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Modification of Control Oil Feeding with PLC Using Simulation Visual Basic and Neural Network Analysis Yuliza Yuliza; Rachmat Muwardi; Danang Widya Pratama; Makmur Heri Santoso; Mirna Yunita
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika Vol 8, No 1 (2022): March
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/jiteki.v8i1.22336


The oil feeding system is an oil distribution system used in engine lubrication by flowing it directly to the engine parts to be lubricated through pipes. In addition, it is also a raw material for the production process by collecting the oil first in the storage tank, then weighing it on the oil scale before use in the production process. The current control is still using the conventional model. The operating system is still manual, and the absence of identity and damage information makes it difficult for the engineer to troubleshoot. The research method is to modify the oil feeding system control using PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) and Visual Basic to display process information. This process uses the Neural Network (NN) method. The simulation results show that the PLC program and visual basic software can be connected properly. The speed of the data transfer test connection that can be obtained is 32 ms. The prediction process of the oil feeding system using the backpropagation algorithm Neural Network and the activation function, which uses the binary sigmoid function (logsig) with the 17-10-1 architecture having very good performance getting the MSE value below the error value of 0.001 maximum epoch 961 and hidden layer 10 with an MSE value of 0.00099915.
Design Sistem Keamanan Pintu Menggunakan Face Detection Rachmat Muwardi; Reyhan Rahmat Adisaputro
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Vol 12, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Electrical Engineering, Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22441/jte.2021.v12i3.004


Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, terutama di bidang Elektronika dan  Informatika, diharapkan dapat mampu meningkatkan teknologi sistem keamanan ruangan atau rumah terutama sistem keamanan pintu rumah. Teknologi sistem keamanan pintu sudah banyak dikembangkan karena untuk mencegah dan membuat penghuni rumah merasa nyaman saat meninggalkan rumahnya. Beberapa sistem kemanan pintu yang banyak digunakan antara lain yaitu menggunakan kamera CCTV, finger print sensor, sensor suara dan RFID. Namun seiring perkembangan teknologi, sistem keamanan tersebut banyak di temukan celah kelemahan seperti terjadi banyak nya eror pada finger print dan voice sensor dan masih banyak lagi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, untuk membuat sistem keamanan pada pintu rumah yang lebih aman dan invofatif maka penulis membuat sebuah sistem keamanan dengan face detection dan juga notifikasi peringatan sistem jarak jauh menggunakan telegram. Peneliti membuat sistem keamanan pintu dengan menggunakan EPS 32 – CAM sebagai alat untuk melakukan face detection dan juga sebagai controller untuk sistem internet of things. Selain itu juga dibuat sebuat sistem manual menggunakan keypad untuk input password. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa tingkat akurasi dan kecepatan pengenalan wajah dan juga kecepatan pengiriman informasi peringatan sistem keamanan pada aplikasi telegram.
Network Security Monitoring System Via Notification Alert Rachmat Muwardi; Hongmin Gao; Harun Usman Ghifarsyam; Mirna Yunita; Andika Arrizki; Julpri Andika
Journal of Integrated and Advanced Engineering (JIAE) Vol 1, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Asosiasi Staf Akademik Perguruan Tinggi Seluruh Indonesia (ASASI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51662/jiae.v1i2.22


The development of information technology nowadays has become faster, and this makes network security become important. A huge increasing number of computers that are connected makes many gaps in a network. An administrator has an important role in protecting the security of the network. The problem comes when an administrator has human problems such as pain, negligence, and tiredness while needing rapid information when there is an intrusion on the network. This problem can be solved by adding a data traffic detection system known as Intrusion Detection System (IDS). IDS will be connected to Mail Gateway until that administrator can receive notifications such as alerts during an intrusion to the network anytime and anywhere. Snort as one of the network security systems should be developed as a security detection system and network security. A security intrusion prevention system or an Intrusion Prevented System (IPS). The author tries to do analysis and testing on the subjects above to produce a system capable of detecting the intruder in a network that is mobile and also makes it easy for administrators to open data anywhere and anytime using any device.
The automatic and manual railroad door systems based on IoT Setiyo Budiyanto; Freddy Artadima Silaban; Lukman Medriavin Silalahi; Triyanto Pangaribowo; Muhammad Hafizd Ibnu Hajar; Alvin Sepbrian; Rachmat Muwardi; Gao Hongmin
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Vol 21, No 3: March 2021
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v21.i3.pp1847-1855


The automatic and manual IoT-based rail door (internet of things) is a door bar designed to be able to close and open automatically and manually. The automatic system works based on sensors that detect the presence of trains and system manual works based on the open and Close button on the smartphone. The components to be used are ATmega328 microcontrollers, infrared sensors, power supply, CCTV and android applications. Infrared sensor will detect the presence of the train and the gate will close automatically. Then the doorway will open when the train has crossed the automatic door bar. By the manual way, rail door control can be open and closed with Android smartphones in real-time with graphical display provided by CCTV. The whole process is connected to a WEB server where the program is embedded. Either it is automatic or manual control. From the tests that have been done, that the response data from the server is very fast, which is less than 1 second civil. For infrared sensor 1 there is an average delay of 0,687/sec and Infrared Sensor 2 is 3,449/sec. In realtime CCTV There is an average delay of 0,857/sec.
Impact of Moving Sign (Running Text) Implementation at PKBM Wiyata Utama Julpri Andika; Yudhi Gunardi; Triyanto Pangaribowo; Heru Suwoyo; Muhammad Hafizd Ibnu Hajar; Ketty Siti Salamah; Zendi Iklima; Rachmat Muwardi
Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat (JAM) Vol 8, No 1 (2022): JAM (Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat)-September
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22441/jam.v8i1.16577


The running information display board or Running Text is one of the information media or digital publications comprised of an ordered pattern of Light Emitting Diode (LED) lights, and each LED has a coordinate point that determines which LED position is on or off. This LED light is available in a range of colors, including red, yellow, green, blue, white, and blended hues. This running text is often used in Office Buildings, School Buildings, Shopping Buildings, and other locations where the general public must be informed. At this community service, running text has been installed in the PKBM Wiyata Utama school environment in Kembangan Utara, West Jakarta, which is suitable for school-related information media such as education level, school name, and school events
Defect classification of radius shaping in the tire curing process using Fine-Tuned Deep Neural Network Zendi Iklima; Bugi Nur Rohman; Rahmat Muwardi; Asif Khan; Zody Arifiansyah
SINERGI Vol 26, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22441/sinergi.2022.3.009


The curing process or vulcanization process is the final stage of the tire manufacturing process, where the properties of the tire compound change from rubber-plastic material to become elastic by forming cross-links in its molecular structure. The green tire is formed in the curing process, which is placed on the bottom mould. The inside of the green tire surrounds the bladder. The top mould will close to carry out the next curing process. In closing the mould, there is a shaping process of forming a green tire placed on the bladder and given a proportional pressure. Improper or abnormal radius shaping results cause seventy percent of product defects. This paper proposed abnormal detection of radius shaping in the curing process using Fine-tuned Deep Neural Network (DNN). Several DNN models have been examined to analyze an optimized DNN model for abnormal detection of radius shaping in the curing process. The fine-tuned DNN architecture has been exported for the curing system. The DNN was trained with a training accuracy of 97.88%, a validation accuracy of 95%, a testing accuracy of 100%, and a loss of 4.93%.
Fuzzy Mamdani performance water chiller control optimization using fuzzy adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system assisted Galang Persada Nurani Hakim; Rachmat Muwardi; Mirna Yunita; Diah Septiyana
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Vol 28, No 3: December 2022
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v28.i3.pp1388-1395


Fuzzy Mamdani knows as one of the modern control systems. It was known to have a better performance result when compared to conventional methods. However, because the input of this modern control system sometimes is based on human experience, therefore its performance is sometimes below the conventional one. We propose using the adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system assisted (ANFIS) approach to optimize the fuzzy Mamdani membership function input to overcome this problem. We have tested our hypotheses in water chiller applications based on microcontrollers. Even though it is still behind conventional methods to cool 200 ml water, which is 6 minutes, using fuzzy ANFIS methods, we manage to improve the speed performance in cooling water from 20 minutes to 17 minutes, which is from room temperature to just 24 oC.
Optimize Image Processing Algorithm on ARM Cortex-A72 and A53 Rachmat Muwardi; Mirna Yunita; Harun Usman Ghifarsyam; Hendy Juliyanto
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika Vol 8, No 3 (2022): September
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/jiteki.v8i3.24457


This work presents a technique to optimize processing image algorithms. The increasing demand for video applications like context-aware computing on mobile embedded systems requires the use of computationally intensive image processing algorithms. The system engineer has the mandate to optimize them so as to meet real-time deadlines. A methodology to take advantage of the asymmetric dual-core processor, which includes an ARM supported by shared memory, is presented with implementation details. The target platform chosen is the NanoPi M4V2. It has a dual-core and quad-core architecture with an ARM Cortex-A72 and Cortex-A53. The basic image correlation algorithm is chosen for benchmarking as it finds widespread application for various template-matching tasks such as face recognition. The basic algorithm prototypes conform to OpenCV, a popular computer vision library. OpenCV algorithms can be easily ported to the ARM core, which runs a popular operating system such as Linux. The algorithms are tested on a variety of images, and performance results are presented, measuring the speedup obtained due to dual-core and quad-core implementation. A major advantage of this approach is that it allows the ARM processor to perform important real-time tasks.
Monitoring chicken livestock process using Vento Application at a farm Firman Andika; Rachmat Muwardi; Mirna Yunita; Mhd Adanan Purba
Journal of Integrated and Advanced Engineering (JIAE) Vol 2, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Asosiasi Staf Akademik Perguruan Tinggi Seluruh Indonesia (ASASI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51662/jiae.v2i2.42


Regular temperature monitoring in the poultry industry is necessary to produce high-quality products. However, the traditional methods of these activities are still massively applied. Therefore, a modest process on poultry farms requires temperature monitoring and control. Vento is a climate controller developed by Big Dutchman that is easy to understand and user-friendly. Further, the module provides a handy installation and operation on the farm. Therefore, Vento is suitable to use in hot climates area. Vento performs temperature control by reading the input collected from the DOL114 sensor and the DOL12 sensor. The DOL114 sensor performs temperature and humidity detection in the front area of the cage. At the same time, the DOL12 was installed to obtain temperature information behind the cage. Both functions as input to operate the Heater, but only the DOL114 sensor is used to activate the cooling pad. The temperature value gathered by the DOL114 sensor and the DOL12 sensor will be processed by Vento, resulting in average temperature data. Thus, the data obtained from the sensor will be transferred to the Vento system to operate the output in the form of an exhaust fan. The exhaust fan serves as a tool that removes air and ammonia in the cage so that the cage temperature complies with a predetermined setpoint. 
Comparison of 920 MHz and 2.4 GHz Near Ground Electromagnetic Wave Pathloss Propagation Model for Wireless Sensor Network in Forest Environment Application Galang P. N. Hakim; Rachmat Muwardi; Mirna Yunita; Diah Septiyana
InComTech : Jurnal Telekomunikasi dan Komputer Vol 12, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22441/incomtech.v12i2.14186


A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) system that uses wireless communication technologies occasionally experiences data loss when undertaking wireless data communication. This problem happens because of the WSN system being placed on top of the ground and surrounded by vegetation that adds more loss to the transmission. In order to avoid this problem, the wireless system design must meet its best performance. To build the best performing WSN system, electromagnetic wave behavior in the forest environment needs to be studied well. This paper investigates the electromagnetic wave behavior transmitted and propagated by a WSN node at less than 30 cm from the ground using a 920 MHz frequency. We have analyzed that low height (30 cm) and vegetation environments can also add more loss at about 30.96 dB to the free space pathloss model. The new 920 MHz (that adds 30.96 dB loss) model shows identical behavior to 2.4 GHz with an average difference of 12.24 dB. However, the 920 MHz model performs better, achieving an average RMSE of 1.06 compared with the 2.4 GHz model, which can only achieve an average RMSE of 4.92 compared with the 920 MHz measurement.