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Customer Satısfactıon (Publıc Satısfactıon) on Servıces in Admınıstratıve Vıllage Offıce Muhartini Salim; Syamsul Bachri; Muhammad Rahman Febliansa
APMBA (Asia Pacific Management and Business Application) Vol 7, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (326.004 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.apmba.2018.007.01.2


It is widely acknowledged that employees in public sector are responsible towards the community or its customers, in order to fulfill the public satisfaction. During reformation era in Indonesia, public sector services also one of the domain that the government need to pay attention on. Therefore this study aimed at determine some factors such as tangible, reliability, responsiveness, empathy, and assurance that individually influence on customer satisfaction. Respondents were 200 visitors of one of the largest public health provider in one of the growing region in south of Indonesia, Bengkulu municipality. The statistics analysis used in this research was Structural Equation Model operated through AMOS 21 program. The results showed that tangible, reliability, responsiveness, empathy, and assurance individually influence customer satisfaction. 
Gaya Hidup Gamer Online: Pengguna Voucher Top UP Garena Muhammad Rahman Febliansa; Tri Febrina Melinda; Desti Rupita Sari
EKOMBIS REVIEW: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 10 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : UNIVED Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1997.287 KB) | DOI: 10.37676/ekombis.v10i1.1756


The purpose of this study is to investigate discusses the life style of Gamer Online used Garena voucher in Bengkulu city. The research was conducted by using questionnaires. The quistionnaires were distributed to the 300 respondent who used Garena voucher. In the data analisys, approach used qualitative descriptive. This study used purposive sampling as method. Based on the mean analysis of the VLAM is four dimensions of live style on respondent, the obtained results that are categorized as having a very high value categories. They, must to do inovation of voucher Garena design but, them should keep other aspect such as, social marketing. Therefore, the better implemented by shops, it will provide a better impact toward outlet purchase Garena Voucher of Bengkulu city.
Pengaruh Brand Awareness dan Brand Trust terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Fried Chicken pada Allbaik Chicken Cabang Sawah Lebar Kota Bengkulu Rintan Harumi Prameswari; Karona Cahya Susena; M. Rahman Febliansa
EKOMBIS REVIEW: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 10 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UNIVED Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37676/ekombis.v10i2.2059


This study aims to determine the effect of brand awareness and brand trust on the purchasing decision of fried chicken at Allbaik Sawah Lebar Branch, Bengkulu City. The sample in this study were 50 customers who had purchased fried chicken at Allbaik Sawah Lebar Branch, Bengkulu City. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. The analytical method used is multiple regression analysis, hypothesis testing t and hypothesis testing f. The regression results show that there is a positive influence between brand awareness and brand trust on purchasing decisions at Allbaik Sawah Lebar Branch, Bengkulu City because the regression direction has a positive direction, namely Y = 10.256 + 0.580X1 + 0.396X2. Brand awareness has a significant effect on purchasing decisions at Allbaik Sawah Lebar Branch, Bengkulu City, because the significant value of 0.000 is smaller than 0.05. This means that increasing attention to brand awareness will increase purchasing decisions for Allbaik Sawah Lebar Branch, Bengkulu City. Brand trust has a significant influence on purchasing decisions at Allbaik Sawah Lebar Branch, Bengkulu City because the significant value of 0.007 is smaller than 0.05. This illustrates that the more precise the employee's brand trust, the purchasing decisions will also increase. Brand awareness and brand trust jointly have a significant effect on employee purchasing decisions at Allbaik Sawah Lebar Branch, Bengkulu City, thus the initial hypothesis proposed is proven (Ha accepted). That is, there is a significant influence between brand awareness and brand trust on joint purchasing decisions. The coefficient of determination of R square is 0.562. This means that brand awareness and brand trust affect purchasing decisions by 56.2% while the rest (100-56.2% = 43.3%) is influenced by other causal factors not examined in this study.
Impact of Price, Brand Image and Product Quality on Purchase Decisions in the Hexohm Bengkulu Vape Community Hafiz Agung Rasuma; Ida Ayu Made E. Gayatri; M.Rahman Febliansa
Journal of Indonesian Management (JIM) Vol. 2 No. 4 (2022): December
Publisher : Penerbit ADM Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53697/jim.v2i4.1077


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of price, brand image and product quality on purchasing decisions in the Bengkulu Hexohm vape community. This research is quantitative descriptive. The method used is a questionnaire method. The sample of this study was 100 respondents in the Bengkulu Hexohm vape community. The results of multiple linear regression show that Y = 21.251+0.672 (X1)+ 0.174 (X2) + 0.450 (X3) + 9.735, that the regression coefficient is positive, meaning that there is a positive or unidirectional relationship between price, brand image and product quality on the Vape Community Hexohm Bengkulu. The results of the price test (X1) show tcount 3,007 > ttable 1,660 and a significance of 0,003 < 0,05, then the results of the hypothesis Ha are accepted and Ho is rejected, meaning that the price (X1) has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions (Y) in the Hexohm Vape Community Bengkulu . The results of the brand image test (X2) show tcount 0.688 < ttable 1,660 and significance 0.493 > 0.05, then the results of the hypothesis Ha are rejected and Ho is accepted, meaning that brand image (X2) has no effect on purchasing decisions (Y) in the Hexohm Vape Community Bengkulu . The results of the product quality test (X3) show tcount 5.742 > ttable 1,660 and significance 0.000 <0.05, then the results of the hypothesis Ha are accepted and Ho is rejected, meaning product quality (X3) has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions (Y) in the Vape Community Hexohm Bengkulu. The result of the Fcount value is greater than the Ftable value, which is 12.807 > 2.70, so it is concluded that Accepting the Hypothesis, meaning that there is a simultaneous influence between price (X1), brand image (X2) and product quality (X3) on the purchasing decision variable (Y). This can be seen at the significance level of 0.000 < 0.05.
Pelatihan Peningkatan Keterampilan Literasi Keuangan Digital bagi Ibu-ibu Rumah Tangga Eska Prima Monique Damarsiwi; Karona Cahya Susena; Nenden Restu Hidayah; Muhammad Rahman Febliansa; Yudi Irawan Abi
Jurnal Dehasen Untuk Negeri Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37676/jdun.v2i1.3551


Family is one of the smallest elements in society. The family itself consists of wife, husband and child, where each member of this family has their respective rights and obligations and roles. A father has a role to give a living to an ex-gan and set an example for his child and wife. Whereas as a mother also has an important role in the family. A wife has the role of organizing and managing what is needed in the household, educating children, and helping husbands maintain the household. Based on observations of the family financial recording team used by RT mothers . 31 RW. 07 The Wide Outpouring of the Great Ratu Kota Bengkulu District is still done manually so that there is often an irregular difference in financial calculations and records. Based on the results of observations made by the Dehasen University School of Economics Community Service Team, the swelling felt the need for efforts to be made in order to increase the knowledge of digital financial literacy of RT housewives . 31 RW. 07 Wide Rice Outpouring of the Great Ratu Bengkulu District. As for the efforts to be made, namely providing knowledge about counseling and training in how to practice in the operation of digital financial instruments. Devotional activities carried out by the team on RT mothers . 31 RW. 07 Wide Rice The Great Ratu Bengkulu sub-district is carried out through 2 stages. The first stage: problem identification, lectures and training, introduction and practice of digital financial applications, mentoring the preparation of family financial statements. Whereas the second phase of the team evaluates the learning outcomes of RT housewives . 31 RW. 07 Wide Rice Extent of the Great Ratu Bendangulu District with a post test result of 65% of participants able to answer questions raised by the team in the questionnaire. This shows the nautical as a great mother and mother able to understand the material provided during this PKM activity.
Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Publik Pada Kelurahan Lubuk Lintang Kecamatan Seluma Nina Nina; Nia Indriasari; M. Rahman Febliansa
EKOMBIS REVIEW: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 11 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : UNIVED Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37676/ekombis.v11i1.3525


The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of public services, to determine the satisfaction of the public (community), and to determine the effect of service quality on public satisfaction in Lubuk Lintang Village, Seluma District. The main data of the research is data that comes from respondents through the distribution of questionnaires. Data analysis was carried out descriptively and quantitatively. Quantitative analysis used linear regression and t-test (t-test). The results showed that the quality of service provided by the Lubuk Lintang Village apparatus was quite good, the public (community) satisfaction with the services provided by the Lubuk Lintang Village apparatus, Seluma Subdistrict, was classified as good. The results of this study increase the quality of service can increase community satisfaction based on a linear regression coefficient of 0.300. The hypothesis that was previously proposed was proven, because the t count was the significance was 0.018 < 0.05 ..
The Factors Influencing Interest in Shopee Pay Later Users in Bengkulu Alfin Iman Farizqi; Ahmad Soleh; M Rahman Febliansa
Journal of Indonesian Management (JIM) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): March
Publisher : Penerbit ADM Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53697/jim.v3i1.1145


Organizations are static tools or containers. The organization was founded as a container to achieve the goals that have been set. The objectives to be achieved in this study are: To find out whether the speed of approval, increased effectiveness, increased productivity, ability to pay and security simultaneously affect the interest of online loan users. The method used in collecting data for this research is a questionnaire. The method of data analysis in this study is the Multiple Linear Regression Research Instrument Test the Coefficient of Determination of the Hypothesis.Based on the results of this study it was concluded that there is an influence on the speed of loan approval (X1) on the interest in using Bengkulu online loans (Y) There is an effect of increasing effectiveness (X2) on the interest in using Bengkulu online loans (Y) There is an effect of increasing productivity (X3) on the interest in using loans online Bengkulu (Y) There is an effect of the ability to pay (X4) on the interest in using online loans Bengkulu (Y) There is a security effect (X5) on the interest in using online loans Bengkulu (Y) There is a simultaneous influence on speed of approval, increased effectiveness, increased productivity , the ability to pay and security for the interests of online loan users.
Tourism Sector Development Strategy in Lebong Regency Pad Improvement Reno Oktapian; Ahmad Soleh; Rahman Febliansa
Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, Akuntansi dan Keuangan Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Juli
Publisher : Penerbit ADM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53697/emak.v4i3.1319


The research objective was to determine the marketing strategy of tourism objects in Lebong Regency. The sample in this study were 6 employees at the Lebong Regency Tourism Office who were in charge of marketing tourism in Lebong Regency for internal factors and for external factors, namely visitors or tourists of white water natural attractions in Lebong Regency as many as 30 people, so that the total sample used in this study There were 36 people. The analytical method used was SWOT analysis which consisted of an Internal Strategic Factor Matrix (IFAS) and an External Strategic Factor Matrix (EFAS). The results of research on tourism marketing strategies in Lebong Regency, obtained several conclusions, namely the white water nature tourism marketing strategy in Lebong Regency supports aggressive strategies. The result of the sum of the strengths possessed is 18.52 while the weaknesses are 9.24, so the internal factors quadrant is 18.52– 9.24 = 9.28 meaning that marketing white water nature tourism Lebong Regency exploits strengths and minimizes weaknesses contained internally. The opportunities that this strategy has are 17.60 and the threats are 9.70. So the external quadrant of factors is 17.60 – 9.70 = 7.90 which means high ability to market white water tourism Lebong Regency takes advantage of opportunities and overcomes threats faced by companies in marketing white water tourism .
The Effect Of Marketing Mix On Purchase Decisions In Zea Zahera Manna Furniture Gallery, Bengkulu Selatan Wenti Sundari Sundari; Ida Anggriani; M Rahman Febliansa
Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, Akuntansi dan Keuangan Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Juli
Publisher : Penerbit ADM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53697/emak.v4i3.1369


Customer satisfaction is the most important thing used to attract consumers today. Customer satisfaction is a consumer's feeling of liking or disliking a product after comparing the results of the product with his expectations.The aim of this research is to find out which product, price, promotion and place/location dominantly influence purchasing decisions at the Zea Zahera Manna Furniture Gallery in South Bengkulu. This study uses quantitative research methods, the population in this study is consumers, through a given questionnaire. The technique in taking the research sample using the accidental sampling technique is a technique of determining a sample based on chance, the sample in this study was 45 customers at the Zea Zahera Manna Furniture Gallery, South Bengkulu. Data collection used instruments in the form of questionnaires and the analytical method used was multiple linear regression, determination test and hypothesis testing.Research Results There is a positive and significant influence between products on purchasing decisions at the Zea Zahera Manna furniture gallery in South Bengkulu Regency, which means that the better the product, the more likely it will be to increase purchasing decisions. There is a positive and significant influence between price and purchasing decisions at the Zea Zahera Manna furniture gallery, South Bengkulu Regency, which means that the affordable price of a product will increase purchasing decisions. There is a positive and significant influence between promotion on purchasing decisions at the Zea Zahera Manna furniture gallery, South Bengkulu Regency, which means that the better the promotion is carried out, the purchasing decision will increase. There is a positive and significant influence between place/location on purchasing decisions at the Zea Zahera Manna furniture gallery South Bengkulu Regency, which means that the better the place/location is done, the purchasing decision will increase. There is a positive and significant influence between product, price, promotion and place/location on purchasing decisions at the Zea Zahera Manna furniture gallery, South Bengkulu Regency.