Dwi Handayani Lukman;
Nurdevi Bte Abdul;
English Language Teaching Methodology Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): ELTM: Teaching Instruction and Models
Publisher : FKIP Unismuh Makassar
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DOI: 10.56983/eltm.v2i1.33
This research aimed to know the effect of brainstorming technique in fluency and accuracy of the students’ speaking skill. The population for research was the eighth grade (VIII.6) of UPT SMPN 4 Pinrang that consist of 32 student. This research used quantitative method, with pre-experimental research. The instrument that used to collecting the data was test for students speaking in descriptive text.For results of the information; it appears that the understudies cruel score of pre-test in familiarity is 63.59. While the post-test is higher than mean score of pre-test, it is 80.31. With this improvement, it means that there is a significant difference. The means score of the learners pre-test in exactness is 65.31, whereas the post-test was high than 83.12. It implies that there is significance diverse. The results of advancement speaking from pre-test to post-test talking fluency is 26.29% and speaking accuracy is 27.26%. Therefore, Brainstorming Technique gives effect on students’ speaking skill.
Ira Maya;
Nurdevi Bte Abdul;
Awalia Azis
English Language Teaching Methodology Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): ELTM: Teaching Instruction and Models
Publisher : FKIP Unismuh Makassar
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DOI: 10.56983/eltm.v2i1.62
This research aimed to verify whether the use of Spinning Wheel Media effective to bridging students’ speaking skill in term of pronunciation and vocabulary after being taught through Spinning Wheel Media at the first grade of SMP Negeri 1 Bontomarannu. The researcher applied pre-experimental method with one group pre-test post-test design and the data were collected by giving pre-test, treatment and post-test. The sample of the research was VII 3 of SMP Negeri 1 Bontomarannu which consisted of 16 students. The population of this study was the first grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Bontomarannu which consisted of 296 students in the academic year of 2021/2022. The sample was taken by cluster random sampling technique to select the sample of the research. The technique used for obtaining data was speaking test. The research findings show that the mean score of the students in pronunciation is proved by post-test 53.12 is higher than the mean score of the students in pre-test 34.37. Mean score of the students vocabulary is proved by pre-test 42.18 and post-test 75 and the hypothesis t-test value were 6.54. It means that Ha is accepted. Based on the findings that there is significance difference between the result of pre-test and post-test. Spinning Wheel Media is very good in enhance the students speaking skill in terms of pronunciation and vocabulary.
St. Rahma Wahyuni Amirullah;
Nurdevi Bte Abdul;
Hilda Hafid
English Language Teaching Methodology Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): ELTM: Teaching Instruction and Models
Publisher : FKIP Unismuh Makassar
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DOI: 10.56983/eltm.v2i1.73
This thesis aimed to find out does the use of Visual Art media improve the students to speaking accuracy and make the students in easier at in speaking fluency at SMK Negeri 2 Makassar. The researcher applied pre-experimental method with one gruoup pre-test and post-test design. To collect the data, the researcher used pre-test, treatment and post-test. The result of this research showed that the result of t-test value of level significant (p) = 0.05 with degree of freedom in accuracy (pronunciation) (df) + 29. In fluency (smoothness) (df) + 29. Indicated t-table value is 1.6991 and t-table accuracu (pronunciation) is 16.784, in fluency (smoothness) 14.262. Based on the result data analysis, it is concluded that there is difference significant mean score of the test that have given by researcher using Visual Art media in teaching speaking.
Nurhikmah Ismail;
Nurdevi Bte Abdul;
Andi Asri Jumiaty
English Language Teaching Methodology Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): English Language Teaching Method
Publisher : FKIP Unismuh Makassar
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DOI: 10.56983/eltm.v2i2.110
The objective of this research was to find whether there is significant effect of using Guiding Questions Technique in teaching students to write content of recount text at SMP Negeri 1 Sungguminasa. The method of this research was pre-experimental with one group pre-test and post-test design. The data gathered from pre-test, treatment, and post-test. The result of this research revealed that there was significant effect from students' writings after they applied Guiding Questions Technique to write content of recount text. It was proved from the results of pre-test mean score (48.33) and the post-test mean score was (81.67). Besides, the t-test value (15.418) was higher than the t-table value (1.6991). Based on the data results, it was concluded that Guiding Questions Technique brought significant effect while teaching students to write content of recount text.
Muhammad Ma’ruf Ramadhan H;
Nurdevi Bte Abdul;
Ratu Yulianti Natsir
English Language Teaching Methodology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): ELTM: Teaching Strategies
Publisher : FKIP Unismuh Makassar
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The objective of the research was to find out the students’ perception of teaching strategies and what kind of teaching strategies Lecturers used in English Speaking course at the third semester of English Department in Muhammadiyah University from three classes. The researcher used a descriptive quantitative research as design method because it was comparable to collect the data from students’ perception and gave questionnaire to collecting the data. The sample of this research was fifth semester grade students of English Department which consist of 47 students from three classes. The sample was taken by used Purposive Sampling Technique. Based on the findings, it was found that students gave positive perception on the lecturers teaching strategies used in teaching English speaking course and most of the lecturers used Active learning teaching strategies, the positive response came from their experience in learning process. The result of the research indicated that based on the likers score analysis there were 43 (91% ) out of the students was categorized positive perception in which score classification is 61-100 and 4 (9%) of the students were in neutral perception, and there were 166 students who say more often towards active learning strategies than other leading strategies It was categorized that lecturers’ teaching strategies used in teaching English speaking course effective to apply, it helps the learning teaching process in the class.
Miftahul Jannah;
Nurdevi Bte Abdul;
Sitti Maryam Hamid
English Language Teaching Methodology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): ELTM: Teaching Strategies
Publisher : FKIP Unismuh Makassar
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Speaking is one of the active skills that have to be mastered by students. One of the texts that have to learn by students is procedure text. Procedure text is a text that contains information that includes instruction, procedure or steps or ways that show how something is done. Due to the characteristic the use of demonstration method is an interesting choice. This research aimed to improving students’ speaking skills in procedure text at the twelfth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Makassar using demonstration method. The researchers used pre-experimental research by quantitative method where the data gained from the oral test. The population of the research was the twelfth grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Makassar in the academic year 2020/2021. The sample was taken by using purposive sampling technique there were 20 students of 151 students. The result presented that the students’ pre-test mean score in form of vocabulary was 39 to be 78 in post-test with 100% improvement. Then, the mean score in form of pronunciation was 39 in the pre-test to be 77.5 in the post test with 98.72% improvement. The t-test analysis presented that by applying 0.05 level of significant with the 19 degree freedom (df=20-1), t-test in the form of vocabulary and pronunciation higher than t-table which were 22.16>2.093 and 21.43>2.093. It means that demonstration method has significant effect toward students’ speaking skills in procedure text in the form of vocabulary and pronunciation.
Andi Atika Putri;
Nurdevi Bte Abdul;
Journal of Language Testing and Assessment Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Journal of Language Testing and Assessment (JLTA)
Publisher : FKIP Unismuh Makassar
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DOI: 10.56983/jlta.v1i1.172
The purpose of this research aimed at finding out the students’ ability in speaking accuracy and fluency at SMA Negeri 9 Gowa class X IIS 1. The research used a descriptive quantitative method. The subject of this research was students in SMA Negeri 9 Gowa in tenth grade. The data of the research was collected through speaking tests in oral test form. The result of the research for speaking accuracy showed from 24 students’ there was 1 student (4.17%) who belonged to ‘excellent’ category, 4 students (16.67%) who belonged to ‘good’ category, 6 students (25%) who belonged to ‘fairly good’ category, 6 students (25%) who belonged to ‘poor’ category and 7 students (29.17%) who belonged to ‘very poor’ category. The mean score for speaking accuracy for students in SMA Negeri 9 Gowa at tenth grade was 5.6 which means the level of speaking accuracy of students was categorized as fair level. While for speaking fluency, the result of the research showed from 24 students’ there was 1 student (4.17%) who belonged to ‘excellent’ category, 4 students (16.67%) who belonged to ‘good’ category, 8 students (33.33%) who belonged to ‘fairly good’ category, 5 students (20.83%) who belonged to ‘poor’ category and 6 students (25%) who belonged to ‘very poor’ category. The mean score of speaking fluency of students in SMA Negeri 9 Gowa at tenth grade was 5.9 which mean it was categorized as fair level.
Andi Irwin Maulana;
Nurdevi Bte Abdul;
Muh. Arief Muhsin
Journal of Language Testing and Assessment Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Journal of Language Testing and Assessment (JLTA)
Publisher : FKIP Unismuh Makassar
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DOI: 10.56983/jlta.v1i1.174
Reading is challenging skill for students, where they have to comprehend the content of the text and identify the component of comprehension level. Dealing with this challenging this research aims to prove whether the Schemata Teaching Technique can improve the students’ reading comprehension. The research strategy utilized is classroom action research; it is conducted in two cycles. Each cycle is conducted in four gatherings. Each cycle comprises of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The information are taken from the occasion, archives and witnesses. The result of the inquire about appears that the way to move forward English students comprehension is by expanding their reading dominance utilizing schemata procedure where the students can do more works out which in a roundabout way too increment their comprehension in reading, and the result of post-test is way better than in pre-test. The mean score of pretest 67.74 to 78.61 in posttest cycle I, the mean score of pretest 71.17 to 80.52 in posttest cycle II. The percentages of exhaustiveness of each cycle also show the improvement, with 10.87% in first cycle, 9.35% in second cycle. The researcher suggests to the teachers especially English teachers to be more inventive to make a modern method in learning English uncommonly reading process. The analyst also concludes that educating English through schemata teaching technique can improve the students’ reading comprehension of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 8 Selayar.
Developing Students' Speaking Ability Through Infographics Media at MAN 4 Bone
Melsiani Melsiani;
Nurdevi Bte Abdul;
Wildhan Burhanuddin
English Language Teaching Methodology Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): English Language Teaching Method
Publisher : FKIP Unismuh Makassar
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DOI: 10.56983/eltm.v3i1.184
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the use of Infographics with MAN 4 Bone students in the tenth grade improved students' speaking skills in terms of fluency, fluency, and vocabulary accuracy. Researchers used a pre-experimental design and quantitative methods using one group for pre and post-tests.In the academic year 2021–2022, 87 students of class X MAN 4 Bone are the population of this study. To select the research sample used cluster random sampling method. The speaking test was used as a data collection method.The results showed that Infographics Media succeeded in improving students' speaking ability. Children's eloquence supports it. The mean pre-test score was 4.82, while the post-test mean score was 7.58. The average pre-test for students' accuracy was 5.10, while the post-test average increased to 7.79. Both the accuracy and fluency value of the t-test were higher than the t-table value (17.82 > 1.701) and the accuracy value of the t-test was higher than the t-table value (16.61 > 1.701). As a result, the Null hypothesis was refuted and the Alternative Hypothesis was adopted. The study researchers came to the conclusion that Infographics media improves students' speaking ability.
An Analysis of Teachers' Questioning Strategies to Attract Students' Activeness and Curiosity in the Classroom Interaction
Abdul Rahman;
Nurdevi Bte Abdul;
Andi Bulkis Maghfirah Mannong
English Language Teaching Methodology Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): English Language Teaching Method
Publisher : FKIP Unismuh Makassar
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DOI: 10.56983/eltm.v3i1.207
The purpose of this study were to find out (1) what types of questioning strategies the English teachers used to attract students' activeness and curiosity in the classroom interaction and (2) what are students’ responses on teachers’ questioning strategies at SMP Muhammadiyah Limbung. The subject of this research are 2 English teachers and 6 students with purposive sampling technique. The object of this research are to find out what types of questioning strategies the English teachers used in the classroom interaction and what are students’response on the teachers’ questioning strategies. This research used descriptive qualitative method. Data collected from classroom observation class with field notes and interview. Data analysis is divided into three stages: data reduction, data display, and verification (conclusion drawing).The results of this research was English teachers of SMP Muhammadiyah Limbung used questioning strategies. They used probing questioning strategy and factual questioning strategy. They used some of classification probing questioning strategy, they were prompting probing question, clarifying question and switching probing question. The teachers used probing questioning strategy, especially for using prompting probing question is to make students more excited to answer the question with some clues from their teacher. And then, using clarifying probing question is to make students remember the material that their teacher had been given them before and next, using switching probing question is to give the chance for the other students to answered the question when their friend answered the question, so they can discuss about their answer and make it conclusion to find the right answer. And also they used factual questioning strategy to require the students to recall specific information students have learned. It can conclude that used questioning strategies was very helpful for the teachers to make their students more active in the class and help them to understand about the material delivered by the teacher.