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STUDI HISTOLOGIS USUS HALUS SAPI ACEH (Histological Study Small Intestine of Aceh Cattle) Adi Firmansyah; Dian Masyitha; Zainuddin Zainuddin; Fitriani Fitriani; Ummu Balqis; Fadli A Gani; Azhar Azhar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21157/jim vet..v3i4.7235


ABSTRAKTelah dilakukan penelitian tentang struktur histologis usus halus sapi aceh yang terdiri atas duodenum, jejunum dan ileum. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui struktur histologi usus halus sapi aceh. Sampel penelitian diambil dari 3 ekor sapi aceh yang telah dewasa kelamin dan berjenis kelamin jantan yang dipotong di Rumah Potong Hewan Lambaro Aceh Besar. Terhadap sampel penelitian dilakukan proses mikroteknik untuk selanjutnya dilakukan pewarnaan Hematoksilin-eosin (HE). Pengamatan terhadap struktur histologi menggunakan mikroskop cahaya binokuler pembesaran 40x, 100x, dan 400x. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, struktur histologi duodenum, jejunum dan ileum sapi aceh tersusun atas empat lapisan, yaitu tunika mukosa, tunika submukosa, tunika muskularis, dan tunika serosa. Tunika mukosa duodenum, jejunum dan ileum tersusun oleh epitel silindris selapis dan terdapat sel goblet. Ketebalan tunika mukosa duodenum yaitu: (396,68±6,5 µm), Jejunum (339,46±13 µm), dan Ileum (451,92±6,5 µm). Tunika submukosa terdiri dari jaringan ikat longgar, buluh darah dan saraf. Tunika submukosa duodenum terdapat kelenjar brunner dan pada ileum terdapat nodulus limfoideus dengan ketebalan duodenum yaitu: (344,4±10 µm), Jejunum (227,98±7,8 µm), dan ileum (330,35±5,7 µm). Tunika muskularis tersusun oleh otot polos sirkular dan longitudinal dengan ketebalan masing-masing yaitu, duodenum (973,47±5,5 µm), Jejunum (475,5±9,8 µm)  dan ileum (670,51±13 µm). Tunika serosa merupakan lapisan paling luar dari usus halus dengan ketebalan berturut-turut yaitu, (335,34 ±7,4 µm) duodenum, (231,33±6,9 µm) jejunum dan (354,67±11 µm) ileum.Kata kunci: Usus halus, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, sapi aceh ABSTRACTA Study to detect the microscopic structure of small intestine (duodenum, jejunum and ileum) of aceh cattle. The aims of this research was to know the histological structure of the small intestine in aceh cattle. The samples were collected from 3 of male aceh cattle in Lambaro Aceh Besar abattoir. The tissue samples were processed by microtechnique and Hematoksilin-eosin (HE). Microscopic analysis was performed using binocular light microscope 40x, 100 x, and 400x. The study showed that the wall of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum are made up of four layers, that was tunica mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, and serosa. Tunica mucosa duodenum, jejunum and ileum consisted of ephitelium simple columnar cells and goblet celss. The thick of tunica mucosa duodenum are (396,68±6,5 µm), jejunum (339,46±13 µm), and ileum (451,92±6,5 µm).  The submucosa contain connective tissue, arteriole, venole and nervous. The submucosa duodenum conside of glands brunners and ileum of nodulus limfoideus and thick of tunica submucosa duodenum are (344,4±10 µm),  jejunum (227,98±7,8 µm), and ileum (330,35±5,7 µm). Tunica muscularis consists of two layers of smooth muscle inner circular and longitudinal. The thick of tunica mucularis are (973,47±5,5 µm) duodenum, (475,5±9,8 µm) jejunum and (670,51±13 µm) ileum. The tunika serosa forms the outermost layer with thick (335,34 ±7,4 µm) duodenum, (231,33±6,9 µm), jejunum and (354,67±11 µm) ileum.Keyword: Small intestine, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, sapi aceh
HUBUNGAN ANTARA DRIP LOSS (The correlation between drip loss ) DENGAN ANGKA LEMPENG TOTAL (with total plate count ) MUSCULUS LONGISSIMUS DORSI (the musculus longisimus dorsi) TERHADAP DAYA SIMPAN DAGING SAPI ACEH (on the shelf life of aceh beef) Ade widya yunanda; Razali Razali; Fadli A Gani; Cut Dahlia Iskandar; Ismail Ismail; Muslim Akmal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21157/jim vet..v4i3.15152


ABSTRAKMusculus Longissimus dorsi merupakan otot yang memiliki kadar lemak tinggi namun kadar protein rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi ilmiah mengenai hubungan drip loss dengan Angka Lempeng Total (ALT) pada Musculus Longissimus dorsi terhadap daya simpan daging sapi aceh. Sampel yang digunakan 7 karkas sapi aceh jantan bagian Musculus Longissimus dorsi yang diambil pada pagi hari dimasukkan kedalam plastik steril dan dibawa ke Laboratorium Kesehatan Masyarakat Veteriner Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Syiah Kuala untuk diperiksa drip loss dan ALT pada hari yang sama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai drip loss masing-masing 7,3; 10,3; 7,1; 7,2; 11,3; 14,6; 19,7 % dan ALT masing-masing 8 x ; 4 x ; 2,9 x; 3,2 x ; 3,3 x ; 4,1 x ; 7 x cfu/gram. Disimpulkan bahwa semakin tinggi nilai drip loss maka semakin tinggi ALT yang didapatkan pada Musculus Longissimus dorsi sapi aceh, sehingga penurunan daya simpan.Kata Kunci: Sapi aceh, Musculus Longissimus dorsi, Drip Loss, Angka Lempeng Total (ALT)ABSTRACT             Musculus Longissimus dorsi is a muscle that has high fat content but low protein content. The aim of this research was to obtain scientific information about the relationship between drip loss with Total Plate Count (ALT) Musculus Longissimus dorsi on the shelf life of aceh beef. Samples used were 7 carcasses of aceh male cow in the part of Musculus Longissimus dorsi which were taken in the morning were put into sterile plastic and were brought to the Veterinary Public Health Laboratory of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Syiah Kuala University to be examined for drip loss and ALT on the same day. The results showed the value of each drip loss 7,3; 10,3; 7,1; 7,2; 11,3; 14,6; 19,7% and ALT respectively 8 x ; 4 x ; 3,2 x; 2,9 x ; 3,3 x ; 4,1 x ; 7 x cfu/gram. It was concluded that the higher the value of drip loss, the higher the ALT obtained in Musculus Longissimus dorsi of aceh beef, thereby decreasing its shelf life.Keywords: Aceh cow, Musculus Longissimus dorsi, Drip Loss, Total Plate Count (ALT)
Studi Histologis Usus Besar Sapi Aceh (Histological Study of Large Intestine of Aceh Cattle) resti aulia putri; Dian Masyitha; zainuddin zainuddin; fitriani Fitriani; Nazaruddin Nazaruddin; Fadli A Gani; Ummu Balqis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (962.188 KB) | DOI: 10.21157/jim vet..v3i2.10812


ABSTRAKSapi aceh merupakan rumpun sapi asli Indonesia yang mempunyai keseragaman bentuk, fisik, dan komposisi genetik serta kemampuan adaptasi dengan baik pada keterbatasan lingkungan, sehingga perlu dilindungi, dilestarikan, dan dikembangkan keunggulannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur histologis usus besar sapi aceh. Sampel penelitian diambil dari tiga ekor sapi aceh yang telah dewasa kelamin dan berjenis kelamin jantan yang dipotong di Rumah Potong Hewan Lambaro, Aceh Besar. Terhadap sampel penelitian dilakukan proses mikroteknik untuk selanjutnya dilakukan pewarnaan Hematoksilin-Eosin (HE). Pengamatan terhadap struktur histologi menggunakan mikroskop. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan struktur histologi sekum, kolon, dan rektum sapi aceh tersusun atas empat lapisan, yaitu tunika mukosa, submukosa, muskularis, dan serosa. Tunika mukosa sekum, kolon, dan rektum tersusun oleh epitel silindris selapis, sel Goblet, kelenjar Lieberkuhn, limfosit, jaringan ikat longgar, fibroblas, dan otot polos. Ketebalan mukosa sekum yaitu (419±12 µm), kolon (749±13 µm), dan rektum (1308±10 µm). Tunika submukosa terdiri dari jaringan ikat longgar, fibroblas, sel lemak, pembuluh darah dan nodus limfatikus dengan ketebalan sekum (943±13 µm), kolon (744±10 µm), dan rektum (2076±10 µm). Tunika muskularis tersusun oleh otot polos transversal dan longitudinal, plexus saraf mientericus, dan jaringan ikat, dengan ketebalan masing masing yaitu sekum (2579±19 µm), kolon (2380±16 µm), dan rektum (4748±19 µm). Tunika serosa merupakan lapisan paling luar dari usus besar yang terdiri dari sel lemak, pembuluh darah, dan jaringan ikat dengan ketebalan sekum (1621±13 µm), kolon (331±18 µm), dan rektum (1639±9 µm). Dapat disimpulkan, bahwa struktur histologi sekum, kolon, dan rektum sapi aceh memiliki lapisan yang sama, namun memiliki ketebalan yang berbeda pada tiap lapisan, ketebalan lapisan berhubungan dengan fungsi dan letak dari usus besar, dimana rektum memiliki ketebalan lapisan yang lebih tebal dibandingkan sekum, dan kolon.Kata kunci : Histologi, usus besar, sapi acehABSTRACT               Aceh cattles were the pure bred Indonesian cattle that have uniformity in shape, physical and genetic composition and good adaptability to environmental limitations, so they need to be protected, preserved and developed. The aims of this research was to study the histological structure of the large intestine in aceh cattle. The samples were collected from three male aceh cattle in Lambaro abbatoir, Aceh Besar. The samples were processed by microtechnique and Hematoksilin-eosin dyning. Microscopic analysis was performed using binocular microscope. The results showed that the histological structure of cecum, colon, and rectum of the aceh cattle was composed of four layers, which were  tunica mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, and serosa. The mucosa of cecum, colon, and rectum is composed of ephitelium simple columnar cell, Goblet cell, Lieberkuhn gland, connective tissue, fibroblast, and smooth muscles. The mucosal thickness of cecum was (419± 12μm), colon (749±13 μm), and rectum (1308±10 μm). The submucosal tunica was composed of connective tissue, fibroblast, adipose cells, blood vecells, and lymph nodes. The submucosal thickness of cecum was  (943±13 μm), colon (744±10 μm), and  rectum (2076±10 μm). The muscularis tunica was composed of transversal and longitudinal smooth muscles, mientericus nerve plexus and connective tissue, the muscularis thickness of cecum was (2570±19 μm), colon (2380±16μm), and rectum (4748±19 μm). Tunica serous was composed of adipose cells, blood vecell, and connective tissue. The  serous thickness of cecum was (1621±13 μm), colon (331±18 μm), and rectum (1639±9 μm). It can be concluded that the histological structure of the cecum, colon, and rectum had the same layer, but different in thicknesses of each layer, the thickness of the intestinal layer is related to the function and location of the large intestine, which the rectum has the thicker layer than the cecum and colon.Keyword: Histology, large intestine, aceh cattle
18. The Effect of Sipatah-Patah (Cissus quadrangularis Salisb) Extract on Mandible Density of Ovariectomized Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Indah Maghfirah; Muhammad Jalaluddin; Dian Masyitha; Mustafa Sabri; Fadli A Gani; Herrialfian Herrialfian
Jurnal Medika Veterinaria Vol 12, No 2 (2018): J. Med. Vet.
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21157/


The aim of this research was to identify the effect of sipatah-patah (Cissus quadrangularis Salisb) leaf extract on mandible density of ovariectomized rats (Rattus norvegicus). The samples were 12 female rats which were divided into 4 treatment groups with 3 replications. K0 consisted of ovariectomized rats without Cissus quadrangularis Salisb exstract, wheares K1, K2 and K3 consisted of ovariectomized rats  and were given Sipatah-patah extract with 500mg/kg body weight, 700/mg/kg body weight and 900mg/kg body weight for 30 days. On 31st day, rats were euthanized with cloroform and mandible bones were collected for histological preparation. Parameters observed were bone structures (osteosit, osteoblast, osteoclast and trabekula). The results showed that in K0 group, bone density was decreased and became thinner, osteoclast cells were found on trabekula, and low density of active and passive osteoblast were also detected. The treatment group (K1 and K2) showed an improvement stucture of trabekula,where the amount of osteoclast were lower than K0, as well as the amount of active osteoblast, although a lot of passive osteoblast were still found. The treatment group (K3) showed an improvement as the most dense trabekula structure with large amount of active osteoblast cell density without the existance of osteoclast compared to other grups. In this research, it would be concluded that the adding sipatah-patah extract with a dose of 900 mg/kb body weight showed a higher number of active osteoblasts and trabekula density compared to the control groups, K1, and K2 on ovariectomized mandible bone rats