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Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan (JTP) Vol 14, No 1 (2021): April - Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jtp.v14i1.24106


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan hasil asesmen penggunaan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif Biologi oleh siswa sebagai  identifikasi tingkat digital literasi pendukung program merdeka belajar di Aceh Barat. Penelitian dilakukan di dua SMA Negeri Kabupaten Aceh Barat. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada semester ganjil tahun 2020. Sampel penelitian di ambil dari kelas XII MIA dari masing-masing sekolah yaitu SMA N 1 Meureubo berjumlah 30 siswa dan MAN 2 Aceh Barat berjumlah 30 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisa data menggunakan statistika deskriptif dengan tahapan Penilaian Acuan Patokan (PAP Tipe II). Berdasarkan hasis asesmen dibuktikan bahwa tingkat literasi digital siswa masuk penilaian kategori Tinggi pada MAN 2 Aceh Barat. Sedangkan Pada SMA N 1 Meureubo kategori penilaian tingkat literasi digital siswa Rendah.  Membuktikan bahwa penggunaan akses Multimedia interaktif disekolah di SMA Aceh Barat belum merata digunakan oleh siswa. Penerapan multimedia interaktif oleh guru belum diterapkan secara maksimal, artinya pengetahuan dan keahlian digital literasi guru SMA Aceh Barat  belum termediasi dan terfasilitasi dengan baik. Kata Kunci: Tingkat Digital  Literasi, Multimedia, Multimedia Interaktif Abstract: This study aims to prove the results of the assessment of the use of interactive multimedia learning Biology by students as identification of the digital literacy level to support the independent learning program in West Aceh.The research was conducted in two State Senior High Schools of West Aceh Regency. The research was conducted in the odd semester of 2020. The research sample was taken from class XII MIA from each school, namely SMA N 1 Meureubo totaling 30 students and MAN 2 Aceh Barat totaling 30 students. The research approach uses a quantitative approach.The data collection techniques used were questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistics with the Benchmark Reference Assessment stage (PAP Type II). Based on the results of the assessment, it was proven that the digital literacy level of students was included in the High category assessment at MAN 2 Aceh Barat. Meanwhile, at SMA N 1 Meureubo, the assessment category for students' digital literacy level is Low. It proves that the use of interactive multimedia access in schools in West Aceh High School has not been evenly used by students. The teacher's application of interactive multimedia has not been maximally applied, meaning that the digital literacy knowledge and skills of West Aceh Senior High School teachers have not been mediated and facilitated properly.Keyword: Levels of Digital Literacy, digital literacy, Multimedia, Interactive Multimedia.
Pattern Recognition on Vehicle Number Plates Using a Fast Match Algorithm Cahaya Jatmoko; Daurat Sinaga; Edi Sugiarto; Nur Rokhman; Heru Lestiawan
Journal of Applied Intelligent System Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Journal of Applied Intelligent System
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro and IndoCEISS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/jais.v6i2.4625


Computer Vision was the fast developing apps in the world, it is make people make a lot of new algorithm. Before we can use in out app, we need to test the algorithm to make sure how effective and optimal the algorithm to solve every case we given. A lot of traffic system has implemented computer vision, they need fast and can work in every condition, because every vehicle who pass needs to be recognized. In this research Fast Match algorithm was chosen because they can solve some test and make a lot of image have a similarity with the template. It makes accuracy of the data can be achieved with this algorithm. For example on of the sample was have a SAD point for 0.5 and Overlap Error for 0.5 and can run in standard computer just for a couple second. It makes the template and the original image has a little similarity.
Kriteria pemilihan dan prinsip pemanfaatan media pembelajaran berbasis TIK sesuai kebutuhan peserta didik Mohamad Miftah; Nur Rokhman
Educenter : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Educenter : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55904/educenter.v1i4.92


The use of ICT as a learning resource and media can be through the use of computer and mobile/smartphone devices as innovative learning resources and media. The purpose of writing the article is to share how to know the selection criteria for learning media and the selection procedure according to the needs of students. The research method used is library research. The research data is based on the findings of previous studies and studies, some underlying theories, and empirical findings. Researchers become developers, teaching/instructors of ICT-based learning media. The result of the research is that the selection criteria and the principles of using ICT as a learning medium are the basis and key to the success of learning outcomes. The teacher's role is very important in mastering ICT skills and mastering the ability to choose media and the principles of using ICT correctly and appropriately according to the needs of students and learning objectives. This library research is expected to be a material for wealth and literacy for teachers and developers of ICT based learning media at the conceptual and applied level.
Development of Android-Based 3d Animation Learning Applications to Support Distance Learning for the D4 Animation Study Program, Udinus Semarang Nur Rokhman; Novi Hendriyanto
Journal of Applied Intelligent System Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Journal of Applied Intelligent System
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro and IndoCEISS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/jais.v7i2.6814


The existence of the COVID-19 pandemic has become a big problem in practicum courses, especially the 3D1 Animation course at the Dian Nuswantoro University animation study program, Semarang. Lecturers cannot guide students directly when experiencing obstacles in the learning process such as during face-to-face learning. The purpose of this research is to create an android application for learning media 3d1 animation. In this application there are several menus including the semester learning plan menu, video tutorials, task collection, consultation with lecturers, remote desktop requests and othersRemote desktop features to make it easier for lecturers to guide students remotely. This study uses the waterfall method, namely software requirements analysis, design, development, testing, and maintenance with testing using the black box method. The test results show that each aspect has results that can be concluded as successful and feasible. This research succeeded in developing android-based 3d1 animation learning media.
Cut-Out Animation dalam Perancangan Konten Youtube Bertema Kepahlawanan Arif Sutrisno; Nur Rokhman
ANDHARUPA: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Vol 8, No 04 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Dian Nuswantoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/andharupa.v8i04.7632


AbstrakYoutube merupakan media yang baik untuk membantu anak-anak belajar tentang sejarah. Namun konten sejarah di kanal Youtube dalam bentuk masih belum banyak ditemui salah satunya karena proses pembuatan konten animasi yang cenderung sulit. Cut-out animation merupakan teknik animasi yang sederhana dalam proses produksinya sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah film animasi infografis dengan konten sejarah dengan pemilihan kisah Pahlawan Indonesia yaitu pangeran Diponegoro dengan menggunakan teknik cut-out animation untuk konten Youtube. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) meliputi Concept (Topic, Data Search, Analysis, Synopsis, Script), Design (Asset Design, Storyboard), Material Collecting (Dubbing), Assembly (Animate, Input Audio, Editing), Testing (Rendering, Testing), dan Distribution (Publishing). Penelitian ini menghasilkan film animasi sejarah berjudul Diponegoro berdasarkan kisah Pangeran Diponegoro yang dibuat dengan teknik cut-out animation. Teknik cut-out animation sangat cocok untuk konten Youtube khususnya yang bertema kepahlawanan karena proses produksinya sederhana dan hasilnya menarik, singkat, lengkap, sederhana, membantu daya ingat informasi, serta mendorong penonton untuk berlangganan (subscribe). Kata Kunci: Animasi Sejarah, Cut-out animation, MDLC, Youtube AbstractYoutube is an excellent medium to help children learn about history. However, historical content on the Youtube channel in the form still needs to be widely found because the process of creating animated content tends to be complicated. Cut-out animation is a simple animation technique in the production process. This research aims to design an infographic animated film with historical content by choosing the story of an Indonesian hero, Prince Diponegoro, using cut-out animation techniques for YouTube content. The research method used is MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) covering Concept (Topic, Data Search, Analysis, Synopsis, Script), Design (Asset Design, Storyboard), Material Collecting (Dubbing), Assembly (Animate, Audio Input, Editing), Testing (Rendering, Testing), and Distribution (Publishing). This research produced a historical animated film entitled Diponegoro based on Prince Diponegoro's story, which was made using cut-out animation techniques. The cut-out animation technique is very suitable for Youtube content, especially those with heroic themes because the production process is simple. The results are interesting, short, complete, and simple, which helps information retention and encourages viewers to subscribe. Keyword: Cut-out animation, Historical Animation, MDLC, Youtube
Menanamkan Sikap Kemadirian Dan Tanggung Jawab Pada Anak Melalui Aplikasi Digital Interaktif Noor Hasyim; Nur Rokhman; Rahmawan Hatmantrika
Jurnal MAVIB Vol 4 No 2 (2023): MAVIB Journal - Agustus 2023
Publisher : Universitas Raharja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33050/mavib.v4i2.2794


Penelitian diarahkan pada pendidikan karakter kemandirian dan tanggung jawab pada anak usia dini melaui aplikasi digital interaktif. Pendidikan anak di usia dini sangat penting sekali karena pada masa tersebut anak memasuki masa yang dinamakan dengan golden age atau masa emas anak. Saat ini proses pedidikan PAUD masih belum banyak melibatkan teknologi. Sedangkan kondisi sekarang anak-anak memiliki kesempatan luas untuk mempelajari segala jenis pengetahuan. Hal ini memicu penyampaian pendidikan karakter anak usia dini perlu dilakukan melalui pendekatan modern menggunakan keterlibatan teknologi. Pembuatan aplikasi digital interaktif merupakan salah satu upaya dan alternatif media untuk menanamkan pendidikan karakter pada anak usia dini. Penelitian ini Metode perancangan digital yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Circle) karena merupakan metode pengembangan multimedia yang banyak digunakan saat ini dan sesuai untuk pemecahan masalah. Penelitian ini mengasilkan sebuah aplikasi digital interaktif yang dapat diinstal pada perangkat mobile berbasisi android.
Perancangan Aplikasi Kamus Istilah Jawa Berbasis Android sebagai Upaya Pelestarian Budaya Jawa Muljono Muljono; Nur Rokhman; Junta Zeniarja; Raden Arief Nugroho; Valentina Widya Suryaningtyas; Bayu Aryanto
ANDHARUPA: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Vol 9, No 04 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : Dian Nuswantoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33633/andharupa.v9i4.9282


AbstrakSalah satu bahasa daerah di Indonesia yang paling beragam dan kaya kosakatanya adalah bahasa Jawa.  Namun, seringkali sulit bagi orang memahami arti istilah-istilah Jawa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan aplikasi kamus digital istilah Jawa yang akan membantu pengguna memahami dan menggunakan istilah Jawa.  Aplikasi dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini memungkinkan akses cepat dan mudah bagi pengguna dalam mencari istilah Jawa beserta definisi, contoh penggunaan, dan informasi terkait lainnya. Aplikasi ini dilengkapi fitur-fitur tambahan seperti pengucapan audio dan fitur urun daya yang memungkinkan masyarakat dapat menambah database tetapi tetap menunggu validasi dari pengelola aplikasi.  Dalam pengembangan aplikasi kamus digital ini menggunakan metode waterfall dan metode blackbox untuk metode pengujiannya.  Penelitian ini menghasilkan aplikasi kamus digital bahasa Jawa yang bernama "Senarai Istilah Jawa" yang bertujuan untuk membantu masyarakat memahami dan menggunakan istilah Jawa dan sebagai salah satu bentuk upaya membantu pelestarian bahasa daerah di Indonesia. Kata Kunci: aplikasi android, budaya, kamus istilah Jawa, metode waterfall AbstractOne of the regional languages in Indonesia that is most diverse and rich in vocabulary is Javanese. However, it is often difficult for people to understand the meaning of Javanese terms. The aim of this research is to develop a digital dictionary application of Javanese terms that will help users understand and use Javanese terms. The application developed in this research allows users quick and easy access to search for Javanese terms along with definitions, usage examples and other related information. This application is equipped with additional features such as audio pronunciations and a crowdsourcing feature that allows people to add to the database but still wait for validation from the application manager. In developing this digital dictionary application, the waterfall method and black box method were used for testing methods. This research produces a digital Javanese dictionary application called "Senarai Istilah Jawa" which aims to help people understand and use Javanese terms and as a form of effort to help preserve regional languages in Indonesia. Keywords: android application, culture, dictionary of Javanese terms, waterfall method