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19. Histological of Thymus in Tegal Duck (Anas javanicus) at Different Ages Hamdani Budiman; Anugrah Septian; Hamny Hamny; Zainuddin Zainuddin; Cut Dahlia Iskandar; Mustafa Sabri; Muhammad Hambal; Abdul Harris
Jurnal Medika Veterinaria Vol 13, No 1 (2019): J. Med. Vet.
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (662.501 KB) | DOI: 10.21157/


The aim of this research was to observe the histological of the thymus in tegal duck (Anas javanicus) according to the variation of ages. The animals used in this research were one month, two months and three months old of tegal duck. The thymus of each duck was analyzed by Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE) method and then observed under a light microscope. The result of the research performed differences in thymus structure of these three ages. The cortex had increased at the age of 2 months and decreased at the age of 3 months. The longest diameter of medulla at the age of 3 months was followed by ages 2 months and 1 month of tegal ducks.  The distribution of Hassall's body had increased at every age level. So, the cortex thickness decreased at the age of 2 months to 3 months, while the diameter of the medulla was getting longer.
20. The Histological Structure of Tegal Duck (Anas javanicus) Spleen at Different Age Nabila Latifa Hafizsha; Hamdani Budiman; Hamny Hamny; Dian Masyitha; Cut Dahlia Iskandar; Ummu Balqis; Muhammad Jalaluddin
Jurnal Medika Veterinaria Vol 11, No 2 (2017): J. Med. Vet.
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (331.957 KB) | DOI: 10.21157/


The aim of the  study was to determine the histological structure of tegal duck (Anas javanicus) spleen according to ages variation. One month, 2 month and 3 months of tegal duck were used as the sample of this study. The spleen of each duck was analyzed by Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE) method, then observed under light microscope. The result of this study performed there were the differences of histological structure of the ducks spleen. The capsule thickness had increased along with increasing age, which was 16.0 ± 1.0 µm; 25.3 ± 2.5 µm; and 29.0 ± 1.0 µm. The boundary between the two pulp in the tegal duck 3 months  old more obvious than 1 month or 2 months old. The diameter of white pulp had increased in the oldest duck. It can be concluded that the development of spleen histological structure was more perfect with the  increasing age of tegal duck.
2. The Effect Of Sipatah-patah (Cissus quadrangularis Salisb) Extract On The Femur Bone Density of White Rat (Rattus norvegicus) with Model Ovariectomy Mustafa Sabri; Debby Novita ayumi; Muhammad Jalaluddin; Hamny Hamny; Cut Dahlia Iskandar; Herrialfian Herrialfian
Jurnal Medika Veterinaria Vol 13, No 1 (2019): J. Med. Vet.
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (633.464 KB) | DOI: 10.21157/


This research aimed to determine the effect of giving Sipatah-patah extract toward the histopathological and femur bone growth of white rat that was ovariectomized. The experimental animals that were used were 12 white rats divided into 4 treatment group with 3 repetitions. K0 was the ovariectomized rat without giving Sipatah-patah extract (ESP); K1, K2 and K3 were ovariectomized rats which were given Sipatah-patah extract with multilevel doses of 500 mg/kg BW, 700 mg/kg BW and 900 mg/kg BW for 30 days. On the 31st day, rats were euthanized using chloroform and os femur that was taken to being made into histological preparation.  There was the decrease in the bones density of the K0 group which is characterized by thinning of trabecular structure, there were lots of osteoclast cells on the edge of the trabecular and lower density of active osteoblasts and passive osteoblasts. The rat of group K1 and K2 showed an improvement on the trabecular structure and lower osteoclast than group K0. The rat of group K3 had a visible improvement of the most congested trabecular structures, cohesive with the most density cell of active osteoblasts than the other groups. The result of this research concluded that the giving of Sipatah-patah extract doses 900 mg/kg BW showed a higher density of trabecular and active osteoblasts than the control group, K1 and K2 on the white rat bones that were ovariectomized.
8. Histopathological of Fabricius Bursa in the Broiler Chicken after Vaccination with Newcastle Disease Virus Vaccine Ummu Balqis; Nurjannah Annah; Hamdani Budiman; Darmawi Darmawi; Cut Dahlia Iskandar; M. Hasan
Jurnal Medika Veterinaria Vol 13, No 1 (2019): J. Med. Vet.
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (988.122 KB) | DOI: 10.21157/


The aim of this research was to determine an effect of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) vaccine to histopathologic on Fabricius bursa of broiler chicken at various age levels. Eighteen commercial DOC (Day Old Chick) were divided into 2 groups namely a control group that was given distilled water and a treatment group that was given NDV vaccine namely ND Lasota vaccine ocularly as much one drop per eye at day 3, then a booster dose in drinking water at day 13 was given. The bursa of Fabricius was collected from these chickens on the age of 14 days, 21 days, and 28 days after sacrificing the chickens through necropsied, then histopathological preparations are made using hematoxylin-eosin staining. The parameters observed were measured the number, diameter, and thickness of cortical of lymphoid follicles. Data were analyzed descriptively and quantitatively by unpaired t-test. The results of this research showed the NDV vaccine effects were not significantly different (P0.05) to the number and diameter of lymphoid follicles. In the treatment group, 14 days old broiler chickens had a decreased number of lymphoid follicles, while its diameter tends to grow and the thickness of cortex was also seemed unchanged compared with the control group. Then at the age of 21 days, the number, diameter, and thickness of cortex of lymphoid follicles tend to increase, while at 28 days diameter of lymphoid follicles tend to be slightly reduced, but the number and thickness tend to grow out of control. It was concluded that the NDV vaccine had a good effect on the Fabricius bursa of broiler chickens with increasing age, then histopathological preparations are made using hematoxylin-eosin staining.
PENGARUH DEPOSISI SEMEN SAAT INSEMINASI BUATAN TERHADAP ANGKA KEBUNTINGAN SAPI (The Effect of Semen Deposition During Artificial Insemination on Pregnancy Rate in Cows) wanti dessi dana; hamdan hamdan; budianto panjaitan; ginta riady; sri wahyuni; cut dahlia iskandar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (218.643 KB) | DOI: 10.21157/jim vet..v1i4.4812


ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh deposisi semen saat inseminasi buatan terhadap angka kebuntingan sapi. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah petugas inseminator profesional (bersertifikat) yang bertugas di Kecamatan Kuta Cot Glie, Krueng Barona Jaya, dan Blang Bintang. Jumlah sampel responden untuk angka kebuntingan pada penelitian ini adalah sapi-sapi betina yang ada di tiga kecamatan di Aceh Besar tersebut yang siap untuk diinseminasi selama bulan April sampai Mei 2017. Hasil dari penelitian ini dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan deposisi semen pada cincin serviks ketiga lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan deposisi semen pada cincin serviks keempat dengan persentase non return rate (60-90 hari) pada responden  I, II dan III secara berturut-turut adalah 80,56% ; 87,64%  dan 94,55%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa angka kebuntingan pada deposisi semen cincin serviks keempat lebih tinggi dari pada deposisi semen pada cincin serviks ketiga. ABSTRACTThe aims of study was to determine the effect of semen deposition during artificial insemination on pregnancy rate cow. Respondents in this research are professional inseminator (certified) from Kecamatan Kuta Cot Glie, Krueng Barona Jaya and Blang Bintang. The number of respondent samples for pregnancy rate in this study were female cows in three subdistricts in Aceh Besar that available for artifial inseminated during April and May 2017. The data of this study were analyzed descriptively. The results of this study indicated that the position at the fourth cervical ring of semen deposition has the higher pregnancy rate with the percentage of NRR (60-90 days) on the respondent I, II and III respectively is 80.56%; 87.64% and 94.55%. Based on the results of the research can be concluded that pregnancy rate on the fourth cervical ring semen deposition better was than semen deposition on the third cervical ring semen deposition.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (377.35 KB) | DOI: 10.21157/jim vet..v1i4.5476


ABSTRAK            Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas salep getah jarak pagar pada fase remodeling penyembuhan luka sayat kulit mencit. Hewan coba yang digunakan adalah mencit jantan sebanyak 9 ekor, berat 25-40 gram dan berumur 2-3 bulan, dibagi ke dalam 3 kelompok perlakuan, masing-masing perlakuan terdiri atas 3 ekor mencit. Setiap kelompok sampel dilakukan perawatan luka terbuka dengan intensitas yang sama yaitu dua kali sehari selama 10 hari. Pada kelompok P1 diberi Vaselin kuning, kelompok P2 diberi getah jarak pagar 10%, dan P3 diberi Gentamicin 0,1%. Parameter yang diukur adalah skor kolagen pada setiap kelompok perlakuan. Data kuantitatif diuji menggunakan analisis varian (ANAVA) dan dilanjutkan dengan uji beda nyata terkecil (LSD). Dari hasil ANAVA dapat diketahui bahwa perlakuan berpengaruh nyata (P0,05) terhadap distribusi kolagen. Hasil uji LSD, pada kelompok P1 dengan P2 dan P2 dengan P3 berbeda nyata (P0,05) sedangkan P1 dengan P3 tidak berbeda nyata (P0,05). Hasil pengamatan histopatologi menunjukkan bahwa pemberian getah jarak pagar (Jatropha curcas Linn) 10% dalam sediaan salep selama 10 hari dapat meningkatkan pembentukan distribusi jaringan kolagen pada daerah luka sehingga mempercepat proses penyembuhan luka sayat kulit mencit (Mus musculus) fase remodeling.ABSTRACKThis study aimed to find out the effectiveness of jatropha remover ointment in the remodeling phase of wound healing in mice. The experimental animals used were 9 male mice, 25-40 gram weight and 2-3 months sample group was treated with the same intensity of twice daily for 10 days. P1 groupwas given yellow Vaseline, P2 was given a jatropha gene of 10%, and P3 was given 0.1% of Gentamicin. The parameters measured were collagen scores in each treatment group. Quantitative data were analysed using variance analisys (ANAVA) and followed by with the smallest real difference test (LSD). The results of ANAVA showed that treatment was significantly effect (P0,05) to collagen distribution. The result of LSD test, in group P1 with P2 and P2 with P3 was significantly different (P0,05) while P1 with P3 was not significantly (P0,05). Histophatological observations showed that 10% of Jatropha curcas Linn in ointment for 10 days increase the formation of collagen tissue distribution in the wound area, thus accelerating the healing process of mice remodeling rats (Mus musculus).
(The role of breeders to the success of artificial insemination in cattle in Asahan Districts) PERAN PETERNAK TERHADAP KEBERHASILAN INSEMINASI BUATAN PADA SAPI DI KABUPATEN ASAHAN nurul nazmi annisa; Roslizawaty Roslizawaty; hamdan hamdan; cut dahlia iskandar; ismail ismail; tongku N siregar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (356.631 KB) | DOI: 10.21157/jim vet..v2i2.6945


ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui peran peternak terhadap keberhasilan inseminasi buatan pada sapi di Kabupaten Asahan. Data pada penlitian ini diperoleh dari lembar kuisioner dan wawancara langsung kepada 52 orang peternak pengguna IB serta data hasil IB dari dinas terkait. Hasil uji regresi stepwise, di dapat bahwa peran peternak yang paling berpengaruh nilai service per conception (S/C) adalah pekerjaan utama PNS dan pekerjaan utama peternak dengan nilai R square 0,220 dengan persamaan regresi Y = 1.408 – 0.203 X1 + 0.312 X2, sedangkan faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap nilai conception rate (CR) adalah pengalaman beternak dengan nilai R square 0,131 dengan persamaan regresi Y = 59.183 + 2.419X. Dari hasil uji regresi stepwise dapat disimpulkan bahwa karakteristik peternak yang mempengaruhi hasil IB adalah pekerjaan utama dan lama beternak.Kata kunci: Peran peternak, Inseminasi buatan. ABSTRACTThe aims of this study was to determine the role of  farmers on the success of artificial insemination in cattle in Asahan districts. The data on this study were obtained from questionnaire and interview directly to 52 ranchers of artificial insemination service users as well as artificial insemination results data from related offices. From the stepwise regression test, it was found that the role of the most influential breeder of service value per conception (S / C) was the work of the civil servant and the work of breeder with the value of R square 0,220 with regression equation Y = 1.408 – 0.203 X1 + 0.312 X2, while the factor that influence the value of conception rate (CR ) was breeding experience with value of R square 0,131 with regression equation Y = 59.183 + 2.419X. From result of stepwise regression test can be concluded that breeder characteristic influencing result of artificial insemination was work and breeding experience.Keywords: The role of farmers, Artificial insemination.
STRUKTUR HISTOLOGI KULIT BELUT SAWAH (Monopterus albus) (HISTOLOGY OF SKIN OF RICE FIELD EELS (Monopterus albus) ) Nanda Afrizan; zainuddin zainuddin; cut dahlia iskandar; dian masyitha; winaruddin winaruddin; ummu balqis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (734.739 KB) | DOI: 10.21157/jim vet..v2i2.7606


Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui struktur histologi kulit ikan belut sawah. Sampel yang digunakan adalah kulit bagian dorsal dan abdomen dari dua ekor belut sawah, diamati dengan menggunakan metode histologi eksplorasi. Pengamatan dilakukan setelah pembuatan preparat histologi yang diwarnai dengan Hematoksilin-eosin (HE) dan Masson trichrome. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan struktur histologi kulit ikan belut sawah terdiri atas tiga lapisan. Lapisan epidermis yang tersusun atas sel-sel epitel pipih berlapis, sel mukus/sel goblet, dan stratum germinativum. Lapisan dermis terdiri dari sel pigmen, stratum laxum (spongiosum) dengan serabut kolagen longgar dan stratum compactum dengan serabut kolagen padat. Lapisan hipodermis terdiri dari sel lemak, serabut kolagen, dan pembuluh darah. Secara umum struktur histologi kulit belut sawah sama dengan ikan air tawar pada umumnya, terdapat perbedaan ketebalan lapisan dan bentuk sel mukus antara kulit dorsal dan abdomen kulit belut sawah. (This research aims to determine the histological structure of rice eels. The sample used is the skin of the dorsal and abdominal and then observed using histologcal  exploratory method. Observations were made after the preparation of histologic preparations stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and Masson trichrome. The results showed that the histology structure of the rice eels consists of three layers. Epidermal layers composed of squamous cells, mucus / goblet cells, and stratum germinativum. The dermis layer consists of pigment cells, stratum laxum (spongiosum) with loose collagen fibers and stratum compactum with solid collagen fiber. The hypodermic layer consists of fat cells, collagen fibers, and blood vessel. In general the structure of rice field eel skin histology identical with freshwater fish in General, there is a difference in thickness of the layers and the shape of the dorsal skin mucous cells between the abdominal skin an eel and rice fields.) 
IDENTIFIKASI DAN JUMLAH SEL RADANG PADA LUKA SAYAT MENCIT (Mus musculus) YANG DIBERI EKSTRAK DAUN BINAHONG (Anredera cordifolia (Tenore) Steenis) Widya Wati; ummu balqis; cut dahlia iskandar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21157/jim vet..v4i4.15900


ABSTRAKLuka sayat dapat disebabkan karena gigitan hewan dan trauma benda tajam yang dapat merusak srtuktur jaringan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menghitung jumlah sel radang pada luka sayat mencit (Mus musculus) yang diberi ekstrak daun binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Tenore) Steenis) pada hari ke-21. Hewan coba yang digunakan adalah mencit (Mus musculus) dengan berat 20-50 gram berumur 2-3 bulan dan berjenis kelamin jantan sebanyak 12 ekor. Mencit dibagi dalam 4 kelompok perlakukan dengan 3 kali pengulangan. Kelompok pertama (K1) sebagai control hanya diberikan akuades. Kelompok dua (K2) diberikan ekstrak daun binahong 5%. Kelompok tiga (K3) diberikan ekstrak daun binahong 10%. Kelompok empat (K4) diberikan ekstrak daun binahong 15%. Pengambilan sampel jaringan kulit dilakukan pada hari ke-21. Bagian kulit yang dibuat luka diinsisi, lalu difiksasi dengan larutan BNF 10% selama 2x24 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah sel radang; basofil, eosinofil, neutrofil, monosit dan limfosit pada K1: 18,50±2,47, 21,38±0,18, 22,88±0,88, 16,38±1,94, 23,63±0,88. K2: 16,75±2,12, 17,88±2,30, 15,13±2,65, 22,75±1,41. K3: 14,63±2,30, 18,63±1,94, 22,63±2,30, 22,38±0,88, 33,75±2,47. K4:13,75±1,77, 17,13±3,01, 20,75±2,83, 20,00±1,77, 29,88±0,53. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ekstrak daun binahong dapat disimpulkan bahwasanya antara konsentrasi 5%, 10%, 15% tidak ditemukan adanya perbedaan jumlah masing-masing sel radang antar kelompok. Kata kunci: Basofil, Eosinofil, Neutrofil, Monosit, Limfosit, Daun Binahong ABSTRACTThe cut can be caused by animal bites and the trauma of sharp objects that can damage tissue srtuktur. This study aims to identify and count the number of inflammatory cells in cuts mice (Mus musculus) were given the leaf extract binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Tenore) Steenis) on day 21. The experimental animals used were mice (Mus musculus) weighing 20-50 grams, 2-3 months old and 12 male. Mice were divided into 4 groups and treated with 3 repetitions. The first group (K1) as control was given only distilled water. Group two (K2) is given binahong leaf extract 5%. A group of three (K3) given the leaf extract binahong 10%. Kelompok empat (K4) diberikan ekstrak daun binahong 15%. Skin tissue sampling conducted on the 21st day. The skin is made incised wound, then fixed in a solution of 10% BNF for 2x24 hours. The results showed the number of inflammatory cells; basophils, eosinophils, neutrophils, monocytes and lymphocytes in K1: 18,50±2,47, 21,38±0,18, 22,88±0,88, 16,38±1,94, 23,63±0,88. K2: 16,75±2,12, 17,88±2,30, 15,13±2,65, 22,75±1,41. K3: 14,63±2,30, 18,63±1,94, 22,63±2,30, 22,38±0,88, 33,75±2,47. K4:13,75±1,77, 17,13±3,01, 20,75±2,83, 20,00±1,77, 29,88±0,53. Based on the research results binahong leaf extract can conclude that the concentration of 5%, 10%, 15% did not find any difference in the number of inflammatory cells respectively between groups.Keywords: Basophils, Eosinophils, Neutrophils, Monocytes, Lymphocytes, Leaf                        Binahong
HISTOLOGIS INTESTINUM IKAN GURAMI (Osphronemus gouramy Lac.) PADA FASE BENIH DAN DEWASA (The Histological of Intestine of Carp (Osphronemus gouramy Lac.) at Seed and Adult Phase) Risfi Febrina Tri Utami Emha; cut dahlia iskandar; erdiansyah rahmi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (379.953 KB) | DOI: 10.21157/jim vet..v2i2.6741


ABSTRAK            Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari histologis intestinum ikan gurami (Osphronemus gouramy Lac.) pada fase benih dan dewasa. Saluran pencernaan yang diambil adalah intestinum yang berasal dari enam ekor ikan gurami. Sampel intestinum kemudian dibuat menjadi preparat histologis dengan pewarnaan hematoksilin eosin (HE) dan diamati menggunakan metode histologi eksplorasi. Hasil  penelitian  menunjukkan bahwa ikan gurami pada fase benih terbagi ke dalam 2 fase yakni fase fry dan fase fingerling. Pada fase fry bersifat karnivora, pada fase fingerling bersifat omnivora, dan pada fase dewasa ikan tersebut bersifat herbivora. Selanjutnya histologis intestinum ikan gurami pada fase fry, fase fingerling, maupun fase dewasa pada umumnya sama yakni tersusun atas empat lapisan, yaitu tunika mukosa, tunika submukosa, tunika muskularis, dan tunika serosa.Kata Kunci: histologi, intestinum, ikan gurami ABSTRACT            The aims of the researchs was to determined the histological exploration of carp (Osphronemus gouramy Lac.) intestine in seed and adult phase. Histological samples stained with haematoxylin-eosin (HE) then observed using histological methods of exploration. The result revealed that carp in the seeds phase was divided into 2 phases namely fry and fingerling phase. In the fry phase was carnivorous, the fingerling phase was omnivorous, and in the adult phase the fish was herbivorous. The next histolgy of intestine of gouramy fish in the fry, fingerling and adults phase were consist of four layers, namely tunika mucosa, tunica submucosa, tunica muskularis, and tunica serosa.Keywords:histology, intestine, carp