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Pengembangan bahan ajar matematika untuk siswa SMP berdasarkan teori belajar ausubel Rahmita Yuliana Gazali
PYTHAGORAS Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Vol 11, No 2: December 2016
Publisher : Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (725.83 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/pg.v11i2.10644


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar matematika berdasarkan teori belajar Ausubel untuk siswa SMP berupa lembar kegiatan siswa (LKS), namun terlebih dahulu dikembangkan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP) dan tes prestasi belajar (TPB) dimana RPP dan LKS memenuhi kriteria valid, praktis, dan efektif serta TPB memenuhi kriteria valid, praktis, dan reliabel. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang diadaptasi dari model Borg Gall yang terdiri dari tiga langkah utama yaitu studi pendahuluan, desain produk, dan pengembangan dan evaluasi. Kevalidan produk dilihat dari hasil validasi ahli dan mencapai kriteria valid untuk LKS dan sangat valid untuk RPP dan TPB. Kepraktisan produk mencapai kategori sangat praktis ditinjau dari lembar kepraktisan guru dan siswa serta observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran. Keefektifan produk ditinjau dari sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan. Hasil uji coba lapangan menunjukkan lebih dari 70% siswa mencapai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum untuk pengetahuan dan keterampilan, serta mencapai kriteria baik dan sangat baik untuk ranah sikap.Kata kunci: pengembangan, bahan ajar, teori belajar ausubel Development of mathematics teaching material for junior high school students based on ausubel learning theory AbstractThis research is aimed to produce teaching material of mathematics based on Ausubel learning theory for Junior High School students in the form of student’s activity sheet, but at first the lesson plan is developed and the completeness of learning achievement test, that is the lesson plan and student activity sheet to meet the criteria for a valid, practical, and effective devices and the learning achievement test to meet the criteria for a valid, practical, and reliable devices. This research is the development of a model adapted from Borg  Gall which consists of three main steps such as the preliminary study stage, the stage of product design, and the development and evaluation stages. The validity of the products seen from the results of the validation experts stating that the products reach the valid criteria for student activity sheet and very valid for lesson plan and learning achievement test. The practicality of products seen from the practicality teachers sheet and practicality students sheet and study observation sheet. The effectiveness of the products obtained from attitudes, knowledge, and skills. The results of field trials showed more than 70 % of students achieving mastery Minimum Criteria for knowledge and skills , as well as achieving good and excellent criterion for the attitude sphere .Keywords: development, instructional materials, Ausubel learning theory  
Ethnomathematics panting music exploration Winda Agustina; Rahmita Yuliana Gazali; Zahra Chairani; Maisea Ledua Nareki
Psychology, Evaluation, and Technology in Educational Research Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Research and Social Study Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33292/petier.v4i1.94


There are many interesting things to explore about Panting music related to mathematics. This link between culture and mathematics is known as ethnomathematics. This study aims to determine the mathematical concepts that exist in the Panting and Babun (baboon) instruments. This study uses a descriptive method with qualitative data that involved South Kalimantan cultural and Panting musicians in Banjarmasin, a lecturer in the art and culture of music subject at STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin, and students of the Dance Education study program at STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin. Data collection techniques through interviews, observations, and online questionnaires. The data obtained were reduced and presented descriptively—data triangulation using collection techniques and sources. The results of this study indicate (1) mathematical concepts on the Panting instrument are measurement, circle, multiples of 5, the position of two lines that coincide, and the position of lines that are equidistant, and (2) mathematical concepts on the Babun instrument are truncated cones, odd numbers, circle, the position of equidistant lines, isosceles triangle, rhombus, and congruence of plane figures.
Pengembangan bahan ajar matematika berbasis kontekstual yang terintegrasi nilai-nilai keislaman pada materi relasi dan fungsi Muh Fajaruddin Atsnan; Maisea Ledua Nareki; Rahmita Yuliana Gazali
Teacher in Educational Research Vol 4, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Research and Social Study Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33292/ter.v4i1.179


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan bahan ajar matematika berupa modul berbasis pendekatan kontekstual yang terintegrasi nilai-nilai keislaman pada materi relasi dan fungsi, serta mengetahui kualitas modul yang dikembangkan. Modul yang dikembangkan memuat masalah kontekstual dan terintegrasi dengan nilai-nilai keislaman, seperti sholat, sedekah, sifat baik Rasulullah, serta kebiasaan baik yang dituntunkan oleh agama. Model pengembangan mengacu pada prosedur ADDIE yaitu terdiri atas Analysis (Analisis), Design (Perencanaan), Development (Pengembangan), Implementation (Implementasi) dan Evaluation (Evaluasi). Hasil penelitian tentang kualitas modul menunjukkan bahwa (1) kevalidan bahan ajar berupa modul menunjukkan kriteria “Baik” berdasarkan hasil penilaian bahan ajar oleh 2 dosen ahli, yaitu ahli materi dan ahli media, (2) kepraktisan bahan ajar berupa modul menunjukkan kriteria “Baik” , dimana 50 siswa dari 57 siswa atau 87,72% menjawab sangat setuju jika modul yang dikembangkan, mudah dipahami secara materi dan isinya berkaitan dengan nilai-nilai keislaman, (3) keefektifan bahan ajar ditentukan berdasarkan tes hasil belajar yang menunjukkan bahwa dari 57 siswa, sebanyak 52 siswa telah mencapai kriteria kemampuan minimal (KKM) yang ditetapkan sekolah untuk mata pelajaran matematika yaitu 68, dengan persentase ketuntasan mencapai 91,23 %, dengan nilai rata-rata 81,04.  Abstract: The aims of this study is to describe the development of mathematics teaching materials in the form of modules based on a contextual approach that integrates Islamic values in relation to and function materials and to determine the quality of the modules developed. The developed module contains contextual issues and is integrated with Islamic values, such as prayer, alms, the good nature of the Prophet, and good habits guided by religion. The development model refers to the ADDIE procedure, which consists of Analysis (Analysis), Design (Planning), Development (Development), Implementation (Implementation) and Evaluation (Evaluation). The results of the research on the quality of the module indicate that (1) the validity of the teaching materials in the form of modules shows the criteria of "Good" based on the results of the assessment of teaching materials by two expert lecturers, namely material experts and media experts, (2) the practicality of teaching materials in the form of modules shows the criteria of "Good", where 50 students from 57 students or 87.72% answered strongly agree if the module developed is easy to understand materially and its content is related to Islamic values, (3) the effectiveness of teaching materials is determined based on the learning outcomes test which shows that of 57 students, 52 students have achieved the minimum ability criteria (KKM) set by the school for mathematics, namely 68, with a percentage of completeness reaching 91.23%, with an average score of 81.04.
PEMBINAAN DAN PEMBAGIAN MASKER DI MAJELIS TAKLIM DARUL IDRUS BANJARMASIN Yulianti Hidayah; Rabiatul Adawiyah; Nana Citrawati Lestari; Rahmita Yuliana Gazali; Winda Agustina; Ria Mayasari
SWARNA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): SWARNA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, November 2022
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi 45 Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55681/swarna.v1i3.91


STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin terus berperan aktif untuk menanggulangi pandemi Covid-19 banyak berdampak terhadap kesehatan masyarakat. Salah satunya ialah dengan melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa sosialisasi, pembinaan, dan pembagian masker kepada masyarakat yang menjadi sasaran kegiatan. Sasaran kegiatan pengabdian ini ialah nggota Majelis Taklim Darul Idrus Banjarmasin, baik anak-anak, ustadz, dan pengelola. Tujuan dari kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi kepada seluruh jamaah Majelis Taklim Darul Idrus Banjarmasin untuk memakai masker pada saat pandemi. Bentuk kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah pembinaan. Adapun pelaksanaan kegiatan antara lain berupa: (1) Survei awal tempat kegiatan untuk mengetahui apakah jamaah sudah menerapkan protokol kesehatan di setiap aktivitas majelis taklim tersebut apa belum; (2) Pembinaan awal pentingnya menggunakan masker saat pandemi Covid-19; (3) Pembagian masker; dan (4) Pembinaan lanjutan. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi kegiatan, diketahui bahwa seluruh anggota jamaah Majelis Taklim Darul Idrus Banjarmasin sudah tertib memakai masker di hari tersebut. Meskipun para jamaah sudah tertib dalam menggunakan masker. Tim pengabdian tetap memberikan pembinaan lanjutan kepada para peserta kegiatan agar mempertahankan kebiasaan baik ini meskipun nanti jika kasus Covid-19 sudah mengalami penurunan karena mencegah jauh lebih baik daripada mengobati.
Implementation of contextual approach as meaningful mathematics learning Rahmita Yuliana Gazali; Muh. Fajaruddin Atsnan
Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran Matematika Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): JIPM: February-July
Publisher : Rafandha Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56587/jipm.v1i1.7


This study aims to describe the implementation of meaningful mathematics learning with contextual approach and to know the student's response to meaningful mathematics learning. The subjects of this study are students of class VIII B SMP Negeri 7 Banjarmasin as many as 27 people and students of class VIII F SMP Negeri 24 Banjarmasin 2020/2021 lesson year as many as 30 people. Technique of collecting data with observation of learning implementation with contextual approach and questionnaire of student response to learning math meaningful with contextual approach, and documentation. Data analysis technique using percentage. The results show that the implementation of meaningful mathematics learning will take place as planned, containing seven components in a contextual approach, if the teacher is able to translate the essence of each step in a syntactic contextual approach with the media and learning resources. Student's response to the learning of mathematics is significant with the contextual approach of qualification both good and very good, although percentage, student response in class VIII B SMP Negeri Banjarmasin better than student response in class VIII F SMP Negeri Banjarmasin