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Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis Vol. 2 No. 2 (2010): Elektronik Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis
Publisher : Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (86.366 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jitkt.v2i2.7850


It has been discovered that mollusca produce a secondary metabolite and in the same time bear its important role in its ecosystems so became a strategic target for the development of noble bioactive substances for marine pharmacology. The current study of mollucs symbiotic bacteria showed that from species of Conus miles, Stramonita armigera, Cymbiola vespertilo and from based on screening of symbiotic bacteria in the Mollusc toward some bacteria , 3 isolates had been had good performance in inhibiting the grow of bacteria and to be the best candidates for a new antibiotic based on result of screening consistency. Size and character inhibiting zone resulted toward test bacteria were TCM, TCAand TOV. The research aims to current study of characteritic of symbiotic bacteria from mollucs that produce a new anti-pathogenic bacteria by using GC-MS method. GC-MS result showed that fraction TCM-6.1 consist of some compounds, that are Nitrogen oxide (N2O) (CAS) Nitrous oxide; Acetic acid (CAS) Ethylic acid; Propanoic acid,2-methyl-(CAS) Isobutyric acid and fraction TOV12.16 consist of compound such as Propanoic acid,2-methyl-(CAS)Isobutyric acid; Butanoic acid, 2-methyl-(CAS) 2-Methylbutanoid acid then fraction TSA8.7 consist of 1,2-Propadiene (CAS) Allene. The research pointed towards the three active symbiotic bacteria seems to be promising since this three candidates potential result for the development of a new antibiotic.Keywords: Bacteria simbiont, mollusc, anti-bacteria, bioaktif compound
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis Vol. 12 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis
Publisher : Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jitkt.v12i2.25795


Paper nautiluses are classified as Cephalopoda class, Argonautidae family. The aims of this research to identification of shell morphological characters of paper Nautiluses were collected at 1,000 m depth. The results showed that out of all the samples successfully collected during the course of the study (March till December 2016), only 6 specimens were found at 70-80 depth, with 4 of those species are egg-laying, and the other 2 are not. From the 6 species found, 2 were Argonauta argo with average shell length of 34.05 mm, shell width of 22.20 mm, and average aperture width of 11.15 mm. A. argo is known to possess 8 tentacles, 4 long and 2 short appendages. The shell color is brighter than that of A. hians, with flatter shell and two strips of keels located near each other along the dorsal and soft side, along ventral side thickens and sharpens. A. hians possess average shell length of 47.02 mm, shell width of 33.07 mm and aperture width of 21.30 mm. This species has more pronounced and blunt keels along its wide dorsal side, along lateral side the aperture widens and does not have a wing-like form. The riblines found in lateral sides are thicker and moreloose. It is concluded that 2 paper nautilus species were found in Tomini bay, Central Sulawesi, namely A. argo and A. hians.
JOURNAL OF COASTAL DEVELOPMENT Vol 1, No 3 (1998): Volume 1, Number 3, Year 1998

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In irder to increase natural population stocks, a sea cucumber cultivation project was attempted in the Karimunjawa Islands (Java Sea, Indonesia). Since continuous production of larvae is essential to such a project, this portion of the research focuses on methods of inducing the sea cucumber Holothuria scabra to spawn and monitoring the development of resulting larvae. Four different types of environmental manipulation were used to try and induce spawning; artificial fertilization (using manually extracted eggs and sperm), thermal shock (raising the temperature of the spawning medium), desiccation (partially drying out) and treatment with potassium chloride (KCL) solutions of various concentrations. The development of the resulting larvae was carefully observed. Results indicate that thermal shock, desiccation and potassium chloride (KCL) are all effective in stimulating the sea cucumber Holothuria nobilis to spawn. Thermal shock gave the best result with both male and female spawning and 90% larvae development. Using a stocking density of 300 larvae/ liter in 10 liter aquaria, larvae was successfully raised up to pentactula stage. Regardless of the method used to induce spawning, fertilizer eggs development into auricularia larvae at 31 hours and 30 minutes. These larvae then metamorphosed into doliolaria and pentactula larvae at day 13 and 26. Mortality of all stocks at the pentactula stage was probably due to lack of provision of settlement substance.
Biopropeksi Bakteri Simbion Dari Gastropoda Conus miles Terhadap Strain Bakteri IMDR (Multi Drug Resistant) Delianis Pringgenies
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 14, No 1 (2009): Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (281.741 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.14.1.42-49


Keberadaan bakteri yang berasosiasi dengan moluska laut telah memungkinkan penggunaan mikro-organisme tersebut sebagai sumber senyawa bioaktif yang baru termasuk senyawa antimikroba khususnya dalam menangani strain strain yang resisten terutama multi-drugsresistant (MDR). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi bakteri dari gastropoda Conus miles, menskrining bakteri simbionnya yang berpotensi sebagai antibakteri terhadap strain bakteri MDR. Sampling moluska dilakukan di perairan pulau Ternate, Maluku. Selanjutnyadilakukan isolasi bakteri, skrining bakteri penghasil senyawa anti-MDR, uji antibakteri moluska, isolasi bakteri patogen klinik (MDR), uji sensitifitas antibakteri dan analisis sekuen 16S rDNA. Hasilpenelitian memperlihatkan bahwa bakteri simbion Conus miles yang dapat menghambat bakteri MDR berjumlah 16 isolat. Sebanyak 9 isolat memiliki kemampuan menghambat beberapa jenis bakteri MDR, sedangkan sebanyak 7 isolat hanya dapat menghambat satu jenis bakteri MDR. Berdasarkan besarnya zona hambatan yang dibentuk dan kemampuan daya hambatan maka dipilih satu isolat terbaik untuk uji lanjutan, yaitu isolat TCM 6.1. Hasil identitlkasi I6S rDNA menunjukkan bahwa isolat TCM 6.1 memiliki kekerabatan terdekat dengan bakteri Pseudoalteromonas sp. dengan tingkat homologi 99 %.   Kata kunci : screening, bakteri simbiotik, Conus miles, antibacterial, multi-drug resistant
Potensi Rumput Laut Eucheuma sp. Terhadap Kepadatan Fitoplankton Chlorella sp. Ria Azizah; Indrihastuti Sulistianingtiyas; Delianis Pringgenies; Siti Rudiyanti
Jurnal Kelautan Tropis Vol 18, No 3 (2015): JURNAL KELAUTAN TROPIS
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (289.59 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jkt.v18i3.530


Chlorella sp. merupakan sumber makanan bagi ikan dan udang. Untuk menumbuhkan, Chlorella sp. maka diperlukan media kultur dengan nutrien yang baik. Eucheuma sp. merupakan rumput laut yang mengandung mineral - mineral yang bermanfaat bagi pertumbuhan Chlorella sp. Pemberian ekstrak Eucheuma sp. diharapkan dapat mendukung pertumbuhan Chlorella sp. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak Eucheuma sp. terhadap kepadatan Chlorella sp. dan konsentrasi terbaik dari ekstrak Eucheuma sp. yang menghasilkan kepadatan Chlorella sp. yang tertinggi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari - Maret 2005 di Laboratorium Bioteknologi dan Eksplorasi Laut, Teluk Awur, UNDIP, Jepara dan Laboratorium Jurusan Perikanan, UNDIP, Semarang. Materi yang digunakan yaitu ekstrak Eucheuma sp., Chlorella sp. dan media kultur. Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimental laboratories. Konsentrasi ekstrak Eucheuma sp. yang digunakan adalah : A (10 mg/L); B (100 mg/L); C (200 mg/L); D (300 mg/L); E (400 mg/L); F (500 mg/L); G ( tanpa pemberian ekstrak Eucheuma sp.).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perlakuan D (300 mg/L) menghasilkan kepadatan Chlorella sp. tertinggi pada puncak populasi, yaitu 6,293 log sel/mL dan pada akhir populasi, yaitu 6,012 log sel/mL dengan konstanta pertumbuhan spesifik sebesar 0,161.Kata kunci: Kepadatan, Chlorella, EucheumaChlorella sp. is the source of food to prawn and fish. In order to grow Chlorella sp. so need a culture media with a good nutrient. Eucheuma sp. is a seaweed it cantains benefit minerals for the growth of Chlorella sp. The giving of Eucheuma sp. it is to be hoped to support the the growth of Chlorella sp. This research is aimed to know the effect of Eucheuma sp. extract to density of Chlorella sp. and the best concentration of Eucheuma sp. extract produce the highest density of Chlorella sp. This research was conducted in January – March 2005 at the Laboratory of Biotechnology and Marine Exploration, Teluk Awur, UNDIP, Jepara and Laboratory of Fisheries Department UNDIP, Semarang. Materials used in this research consisted of Eucheuma sp. extract, Chlorella sp. and culture media. This research method used experimental laboratories. The concentration that used in this research : A (10 mg/L); B (100 mg/L); C (200 mg/L); D (300 mg/L); E (400 mg/L); F (500 mg/L); G ( without giving extract of Eucheuma sp.). The result of this research showed that the D treatment produce the highest Chlorella sp. density at peak of population, that is 6,293 log sel/mL and the end of population that is 6,012 log sel/mL with specific growth rate 0,161.Keyword : Density, Chlorella., Eucheuma
The Effect of Increasing pH on Heavy Metal Content of Cu and Cd and Structure of the Gills and Coats of Anadara granosa with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Study Isa Anzori; Delianis Pringgenies; Sri Redjeki
Jurnal Moluska Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54115/jmi.v3i1.21


Significant changes in pH, both acidic and alkaline, can disrupt water quality. Furthermore, it will affect the life of aquatic biota. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of increasing pH on heavy metal concentrations of Cu and Cd (quantitative) in shellfish bodies and on the level of damage to the gills and mantle shells (qualitative) by scanning electron microscopy. The research was conducted at the Integrated Marine Science Laboratory, UNDIP Semarang. Heavy metal analysis was carried out at Wahana Laboratorium Semarang. The scanning electron microscopy process was carried out at the Electron Microscopy Unit, Faculty of Medicine, UNAIR Surabaya. The results of the heavy metal analysis both Cu and Cd showed that pH 9 had the highest heavy metal content, namely Cu = 0.33 mg / kg while Cd = 0.57 mg / kg. Whereas for pH 7, the lowest heavy metal concentration was obtained for Cd = 0.35 mg / kg, but for the lowest Cu was found at pH 8 of 0.21 mg / kg. The differences were seen in the SEM results of gills and mantle ph 7 and 9. Observations on mantle epithelial cells and gill filaments with a magnification of 75 and 1000X showed that at pH 7 the epithelial cells had regular folds, the distance between the barriers was clear and the size was normal. Whereas at pH 9 it has irregular folds, the distance between the bulkheads is hollow and perforated. The gill filaments of pH 7 have a smooth filament structure and clear between the filaments.
Isolation of Luminescent Bacteria on Loligo duvauceli and Euprymna berryi squid Abdul Kodir Jaelani; Delianis Pringgenies
Jurnal Moluska Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Masyarakat Moluska Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54115/jmi.v3i1.23


Bioluminescence is known to be found in squids. Bioluminescence occurs as a result of reactions from within the body (intrinsic bioluminescence) or by luminescent bacteria that are outside the body (extrinsic bioluminescence). This study aims to examine the results of the isolation of luminescent bacteria found in the light organs of Loligo duvauceli and Euprymna berryi squid. Squid sampling was carried out in the waters of Awur Bay, Jepara. Meanwhile, bacterial isolation and analysis were carried out in the Laboratory of Aquatic Animal Health Management (MKHA) of the Central for Brackish Water Cultivation Development (BBPBAP) Jepara. The research method used in this research is descriptive method with the sampling technique using purposive sampling technique. The results of the research on Loligo duvauceli squid obtained 2 isolates of luminescent bacteria, 1 isolate from N.A. and 1 isolate from TCBSA media. Whereas in Euprymna berryi squid there were also 2 isolates, 1 isolate from N.A. and 1 isolate from TCBSA media. The glow produced by luminescent bacteria is bluish green. In general, the luminescent bacteria isolated from the Loligo duvauceli squid was stronger than the light rays of the bacteria isolated from the Euprymna berryi squid. The total number of luminescent bacterial colonies found in the light organ of Loligo duvauceli squid was 15.47.108 CFU / mL. While the total number of luminescent bacterial colonies in the light organ of the squid Euprymna berryi was 15.1.107 CFU / mL.
Potential Application of Consortium Microbe from Sea Cucumber Intestinal Symbiont as Preservatives for Vaname Shrimp Marwa Irfan Hanif; Delianis Pringgenies; Gunawan Widi Santosa
Indonesian Journal of Environmental Management and Sustainability Vol. 3 No. 3 (2019): September
Publisher : Research Centre of Inorganic Materials and Complexs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (778.557 KB) | DOI: 10.26554/ijems.2019.3.3.93-99


Vaname shrimp is one of the most profitable export commodities in Indonesia. However, the shrimp meat undergoes rapid quality degradation when shipped without any preservatives. This is an issue since the preservatives commonly found on the market are formalin-based. This study aims to discover a natural preservative solution by utilizing microbes. The objective of the study is to discover natural preservatives made of symbiont microbe in sea cucumber's intestinal organ by antimicrobial activity screening. Sea cucumber samples were collected from Bandengan waters of Jepara. There are 3 symbiotic microbe form intestinal cucumber that can inhibit the growth from Bacillus cereus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. These three microbes are Listeria sp., Staphylococcus sp., and Rothia sp. Consequently, tested microbial samples were prepared into a consortium microbe and were tested further as a preservative agent for shrimp with a positive control parameter (cooling). The observations conducted in this study include organoleptic properties, acidity, total colony, proximate test (protein, water, ash, fat, and carbohydrate contents), and Total Volatile Base-Nitrogen (TVBN). The results found 3 active isolates are synergic one to each other as a bacterial consortium. Acidity test of sample extract treatment measured a pH of 7.44, compared to the non-treatment result of 7.14. Organoleptic test results of the shrimp indicated that the shrimp was acceptable for consumption. Proximate test of the treatment did not show a significant difference compared to the positive control treatment. Total colony and TVBN test on treated samples resulted in 48 x 105 CFU/ml and 39.62 mgN% respectively, whereas a similar test on non-treatment sample showed 119 x 105 CFU/ml and 45.31 mgN% respectively. It was concluded that the extract of sea cucumber symbiont microbe consortium showed potency in preventing meat quality degradation in shrimp, although treatment by freezing still produces a better result.
JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research) Vol 5, No 1 (2021): JFMR VOL 5 NO.1
Publisher : JFMR (Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jfmr.2021.005.01.3


Gastropod association bacteria from magrove ecosystem have a great potency as antibacteria. The contamination of Escherichia coli and Bacillus cereus can cause damage in fish product. The aims of these research are to determine gastropod association bacteria that can inhibit E. coli and B. cereus growth, as well as the contaminantion bacteria in Belanak (Mugil subviridis). Gastropods sample Certhideopsilla alata, Cerithidea quoyii, Cassidula aurisfelis, Cassidula nucleus, Telescopium telescopium were collected at Mangrove Education Park, Tugu, Semarang. The resaerch procedure were isolation, antibacteria test, biochemistrically identification, and then application in Belanak fish (Mugil subviridis). There were 61 bacteria isolated. Thirteen isolates were able to inhibit E. coli and eight to B. cereus. Supernatant of GMT 3.2.5 and GMT 4.1.3 have the most widely inhibition zone, (8,48 mm and 7,84 mm). Biochemistry identification shown that GMT 3.2.5 and GMT 4.1.3 has identic characteristic with genus Micrococcus sp. and Bacillus sp. Total plate count (cfu/ml) of bacteria from Belanak fish flesh that soaked by Micrococcus sp. GMT 3.2.5 and Bacillus sp. GMT 4.1.3 supernatant were 115 x 104 and 265 x 103colony. The colony were less than negative control  (2312 x 103 colony). The association bacteria can inhibit contaminant bacteria in Belanak fish.
Antibacterial Activity of Sea Cucumbers Harvested from Karimunjawa Delianis Pringgenies
Squalen, Buletin Pascapanen dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan Vol 8, No 2 (2013): August 2013
Publisher : Research and Development Center for Marine and Fisheries Product Processing and Biotechnol

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (987.262 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/squalen.v8i2.90


This research was conducted to discover bioactive compounds in sea cucumbers collected from Karimunjawa as anti-microbial agents against several pathogenic bacteria.  Five sea cucumbers species used in this study were Teripang Gamat (Stichopus variegatus), Teripang Nanas (Stichopus chloronotus), Teripang Getah (Bohadschia mamorata), Teripang Emas (Stichopus herrmanni) and Teripang Babi (Bohadschia argus). Sea cucumbers extract were subjected to a series of anti-microbial tests using Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Vibrio anguila, Vibrio voinivica, Bacillus subtilis, and Pseudomonas sp. Results showed that in the preliminary study, tissue extract of Bohadschia mamorata and Bohadschia argus were able to suppress the growth of all tested bacteria. Further study used these two sea cucumber extracts, and the results show that Bohadschia mamorata extract at 10 mg/ml showed the largest antibacterial (2.18 mm) towards the pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas sp., while the smallest antibacterial zone (0.63 mm) was against the growth of Bacillus subtilis. At the concentration level of 20 mg/ml Bohadschia argus extract showed the highest antibacterial zone of 3.68 mm against Staphylococcus aureus and the lowest inhibition zone (1.75 mm) against Pseudomonas sp.