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Analisis Faktor-faktor Experiential Marketing yang mempengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen terhadap Sepeda Motor Yamaha Mio di Universitas Muria Kudus Winahyuningsih, Panca; Nugraheni, Fitri; Istikhomah, -
Jurnal Sosial Budaya Vol 4, No 2 (2011): Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Muria Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (354.968 KB)


Problem in this study were as follows: Does experiential marketing which consists of a variable Sense, Feel, Think,  Act, Relate can influence purchasing decisions partially or multiple of the product Yamaha Mio at the University of  Muria Kudus? And which variable has the highest impact in influencing purchasing decisions Yamaha Mio at the  University of Muria Kudus? The results of regression analysis is known to have a positive and significant influence  between variables Sense, Feel, Think, Act, and Relate partially based on the test results obtained for the variable  Sense t test value of 2,317; Feel at 5,238; 2,095 Think; Act of 2,587; for Relate 2,084; and 1,986 greater than at  table. This means a partial fifth variable consisted of Sense, Feel, Think, Act, and Relate has a positive and  significant influence on purchase decisions Yamaha brand motor cycles are based on the F test results, obtained F  tes of 12,047 is greater 2,32 than F table and a significance value of 0.000 is smaller than 0.05. From the results of  regression analysis were the variables that have a Feel of greater influence than other variables, while its influence  is jointly significant and positive influence on purchase decision variables, with contribution of 63,6 % and other  variables beyond the study of 35,4 %.
Inovasi Tandon Air Beton Pracetak: Karakteristik Teknis dan Kelayakan Ekonomi Winarno, Setya; Nugraheni, Fitri; Rudatin, Ari
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 22, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (537.919 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2015.22.1.2


Abstrak. Saat ini, tandon air beton dengan metode “cor di tempat” masih menggunakan teknologi konvensional dan memakan waktu konstruksi yang lama. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan kebaruan melalui inovasi tandon air beton dengan metode “pracetak” sesuai karakteristik teknis SNI dan harga yang mampu untuk menembus pasar. Tahapan penelitian dimulai dengan investigasi ke pabrik pembuatan tandon air beton dan dilanjutkan dengan pengujian karakteristik material penyusun beton dan panel-panel pracetak dengan beberapa variasi diameter besi tulangan sebagai perkuatan. Kekuatan struktur diuji terhadap kuat desak dan kuat lentur. Penentuan diameter besi tulangan dilakukan dengan optimasi agar tandon air ini aman untuk diletakkan di bawah tanah yang berada di bawah garasi mobil keluarga. Kemudian, studi kelayakan ekonomi dilakukan melalui perhitungan harga pokok produksi, yang kemudian dibandingkan dengan harga pasaran melalui survei. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa panel pracetak sesuai standar SNI memiliki kuat desak beton rata-rata 25,8 MPa dan kuat lentur terendah 157,23 kg.m pada perkuatan dengan besi anyaman 2,6 mm. Tandon ini aman untuk diletakkan di bawah garasi mobil keluarga dengan faktor aman sebesar 187%. Perhitungan harga tandon air beton pracetak volume 1000 liter di Yogyakarta adalah sebesar Rp 1.300.000,00 yang relatif dapat bersaing dengan tandon air beton konvensional seharga Rp 1.350.000,00 dan tandon air stainless steel sebesar Rp 2.125.000,00. Abstract. Currently, concrete water tank with ”cast in situ” method has still been using conventional technology and needed long construction schedule. This novel research innovates concrete water tank with ”precast” method which corresponds to Indonesian Standard (SNI) and is able to compete in open market price. The stage of the research begun with an investigation to an existing plant of concrete water tank and testing of characteristic analysis of concrete material and precast panels with variety diameter of wiremess steel as reinforcement. Structural strengths of concrete panels were measured by compression and bending moment tests. The diameter of wiremess steel was decided through optimisation in which concrete water tank is significantly safe if burried beneath a family private garage. Then, an economy feasibility study to measure basic production costs was accomplished and this was compared with the normal price of open market. The research found that concrete panels fulfilled SNI with 25,8 MPa in compression strength test, the lowest bending moment was 157,23 kg.m for panels with 2,6 mm diameter of wiremess steel. This concrete water tank was safe when burried beneath a family private garage with safety factor of 187%. The price of 1000 litre of concrete water tank in Yogyakarta was Rp 1.300.000,00 in which it can compete with conventional concrete water tanks by price of Rp 1.350.000,00 and stainless steel water tanks by price of Rp 2.125.000,00.
Recommendation of Knockdown Building Design at Yogyakarta Sand Dunes (Restricted and Heritage Areas) Bhaskara, Adwitya; Nugraheni, Fitri; Hanafi, N. Faried
Semesta Teknika Vol 22, No 1 (2019): MEI 2019
Publisher : Semesta Teknika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/st.221239


Sand dunes located in Special Region of Yogyakarta Indonesia is a restricted caused by the heritage and there only four spread in hemisphere one of them in Yogyakara, Indonesia. To build in sand dunes area building could not be built arbitrarily. Portable and knockdown is the character of the building that could be adjust to the conditions in Sand dunes. By the observation results compact building design with cold formed steel material for the main building material is the recommendation of this case. The design is then consulted with sub-contractors who are expert in their expertise as the validation stage, it is feasible to be transformed into a real building for the specific needs. Output of this research is recommendation of portable building model in modular form, where the design recommendation has been adjusted with building requirement in heritage and restricted area, which is also an area prone to tsunamis and wind disasters, therefore the recommended building are; easy to remove, easy to disassemble (knockdown), forward tsunami load, efficient cost and time (using cold formed steel material and prefabricated GRC), eco friendly (zero waste), does not require many workers (less man power).
Construction and Material Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2020): CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL JOURNAL VOL. 2 NO. 2 JULI 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

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AbstractA construction project has several factors that affect the success of a project. One of the factors was an optimal project’s cash flow. Optimizing cash flow of a construction project can be done by making several cash flow plans, and choosing the best one considering appropriate project’s time and cost constraints. The purpose of this study is to obtain an optimal cash flow plan on a construction project  using a capital loan from Sharia Bank.This research will be carried out on a specific project which is Construction and Rehabilitation Project of Government Health Service Building, District of Gunungkidul. In this study, the method used to analyze data is to make several project cash flow based on “Earliest Start” scheme by determining the duration for each activity and creating a network diagram using the Precedence Diagram Method (PDM). The final step is analysing the cash flow by calculating negative overdraft for each cash flow plan to determine the amount of capital loan from Sharia Bank and then comparing profits to obtain the optimal one.Analysis and discussion reveal that on the system of given Down Payment, and Project’s Termyn 50%, 75% and 100%, and a loan from Sharia Bank it is found that the optimum cash flow will make profit of 7.49%. Keywords: Cash Flow, Earliest Start (ES), Optimal Profit, Sharia Bank.AbstrakProyek konstruksi memiliki beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kelancaran proyek tersebut, salah satu yang mempengaruhi proyek tersebut adalah cash flow optimal. Optimalisasi cash flow suatu proyek konstruksi dapat dilakukan dengan membuat rencana cash flow secara tepat dari suatu proyek. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan rencana cash flow optimal pada proyek konstruksi dengan menggunakan sumber modal bank syariah.Obyek penelitian akan dilakukan pada proyek Pembangunan dan Rehabilitasi Gedung Pelayanan Kesehatan Pemerintah Kab. Gunungkidul. Pada penelitian ini dalam analisis data dibuat rencana cash flow proyek dengan menentukan durasi untuk setiap kegiatan dan membuat diagram jaringan kerja earliest start menggunakan metode Precedence Diagram Method (PDM) dengan bantuan software microsoft. Langkah terakhir adalah analisis cash flow dengan menentukan overdrat negatif pada rencana cash flow untuk menentukan nominal pinjaman dengan menggunakan sumber modal bank syariah lalu membandingan keuntungan untuk mendapatkan profit optimal.Hasil analisis cash flow dan pembahasan didapat beberapa kesimpulan yaitu pada sistem pembayaran uang muka, termin 50%, termin 75% dan termin 100% dari owner serta menggunakan pendanaan bank syariah didapatkan cash flow optimal pada kondisi penjadwalan earliest start dengan persentase profit sebesar 7,49%. Kata kunci: Cash Flow, Earliest Start (ES), Optimal Profit, Bank Syariah.
Scheduling of Application for Siteplan Authorization Permit Case of Licensing Process at Investment and Integrated Licensing Services Office in Sleman Regency Nugraheni, Fitri; Abma, Vendie; Yasien, Sigit
Applied Research on Civil Engineering and Environment (ARCEE) Vol 1, No 02 (2020): Urban Building and Infrastructure

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/arcee.v1i02.2680


The permit process must comply with laws and regulations. The permit functions as controlling and supervising tool from the government of activities in certain cases based on the guidelines that must be implemented. The permit also functions as a disciplinarian and regulator in accordance with the law in the administration of government. In the process, several constrains or obstacles often occur in terms of the period of the process as well as technical and non-technical constrains. In this research, an analysis of the scheduling of the site plan permit approval process is based on field data related to the site plan permit approval process with the PERT method. The data used are primary data in the form of interviews and filling in the form of questions and secondary data in the form of a site plan approval process flow. The data that has been collected is then processed and analyzed in several stages. First, calculate the expected time period (te) using interview data and the results of filling in the expected time period (te), so that the expected time period for each activity will be found in accordance with the site plan approval process flow. Second, determine the dependency relationship between activities. In this stage, the relationship between each activity is determined. Third, create a network by changing the existing site authorization process flow into a form of network planning. The results of the schedule using the PERT method are a period of 38 days with alternatives that can be done to reach the time (Tx) of 18 working days in accordance with the Regent Regulations. In addition, the probability of the overall activity being completed is 0.8531 or 85.31%.
Kajian Desain Rumah Sakit Mobil Maharika, Ilya Fadjar; Risdiyono, Risdiyono; Kusriyanto, Medilla; Sujarwo, Ari; Nugraheni, Fitri; Nurmianto, Awaluddin; Danarti, Retno; Suswardana, Suswardana; Arasya Maharika, Raka Affa; Fadillah, Titania Nur
Jurnal Arsitektur dan Perencanaan (JUARA) Vol 4, No 2 (2021): September (Jurnal Arsitektur dan Perencanaan)
Publisher : Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31101/juara.v4i2.2074


Bencana dan pandemi memerlukan respon sistem kesehatan yang gesit. Karakter geografis Indonesia juga menuntut kelincahan di satu sisi dan integrasi sistem di sisi lain yang belum sepenuhnya direspons oleh sistem eksisting yang mengandalkan infrastruktur stasioner. Saat ini, dalam literatur dan praktik global, mobile health care system telah menjadi trend namun belum menjadi bagian dari wacana di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memulai desain rumah sakit modular untuk mengisi kesenjangan sistemik ini. Penelitian pendahuluan ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode tinjauan pustaka naratif untuk mengidentifikasi kriteria desain kritis sebagai bagian dari metodologi penelitian desain. Artikel ini merekomendasikan enam kriteria penting untuk ide desain arsitektur dan pengembangan kebijakan untuk rumah sakit mobile modular.
Recommendation of Knockdown Building Design at Yogyakarta Sand Dunes (Restricted and Heritage Areas) Adwitya Bhaskara; Fitri Nugraheni; N. Faried Hanafi
Semesta Teknika Vol 22, No 1 (2019): MEI 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/st.221239


Sand dunes located in Special Region of Yogyakarta Indonesia is a restricted caused by the heritage and there only four spread in hemisphere one of them in Yogyakara, Indonesia. To build in sand dunes area building could not be built arbitrarily. Portable and knockdown is the character of the building that could be adjust to the conditions in Sand dunes. By the observation results compact building design with cold formed steel material for the main building material is the recommendation of this case. The design is then consulted with sub-contractors who are expert in their expertise as the validation stage, it is feasible to be transformed into a real building for the specific needs. Output of this research is recommendation of portable building model in modular form, where the design recommendation has been adjusted with building requirement in heritage and restricted area, which is also an area prone to tsunamis and wind disasters, therefore the recommended building are; easy to remove, easy to disassemble (knockdown), forward tsunami load, efficient cost and time (using cold formed steel material and prefabricated GRC), eco friendly (zero waste), does not require many workers (less man power).
TEKNISIA Vol. XXV, No. 1, Mei 2020
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/teknisia.vol25.iss1.art5


The western region of Sumatra Island is an area located on the world's active plate margin, which is reflected by the high frequency of earthquake events. An effort to reduce the impact of the earthquake disaster is to conduct a seismic hazard analysis. There have been many studies on seismic hazard in the West Sumatra region. Still, in the surrounding areas such as Riau, which borders directly with the territory, there has never been an earthquake hazard mapping micro zonation. This study aims to determine the value of surface acceleration for various districts or cities in Riau Province, by knowing the amount of surface acceleration, it will be able to identify the areas that have a relatively high level of earthquake risk. The Surface acceleration analysis is done by using the probabilistic Seismic hazard method (PSHA) using The SR Model software. The results of this study are obtained from 12 districts or cities located in Riau in which three areas have a high value of surface acceleration, those are Rokan Hulu regency, Kampar regency), and Kuantan Singingi regency). The amount of surface acceleration in Riau province in the 0.0 second period or peak ground acceleration (PGA) is in the range 0.097 - 0.78 g, then in the 0.2 second period the surface acceleration is in the range 0.204 – 1.943 g, and in the 1 second period of the surface acceleration is in the range 0.176 - 1.155 g.
Inovasi Tandon Air Beton Pracetak: Karakteristik Teknis dan Kelayakan Ekonomi Setya Winarno; Fitri Nugraheni; Ari Rudatin
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 22 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2015.22.1.2


Abstrak. Saat ini, tandon air beton dengan metode "cor di tempat" masih menggunakan teknologi konvensional dan memakan waktu konstruksi yang lama. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan kebaruan melalui inovasi tandon air beton dengan metode "pracetak" sesuai karakteristik teknis SNI dan harga yang mampu untuk menembus pasar. Tahapan penelitian dimulai dengan investigasi ke pabrik pembuatan tandon air beton dan dilanjutkan dengan pengujian karakteristik material penyusun beton dan panel-panel pracetak dengan beberapa variasi diameter besi tulangan sebagai perkuatan. Kekuatan struktur diuji terhadap kuat desak dan kuat lentur. Penentuan diameter besi tulangan dilakukan dengan optimasi agar tandon air ini aman untuk diletakkan di bawah tanah yang berada di bawah garasi mobil keluarga. Kemudian, studi kelayakan ekonomi dilakukan melalui perhitungan harga pokok produksi, yang kemudian dibandingkan dengan harga pasaran melalui survei. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa panel pracetak sesuai standar SNI memiliki kuat desak beton rata-rata 25,8 MPa dan kuat lentur terendah 157,23 kg.m pada perkuatan dengan besi anyaman 2,6 mm. Tandon ini aman untuk diletakkan di bawah garasi mobil keluarga dengan faktor aman sebesar 187%. Perhitungan harga tandon air beton pracetak volume 1000 liter di Yogyakarta adalah sebesar Rp 1.300.000,00 yang relatif dapat bersaing dengan tandon air beton konvensional seharga Rp 1.350.000,00 dan tandon air stainless steel sebesar Rp 2.125.000,00. Abstract. Currently, concrete water tank with "cast in situ" method has still been using conventional technology and needed long construction schedule. This novel research innovates concrete water tank with "precast" method which corresponds to Indonesian Standard (SNI) and is able to compete in open market price. The stage of the research begun with an investigation to an existing plant of concrete water tank and testing of characteristic analysis of concrete material and precast panels with variety diameter of wiremess steel as reinforcement. Structural strengths of concrete panels were measured by compression and bending moment tests. The diameter of wiremess steel was decided through optimisation in which concrete water tank is significantly safe if burried beneath a family private garage. Then, an economy feasibility study to measure basic production costs was accomplished and this was compared with the normal price of open market. The research found that concrete panels fulfilled SNI with 25,8 MPa in compression strength test, the lowest bending moment was 157,23 kg.m for panels with 2,6 mm diameter of wiremess steel. This concrete water tank was safe when burried beneath a family private garage with safety factor of 187%. The price of 1000 litre of concrete water tank in Yogyakarta was Rp 1.300.000,00 in which it can compete with conventional concrete water tanks by price of Rp 1.350.000,00 and stainless steel water tanks by price of Rp 2.125.000,00.
Prosiding Semnastek PROSIDING SEMNASTEK 2017
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

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Tujuan utama kontraktor pada proyek konstruksi adalah mendapatkan keuntungan yang besar. Ada kondisi di mana kontraktor mempunyai keterbatasan sumber daya finansial,  maka kontraktor memerlukan suatu pendanaan alternatif yang didukung perencanaan cash flow yang optimal untuk mendapatkan profit yang besar. Saat ini pendanaan banyak menggunakan dari bank konvensional, penelitian tentang hal tersebut telah dilakukan (Sulistyantoro, 2017). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan cash flow optimal sistem pembayaran bulanan tanpa uang muka dari owner menggunakan perbandingan kondisi penjadwalan Earliest Start Time (EST), Latest Start Time (LST) dan kondisi leveling (pergeseran) pada proyek konstruksi dengan memanfaatkan pendanaan dari bank syariah. Obyek penelitian dilakukan pada proyek pembangunan Hotel Arizon Yogyakarta. Metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data adalah penjadwalan proyek dengan metode Precedence Diagram Method (PDM), langkah berikutnya adalah analisis cash flow optimal menggunakan perbandingan pada berbagai kondisi penjadwalan dengan memanfaatkan pendanaan dari bank syariah untuk mendapatkan profit maksimal. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan cash flow pada kondisi penjadwalan EST dengan profit 8.328%, kondisi penjadwalan LST dengan profit 6.922%, kondisi penjadwalan leveling 1 dengan profit 8.200%, kondisi penjadwalan leveling 2 dengan profit 7.998% dan kondisi penjadwalan leveling 3 dengan profit 7.295%. Kesimpulan pada penilitian ini adalah cash flow optimal sistem pembayaran bulanan tanpa uang muka dari owner dengan memanfaatkan pendanaan dari bank syariah yang memberikan profit maksimal yaitu pada kondisi penjadwalan Earliest Start Time (EST), hal ini serupa dengan hasil pendanaan pada bank konvensional. Namun, besarnya profit yang diperoleh bank syariah (8.328%) lebih kecil daripada bank konvensional (9.258%).