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Pengembangan Proses Produksi Biodiesel Biji Karet Metode Non-Katalis Superheated Methanol pada Tekanan Atmosfir I Wayan Susila
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Vol. 11 No. 2 (2009): OCTOBER 2009
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

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The process of biodiesel production from rubber seed (hevea brasiliensis) is conducted in Indonesia in general using catalyst (acid or alkaline) and wet washing method or dry washing method. Catalyst method brings many weaknesses include: a long production time, high production costs due to wear or magnesol as a catalyst absorban, especially if the purification uses water (wet wash system) because it will be harmful to engine components such as: seal leaks quickly, easily arise fungus, rust/corrosion on the cylinder heads, pumps and fuel filters are often clogged, etc. Biodiesel production process with non-catalytic method can overcome the weaknesses mentioned above. In this study, rubber seed oil is obtained by the method of pressing.The oil specifications are as follow: viscosity 5.19 cSt, density 0.9209 g/ml, water content 0.2%, free fatty acid (FFA) 6.66%, and the boiling point 305 oC.The methodology used is processing rubber seed into biodiesel with superheated methanol non-catalyst method. Transesterification performed in a Bubble Column Reactor (BCR) at the reaction temperature 270oC, 275oC, 280oC, 285oC, and 290 oC and held at atmospheric pressure. The molar ratio of methanol and rubber seed oil were: 140, 150, and 160. The results showed that the process of making biodiesel from vegetable oil catalyst method is usually carried out through the various stages of the process e.g: degumming process to remove mucus or sap it contains, esterification to reduce the FFA content to below 2,5% to prevent saponification, and tranesterification to obtain methyl esters or biodiesel and then washing. But in its development by using non-catalytic method turns out that the rubber seed oil has a high FFA content (above 2.5%) can be directly processed tranesterification without any saponification formed and can produce biodiesel without having to experience the process of degumming, esterification and washing. The density, cetane number, pour point, flash point, and the acid number of non-catalyst method is better than the catalyst method.The disadvantage is that micro carbon residue contained by biodiesel of rubber seed oils (B-100) are still high enough above the allowable standard. The optimum methyl ester content was obtained at molar ratio of 160 and the reaction temperature 290 oC because it produces the largest biodiesel and the smallest glycerol. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Proses produksi biodiesel dari biji karet (Hevea brasiliensis) yang dilaksanakan di Indonesia pada umumnya memakai metode katalis (asam atau alkil) dan metode pencucian basah atau metode pencucian kering. Metode katalis membawa banyak kerugian antara lain: waktu produksi lama, biaya produksi tinggi karena menggunakan magnesol sebagai absorban, terutama jika pemurniannya menggunakan air (sistem pencucian basah) karena akan dapat merusak komponen mesin seperti misalnya: seal cepat bocor, mudah timbul jamur, karat / korosi pada silinder head, pompa dan saringan bahan bakar sering buntu, dan sebagainya. Proses produksi biodiesel dengan metode non-katalis dapat mengatasi kelemahan seperti disebutkan di atas. Pada studi ini, minyak biji karet diperoleh dengan metode pengepresan. Spesifikasi minyak adalah sebagai berikut: viskositas 5,19 cSt, densitas 0,9209 g/ml, kandungan air 0,2%, asam lemak bebas (FFA) 6,66%, dan titik didih 305oC. Metodelogi yang digunakan adalah pemrosesan biji karet menjadi biodiesel metode non-katalis superheated methanol. Tranesterifikasi berlangsung di dalam sebuah Bubble Column Reactor (BCR) pada temperatur reaksi 270oC, 275oC, 280oC, 285oC, dan 290oC serta pada tekanan atmosfir. Rasio molar antara methanol dan minyak biji karet adalah: 140, 150, dan 160. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada proses pembuatan biodiesel dari minyak nabati metode katalis biasanya melalui berbagai tahapan proses yaitu: proses degumming untuk melepaskan getah atau lendir yang dikandungnya, esterifikasi untuk menurunkan kadar FFA sampai di bawah 2,5% untuk mencegah penyabunan, dan tranesterifikasi untuk memperoleh metil ester atau biodiesel dan kemudian pencucian. Tetapi dalam pengembangannya menggunakan metode non-katalis ternyata bahwa minyak biji karet yang memiliki kadar FFA tinggi (di atas 2,5%) dapat secara langsung diproses tranesterifikasi tanpa terjadi penyabunan dan dapat menghasilkan biodiesel tanpa harus mengalami proses pendahuluan degumming, esterifikasi, maupun pencucian. Densitas, angka setana, titik tuang, titik nyala, dan angka asam metode non-katalis lebih baik dari pada metode katalis. Kelemahannya adalah bahwa residu karbon mikro yang dikandung oleh biodiesel minyak biji karet (B-100) masih cukup tinggi di atas standar yang diijinkan. Kadar metil ester optimum diperoleh pada rasio molar 160 dan temperatur reaksi 290oC karena menghasilkan biodiesel terbesar dan gliserol terkecil Kata kunci: biji karet, biodiesel, non-katalis, superheated methanol, bubble column reactor.
Kinerja Mesin Diesel Memakai Bahan Bakar Biodiesel Biji Karet dan Analisa Emisi Gas Buang I Wayan Susila
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Vol. 12 No. 1 (2010): APRIL 2010
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

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The research about development of biodiesel (B-100) production process from RSO which is produced in the non-catalyst superheated methanol in a bubble column reactor (BCR) atmospheric pressure has been reported. The fuel which is used in this research has the following specifications: density 882 g/ml; kinematic viscosity 5.19 cSt; calculated cetane index (CCI), 47.5; pour point -6oC, flash point 200oC; micro carbon residue in the original sample 0.126% of mass and the 10% distillation residue is 2.87% of mass; sediment 0.01% of volume; destilation temperature 347oC; sulfur content 0.72 ppm; acid number 0.01 mgKOH/g; and low heating value 9184.43 kcal/kg. Biodiesel (B-100) was blended with diesel fuel (B-0) at a certain level of comparison in order to obtain B-5, B-10, B-15, and B-20 (B-5 is a mixture of 5% biodiesel and 95% diesel fuel, and so on) and then it is used as fuel in diesel engine stationary. Engine performance and exhaust emissions are compared with engines that use diesel fuel (B-0). The machine is operated in constant rotation in 1350, 1750, 2150, 2550, and 2950 rpm. The results showed that B-10 produced the best engine performance at 2550 rpm. In this rotation, the maximum power obtained was 36.95 PS, the lowest specific fuel consumption was 0.256 kg/(, the thermal efficiency 58.44%, the lowest CO content 0.4%, and flue gas opacity 58.6% HSU in accordance with the State Minister of Environment Regulation Number 5/2006, and no modification of engine needed. Compared with diesel fuel (B-0), B-10 was better than B-0 because it produced power increase 1.8%, same specific fuel consumption 0.256 kg/(, rising thermal efficiency 2.4%, CO content decreased 80.0%, and CO2 content decreased 55.0% at optimum condition. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia; Penelitian pengembangan proses produksi biodiesel (B-100) dari minyak biji karet atau rubber seed oil (RSO) yang diproduksi secara non-katalis superheated metanol di dalam sebuah bubble column reactor (BCR) tekanan atmosfir telah dilaporkan. Spesifikasi B-100 tersebut dipergunakan sebagai bahan bakar dalam penelitian ini yaitu: densitas 882 g/ml; viskositas kinematik 5,19 cSt; calculated cetane index (CCI) 47,5; titik tuang –6oC; flash point 200 oC; residu karbon mikro dalam sampel asli 0,126% massa dan dalam 10% ampas distilasi 2,87% massa; sedimen 0,01% volume; temperatur distilasi 347oC; kandungan sulfur 0,72 ppm; angka asam 0,01 mgKOH/g; serta nilai kalor rendah 9184,43 kkal/kg. Biodiesel dicampur dengan solar (B-0) pada tingkat perbandingan tertentu sehingga diperoleh B-5, B-10, B-15, dan B-20 (B-5 adalah campuran antara biodiesel 5% serta solar 95%, dst) dipergunakan sebagai bahan bakar pada mesin diesel stasioner. Kinerja mesin diesel dan emisi gas buang dibandingkan dengan mesin yang memakai solar (B-0). Mesin dioperasikan pada putaran konstan 1350, 1750, 2150, 2550, dan 2950 rpm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahan bakar B-10 menghasilkan kinerja mesin terbaik pada putaran 2550 rpm. Pada putaran ini diperoleh daya maksimum sebesar 36,95 PS, konsumsi bahan bakar spesifik terendah sebesar 0,256 kg/(PS.jam), efisiensi termal 58,44%, kandungan CO terkecil sebesar 0,4%, dan opasitas gas buang 58,6% HSU memenuhi Peraturan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup Nomor 5 tahun 2006, dan tidak perlu memodifikasi mesin. Jika dibandingkan dengan solar murni (B-0), B-10 lebih baik dari pada B-0 karena pada kondisi optimum menghasilkan kenaikan daya sebesar 1,8%, konsumsi bahan bakar spesifik sama 0,256 kg/(PS.jam), efesiensi termal naik 2,4%, kadar CO gas buang turun 80%, serta CO2 turun 55%. Kata kunci: Biodiesel, RSO, non-katalis, mesin diesel.
Peran reading interest dalam peningkatan reading comprehension pada perguruan tinggi vokasi penerbangan Kementerian Perhubungan Nyaris Pambudiyatno; I Wayan Susila; Any Sutiadiningsih
Jurnal Pembangunan Pendidikan: Fondasi dan Aplikasi Vol 9, No 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jppfa.v9i1.37462


Keberhasilan dalam belajar sebagian besar ditunjang oleh minat baca. Dengan adanya minat membaca dapat menimbulkan berbagai dampak positif seperti peningkatan pemahaman membaca (reading comprehension). Akan tetapi, pada kenyataannya masyarakat di Indonesia masih memiliki minat membaca yang rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh reading interest terhadap reading comprehension. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat 2 konsep variabel, yaitu reading interest dan reading comprehension. Reading interest diukur dengan menggunakan 9 indikator, yaitu (1) fondness of reading, (2) awareness of reading, (3) benefit, (4) reading frequencies, (5) reading quantity, (6) pleasure, (7) willingness, (8) consciousness, dan (9) attention. Reading comprehension diukur dengan menggunakan beberapa indikator mengacu pada penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya yang telah dilakukan, dengan total 10 indikator. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan studi pustaka (library research). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa reading interest yang semakin tinggi maka reading comprehension juga akan semakin meningkat. Dengan adanya minat yang dimiliki oleh seseorang untuk membaca maka akan timbul rasa ingin memahami makna yang ada dalam bacaan tersebut.AbstractAn interest in reading largely supports success in learning. Having an interest in reading can lead to various positive impacts, such as increasing reading comprehension. However, in reality, people in Indonesia still have a low interest in reading. This study aims to analyze the effect of reading interest on reading comprehension. The type of research used is descriptive research. This study contains two variable concepts: reading interest and reading comprehension. Reading interest is measured using nine indicators, namely (1) fondness of reading, (2) awareness of reading, (3) benefit, (4) reading frequencies, (5) reading quantity, (6) pleasure, (7) willingness, (8) consciousness, and (9) attention. Reading comprehension is measured using several indicators referring to previous studies that have been carried out, with a total of 10 indicators. Methods of data collection using library research (library research). The results show that the higher the reading interest, the higher the reading comprehension. With interest possessed by someone to read, there will be a sense of wanting to understand the meaning in the reading.
Plan-Do-Review-Share-Happy (Plandoresh) as strategy to develop independent learning of vocational school students Aftoni Aftoni; I Wayan Susila; Any Sutiadiningsih; Muhammad Kris Yuan Hidayatulloh
Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi Vol 11, No 1 (2021): February
Publisher : ADGVI & Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jpv.v11i1.37165


When computers take over from routine tasks at work, some employees are involved in independent problem-solving tasks. The current learning system must encourage students to move to lower levels of thinking in order to become independent individuals. The purpose of this study was to test the validity of the Plan-Do-Review-Share-Happy (Plandoresh) strategy as an effort to develop independent learning for vocational school students. This study used a descriptive method, and the aim is to get the validity of the Plandoresh strategy steps with a random sample of 78 respondents. The results that 1.) The Plan step is valid with r count r table of 0.849 0.227; 2.) The next steps are done valid with r count r table of 0.873; 3.) The Review step is valid with r count r table of 0.856; 4.) The Share step is valid with r count r table of 0.868; and 5.) The happy step is valid with r count r table  0.929. These results indicate that the steps of the Plandores strategy are valid to be applied in an effort to develop independent learning for vocational students.
Increasing productivity of meatball SMEs through the application of appropriate technology for meatball forming machines I Made Arsana; I Wayan Susila; Mochamad Cholik; Novi Sukma Drastiawati
Jurnal Pemberdayaan: Publikasi Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/jpm.v5i2.3637


Meatballs are generally made from meat that is ground and built with flour. The results of this process are called pentol. Mr Jiman's meatball business which is located in Nganjuk Regency, still used conventional methods. This can affect the amount of pentol production because it still involves human labour. The method used also affects the shape and size, which is the unequal shape and needs a tool that improves this performance. Most of the equipment currently available in the market is a product with a large capacity, unreachable prices, expensive maintenance, and difficulty in obtaining spare parts. To solve partner problems, develop equipment in the form of a meatball forming machine with an electric motor. The method of making a machine is carried out in several stages: designing, measuring and cutting materials, manufacturing, assembling, and testing processes. This purpose is to increase meatball productivity. The results were obtained by using a meatball forming machine with a speed of 4 meatballs/second so that it has increased the efficiency of production time by 400% compared to the manual method, which produces one meatball/second. The productivity of business profits increased 43.7% compared to the previous one, which still used conventional processes.
Pengembangan Asesmen Berbasis WEB pada Pelajaran Perawatan Mesin Sepeda Motor di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Alfran R.T Y.P; Tri Rijanto; I Wayan Susila
EDUKATIF : JURNAL ILMU PENDIDIKAN Vol 4, No 4 (2022): August Pages 5501-6400
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/edukatif.v4i4.3072


Masalah asesmen di pelajaran kompetensi keahlian Teknik dan bisnis sepeda motor di SMK Negeri Sekar Bojonegoro bahwa instruktur harus menggunakan penilaian berbasis situs yang umum, terbuka secara efektif sehingga siswa dapat melakukannya secara efektif dan mudah saat bekerja. Dengan demikian, instrumen penilaian berbasis internet diharapkan dapat mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Alasan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan asesmen online pada mata pelajaran mesin sepeda motor di di SMK Negeri Sekar Bojonegoro yang substansial dan fungsional untuk digunakan pendidik dalam asesmen. Jenis pengujian yang digunakan adalah R&D (Research and Development) dengan menggunakan model 4-D. Teknik analisis pada penelitian ini menggunakan Teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Berdasarkan penelitian ini dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa pengembangan asesmen berbasis situs web pada pelajaran mesin sepeda motor di valid serta sangat layak digunakan oleh pendidik dalam kegiatan asesmen. Hal ini diperoleh dari hasil pengujian instrumen persetujuan master media, yaitu 81% dengan klasifikasi yang dapat digunakan sepenuhnya dan hasil uji coba terbatas sebesar 90,833% dengan standar yang sangat setuju.
Journal of Vocational and Technical Education (JVTE) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): March
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (443.785 KB) | DOI: 10.26740/jvte.v2n1.p19-29


ABSTRAKProgram Studi (Prodi) S1 Teknik Mesin adalah salah satu prodi di Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa) yang memiliki bidang penjurusan otomotif dan produksi. Dalam memenuhi tugas tri dharma perguruan tinggi seorang dosen harus melakukan tugas pokok, dua diantaranya adalah penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat.  Dari data hasil laporan borang akreditasi S1 Pendidikan Teknik Mesin pada tahun 2011, data dosen terbanyak melakukan penelitian adalah dengan sumber pembiayaan yang berasal dari depdiknas yaitu TS-2 sebanyak 12 orang, TS-1 sebanyak 14 orang, dan TS mengalami penurunan sehingga jumlahnya menjadi 2 orang. Hasil maksimal terdapat pada dosen yang melakukan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan pembiayaan yang berasal dari Depdiknas, yaitu 10 dosen pada TS-2, 7 dosen pada TS-1, dan 9 dosen pada TS. Pada penelitian ini kajian yang menyangkut kinerja dosen dibidang penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa pelacakan terhadap kinerja 11 dosen dalam tiga tahun ajaran terakhir, yang dimulai pada tahun 2012/2013. Kajian menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Data jumlah penelitian dan pembiayaan didapatkan dari Unit Penjaminan Mutu, sedangkan data pendukung didapatkan dengan melakukan survei acak terhadap mahasiswa dan terhadap lima belas dosen di Jurusan Teknik Mesin. Berdasarkan hasil yang dicapai penelitian dosen-dosen selama tiga tahun ajaran mengalami penurunan dari beberapa segi pembiayaan, namun mengalami peningkatan pada pembiayaan oleh universitas di tahun ajaran 2013/2014 dan menurun pada tahun ajaran 2014/2015. Pada pengabdian kepada masyarakat mengalami peningkatan dari variasi pembiayaan dimana pada tahun ajaran pertama hanya dibiayai Depdiknas namun pada tahun ajaran kedua dan ketiga sudah ada pembiayaan oleh perguruan tinggi. Kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan pembiayaan sendiri masih belum ada. Berdasarkan hasil angket kepada mahasiswa, sebagian besar memiliki keinginan dilibatkan dalam kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat yaitu sebesar 54%.  Berdasarkan angket terhadap dosen menunjukkan minat yang tinggi terhadap kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat sebesar 87%.                                                                                                                 Kata Kunci: akreditasi, deskriptif kuantitatif, penelitian, pengabdian kepada masyarakat, variasi pembiayaan.  ABSTRACTThe Mechanical Engineering Study Program (S1) is one of the study programs in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Surabaya State University (Unesa), which has automotive and production majors. In fulfilling the tri dharma task of a tertiary institution, a lecturer must perform basic tasks, two of which are research and community service. From the results of the accreditation forms report S1 Mechanical Engineering Education in 2011, the most lecturer data conducted research was with funding sources from the Ministry of National Education, namely TS-2 as many as 14 people, TS-1 as many as 14 people, and TS decreased so that the number became 2 person. Maximum results are found in lecturers who do community service with funding from the Ministry of National Education, namely 10 lecturers at TS-2, 7 lecturers at TS-1, and 9 lecturers at TS. This study was involving the performance of lecturers in the field of research and community service in the form of tracking the performance of 11 lecturers in the last three academic years, which began in 2012/2013. The study uses descriptive methods with a quantitative approach. Data on the amount of research and financing was obtained from the Quality Assurance Unit, while supporting data was obtained by conducting a random survey of students and fifteen lecturers in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Based on the results achieved by the research of the lecturers during the three academic years, there was a decrease in several aspects of funding, but an increase in funding by the university in the 2013/2014 academic year and decreased in the 2014/2015 school year. In community service, there has been an increase in the variation of funding where in the first academic year it was only funded by the Ministry of National Education, but in the second and third academic years there was already funding by universities. Research and community service activities with self-funding are still lacking. Based on the results of the questionnaire to students, most of them had the desire to be involved in research and community service activities in the amount of 54%. Based on the questionnaire towards the lecturers, it showed a high interest in research and community service activities by 87%.                                                                                                 Keywords: accreditation, quantitative descriptive, research, community service, financing variations.
The effect of local potential-based workshop and entrepreneurship learning in increasing entrepreneurial interest Octaverina Kecvara Pritasari; Marniati Marniati; I Wayan Susila
Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi Vol 14, No 1 (2024): February
Publisher : ADGVI & Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jpv.v14i1.56910


This research aims to determine the effect of local potential-based workshops and entrepreneurship learning in increasing the interest in entrepreneurship of grade XI students majoring in Fashion in 3 different vocational schools in East Java Province, Indonesia. This research uses a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques were observation, questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The population in this research was 338 students, and the sampling technique used was simple random sampling with a sample of 172 students. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistical analysis using percentages and inferential statistical analysis techniques using data normality tests, product moment correlation analysis, and simple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of the product-moment correlation test analysis, creative product learning and entrepreneurship positively and significantly affect entrepreneurial interest in class XI students majoring in Cosmetology, amounting to 26.7 percent accepted with a low level of influence. The simple linear regression analysis results show the effect of learning creative products and entrepreneurship on student entrepreneurial interest. The results of this research are useful as input that is learning creative products and entrepreneurship based on local potential has the potential to give birth to new entrepreneurs to increase regional economic resilience.