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MEDIAL LONGITUDINAL ARCH (MLA) TERHADAP KELINCAHAN ATLET BASKET ANAK DI DENPASAR I Gusti Agung Shinta Paramitha Devi; Ni Luh Putu Gita Karunia Saraswati; M. Widnyana; I Nyoman Adiputra
Majalah Ilmiah Fisioterapi Indonesia Vol 10 No 2 (2022): Majalah Ilimiah Fisioterapi Indonesia
Publisher : Bachelor of Physiotherapy and Physiotherapy Profession Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University in collaboration with Indonesian Physiotherapy Association (IPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MIFI.2022.v10.i02.p04


Pendahuluan: Kelincahan merupakan salah satu komponen penting untuk meningkatkan prestasi pada berbagai cabang olahraga salah satunya basket. Pada anak - anak, kelincahan merupakan salah satu kemampuan motorik yang terus berkembang. Ekstremitas bawah merupakan salah satu komponen utama dalam menjalankan aktivitas fisik dan olahraga. Ekstremitas bawah memiliki bagian penting yaitu Medial Longitudinal Arch (MLA) yang berperan untuk mendistribusikan bobot secara merata pada kaki, serta meningkatkan kecepatan dan kelincahan. Jika terjadi deformitas pada ekstremitas bawah, salah satunya yaitu flat foot, maka akan menyebabkan terganggunya aktivitas fisik serta olahraga. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui hubungan MLA terhadap kelincahan atlet basket anak usia 12-14 tahun di Denpasar. Metode: Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik simple random sampling. Sampel berjumlah 85 orang atlet basket anak usia 12-14 tahun di Denpasar. Variabel independen yang diukur pada penelitian ini adalah MLA menggunakan wet footprint test, sedangkan t-test digunakan untuk mengukur variabel dependen yaitu kelincahan. Rerata variabel MLA yaitu 1,60±0,493 dan rerata variabel kelincahan yaitu 1,67±0,643. Hasil: Uji hipotesis yang digunakan ialah uji korelasi analisis non parametrik Spearman Rho untuk menganalisis adanya hubungan, kekuatan hubungan dan arah hubungan dari MLA terhadap kelincahan atlet basket anak usia 12 – 14 tahun di Denpasar. Didapatkan nilai p ialah 0,000 atau p < 0,05 serta nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,502. Simpulan: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang sedang, signifikan, dan searah antara MLA dengan Kelincahan pada atlet basket anak usia 12 – 14 tahun. Kata Kunci: arkus pedis, kelincahan, atlet basket
Majalah Ilmiah Fisioterapi Indonesia Vol 9 No 1 (2021): Majalah Ilimiah Fisioterapi Indonesia
Publisher : Bachelor of Physiotherapy and Physiotherapy Profession Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University in collaboration with Indonesian Physiotherapy Association (IPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MIFI.2021.v09.i01.p10


Menstruasi merupakan perdarahan akibat peluruhan dinding endometrium secara teratur pada seorang wanita yang tidak sedang hamil dan belum menopouse setiap bulannya. Saat menstruasi wanita banyak mengalami berbagai masalah, salah satunya dismenore primer. Terdapat suatu metode terapi latihan yang dapat digunakan sebagai metode preventif dan kuratif pada kondisi dismenore primer, yaitu pilates exercise. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pilates exercise dalam menurunkan derajat dismenore primer siswi di SMA Negeri 3 Denpasar. Studi eksperimental ini menggunakan desain control group pre test – post test. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 30 sampel dengan teknik purposive sampling. Terdapat kelompok perlakuan yang diberikan pilates exercise dan kelompok kontrol. Pilates exercise dilakukan 3x/seminggu selama 3 minggu. Derajat dismenore dinilai menggunakan NRS (Numerical Rating Scale) dan MMDQ (Modified Menstrual Distress Questionnaire). Rerata usia kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol adalah 16,40 tahun dan 16,53 tahun. Rerata IMT kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol adalah 21,76 kg/m2 dan 21,41 kg/m2. Hasil nilai uji hipotesis paired sample T-test pada MMDQ kelompok perlakuan adalah p=0,000 (p<0,05) dan kelompok kontrol p=0,087 (p>0,05). Pengukuran NRS kelompok perlakuan p=0,000 (p<0,05) dan kelompok kontrol p=0,032 (p<0,05). Hasil Independent sample T-test pada pengukuran MMDQ dan NRS menunjukkan p=0,00 (p<0,05). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian pilates exercise menurunkan derajat dismenore primer pada siswi di SMA Negeri 3 Denpasar. Kata kunci: menstruation, dismenore primer, pilates exercise
Majalah Ilmiah Fisioterapi Indonesia Vol 7 No 3 (2019): Majalah Ilmiah Fisioterapi Indonesia
Publisher : Bachelor of Physiotherapy and Physiotherapy Profession Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University in collaboration with Indonesian Physiotherapy Association (IPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (167.508 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/MIFI.2019.v07.i03.p12


Usia lanjut (lansia) memiliki tekanan darah yang cenderung tinggi sehingga lebih berisiko terjadi hipertensi. Bertambahnya umur mengakibatkan peningkatan teknan darah akibat penebalan pada dinding arteri. Fisioterapis menganjurkan para lansia agar tetap aktif dan berolahraga untuk memelihara tekanan darah tetap normal. Program olahraga yang sesuai untuk lansia adalah senam lansia. Senam lansia dapat dijadikan sebagai suatu aktivitas fisik untuk memelihara tekanan darah tetap normal pada lansia. Tujuan peneltian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan partisipasi senam lansia dengan tekanan darah lansia di Kecamatan Sibang, Kabupaten Badung, Bali. Jenis penelitian observasional analitis korelatif dengan metode pendekatan cross sectional yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari-Maret 2019. Pengambilan subjek dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Sampel adalah laki-laki dan perempuan, berumur 64-70 tahun, berjumlah 72 orang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu 36 orang sebagai kelompok lansia yang mengikuti senam secara rutin sesuai jadwal yang sudah ditentukan, yaitu satu kali perminggu minimal dalam 6 bulan dan 36 orang sebagai kelompok lansia yang tidak mengikuti senam. Pengukuran tekanan darah dengan menggunakan sphygmomanometer. Hasil penelitian setelah dilakukan uji spearman’s rho diperoleh nilai p=0,001 (p<0,05) yang berarti bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara partisipasi senam lansia dengan tekanan darah pada lansia di Kecamatan Sibang, Badung. Uji spearman’s rho. Menunjukkan koefisien korelasi kuat dengan angka signifikasi sebesar 0,001 yang berarti hubungan antara partisipasi senam lansia dengan tekanan darah pada lansia di Kecamatan Sibang, Badung memiliki hubungan yang kuat, signifikan dan searah. Terdapat hubungan antara partisipasi senam lansia dengan tekanan darah pada Lansia di Kecamatan Sibang, Kabupaten Badung. Kata kunci: senam, lansia, tekanan darah, hipertensi
Telerehabilitation as a physical therapy solution for post-stroke patient in COVID-19 pandemic situations: a review I Made Yoga Prabawa; Dedi Silakarma; M. Widnyana
Intisari Sains Medis Vol. 12 No. 1 (2021): (Available online : 1 April 2021)
Publisher : DiscoverSys Inc.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (456.411 KB) | DOI: 10.15562/ism.v12i1.873


Background: Stroke is one of the leading causes of disability among the adult population. One-third of post-stroke patients require ongoing physical rehabilitation to improve their motoric function. But in this COVID-19 pandemic situation, all outpatient visits or non-emergency cases, including in-clinic physical rehabilitation therapy, have been postponed and limited to maintain physical distancing to prevent the spreading of infection. Telerehabilitation can be the answer to overcome this circumstance.Methods: We conducted a comprehensive search for online literature or studies in 2020. We explored evidence using the following database Cochrane Library, PubMed, and Google Scholar. The keywords used to obtain the relevant research include “telerehabilitation” OR “telemedicine” AND “physical rehabilitation” AND “stroke patient” AND “COVID-19 pandemic”. The literature was analyzed based on the results of previous studies.Results: Telerehabilitation delivers rehabilitation services via communication technologies involving the patient and the physical therapist communicate using telehealth platform and video-teleconference. Several telerehabilitation techniques can be used for stroke patients' physical exercise, such as portable transcutaneous electrical stimulation (TENS), mirror therapy, home exercise program, and virtual reality exercise. Several studies have shown that telerehabilitation is not inferior than in-clinic physical exercise, and both showed significant improvement in post-stroke patients' motor function.Conclusions: Telerehabilitation can be the solution for post-stroke patient’s physical rehabilitation in the COVID-19 pandemic. This novel health innovation allowed the post-stroke patient to exercise at home and prevent them from the risk of COVID-19 infection.
Sport and Fitness Journal Vol 10 No 3 (2022): Volume 10, No.3, September 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Fisiologi Keolahragaan, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/spj.2022.v10.i03.p03


Individual that greater use of information and communication technologies such as computer, smartphone, or other media has the tendency failure of body postures. Laptop usage has been associated with adolescent neck pain, with daily use of computers exceeding 2-3 hours as a threshold to forward head posture. Forward head posture can affect the result of reducing cervical alignment and mobility of the neck. There are exercises that intention to improving the cervical alignment and mobility, particularly sling-based manual therapy and stabilization exercise. A sling device provide the research subject with optimal loading of each target segment, in actual neutral position, and an environment for exercise in a closed kinetic chain. Spinal mobilization techniques used in manual spinal treatment activate the descending pathway from the peritubular gray region (PAG) of the midbrain. Moreover, stabilization exercise affect postural control through concurrent contractions of the agonist and antagonist muscles to improving cervical alignment and mobility. Key Words: Sling; Manual Therapy; Stabilization Exercise; Cervical Alignment; Cervical Mobility; Forward Head Posture
Exercises with A Target Heart Rate both Safety and Effectiveness for Reducing Sedentary Effects During Pandemic of Covid-19 Anak Agung Gede Eka Septian Utama; M. Widnyana; I Putu Yudi Pramana
Physical Therapy Journal of Indonesia Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): January-June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Udayana dan Diaspora Taipei Medical University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51559/ptji.v2i1.20


Introduction: Limited activities will increase the risk of sedentary activity, so that it will become a new problem. Exercise is an effort to reduce sedentary activity and reduce boredom, maintain health, and increase the immune system. The right kind of exercise will have a good and bad impact. Therefore, this study aims to look at exercise with a target heart rate, safety and effectiveness, and reduce sedentary effects during the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods: The data used has been through literature studies obtained from research articles including PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar. With keywords, including COVID-19 pandemic, sedentary effects, exercise, target heart rate. The data analysis technique used is argumentative, descriptive analysis. Results: Based on the literature view, the writer found ten related articles. This study provides evidence of the effect of exercise with target heart rate both safety and effectiveness for reducing sedentary effect. This article explained that it knows the exercise heart rate that the heart wants to reach and can be accepted by the heart, reduces lipid, increases the immune response, improves fitness and heart health. Conclusion: Exercises can use the target heart rate to provide an overview of the range of training zones you want to achieve and provide safety and effectiveness in exercising, especially the cardiovascular system.
The Relationship between Physical Activity with Increased Learning Concentration Among Students at Senior High School 3 Denpasar I Putu Yudi Pramana Putra; M. Widnyana; I Dewa Gede Alit Kamayoga; Ni Luh Putu Gita Karunia Saraswati; Anak Agung Gede Eka
Physical Therapy Journal of Indonesia Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): July-December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Udayana dan Diaspora Taipei Medical University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51559/ptji.v2i2.33


Introduction: Physical activity is any body movement caused by the work of skeletal muscles system and increases the expenditure of effort and energy. The energy is used as fuel to perform motion and function. Nutrition and oxygen throughout the tissue will be better with increased physical condition which showed by increased in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. Increased concentration will occur when the two energy substances in the human brain effect and fastering body's circular system. Objective: To determine the relationship between physical activity with increasing concentration on students in learning at senior high school 3 Denpasar. Methods: The sampling technique in this study was consecutive sampling. This study used an observational method with a cross sectional design. This research collects data from 122 students at senior high school 3 Denpasar which will measure the level of physical activity and concentration. Results: The results showed that there was a significant relationship between physical activity with increase in learning concentration on students at senior high school 3 Denpasar (r=0,737; p<0,05). Conclusion: There is a significant relationship with a positive value between physical activity with an increase in learning concentration on students at senior high school 3 Denpasar. If physical activity increases, the concentration of learning will also increase
The Efficacy of Deep Cervical Flexor Training with Feedback Reducing Pain and Disability in Individuals with Work-Related Neck Pain I Dewa Gede Alit Kamayoga; A A I Ayesa Febrinia Adyasputri; I Putu Yudi Pramana Putra; M. Widnyana; Anak Agung Gede Eka Septian Utama
Physical Therapy Journal of Indonesia Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): July-December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Udayana dan Diaspora Taipei Medical University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51559/ptji.v2i2.35


Introduction: The most common trouble when doing task is work related neck pain. Neck pain can have negative effect on workers related to the resulting work productivity. To conquer this, there is deep cervical flexor training with feedback training to solve that problems. This study aims to find out whether deep cervical flexor training with feedback is powerful in reducing pain and disability the work-related neck pain. Methods: This study using a literature review by conducting data studies related to deep cervical flexor training with feedback, neck pain, and working. The initial search in 4 databases found a total of 36 articles. After the selection using inclusion and exclusion criteria obtained 28 articles. Results: Based on some literature, it shows that deep cervical flexor training with feedback aims to activate the deep cervical flexor muscle effectively in reducing pain through the release of endorphins and decreasing pain and changes in muscle function have an effect on reducing disability in work related neck pain. Conclusion: Providing deep cervical flexor training with feedback is powerful in decreasing the level of pain and disability in work-related neck pain.
Prevention Program in Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) among Indonesian’s Athletes; Review Study Made Vasundhari Putri Gayatri; I Dewa Made Ary Suandika; Komang Trisna Bayu Suta; Dellania Grandifolia Mustafa; Ni Kadek Yuni Fridayani; M. Widnyana; I Putu Gde Surya Adhitya
Physical Therapy Journal of Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): July - December 2022
Publisher : Universitas Udayana dan Diaspora Taipei Medical University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51559/ptji.v3i2.48


An ACL injury has been the most common injury for several years. Athletes and players who play the game have the same risk factor to have it. Injury prevention programs must be conducted among teams and could remove team injury costs in medical staff and rehabilitation. This review aims to conduct one prevention program for ACL injury in Indonesian soccer athletes. In Indonesia, this program needs support from all stakeholders, including the coach, chief executor manager, and the medical team. The risk factor of ACL injury is divided into external and internal factors, which have to be the main focus of the medical team to process a program. Prevention program for an ACL injury includes strengthening, agility, plyometrics, balance, and proper warm-up. Those types of exercise should be implemented in intervention among athletes, but they still need their perspectives and health condition.
Relationship between core muscles, leg arch, hamstring and lumbar flexibility on pop-up ability among surfers Anak Agung Gede Eka Septian Utama; I Dewa Gd Alit Kamayoga; M. Widnyana; I Putu Yudi Pramana Putra
Physical Therapy Journal of Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): January-June 2023
Publisher : Universitas Udayana dan Diaspora Taipei Medical University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51559/ptji.v4i1.65


Background: Surfing is a sport that requires alternating high, medium, and low intensity at one time. Surfing combines three phases, namely paddling, pop-up, and wave-ride. The surf pop-up phase is characterized by a change from a paddling position to a standing position on the surfboard in one dynamic motion. During this transition, a surfer must move 75% of his body weight in less than one second. Pop-up movement is a unique challenge for the human motor system because it must be done quickly, with sufficient strength, on a moving and unstable surface that requires the readiness of the bio motoric component to avoid injury. This study aimed to see the relationship between core muscles, leg arches, hamstring, and lumbar flexibility on pop-up ability among surfers. Methods: The research uses analytic observational with a cross-sectional approach. The number of samples was 80 people with inclusion criteria, men aged 20-40 years and at least one year of surfing experience. Core muscles were measured using the curl-up test, the footprint test measured leg arches, hamstring flexibility by the sit and reach test, lumbar flexibility by the modified Schober's test, and pop-up ability using the time to pop-up. The research was conducted in Badung regency. Results: This study showed a significant and strong relationship between core muscles (r= 0,57, p-value< 0.001), leg arches (rs= 0.33-0.43, p-values= 0.009 - <0.001), hamstring and lumbar flexibility (rs= 0.31-0.50, p-values= 0.013 - <0.001) on pop-up ability among surfers. Conclusion: There were significant relationships between the core muscles, leg arches, hamstring and lumbar flexibility on pop-up ability among surfers.
Co-Authors A A I Ayesa Febrinia Adyasputri A A I Ayesa Febrinia Adyasputri A.A. Gd Eka Septian Utama Anak Agung Gede Angga Puspa Negara Anak Agung Gede Eka Anak Agung Gede Eka Septian Utama Anak Agung Gede Eka Septian Utama Ari Wibawa Bagus Komang Satriyasa Dedi Silakarma Dellania Grandifolia Mustafa Desak Made Dewi Mahayuni Desak Risa Pertiwi Dessyta Luxsmadewi Aryadhe Dewa Ayu Ketut Indriani Putri Dewi, Anak Ayu Nyoman Trisna Narta Doni Galih Bagaswara I Dewa Gd Alit Kamayoga I Dewa Gede Alit Kamayoga I Dewa Made Ary Suandika I Gusti Agung Shinta Paramitha Devi I Kadek Adi Satya Nugraha I Made Muliarta I MADE MULIARTA . I Made Niko Winaya I Made Winarsa Ruma I Made Yoga Prabawa I Nyoman Adi Putra I Putu Gde Surya Adhitya I Putu Gede Adiatmika I Putu Yudi Pramana I Putu Yudi Pramana Putra I Putu Yudi Pramana Putra I Wayan Gede Sutadarma I Wayan Sugiritama Ida Bagus Komang Ari Krisnayana Indira Vidiari Juhanna Kadek S Prima Dewi S Komang Trisna Bayu Suta Luh Made Indah Sri Handari Adiputra Luh Made Indah Sri Handari Adiputra Luh Made Sintya Paramasti Made Hendra Satria Nugraha Made Vasundhari Putri Gayatri Nacha Najabilubaba Ni Dyah Putu Purnamasari Ni Kadek Mira Wirayani Ni Kadek Yuni Fridayani Ni Komang Ayu Juni Antari Ni Luh Gede Puji Andini Ni Luh Nopi Andayani Ni Luh Putu Gita Karunia Saraswati Ni Nyoman Ayu Dewi Ni Nyoman Ayu Dewi Ni Wayan Nirmala Putri Miasa Ni Wayan Tianing Nila Wahyuni Pramana, I Putu Yudi Putu Ayu Sita Saraswati Putu Intan Noviyanti Putu Leli Juniari Putu Sutha Nurmawan Rolyta Triasari Purba Sugijanto - Wahyuddin, Wahyuddin Yudi Pramana Putra