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Strategi Pengembangan Wisata Bahari Desa Namu Guna Mendukung Perekonomian Masyarakat Sadar Wisata Ratna Diyah Palupi; - Ira; - Risfandi
MANAJEMEN IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah Vol. 14 No. 1 (2019): Manajemen IKM
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (679.466 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/mikm.14.1.8-14


The consequence of tourist village is the community's psychology and environmental carrying capacity. Good strategy will be able to realize the welfare of the village community. The purpose of this study is to make a tourism development strategy in the Namu Village. Methods of data collection using sampling techniques through interviews and questionnaires with a total samples of 70 respondents. Characteristics of tourism conditions and potential are analyzed by supply-demand. While demand analysis is used to recognize the pattern of visitor demand. Both of these analyzes are used as reference materials for development strategies by strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats SWOT analyzed. Furthermore, based on the Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS), the beauty of Namu and the waterfall become the main attraction for tourist destination. On the other side the disadvantage is the unpreparedness of the Namu village community make them not enough in economically. External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS), partisanship of the government enable for Namu to be developing in marine tourism. However the threats was come from outside investor which can reduce the role of the community to improve their economy. Based on the analysis of IFAS and EFAS, the Namu Village's tourism development strategy is to improve the quality of tourism objects, increasing the role of the government, looking for investors especially in the transportation sector, improve community capacity. For instance manufacture of fishery products, souvenirs, and culinary. Finally safeguard ecosystems through waste management
Jurnal Bisnis Perikanan (Journal of Fishery Business) Vol 4, No 2: OKTOBER 2017 : JURNAL BISNIS PERIKANAN
Publisher : Program Studi Agrobisnis Perikanan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, UHO

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The purpose of this research is to identify marketing problems, analyze the marketing pattern, and to find out the market map and the direction of the marketing target of abon ikan. This research was conducted by survey method. Methods of collecting data by direct observation and in-depth interviews. The research respondents were producers, traders and consumers of shredded fish products, which were selected by purposive sampling. Data analysis with descriptive methods, using qualitative analysis, namely tracking marketing channels, and market mapping. The results of the study show that the main problem of marketing abon ikan is the availability of raw materials that are not continuous, low production technology, low business capital, production houses do not meet standards, incomplete business licensing, product certificates, training and development of quality human resources are still lacking and the availability of clean water. There are three types of marketing channel patterns, namely from producers to consumers, from producers to the center of Kendari then to consumers, and from producers to traders in Surabaya. Processing businesses cannot yet produce sustainably, the market area is only limited in Kendari City and the surrounding districts in Southeast Sulawesi, so there is still a need to develop a broader market development strategy
DAMPAK PADAT TEBAR TERHADAP PRODUKSI DAN PENDAPATAN BUDIDAYA UDANG VANAME DI KABUPTEN KOLAKA Irdam Riani; Nurhuda Annaastasia; Azwar Siddiq; Risfandi Risfandi; Seventry Meliana Patiung
Jurnal Bisnis Perikanan (Journal of Fishery Business) Vol 6, No 1: APRIL 2022 : JURNAL BISNIS PERIKANAN
Publisher : Program Studi Agrobisnis Perikanan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, UHO

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Input produksi dalam budidaya merupakan komponen yang sangat penting untuk meningkatkan produksi yang akan berpengaruh terhadap pendapatan pembudidaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh padat tebar udang vanname terhadap produksi dan pendapatan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Kolaka pada Bulan Desember 2019- September 2020. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah dengan metode survey, wawancara dan studi literatur. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis pendapatan yang selanjutnya digunakan analisis grafik.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kategori padat tebar rendah berkisar antara 1 -< 30 ekor/m2, padat tebar sedang >30 - <50 ekor/m2,  padat tebar tinggi > 50 – 100 dan sangat tinggi > 100 ekor/m2. Produksi padat tebar tinggi  sebesar 8.198 kg/ha dengan pendapatan sebesar Rp227.458.899,- merupakan produksi dan pendapatan tertinggi dengan rata-rata padat tebasar sebanyak 100 ekor/m2.Dari beberapa kategori padat tebar dan terendah dengan rata-rata padat tabar sebanyak 5 ekor/m2 berada pada kategori padat tebar rendah dengan produksi sebesar 561 kg/ha dengan pendapatan sebesar Rp19.266.175,-. Kata Kunci : Udang Vanname, Produksi, Pendapatan
Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Perikanan Vol 7, No 3: AGUSTUS 2022: JURNAL SOSIAL EKONOMI PERIKANAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jsep.v7i3.30015


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keuntungan dan kelayakan finansial usaha pembuatan perahu fiber di Desa Tanjung Bunga Kecamatan Wawolesea Kabupaten Konawe Utara Sulawesi Tenggara. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah semua pemilik usaha pembuatan perahu fiber yang berjumlah 2 orang. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis kuantitatif dengan menggunakan rumus biaya tetap, biaya variabel, total biaya, penerimaan, keuntungan dan analisis finansial dengan 5 kriteria R/C Ratio, Net Present Value, Investment Rate of Return, Paybanck Period, Break Even Point. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa usaha pembuatan perahu fiber didapatkan keuntungan Rp510.450.574/tahun dengan R/C Ratio 1.82. Dengan menggunakan discount factor 17% maka nilai Net Present Value adalah Rp789.537.629/tahun dengan Investment Rate of Return sebesar 40% dan Payback Period adalah 1. Break Even Point tercapai setelah produksi 28 unit dengan harga Rp12.384.434/tahun. Dari penelitian ini usaha pembuatan perahu fiber di Desa Tanjung Bunga Kecamatan Wawolesea Kabupaten Konawe Utara menguntungkan dan layak untuk dikembangkan.Kata Kunci: Fiberglass; Kelayakan; Keuntungan; Finansial
Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Perikanan Vol 7, No 3: AGUSTUS 2022: JURNAL SOSIAL EKONOMI PERIKANAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jsep.v7i3.30017


 The Covid-19 pandemic is suspected to have affected the income of business actors in the tourism sector.  This study aims to determine the amount of income earned by business actors before and during the Covid-19 outbreak in Meleura Beach Tourism, Lakarinta Village, Lohia District, Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi. This study used a random sampling method based on area and a systematic random sample with a total of 30 respondents consisted of 1 respondent from government elements in this case the Head of Lakarinta Village and 29 respondents from the community. The data collection techniques used are by observation methods, interviews, literature studies, and documentation. The data is analyzed using the revenue analysis formula. The results showed that the income of business actors in Meleura Beach tourism has changed.  The monthly income before the Covid-19 outbreak was IDR. 7,286,400 for the Government and IDR. 10,889,372 for the community.   Meanwhile during Covid-19, the monthly income of business actors decreased to IDR. 1,618,800 for the government and IDR. 3,336,528 for the community. A significant decrease in income has been experienced by business actors and the government at the Meleura Beach tourist site, therefore they need to be incentivized by the local and central governments.Keywords: Meleura; Covid-19; Revenue; Business Actors
Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Perikanan Vol 7, No 4: NOVEMBER 2022: JURNAL SOSIAL EKONOMI PERIKANAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jsep.v7i4.25362


 Kepuasan merupakan tingkat perasaan seseorang setelah membandingkan kinerja atau hasil yang dirasakan dengan harapannya. Sedangkan kepuasan wisatawan adalah perasaan senang ataupun puas setelah berkunjung ke suatu objek wisata. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kepuasan wisatawan terhadap layanan karyawan dan fasilitas objek Wisata Pemancingan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Wisata Pemancingan (Urane Fishing) di Desa Konda Satu Kecamatan Konda Kabupaten Konawe Selatan, pada Bulan Februari sampai Maret 2021. Metode sampel yang digunakan adalah accidental sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 30 wisatawan. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah Importance Performance Analisys (IPA), sebagai hasil diperoleh bahwa penilaian wisatawan sangat puas terhadap layanan karyawan dengan nilai skor sebesar 4,15. Sedangkan penilaian wisatawan sangat puas terhadap fasilitas objek wisata dengan nilai skor sebesar 4,42.Kata Kunci :     Tingkat kepuasan, Wisatawan, Wisata Pemancingan, KinerjaKeywords: Satisfaction Level, Employees and Facilities, Fishing TourismSatisfaction is the level of one's feelings after comparing the perceived performance (performance or results) with their expectations. While tourist satisfaction is a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction after visiting a tourist attraction. The purpose of this study was to determine tourist satisfaction with employee services and facilities for fishing tourism objects. This research was conducted on Urane Fishing in Konda Satu Village, Konda District, South Konawe Regency, from February to March 2021. The sample method used was accidental sampling with a sample of 30 tourists. Analysis of the data used is Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), as a result obtained that the rating of tourists is very satisfied with the service of employees with a score of 4.15.while the rating of tourists is very satisfied with the tourist attraction facilities with a score of 4.42.                                                                                                                                                                                       Keywords: Satisfaction Level, Employees and Facilities, Fishing Tourism
Sebaran Ukuran, Hubungan Panjang-Berat, dan Faktor Kondisi Ikan Julung-Julung (Nomorhamphus sp.) di Air Terjun Nanga-nanga Kota Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara Muhammad Nur Findra; Sjamsu Alam Lawelle; La Ode Muhammad Arsal; Daniel Frikli Mokodongan; Yustika Intan Permatahati; Risfandi Risfandi; Muhamad Ikbal; Sapri Sapri
Juvenil Vol 4, No 2: Mei 2023
Publisher : Department of Marine and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/juvenil.v4i2.19213


ABSTRAKIkan julung-julung (Nomorhamphus sp.) merupakan salah satu jenis dari familia Zenarchopteridae. Ikan ini teramati di sekitar air terjun Nanga-nanga Kota Kendari dengan jumlah populasi yang kecil. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji sebaran ukuran, hubungan panjang-berat, dan faktor kondisinya di air terjun Nanga-nanga. Ikan ditangkap menggunakan jaring, dipisahkan berdasarkan jenis kelamin kemudian diukur panjangnya menggunakan mistar dengan ketelitian 0,1 cm dan ditimbang beratnya menggunakan timbangan digital dengan ketelitian 0,01 gram. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebaran ukuran tertinggi dari semua ikan yang dikumpulkan adalah pada kelas ukuran 4,2-6,5 cm, sedangkan pada ikan jantan ukuran tertinggi pada kelas ukuran 5,76-6,12 cm dan ikan betina tertinggi pada kelas ukuran dan 4,25-6,5 cm. Hubungan panjang-berat ikan julung-julung yang ditemukan menunjukkan bahwa ikan tersebut memiliki pola pertumbuhan yang bersifat allometrik positif (b3). Nilai faktor kondisi yang didapatkan 0,9945±0,0809 untuk ikan jantan, 1,0171±0,0862 untuk ikan betina, dan 0,9907±0,0807 untuk gabungan ikan jantan-betina. Baik ukuran maupun faktor kondisi, ikan betina memiliki kondisi yang lebih baik. Penelusuran lebih lanjut terhadap keberadaan ikan ini diperlukan untuk menentukan rencana pengelolaannya.Kata Kunci: air terjun Nanga-nanga, faktor kondisi, hubungan panjang-berat, Nomorhamphus sp., sebaran ukuranABSTRACTHalfbeak fish (Nomorhamphus sp.) is a type of the Zenarchopteridae family. It was observed around the Nanga-nanga waterfall, Kendari City, with a small population. This study was aimed to examine the size distribution, length-weight relationship, and condition factors at Nanga-nanga waterfall. The fish were caught using nets, separated by sex, then measured their length using ruler with an accuracy of 0.1 cm and weighed using a digital scale with an accuracy of 0.01 gram. The results showed that the highest size distribution of all fish collected was in the 4.2-6.5 cm size class, while the highest size for male and female were 5.76-6.12 and 4.25-6.5 cm size class, respectively. The relationship between fish  length  and weight was  found showed  that they have a positive  allometric  growth  pattern (b3). Condition factor values obtained for male, female, and both were 0.9945±0.0809, 1.0171±0.0862, and 0.9907±0.0807, respectively. Both size and condition factors, female have better conditions. Further investigation of this fish existence is needed to determine its management plan.Keywords: Nanga-nanga waterfall, condition factor, length-weight relationship, Nomorhamphus sp., size distribution
Penyadartahuan Cinta Lingkungan Pesisir dan Laut Bagi Anak Pesisir Melalui Gerakan Peduli Sampah di Desa Puupi: Awareness of Love for Coastal and Marine Environment for Coastal Children Through the Waste Care Movement in Puupi Village Nurhuda Annaastasia; roslindah Daeng Siang; risfandi risfandi; Seventry Meliana Patiung; akhmad mansyur; rosmawati rosmawati; Nurdiana A; La Ode Muh. Gunawan Giu
Jurnal Pengabdian Magister Pendidikan IPA Vol 6 No 2 (2023): April-Juni
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jpmpi.v6i2.4427


Marine debris is waste that comes from human daily activities that are intentionally or unintentionally dumped around the coast / sea. So that the impact caused by marine debris can disrupt the food chain of marine life and even threaten their lives. In addition, people living around the coast will feel the negative impacts of marine debris, including health problems, bringing floods, eyesore, causing unpleasant odors and economic activities will be disrupted. The purpose is to provide an introduction to marine life and coastal ecosystems to coastal children in order to foster a love for coastal and marine conservation. This service activity is carried out in several stages: observation, poster media design design design as a delivery of information to the community and waste care actions. The results show that waste care action activities can foster the concern of coastal children as a maritime generation for the coastal and marine environment. In addition, the installation of posters related to the types of waste and the time of decomposition of the waste becomes a media message to always protect the environment.
Analisis nilai tambah ciptaan nelayan pancing rawai dasar di Desa Bahari Kecamatan Sampolawa Kabupaten Buton Selatan Fajrin; La Onu La Ola; Syamsul Kamri; Wa Ode Piliana; Risfandi; Roslindah Daeng Siang
Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Perikanan Vol 8 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Perikanan
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jsep.v8i1.5


This study aims to determine the operating techniques of bottom longline fishing gear and determine the added value created by bottom longline fishing gear. This research was carried out in Bahari Village, Sampolawa District, South Buton Regency in July 2022. The method used in this study was the census method. Data collection was carried out through interviews, observation, documentation and literature studies. Data analysis uses the added value formula, namely NT=G+Pt+Pj+π. The results of the study concluded that the bottom longline fishing technique in Bahari Village was to go to the fishing location, place bait on each hook, release the bottom longline at a depth of 10-20 meters with fishing gear lengths varying from 900-1100 meters with a total of ±200 hooks for each fisherman and 3 units of buoys and left in the sea for 2-3 hours, as well as hauling (lifting fishing gear). This fishing gear is operated at low tide. The added value created by bottom longline fishing gear, the lowest value is Rp913.000,-/trip and the highest is Rp1.351.000,-/trip and the average is Rp1.179.850,-/trip, the added value obtained from the sum of Salaries, Depreciation, Taxes and Profits
Kajian Proses Bisnis Komoditas Ekspor Ikan Kakap Merah (Studi Kasus PT. TOFICO PPS Kota Kendari) Rahma Fitriani; La Ola La Onu; Sarini Yusuf; Akhmad Mansyur; Risfandi
Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Perikanan Vol 8 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Perikanan
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

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This study aims to assess the the demand of PT. Holi Osean Indonesia and the readiness of PT. Tofico as a seller of red snapper. Also, business processes starting from planning to buying and selling transactions between PT. Tofico as a seller in Indonesia and PT. Holi Osean Indonesia as a buyer in China was reviewed. Research conducted at PT. Tofico Ocean Fisheries Port (PPS) Kendari City in June 2022. Data obtained through observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis used was descriptive qualitative analysis. The study showed that the demand for red snapper commodity at PT. Holi Osean Indonesia in China to PT. Tofico in Indonesia every month was 3.250 kg/month and can be fulfilled by PT. Tofico. The export business process started from PT. Tofico in Indonesia prepared red snapper commodities based on the quality standard of PT. Holi Osean Indonesia. Frozen red snapper then would be sent to China via the Kendari new port container operated by PT. Tanto. The shipping insurance was paid to ensure the safety of the commodity at the Chinese port. PT. Holi Osean Indonesiab then picked up the commodity in question at the Chinese port to be delivered and marketed in China.