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Analisis dan Perancangan Ujian Terkomputerisasi Menggunakan Metode Linear Congruential Generator Untuk Pengacakan Soal (Studi Kasus: Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Agathos) Fernaldi Makmur; Benny Daniawan; Andri Wijaya
bit-Tech Vol. 1 No. 3 (2019): Learning Synchronous and Asynchronous in the Industry 4.0
Publisher : Komunitas Dosen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (617.714 KB) | DOI: 10.32877/bt.v1i3.68


In this modern era, education begin to use more advanced technology in order to ease their activities such as semester exams. By taking advantage of computer technology in education will make semester exams become simpler during the process of the exam and scoring, as in shuffling the order of the question and scoring become faster and more accurate. Currently, Agathos Vocational High School still use manual exam system, and the process cost is high. They have to print out the test and answer paper, undisciplined students can cheating during exam, mistakes during marking the test, and unorganized archives when filing the student’s results. After finding out the current system in Agathos Vocational High School, To solving their current problems is develop a system that will organize the information electronically in filling the student’s grades and making a random order of questions, using Linear Congruential Generator (LCG) method. This computerized system will help the teachers to making the questions with inputting process, and will be done in three days, marking the answers and filling the grade are automatically done by system, then print it out to be Student’s Report. With using LCG method, can motivating the students to study as the order of the question is randomized by Student’s ID Number, the students will not be able to continue filling their answers after the time is up and this will reducing the possibility of cheating. The time needed to prepare exam questions was reduced from 8 days to 1 day. The system test results is 64% can be accepted by the user.
The Analysis and Design Marketplace Information Systems Web-Based of Electronic Repair Service Providers with Haversine Method Darmayana Putra; Benny Daniawan; Suwitno Suwitno; Andri Wijaya
bit-Tech Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): Data Mining and Green Technology
Publisher : Komunitas Dosen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (787.858 KB) | DOI: 10.32877/bt.v2i1.89


This system is designed to help customers find electronic service centers were spread in Tangerang. The distribution of electronic service center makes it difficult for users to determine the right electronic service center. Sometimes customers don’t know the results of repairs from the electronic service center. Search for electronic service center on the system is using the Haversine method. Haversine is used to calculate the distance between the position of the customer and the position of the electronic service centers. In addition to Haversine, the search for electronic service center will be adjusted to the type of goods you want to repair and rating from the results of the performance electronic service center. In this system, the customer can choose the damage diagnosis available and the customer can also make a special order by describing the customer's damage. This system was tested using Black Box Testing with Boundary Value Analysis technique, based on the results of testing the system can use data with a success percentage of 96.66%. The system is tested with User Acceptance Testing to find out how much the level of user acceptance of the system designed, and the result is 75% of users agree with the system.
The Acceptance Study of e-commerce Customers Based on TAM Rainaldo Diogenes Susilo; Benny Daniawan; Andri Wijaya; Suwitno Suwitno
bit-Tech Vol. 3 No. 3 (2021): Remote Delivery
Publisher : Komunitas Dosen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32877/bt.v3i3.165


The improvement of information technology and science has grown rapidly. CV. Sukses Mandiri Jaya, which is engaged in the sale of spare parts for motorcycle, does not have a computerize system, making it difficult for buyers to see the products and to make transactions. The work aim to create a web based system with the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to measure the usability level of the system. TAM is used to achieve a certain goal by identifying some of the basic variables and by measuring factors that affect system acceptance. TAM positions two beliefs, that are Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use as major factors in system acceptance behavior. It was found that the proposed system accepted by customers, which was measured by a questionnaire involving 57 respondents. The results show that Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use simultaneously and partially have positive and significant influence on the Behavior Intention. This also shows that result of the relative contribution of perceived usefulness (X1) is 36.75% and the perceived ease of use (X2) is 63.25%. The effective contribution of Perceived Usefulness is 29.44% and the Perceived Ease of Use is 50.66% for Behavior Intention, which means that the effect of Perceived Ease of Use is more dominant than the Perceived Usefulness
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) As A Promotional Media On Google Search Dedi Wijaya; Benny Daniawan; Yuki Gunawan
bit-Tech Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): bit-Tech
Publisher : Komunitas Dosen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32877/bt.v4i1.237


the current era, people's interest in using the internet is getting higher, this is because internet media has become an informative tool that can be accessed at any time. In searching for information, internet users usually use search engines. One of them is Google, the most widely used search engine. To find information in the Google search engine, we must use keywords. With SEO technique the website will be easy to find. A website optimization based on keywords, its implementation using On-page SEO and Off-page SEO mechanisms. On-page SEO is changing web pages according to the target keywords. By paying attention to important elements such as meta title, meta description, heading tags, text format, alt text, content, robot.txt, and sitemap.xml. Off-page SEO is a method that is carried out outside the website, creating relevant backlinks to the targeted website. This method can make the website as an organic promotional medium that brings traffic. In this research applying the concept of SEO both On-page and Off-page, the results obtained that there was a significant increase in traffic and based on the results of using the User Acceptance Test (UAT) with five aspects of component quality, this SEO support system can help in analyzing the website and as many as 82.3% of respondents said that the system built was very good
Pelatihan Desain Slide dengan Canva Junaedi; Lianny Wydiastuty Kusuma; Yo Ceng Giap; Suwitno; Aditiya Hermawan; Rino; Benny Daniawan; Riki
Abdi Dharma Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Abdi Dharma: Keuangan, Manajemen persediaan, Perpajakan, Etika bisnis UMKM, Dig
Publisher : LP3kM Universitas Buddhi Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31253/ad.v2i2.1737


Perkembangan di era sekarang banyak sekali perubahan dari segi teknologi. Perkembangan teknologi ini meliputi desain grafis, pemrograman, aplikasi dan sebagainya. Hal inilah yang membuat penulis sebagai pendidik untuk melakukan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan cara melakukan sebuah workshop dengan tema “Pelatihan Desain Slide dengan Canva” yang bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan membuat sebuah desain pada slide presentasi dengan baik, rapih dan interaktif sebagai media penyampaian pembelajarannya. Pelatihan Desain Slide dengan Canva ini juga didukung oleh Universitas Buddhi Dharma sebagai tempat dilaksanakannya pelatihan ini. Para peserta dari Pelatihan Desain Slide dengan Canva ini diikuti oleh para romo dan rahmani dari Magabudhi Kota Tangerang. Hasil dari pelatihan ini akan di implementasikan dalam pembuatan presentasi sebagai media pembelajaran.
Implementasi Fuzzy Logic Untuk Menilai Kondisi Air Aquarium Berbasis IoT Junaedi Junaedi; Benny Daniawan; Abidin Abidin; Aditiya Hermawan
FORMAT Vol 12, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22441/format.2023.v12.i1.003


Fluktuasi suhu yang sangat tinggi yang menyebabkan kematian masal pada budidaya ikan hias. Kematian ikan hias ini disebabkan dari kondisi air yang kurang baik sehingga diperlukan sebuah sistem mekanisme yang dapat memantau kondisi air didalam sebuah akuarium secara realtime tanpa batasan oleh jarak dan dapat menjadi solusi atas perubahan suhu yang naik turun secara signifikan. Bila kondisi air terpantau secara realtime tentu saja ikan hias yang dirawat diakuarium menjadi lebih sehat dan tidak mudah mati sehingga akan menghasilkan kualitas ikan hias yang terbaik. Untuk itu dibutuhkan sebuah sistem yang dapat memantau kondisi air yang ada diakuarium untuk menurunkan jumlah kematian pada ikan hias. Hasil dari penelitian adalah sebuah sistem yang mampu memantau kondisi air pada akuarium, seperti : memantau dan mengontrol suhu, memantau tingkat kekeruhan pada air, dan memantau ph air. Sistem ini dibuat dengan sebuah mikrokontroller arduino yang terhubung dengan internet dengan dukungan Internet of Things (IoT) dan metode pengukuran Fuzzy Logic. Sistem ini juga dapat menyimpan historis dengan bantuan sebuah platform dari Thingspeak dan MitApp untuk pembuatan mobile aplikasinya.
Keterampilan Membuat Slide dengan Canva untuk Guru SMAN 3 Tangerang Ardiane Rossi Kurniawan Maranto; Junaedi; Andri Wijaya; Benny Daniawan; Yusuf Kurnia
Abdi Dharma Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Abdi Dharma: Canva Slide, Canva Baner, Home Industry, Manajemen Diri , Digitali
Publisher : LP3kM Universitas Buddhi Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31253/ad.v3i2.2297


Dalam era pendidikan yang semakin canggih memberikan dampak yang signifikan dalam melakukan pembelajaran. Dimana sekarang tampilan visual bisa sangat membantu dalam penyampaian informasi lebih efektif dan efesien. Dengan bermunculannya platform yang membantu akan hal tersebut semakin mudah dalam menyampaikan informasi dengan tampilan visual seperti aplikasi Canva. Metode kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini dilakukan melalui 3 tahapan (metode) yaitu metode pengenalan dan pemahaman, metode praktik canva, sesi diskusi. Pelaksanaan PkM ini melibatkan mitra Kerjasama, yaitu SMAN 3 Tangerang yang beralamat JL. KH. Hasyim Ashari No.6 Desa/Kelurahan Karang Tengah Kecamatan Karang Tengah Kabupaten Kota Tangerang. Tim pelaksana kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) terdiri dari 5 orang dosen. Tim dosen pelaksana PkM terdiri atas dosen-dosen yang memiliki keterampilan & kemampuan dibidang teknologi informasi yang sesuai dengan tema PkM yang dilaksanakan serta memiliki kualifikasi akademik. Waktu pelaksaan PkM dilakukan pada 12 Mei 2023, Pukul 12.00 – 16.00 WIB. Dari hasil evaluasi yang dilakukan oleh Tim Pelaksana, dapat disimpulkan bahwa para peserta belum terlalu familiar membuat slide dengan Canva, tapi sudah terbiasa membuat slide presentasi.
Singme Music Entertainment Services Marketing Information System with Content-Based Filtering Method and TAM Testing Ivander Darmawan; Benny Daniawan
Tech-E Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): The Tech-E Journal Vol. 7 No. 1 publishes research papers in such informatics:
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi-Universitas Buddhi Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31253/te.v7i1.1500


With the times, the website used as marketing and sales media, which developed into E-Commerce. In 2019, there was 16,277 businesses used the E-Commerce concept, and also the value of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was about 5.07%. Furthermore, because of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID) pandemic, the GDP decreased to -2.07% In 2020 and even impacted 10 out of 17 business sectors. Music entertainment business was also impacted by the pandemic, because during the pandemic, the government restricted certain public activities. Therefore, this system named Singme will help singers or music groups to market their services and provide related information for the public. Searching the services in Singme will be assisted by using Content-Based Filtering (CBF) method, it will give the recommendations of the services which have correlations with the keywords. Using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to test 122 feedback data about Singme with SmartPLS application v3.2.9. As the results, all hypotheses are acceptable because each t-statistic value > t-table value (1.981), and also each p-value < 0.05. Which PEOU influences PU by 34.3%, PU and POEU influence ATU by 50.7%, PU and ATU influence BITU by 56.1%, and BITU influences ASU by 52.3%.
Pemanfaatan Smart Contract dalam Transformasi Supply Chain melalui Teknologi Blockchain Aditiya Hermawan; Deviastati Putri Sugiarta Karlim; Junaedi Junaedi; Benny Daniawan
JEPIN (Jurnal Edukasi dan Penelitian Informatika) Vol 9, No 3 (2023): Volume 9 No 3
Publisher : Program Studi Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jp.v9i3.69328


Saat ini, keterbatasan informasi mengenai keaslian produk masih mengemuka, memicu penyebaran produk palsu secara tidak terkontrol di masyarakat. Supply chain, sebagai elemen integral, memiliki peran sentral dalam memberikan pemahaman signifikan kepada konsumen terkait produk yang mereka konsumsi. Teknologi blockchain dalam manajemen rantai pasok menawarkan transparansi, yang dapat secara substansial meningkatkan kepercayaan konsumen terhadap produk yang dipilihan. Namun, penerapan teknologi blockchain dalam rantai pasok saat ini masih terbatas, dan minimnya pemahaman tentang blockchain menjadi hambatan utama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyajikan informasi komprehensif mengenai produk dalam rantai pasok serta memanfaatkan teknologi blockchain melalui smart contract. Melalui penerapan sistem berbasis teknologi blockchain dalam rantai pasok, pengguna akan memperoleh informasi yang substansial dan komprehensif mengenai produk yang mereka akuisisi dan gunakan. Hasil evaluasi yang menunjukkan kepuasan konsumen secara keseluruhan sebesar 89,64%. Sistem ini sangat membantu bagi konsumen pada saat memutuskan untuk membeli sebuah produk dengan mengetahui informasi yang lengkap dan transparan terkait produk. Dalam hal ini, penerapan teknologi blockchain dengan smart contract meningkatkan keyakinan konsumen bahwa produk yang mereka beli autentik dan aman. Teknologi blockchain dengan smart contract menjadi solusi efektif dalam menanggulangi masalah produk palsu dan meningkatkan transparansi rantai pasok. Teknologi blockchain memungkinkan penyediaan informasi yang aman dan tidak dapat diubah, sedangkan smart contract memfasilitasi transaksi otomatis dan transparan tanpa perantara.
Optimasi Sistem Informasi Pembelian, Persediaan, dan Penjualan Barang dengan Penerapan Metode Algoritma Apriori Diana Juniar; Benny Daniawan
Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi Vol 10 No 1 (2024): JuTISI
Publisher : Maranatha University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/jutisi.v10i1.7647


The fashion retail business is a business sector that is continually growing and has many enthusiasts. Apart from companies with well-known fashion brands, this business is also often found in small and medium-scale enterprises, where business processes are implemented manually, starting from purchasing, inventory management, and selling goods. These three processes are essential in business because they are related. The recording is done manually, often allowing inaccurate data to occur. Problems that are often found are in calculating inventory, which can cause stock-outs or stock build-up. Apart from that, checking and updating data, as well as making reports, takes quite a long time and is less practical. Using a purchasing, inventory, and sales information system can help business owners in running their business because the system designed is integrated, and applies an a priori algorithm method that can help recommend which products are trending based on customer transactions, therefore business owners can optimize inventory management effectively by knowing the patterns of products frequently purchased by customers. The results of system testing using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which was processed with the SmartPLS application on data from 37 respondents, gave results that the second hypothesis, namely Behavioral Intention to Use (BITU), has an effect on Actual System Use (ASU), the fourth hypothesis, namely Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) has an impact on Perceived Usefulness (PU), and the fifth hypothesis, namely Perceived Usefulness (PU) has an effect on Attitude Towards Using (ATU), and other variables have no effect.