Findra, Muhammad Nur
Program Studi Manajemen Sumber Daya Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan Dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Khairun, Ternate 97719, Indonesia

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Media Konservasi Vol 21 No 3 (2016): Media Konservasi Vol. 21 No. 3 Desember 2016
Publisher : Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism - IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (334.371 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/medkon.21.3.304-309


Ontogenetic of fish is a term used to study the development of the behavior of an individual throughout its life (life-span) from hatched to death. The mangrove ecosystem is a potential habitat for fish, especially the juvenile stage. Juvenile found in this habitat is an important economically fish. In various types of fish, the phenomenon of increasing the size of the fish body followed by changes in the types of food causing ontogenetic habitat of fish. It is evident in yellow snapper Lutjanus argentiventris. The juveniles live in mangrove habitat to approximately 100 mm or 300 days old, after which the fish move to deeper surrounding habitat. Mangrove forest that has a high complexity is to serve as an adaptation of fish to avoid predators and foraging. Several different habitats, both the mangrove ecosystem and other ecosystems provide different foods according to the needs at each phase-change of fish life. Animals that undergo ontogenetic habitat drift has management consequences that are more sensitive than animals inhabiting on single habitat. Hence, particularly habitat conservation resource management is needed. Not only conservation of the habitat, but also other habitats related to  the migration of fish.   Keyword: conservation, diet, growth, mangrove, ontogenetic
Genetic Profile Assessment of Giant Clam Genus Tridacna as a Basis for Resource Management at Wakatobi National Park Waters Muhammad Nur Findra; Isdradjad Setyobudiandi; Nurlisa Alias Butet; Dedy Duryadi Solihin
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 22, No 2 (2017): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (801.089 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.22.2.67-74


Giant clam population has been decreased in a few years. Resource management requires information from various aspects, such as ecological, population, and other aspects. This study was aimed at assessing the genetic profile of Tridacna giant clam in Wakatobi National Park waters using Cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) genetic marker. Sample collection was conducted around the three main islands, i.e., Wangi-wangi, Kaledupa, and Tomia. Genetic analysis using COI gene may contribute in identifying giant clams up to the species level and showed the relationship among species. The research found 41 specific nucleotide sites for the clams. T. crocea, T. squamosa and T. maxima had 2, 15 and 24 sites, respectively. COI gene as a biological marker was able to separate groups of giant clam by species. Nucleotide variation of T. crocea from Wakatobi was the highest among other locations, so it could be used as a genetic source for translocation and domestication. Keywords: cytochrome oxidase subunit I, specific nucleotide, Tridacna, Wakatobi National Park
Panrita Abdi - Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 6 No. 4 (2022): Jurnal Panrita Abdi - Oktober 2022
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/pa.v6i4.18159


The factors causing the degradation of mangroves in the Passare Apua village are low income, education, and community skills. Information from the Passare Apua Village Government revealed that 25% of the population did not have a job, so they were classified as non-productive people with minimal educational backgrounds and skills. The solution to the problems are to increase supervision, education, skills and income of local communities, for example by providing training programs on product processing made from local resources. One of the local resources that the people of Passare Apua Village have not utilized is the mangrove fruit which is still often found in the area. Mangrove fruit has been known as a resource that can be processed into food, such as mangrove sticks. This activity aims to train the community to produce processed mangrove products in the form of mangrove sticks with a high nutritional and economic value which the community can later make as an additional source of income. The method of implementing this activity consisted of two stages: counseling/delivery of materials and demonstrations and practices of processing mangrove fruit into mangrove sticks. The results of this activity indicated that the target audience had been able to process mangrove fruit into mangrove stick snacks and was interested in developing this mangrove stick as one of the new products to be marketed. --- Faktor-faktor penyebab degradasi mangrove di Desa Passare Apua adalah rendahnya pendapatan, pendidikan dan keterampilan masyarakat. Informasi yang didapatkan dari Pemerintah Desa Passare Apua diketahui 25% penduduk belum memiliki pekerjaan sehingga tergolong masyarakat non-produktif dengan latar belakang pendidikan dan keterampilan yang sangat terbatas. Solusi terhadap permasalahan tersebut adalah meningkatkan pengawasan, pendidikan, keterampilan dan pendapatan masyarakat setempat, misalnya dengan memberikan program pelatihan pengolahan produk berbahan baku sumberdaya lokal. Salah satu sumberdaya lokal yang belum dimanfatkan oleh masyarakat Desa Passare Apua adalah buah mangrove yang masih sering dijumpai di kawasan tersebut. Buah mangrove telah dikenal sebagai salah satu sumberdaya yang dapat diolah menjadi bahan pangan, seperti stik mangrove. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk melatih masyarakat menghasilkan produk olahan mangrove berupa stik mangrove yang bernilai gizi dan ekonomis tinggi yang nantinya dapat diproduksi oleh masyarakat sebagai sumber pendapatan tambahan. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini terdiri dari dua tahap, yaitu penyuluhan/penyampaian materi dan demonstrasi serta praktek pengolahan buah mangrove menjadi stik mangrove. Hasil kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa Khalayak sasaran telah mampu mengolah buah mangrove menjadi cemilan stik mangrove dan berminat untuk mengembangkan stik mangrove ini sebagai salah satu produk baru yang akan dipasarkan.
Financial analysis of the catching of blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) in South Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Muh. Aksa Azis; Chandra Nainggolan; Priyanto Rahardjo; Muhammad Nur Findra
Journal of Tropical Fisheries Management Vol 6 No 1 (2022): Journal of Tropical Fisheries Management
Publisher : Departement of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jppt.v6i1.43839


One of the important capture fisheries commodities in Southeast Sulawesi, especially small-scale fisheries, is blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) using traps. The catching is said to be successful if it gets the maximum profit for the business actor. The use of different types of bait in trap results in different catches. The purpose of this study was to analyze the financial aspects which include costs, income, profits, and the level of financial feasibility of catching crabs using different baits, namely peperek fish and anchovies. The method used in this study is a survey method, namely by reviewing, observing and collecting information data directly in the field. The results of the study indicated that the variable costs incurred annually have a greater amount than the fixed costs. The biggest revenue from the crab catching business was by using peperek fish bait, with the profits being able to cover the costs incurred. Crab fishing business using peperek fish is said to be feasible and profitable as seen from the value of NPV, IRR, and B/C Ratio with the return on capital in the category of medium return on capital. Meanwhile, by using anchovy bait, there is a loss, where the revenue obtained cannot cover the costs incurred.
The Reproduction of Meretrix meretrix Clams in The Kambu River Estuary, Southeast Sulawesi: Reproduksi Kerang Tahu (Meretrix meretrix) di Muara Sungai Kambu, Sulawesi Tenggara Bahtiar; Muhammad Fajar Purnama; Rahmadhani; Muhammad Nur Findra
Journal of Tropical Fisheries Management Vol 6 No 1 (2022): Journal of Tropical Fisheries Management
Publisher : Departement of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jppt.v6i1.44443


Meretrix meretrix is a degraded resource in Kendari Bay waters, but its reproductive pattern is not fully known.. This study aims to determine the level of gonad maturity, gonadal maturity index, fecundity and the size of the first gonad maturity of M. meretrix at the Kambu River estuary, Kendari Bay, Southeast Sulawesi. This research was carried out at the Kambu River estuary for 6 months from August 2021-January 2022. These clams were taken randomly representing all size classes as many as 300 birds during the study. M. meretrix were observed for gonad color and gonad development microscopically, then the length and weight of the gonads were measured using a caliper and analytical balance with an accuracy of 0.5 mm and 0.0001g, respectively. The results showed that the development of male and female gonads was relatively simultaneous, which was dominated by mature gonads (III-IV) in each month of observation. TKG I-V was found in every month of observation. The gonad maturity index of males and females were 4.92-6.00 and 5.53-6.32, respectively. The fecundity of M. meretrix ranged from 4882-85677 grains. The first mature size of the gonads of male and female M. meretrix is 20 mm.
The Population Dynamics of the Exploited White Shells (Meretrix meretrix) at the Kambu River Estuary, Southeast Sulawesi: Dinamika Populasi Kerang Tahu (Meretrix meretrix) yang Tereksploitasi di Muara Sungai Kambu Sulawesi Tenggara Bahtiar; Muhammad Digul Jaya Pratama; Muhammad Fajar Purnama; Muhammad Nur Findra
Journal of Tropical Fisheries Management Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Journal of Tropical Fisheries Management
Publisher : Departement of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jppt.v6i2.43788


White shells is one of the types of shellfish that is exploited by the community around the Kambu River estuary whose population dynamics is not known certainty. This study aims to determine the population dynamics of white shells in the Kambu River estuary, Southeast Sulawesi. This research was carried out for six months from August 2021 to January 2022. white shells were collected using garok in all parts of the waters. The shell length was measured using a caliper with an accuracy of 0.05 cm. Data on population structure, growth and mortality of clams was analyzed using FiSAT II version 3,0 software. The results showed that the population structure of white shells were dominated by one size group (young adult) which were distributed. The growth parameters of white shells consisted of asymptotic length (L∞) and growth coefficient (K) were 58,91 mm and 1.1, respectively. Natural mortality (M) of white shells at an annual mean temperature of 28oC was 1,59 yr-1, while fishing mortality (F) and total mortality (Z) of white shells were 3,16 yr-1 and 4,75 yr-1, respectively. The white shells were in an overexploitation condition with an exploitation level (E) of 0,67 yr-1.
The Preferensi habitat kerang lentera (Lingula unguis) di Perairan Nambo, Kota Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara Taula Taula; Muhammad Nur Findra; Bahtiar Bahtiar; Muhammad Fajar Purnama
Habitus Aquatica Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Habitus Aquatica : Journal of Aquatic Resources and Fisheries Management
Publisher : Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/HAJ.3.2.51


Coastal resources of Nambo Waters in Kendari City include mangrove and seagrass ecosystems which provide ecological benefits for the life of benthic and other organisms. One of the benthic organisms utilized by local communities in Nambo is the lamp shells. This study aimed at determining the habitat preferences of lamp shells in Nambo Waters. The sampling was conducted twice a month, applying the systematic random sampling method. Density, distribution patterns and size distributions were analyzed. Habitat preferences of lamp shells was analyzed using the Coresponden Analysis (CA) and Principle Component Analysis (PCA) to determined the water parameter characteristics were done by apllying the XLSTAT 2014 program. The result of analysis showed the number of density ranged from 1,06-10,44 ind/m2. The distribution pattern index suggested that lamp shells have random and uniformed distribution patterns. The distribution of total length sizes (shell length and pedicle) of the lamp shells was divided into 10 size classes, dominated by shells with 77–102 mm in sizes. The habitat preferences of lamp shells was characterized by the texture of medium and muddy sand substrates in mangrove ecosystem.
The Karakteristik habitat udang merah (Parhippolyte uveae) di perairan rawa sekitar kawasan Pantai Koguna Kabupaten Buton, Sulawesi Tenggara Muhammad Farhan Pratama; La Sara La Sara; Halili Halili; Muhammad Nur Findra
Habitus Aquatica Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Habitus Aquatica : Journal of Aquatic Resources and Fisheries Management
Publisher : Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/HAJ.4.1.8


Sekitar kawasan Pantai Koguna yang berjarak ±157 meter dari garis pantai terdapat sebuah perairan tertutup semacam rawa. Perairan ini berair payau dan dihuni oleh udang merah (Parhippolyte uveae). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik habitat udang merah. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan November–Desember 2021 di Desa Mopaano Kecamatan Lasalimu Selatan Kabupaten Buton. Lokasi penelitian ditetapkan secara sengaja pada dua zona dengan karakteristik habitat yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Zona 1 ditemukan udang merah dengan kelimpahan relatif tinggi yang menunjukkan zona tersebut disukai oleh udang merah. Habitat pada zona tersebut memiliki karakteristik berupa bebatuan dan akar mangrove, kerapatan tutupan kanopi mangrove lebih tinggi, serta parameter lingkungan perairan yang sesuai dengan kehidupan udang merah. Habitat udang ini adalah perairan anchialine yang masih mendapat pengaruh pasang surut dari laut namun tidak terhubung secara langsung di bagian permukaannya.
Efektifitas Jenis Tanaman Berbeda Terhadap Kualitas Air Media Budidaya Udang Galah (Macrobranchium rosenbergii de Man 1879) Sistem Akuaponik Gamal M Samadan; Aras Syazili; Muhammad Nur Findra; Supyan Supyan; Yuli Dwi Wijayanti
Juvenil Vol 4, No 1: Februari (2023)
Publisher : Department of Marine and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/juvenil.v4i1.18503


ABSTRAK                                                           Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang peranan tanaman sebagai biofilter untuk menjaga kualitas air media. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan beberapa rangkaian kerja yang dimulai pada bulan Juni - Agustus 2022 di UPT Laboratorium Terpadu Unkhair Kota Ternate. Penelitian ini dirancang dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri 3 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan selama 60 hari. Pengukuran dilakukan terhadap suhu, salinitas, DO dan pH, amoniak, nitrat dan nitrit pada setiap minggu. Estimasi dilakukan terhadap efektifitas biofilter tanaman terhadap ammonia (N) dan fosfor (P) pada setiap perlakuan, pertumbuhan mutlak dan sintasan (SR) udang galah dan dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA dengan uji F pada taraf kepercayaan 95%. Uji Fisher (LSD) dilakukan apabila perlakuan berpengaruh nyata terhadap peubah yang diukur (P0.05). Hasil analisis memperlihatkan bahwa ketiga perlakuan tanaman tidak berbeda dalam menyerap N dari limbah budidaya udang galah. Sedangkan untuk penyerapan P dari ketiga perlakuan, jenis pakcoy menyerap paling efektif (0.725 mgL-1) dibandingkan dengan tanaman seledrei (0.540mgL-1) dan selada (0.186 mgL-1) (P0,05). Selain itu pula, konsentrasi ammonia selama penelitian cenderung menurun. Pertumbuhan mutlak dan laju pertumbuhan spesifik pada ketiga perlakuan tidak signifikan berpengaruh (P0,05), sedangkan sintasannya signifikan berpengaruh (P0,05). Meskipun demikian, ketiga tanaman dapat digunakan sebagai biofilter dalam system akuaponik.Kata kunci: Biofilter, tanaman, akuaponik, limbah, udang galahABSTRACTIt has been studied how plants can act as biofilters to preserve the standard of media water. The UPT Unkhair Integrated Laboratory in Ternate City will be the site of this research, with work series beginning in June 2022 and lasting through August 2022. Three treatments and three replications were used in this study's completely randomized design (CRD), which lasted for 60 days. Temperature, salinity, DO and pH, ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite were all measured on a weekly basis. ANOVA with the F test and a 95% confidence level were used to estimate the efficiency of the plant biofilter against ammonia (N) and phosphorus (P) in each treatment, absolute growth, and survival (SR) of gigantic prawns. When the treatment had a significant impact on the measured variables (P0.05), Fisher's test (LSD) was applied. The analysis's findings demonstrated that N absorption from the giant prawn industry's waste did not differ between the three plant treatments. Regarding the three treatments' P absorption, pakchoi (0.725 mgL-1) absorbed P more efficiently than celery (0.540 mgL-1) and lettuce (0.186 mgL-1) (P0.05). Additionally, there was a tendency for the study's ammonia concentration to decline. Survival had a significant influence (P0.05), although the absolute growth and specific growth rates of the three treatments did not (P0.05). However, all three plants can be utilized in aquaponic systems as biofilters.Keyword: Biofilter, plants, aquaponics, waste, giant prawns
Pola Pertumbuhan dan Faktor Kondisi Udang Merah (Parhippolyte uveae) di Perairan Rawa Kawasan Pantai Koguna Kabupaten Buton, Sulawesi Tenggara Muhammad Yusuf Afara; La Sara La Sara; Halili Halili; Muhammad Nur Findra
Juvenil Vol 4, No 1: Februari (2023)
Publisher : Department of Marine and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/juvenil.v4i1.18815


ABSTRAKRawa udang merah (Parhippolyte uveae) berada di Desa Mopaano, Kecamatan Lasalimu Selatan, Kabupaten Buton dan merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata yang unik karena terdapat organisme udang merah yang tidak seperti udang pada umumnya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pola pertumbuhan dan faktor kondisi udang merah di perairan rawa kawasan Pantai Koguna Kabupaten Buton. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober sampai Desember 2021. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode purposive sampling berdasarkan keberadaan udang merah. Pengambilan sampel udang merah dilakukan pada 3 kelompok pengamatan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada setiap kelompok dengan alat tangkap waring. Udang yang ditemukan dihitung jumlahnya, diukur panjang karapasnya menggunakan kaliper dengan ketelitian 0,01 mm, dan ditimbang bobot tubuhnya menggunakan timbangan digital dengan ketelitian 0,01 gram. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis untuk mengamati pola pertumbuhan dan faktor kondisinya. Hasil analisis hubungan panjang karapas dengan berat udang merah memiliki nilai konstanta b3 pada ketiga kelompok pengamatan yang menunjukkan pola pertumbuhannya bersifat allometrik negatif. Faktor kondisi menunjukkan bahwa kelompok pengamatan 1 memiliki nilai yang lebih rendah dibandingkan kelompok pengamatan lainnya. Nilai faktor kondisi yang rendah diduga kuat berkaitan dengan ketersediaan makanan, reproduksi, dan faktor lingkungan.Kata Kunci: faktor kondisi, hubungan panjang-berat, Parhippolyte uveae, Pantai Koguna, pola pertumbuhan,ABSTRACTThe red shrimp (Parhippolyte uveae) swamp is located in Mopaano Village, Lasalimu Selatan District, Buton Regency and is a unique tourist destination because there are red shrimp organisms that are not like shrimp in general. The purpose of this study was to determine growth patterns and condition factors of the shrimp ) in swamp waters at Koguna Beach area, Buton Regency. The research was carried out from October to December 2021. The research method was a purposive sampling based on the presence of red shrimp. Sampling was carried out in 3 observation groups. Sampling was carried out in each group by fishing nets. The number of shrimp found was counted, their carapace length was measured using calipers with an accuracy of 0.01 mm, and their body weight was weighed using a digital scale with an accuracy of 0.01 gram. Then an analysis was carried out to observe growth patterns and codification factors. The results of the relationship between carapace length and weight analysis showed a constant value was b3 in the three observation groups which indicated that the growth pattern was negative allometric. The condition factors show that the observation group 1 shows a lower value than the others. It is strongly suspected to be related to food availability, reproduction and environmental factors.Keywords: condition factors, growth patterns, length-weight relationship, Koguna Beach, Parhippolyte uveae.