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JUTI: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi Vol 7, No 4, Juli 2009
Publisher : Department of Informatics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (239.01 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j24068535.v7i4.a87


Lotting or purchasing raw materials is one step in Material Requirement Planning. Lotting technique that already known is the Wagner-Within algorithm. This algorithm is widely used because it provides optimal solutions for problem sizedeterministic dynamic reservation at a particular time period in which the needs of the entire period must be completed. It takes a application system of optimization planning raw material requirements using the Wagner-Whitin algorithm. The development of this process begins with building a power module of demand data using Arima method (1,1,1), then followed by forecasting modules of consumer demand for end product by using the multiplicative decomposition forecasting methods, and ends with the development of Materials Requirement Planning module (MRP I) using the Wagner-Whitin algorithm. The results of the test system with test data is the generation of data will form the same pattern that is likely up from week to week. Forecasting results have high accuracy registration of 99.48%, 99.64% and 99.68%. Wagner-Whitin algorithm always produces the combination of weeks. Result of the combination in the first week will produces the minimum cost for the entire week of production.
Jurnal Analisis Bisnis Ekonomi Vol 4 No 2 (2006): Volume 4, Nomor 2, Oktober 2006
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

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The aim of this research is to investigate the empirical evidence about influence perception personal tax payer to bring about self assesment system. Self assesment system is system of tax collection that give to tax payer o calculate, to report, to Tx Servanter Office, and the deposite by him/hisself him/his taxses to Cash of State. This research was to examine whether are there influence perceptions between personal tax payer to bring about selt assesment system. The analysis is based on the answer from respondent where its data are gathered trough questionaires in which ita distribution at Magelang. The sample of this research are personality, who take from employee and official from governmental office. The respondents of this research are 40 respondents. Convenience sampling have used in this research. The method of analysis data are descriptive statistic, validity and reability, and regression, and partial t-test. Result showed that, the data in this research is valid and reliable. The results showed taht perception personal tax payer are influence to bring about self assesment system. The analysis perception personal tax payer to bring about self assesment system have influence with t-test 7.069 and p=0.000, p<0.05.
Peran Guru dalam Menstimulasi Kemampuan Menggambar pada Anak Usia Dini di Raudhatul Athfal Kuningan Jawa Barat laila, Nur; Ulfah, Maulidya; Yani, Ahmad
Journal of Studies in Early Childhood Education (J-SECE) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): Maret 2018, Number 1, Volume 1
Publisher : Prodi PG Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, IKIP Veteran Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31331/sece.v1i1.587


Drawing Activities is one form of learning that serve as aspects of early childhood development. This activity is often applied in RA Qurrata Ayun Kuningan. Drawing activities can run smoothly with stimulus provided by educators, so it is important for teachers to have a standard as a teacher who has creativity and has the ability to compete as a professional early childhood educator. This research is motivated by teachers who have difficulty in conditioning class, problems in this activity often occur because of lack of spirit and confidence of children to the work of drawing. This study aims to increase creativity in the development of childrens talent interest in childrens fine motor The type of research used is qualitative descriptive. Subjects in this study were children in RA Qurrata Ayun Kuningan. The means used to collect this using Observation techniques, interviews and documentation. The results of the research have shown that the role of teachers in stimulating childrens drawing ability, they have role as learning seminar, manager, facilitator, manager, demonstrator, mentor, motivator, evaluator, mediator. Evident from the results of the teachers assessment of the supervisor with a description of Good, the assessment is derived from the daily learning process of teacher which has been observed by the madrasah supervisor. From the results of the observed research, in the process of drawing activity in the children get the results well in the field of art competence. Although, among them there are some children who still find it difficult in drawing. But it can be concluded with the role of appropriate early childhood teachers will achieve the level of child development achievement, especially in the process of drawing activities to support the development of aspects of the development of art, motor and knowledge of what is seen and known that will be expressed through the art images in early childhood.   Keywords: teacher, stimulate, drawing and early childhood   Kegiatan Menggambar merupakan salah satu bentuk pembelajaran aspek perkembangan anak usia dini. Kegiatan ini diterapkan di RA Qurrata A’yun Kuningan. Kegiatan ini dapat berjalan lancar dengan diberikannya stimulus oleh pendidik, untuk itu guru harus memiliki standar kreatif dan kemampuan kompetensi sebagai pendidik anak usia dini yang profesional. Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh guru yang mengalami kesulitan dalam mengelola kelas dan kepercayaan diri anak terhadap hasil karya menggambar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kreatifitas dalam pengembangan seni  dan motorik halus anak. Jenis penelitian adalah dekriptif kualitatif. Subjek adalah anak di RA Qurrata A’yun Kuningan. Cara yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data ini menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa peran guru dalam menstimulasi kemampuan menggambar pada anak yaitu sebagai sember belajar, pengelola, fasilitator, pengelola, demonstrator, pembimbing, motivator, evaluator, mediator. Terbukti dari hasil penilaian guru dari pengawas dengan keterangan baik, penilaian tersebut diperoleh dari proses pembelajaran sehari-hari guru yang  telah diamati oleh pengawas madrasah. Proses kegiatan menggambar pada anak mendapatkan hasil dengan baik dalam bidang kompetensi seni. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan adanya peran guru yang sesuai maka akan tercapainya tingkat capaian perkembangan anak khususnya dalam  proses kegiatan menggambar pada aspek perkembangan seni, motorik terhadap apa yang dilihat dan diketahui yang akan diekspresikan melalui seni gambar pada anak usia dini.     Kata Kunci: guru, stimulus, menggambar dan anak ssia dini
Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 3, No 1 (2011): Jurnal Teknik Elektro
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jte.v3i1.1560


Inventory is things or working equipment that is used in business management which isconducted or operational equipment of a company. Without an inventory, a business can not beperformed. Therefore, the exsistence of inventory is very important. CV. Aneka Ilmu Semarangconducts activities in producting and selling books. In managing its data, this company still usesmanual system, so that, the information that is produced is not quick and not careful. In on effort toimprove inventory information system which is formerly conducted manually to be a computerizedinformation system, planning and system analization are needed so that it will enable the company tomake information system from being manual into computerized.In compiling the final assignment, the writer performed effort to obtain concrete data which arereliable, so the objectives of the writing of this final assignment can be a chieved and this finalassignment can show a reliable informations in this observation, the writer used some methods whichare. Interview to some related section, the interview is conducted in oral questions or written ones,observation by performing observation to study objects, and literature study by compiling data and byreading relevant books which are related to observation matters.After the whole arrangement is made, it is kni\own that with inventory information system, thesearch for stock items will be easier and faster, because every transaction (buying or selling), availablestocks will be update (noted) automatically, so that ware house employee will find that he/she cancheck available stocks move easier and faster.Keyword : Information system, of inventory, data management
Ekosufisme Majelis Zikir Kraton Habib Muhamad Dardanylla Shahab Pekalongan Laila, Nur
RELIGIA Vol 21 No 1: April 2018
Publisher : IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (949.298 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/religia.v21i1.1500


Artikel ini mengkaji tentang kepedulian Majlis Dzikir Kraton Kota Pekalongan terhadap lingkungan ekosistem. Data-data diperoleh melalui wawancara dan observasi dengan metode kualitatif. Artikel ini mengajukan dua kesimpulan. Pertama, Majlis Dzikir Kraton Kota Pekalongan memahami bahwa lingkungan sebagai ciptaan Allah yang disediakan bagi manusia dalam posisi sebagai sesama makhluk-Nya. Kedua, Majlis Dzikir Kraton Kota Pekalongan telah melakukan langkah penting bagi upaya konservasi lingkungan dan keselamatan ekosistem. Langkah ini dilaksanakan dalam bentuk penanganan dan pencegahan. Penanganan terhadap kerusakan lingkungan dilakukan dengan cara pengolahan limbah cair tekstil, pengolahan limbah padat (sampah), perbaikan tanah melalui sektor pertanian dan perkebunan, perbaikan tanah melalui sektor perikanan, dan membersihkan polusi udara. Adapun langkah pencegahan dilaksanakan dalam bentuk pembuatan sumur resapan dan lubang biopori selain sosialisasi kepada masyarakat.
JPMI (Jurnal Pembelajaran Matematika Inovatif) Vol 1, No 3 (2018): JPMI
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

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This study aims to analyze and examine in depth about the ability of mathematical representation that influenced the active learning of junior high school students. The method in this research using correlational method with quantitative approach. The population in this study is all junior high school students in the city of Bandung with a sample of students selected class IX Junior High School in the city of Bandung amounted to 22 students. Instrument in this research is a test of Reverentasi mathematical ability as much as 6 item and student activity scale as much as 21 scale statement. The results of this study concluded that the ability of mathematical representation of junior high school students is positively influenced by learning activeness of 93%, while 7% is influenced by other factors outside of student learning activity.
Jurnal Analisis Bisnis Ekonomi Vol 4 No 2 (2006): Volume 4, Nomor 2, Oktober 2006
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (50.105 KB)


The aim of this research is to investigate the empirical evidence about influence perception personal tax payer to bring about self assesment system. Self assesment system is system of tax collection that give to tax payer o calculate, to report, to Tx Servanter Office, and the deposite by him/hisself him/his taxses to Cash of State. This research was to examine whether are there influence perceptions between personal tax payer to bring about selt assesment system. The analysis is based on the answer from respondent where its data are gathered trough questionaires in which ita distribution at Magelang. The sample of this research are personality, who take from employee and official from governmental office. The respondents of this research are 40 respondents. Convenience sampling have used in this research. The method of analysis data are descriptive statistic, validity and reability, and regression, and partial t-test. Result showed that, the data in this research is valid and reliable. The results showed taht perception personal tax payer are influence to bring about self assesment system. The analysis perception personal tax payer to bring about self assesment system have influence with t-test 7.069 and p=0.000, p<0.05.

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Abstract: Application Of Quantum Teaching Models An Efforts To Increase The Learning Quality Social Studies Fifth Grade Elementary School. The aims of this research are: (1) to describe the steps in the application of quantum teaching models an effort to increase the learning quality social studies fifth grade elementary school (2) to increase the learning teaching social studies fifth grade elementary school; (3) to know the constraints and solutions in the application of quantum teaching models on learning social studies fifth grade elementary school. This research has the shape of colaboration Class Actions Research. This research was held in 3 cycles. There were 4 stages in each cycle. They were planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Data collection tecnhniques using observation, testing, documentation, and questionnaires. Quality of teaching has increased from cycle 1 to cycle. The percentage of student activity cycle I 74,8% and cycle II 86,7%. The percentage of motivation learning student cycle I 80,6% and cycle II 87,5%. While mastery learning student cycle I 92,9% and cycle II 98%. Keywords: Quantum Teaching, Learning Quality, Social Studies Elementary School Abstrak: Penerapan Model Quantum Teaching Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran IPS Kelas V SD. Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) mendeskripsiskan langkah-langkah penerapan model quantum teaching sebagai upaya peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran IPS kelas V SD; (2) untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran IPS kelas V SD dengan model quantum teaching; (3) untuk mengetahui kendala dan solusi dalam penerapan model quantum teaching pada pembelajaran IPS kelas V SD. Penelitian ini berupa penelitian tindakan kelas kolaboratif yang dilak-sanakan dalam 2 siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, tes, dokumentasi, dan kuesioner. Kualitas pembelajaran mengalami peningkatan dari siklus I sampai Siklus II. Persentase keaktifan siswa siklus I 74,8% dan siklus II 86,7%. Persentase motivasi belajar siswa siklus I 80,6% dan siklus II 87,5%. Sedangkan ketuntasan belajar siswa siklus I 92,9% dan siklus II mencapai 98%.   Kata Kunci: Quantum Teaching, Kualitas Pembelajaran, IPS SD
Pengaruh Persepsi Kebermanfaatan, Kemudahan Dan Keamanan Terkait Uang Elektronik Terhadap Kepuasan Penggunaan E-Money (Studi Pada Pengguna Jasa Transportasi Laut Ketapang-Gilimanuk) Laila, Nur; Herawati, Nyoman Trisna
JIMAT (Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Akuntansi) Undiksha Vol 12, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jimat.v12i2.29207


AbstractThis research was conducted to examine the effect of perceptions of usefulness, easy of use and security related to electronic payment  on e-money usage satisfaction and the effect of the three variables on e-money usage satisfaction. This type of research is quantitative research, where this research collects, processes, presents, and analyzes data quantitatively (numbers) and descriptively (sentence descriptions). This research was conducted at the Ketapang-Gilimanuk port in Jembarana district, Bali. The subject of this research is users of sea transportation services because ship users are definitely using e-money. The sampling technique used accidental sampling, namely the sampling technique based on chance, and obtained as many as 97 respondents. The research data were collected using a questionnaire which was then processed using multiple linear analysis tests with the help of SPSS version 24. The results showed that the perceived usefulness variable (X1) had a positive and significant effect on the use of e-money. The easy of use variable (X2) has a positive and significant effect on the use of e-money. The satisfaction variable (X3) has a positive and significant effect on the use of e-money. And finally, the perception of usefulness, easy of use, and satisfaction variables together has a positive and significant effect on the use of e-money. 
Pengaruh Pendekatan Realistics Mathematics Education Berbantuan Squarec Smart terhadap Kemampuan Pemahaman dan Disposisi Matematis Laila, Nur; Maulana, Maulana; Julia, Julia
Jurnal Pena Ilmiah Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Jurnal Pena Ilmiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jpi.v3i1.19003


The research aims to determine the increase in mathematical understanding and mahematical  disposition of students who study with the Realistics Mathematics Education (RME) approach with Squarec Smart, compare it to conventional learning, and knowing the relationship between mathematical understanding and disposition. This research used quasi-experimental method with nonequivalent control group design. The population is all class IV in Sumedang Selatan Subdistrict with samples of class IVA (experiment) and IVB (control) in SDN Sukaraja I. The results of this research show that learning with the RME approach assisted by Squarec Smart and convensional learning both increase mathematical understanding and disposition. However, the RME with Squarec Smart significantly improved mathematical understanding and mathematical disposition compared to the conventional approach. In addition, the result show that there is no correlation between mathematical understanding and mathematical disposition.