 2 (2020): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan signifikan pada kemampuan siswa dalam menulis recount texts dan untuk menyelidiki kesalahan tata bahasa siswa yang paling dominan berdasarkan Surface Strategy Taxonomy. Penelitian ini menggunakan one group pretest and posttest design. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara statistik, terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan pada nilai siswa. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan adanya hasil tes paired-sample dimana tingkat signifikansinya lebih rendah dari 0.05 yaitu 0.00. Selain itu, frekuensi kesalahan tata bahasa mengindikasikan bahwa omission merupakan jenis kesalahan tata bahasa yang paling sering terjadi pada tes akhir siswa. Hal tersebut dikarenakan omission mendominasi 45.3% dari jumlah total kesalahan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa, teknik tersebut meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa. Maka dari itu, teknik tersebut mungkin bisa diterapkan pada proses pembelajaran. The objectives of this research were to find out whether there is any significant improvement on the students’ writing achievement of recount texts and to investigate the students’ most dominant errors based on Surface Strategy Taxonomy in terms of grammar. The current study used one group pretest posttest design. The result showed that there was a statistically significant improvement of the students’ writing achievement. It can be seen from the result of the Paired-Sample T-Test where the significant value was lower than 0.05 (0.00). Moreover, the frequency of grammar errors indicated that omission was the errors which most frequently produced by the students. It took 45.3% of the total error. It sum, peer-correction technique improve their writing capability of recount texts. Hence, the technique could be implemented in the learning process.
Designing Convergent And Divergent Tasks For Promoting Students Speaking Performance And Autonomy Novita Nurdiana; Bambang Setiyadi; Mahpul Mahpul
U-JET Vol 6, No 10 (2017): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi apakah antara tugas konvergen dan divergen menghasilkan kinerja berbicara siswa yang berbeda dan menyelidiki manakah diantara kedua tugas tersebut yang mampu mengoptimalkan kemandirian siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan kepada 42 mahasiswa jurusan Muamalah Universitas Islam Raden Intan pada tahun akademik 2016/2017.Untuk mengumpulkan data, peneliti memberikan tes bicara dan membagikan kuesioner. Kemudian data dianalisis secara kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara tugas konvergen dan tugas divergen pada kinerja berbicara siswa dalam hal kompleksitas dan kelancaran kecuali akurasi. Selain itu, ditemukan bahwa tugas divergen lebih baik dalam hal mengoptimalkan otonomi siswa dari pada tugas konvergen. Oleh karena itu, peneliti merekomendasikan agar guru bahasa Inggris / dosen sebaiknya menggunakan tugas konvergen maupun tugas divergen selama tugas tersebut dapat membantu siswa untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja berbicara serta kemandirian mereka.The present study was aimed at exploring whether convergent and divergent tasks resulted in different students speaking performance and investigating which one of task between convergent and divergent was able to optimize learners autonomy. This research was conducted to 42 students of Muamalah majoring at Raden Intan Islamic University in 2016/2017 academic year. To collect the data, the researcher administered speaking test (realibility of pre test convergent: 0.97403, posttest convergent: 0.89481, pretest divergent: 0.95714, posttest divergent: 0.99058) and gave questionnaire. Then data were analyzed quantitatively. The result showed that there was no significant difference between convergent and divergent tasks on students speaking performance in term of complexity and fluency except accuracy. In addition, divergent task was better for promoting students autonomy rather than convergent task. Therefore, the researcher recommends English teacher/lecturers to use convergent and divergent tasks since they give benefits to students.Keywords: Convergent task, divergent task, speaking performance.
Integrating Authentic Materials and Blended Learning in Teaching Procedural Text Muhammad Haris; Bambang Setiyadi; Tuntun Sinaga
U-JET Vol 8, No 3 (2019): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu perbedaan dari motivasi belajar siswa sebelum dan sesudah penerapan dari materi-materi yang autentik dan pembelajaran campuran. Desain dari penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan motivasi belajar siswa dan nilai menulis mereka setelah diajar menggunakan materi yang autentik berdasarkan pembelajaran campuran. Peningkatan yang paling signifikan dalam motivasi adalah motivasi intrinsic. Sedangkan, penggunaan bahasa adalah peningkatan aspek menulis yang paling signifikan (rentan nilai= 8,4). Hasil dari analisis korelasi juga menunjukkan korelasi dari motivasi belajar siswa dan nilai menulis mereka dari two tail significance menunjukkan p0.05 (p= 0.470) yang diklasifikasikan sebagai korelasi sedang. Sejak pengintegrasian materi authentic dan pembelajaran campuran terutama berguna dan mereka dapat membantu siswa-siswa untuk menjadi pembelajar yang berhasil, guru direkomendasikan untuk mendalaminya dan mengajar siswa-siswa mereka menggunakan media online yang sejalan dengan zaman moderen ini. This research was aimed to find out the difference of students learning motivation before and after the implementation of authentic materials and blended learning. The design of this study was quantitative research. The result showed that there were difference of student learning motivation and their writing achievement after being taught by using authentic material based on blended learning. The most significant increase in motivation is intrinsic motivation. Meanwhile, Language use is the most significant increase writing aspect (range score= 8,4). The result of Correlation analysis also showed that the correlation of students’ learning motivation and their writing achievement from the two tail significance showed p0.05 (p= 0.470) which classified as medium correlation. Since the integrated authentic material and blended learning are principally worthy and they could help students to be successful learners, the teacher are recommended to explore them and teach their students by using online media which is in line with this modern era. Keywords: Authentic materials, blended learning, learning motivation.
Teaching Vocabulary Through Clustering Technique at The First Year Students of SMP Al-Kautsar Bandar Lampung Khairina Efia Putri; Bambang Setiyadi; Tuntun Sinaga
U-JET Vol 8, No 2 (2019): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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Abstrak.Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mencari tipe content words yang paling meningkat setelah siswa diajar melalui teknik clustering dan untuk mengidentifikasi persepsi siswa terhadap pembelajaran kosakata melalui teknik clustering. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas satu SMP Al-Kautsar Bandar Lampung. Class VIIE sebagai kelas penelitian dan kelas VII G sebagai kelas percobaan. Penelitian ini menerapkan T-test dan one way anova. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa penguasaan kosakata siswa meningkat secara signifikan dengan level signifikannya p0.05. Kata benda adalah tipe content word yang paling meningkat setelah siswa diajar melalui teknik clustering. Sebagai tambahan, peneliti menemukan beberapa efek positive pada persepsi siswa walaupun ada beberapa masalah yang dihadapi selama implementasi teknik cluster. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa teknik cluster memfasilitasi siswa dalam meningkatkan pencapaian kosakata. Abstract.This research aims to find out which types of content words improves the most after the students are taught through clustering technique and to identify the students’ perception towards teaching-learning vocabulary through clustering technique. The subject of the research was the first grade students of SMP Al-Kautsar Bandar Lampung. Class VII E was chosen as the experimental class and class VII G as the try out class. T-test and one way anova were applied in this research. The result indicates thatthe students’ mastery of vocabulary is improved significantly with the significant level 0.000.05. Noun was noted as a type of content words which improved the most after the students were taught through clustering technique. In addition, the researcher found some possitive effects on the students’ perception even though there were some problems faced during the implementation of clustering technique. This suggests that clustering technique facilitates the students to improve vocabulary achievement. Keywords: vocabulary, teaching vocabulary, clustering technique
A comparative study between teaching vocabulary using total physical response and direct method: the case of the first grade of SMPN 2 Marga Sekampung Oktavia Rahmawati; Bambang Setiyadi; Ramlan Ginting Suka
U-JET Vol 9, No 4 (2020): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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The aims of this research were to find out a significant difference of achievements in mastering vocabulary of students who are taught by using Total Physical Response and those who are taught by using Direct Method, to find out which word types of vocabulary improve the most after being taught through Total Physical Response and To find out which word types of vocabulary improve the most after being taught through Direct Method. This research was a quantitative research design. The subjects of this research were the first grade of SMPN 2 Marga Sekampung. The instruments of this research were vocabulary tests. The data were analyzed by using independent samples t-test. The result showed that: first, there was a statistically significant difference of achievements in mastering vocabulary of students who are taught by using Total Physical Response and those who are taught by using Direct Method. Second, the type of content words which improved the most after being taught through total physical response is verb. Third, the type of content words which improved the most after being taught through direct method is verb type.