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Benefit Value of Mangrove Forest in Sarawet Village, Likupang Timur, Minahasa Utara Chika Litawaty Tamsir; Ridwan Lasabuda; Adnan S. Wantasen; Khristin I. F. Kondoy; Alex D. Kambey; Calvyn Sondak
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): ISSUE JULY-DECEMBER 2022
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.v10i2.41499


The purpose of this study is to: 1) identify various types of direct and indirect benefits of mangrove forests, and 2) estimate the total economic value of the mangrove forest in Sarawet Village. This type of research is descriptive and quantitative using survey methods. Data analysis in this study uses descriptive and quantitative analysis. Descriptive analysis is used to explain the activities of utilizing natural resources of mangrove ecosystems, while quantitative analysis is used to calculate the total economic value of mangrove ecosystems. The selection of respondents used the purposive sampling method, with a total of 76 respondents. Analysis of the total economic value for the value of direct benefits using market prices, and the value of indirect benefits using replacement costs. The results showed that the people of Sarawet Village use the mangrove forest ecosystem directly in the form of mangrove wood used as firewood and fence stakes, leaves Nipah are made with roofs, and the community carries out fishing and crab activities around mangrove waters.Analysis of the total economic value of the mangrove forest in Sarawet Village amounted to Rp. 6.884.344.178,-/year. The total economic value is obtained from the value of direct benefits including utilization as firewood Rp. 4,160,000,- /year; fence pegs Rp. 87.500,-/year; roof of the house Rp. 330.000,-/year; fishing Rp. 769.174.000,-/year; crab fishing is Rp. 190.320.000,-/year, and the value of indirect benefits is as a barrier to abrasion and seawater waves Rp. 5.920.272.678,-/year. The large economic value of the total mangrove forest ecosystem in Sarawet Village shows that the mangrove ecosystem provides great benefits to the community.Keywords: direct benefit value, indirect benefit value, total economic value, MangroveAbstrakThe purpose of this study is to: 1) identify various types of direct and indirect benefits of mangrove forests, and 2) estimate the total economic value of the mangrove forest in Sarawet Village. This type of research is descriptive and quantitative using survey methods. Data analysis in this study uses descriptive and quantitative analysis. Descriptive analysis is used to explain the activities of utilizing natural resources of mangrove ecosystems, while quantitative analysis is used to calculate the total economic value of mangrove ecosystems. The selection of respondents used the purposive sampling method, with a total of 76 respondents. Analysis of the total economic value for the value of direct benefits using market prices, and the value of indirect benefits using replacement costs. The results showed that the people of Sarawet Village use the mangrove forest ecosystem directly in the form of mangrove wood used as firewood and fence stakes, leaves Nipah are made with roofs, and the community carries out fishing and crab activities around mangrove waters.Analysis of the total economic value of the mangrove forest in Sarawet Village amounted to Rp. 6.884.344.178,-/year. The total economic value is obtained from the value of direct benefits including utilization as firewood Rp. 4,160,000,- /year; fence pegs Rp. 87.500,-/year; roof of the house Rp. 330.000,-/year; fishing Rp. 769.174.000,-/year; crab fishing is Rp. 190.320.000,-/year, and the value of indirect benefits is as a barrier to abrasion and seawater waves Rp. 5.920.272.678,-/year. The large economic value of the total mangrove forest ecosystem in Sarawet Village shows that the mangrove ecosystem provides great benefits to the community.Keywords: direct benefit value, indirect benefit value, total economic value, Mangrove.
Status of Seagrass Beds in the Waters around Bahowo, Tongkaina Village, Manado City North Sulawesi Province Festy Togolo; Febry S. I Menajang; Fransine B Manginsela; Khristin I. F Kondoy; Ridwan Lasabuda; Joshian N Schaduw
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 11 No. 1 (2023): ISSUE JANUARY-JUNE 2023
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.v11i1.41816


This research was conducted in November 2021 in the waters around Bahowo, Tongkaina Village, Manado City, North Sulawesi Province. Seagrass sampling was carried out using a random sampling method (randomly) with a quadratic transect drawn perpendicular to the shoreline. Thus, 6 species of seagrass were obtained, namely Enhalus acoroides, Halophila ovalis, Thalassodendron ciliatum, Thalassia hemprichii, Syringodium isoetifolium and Halodule pinifolia, with various aquatic environmental conditions. The results of the analysis of the status of the seagrass beds obtained that the seagrass cover value was 50.20% which was included in the "moderate" category, while the seagrass cover per species was Thalassia hemprichii species with the highest cover found was 30.08%, Enhalus acoroides was 21.49% , Halophila ovalis was 6.84%, Thalassodendron ciliatum was 17.39%, Syringodium isoetifolium was 12.31% and Halodule pinifolia was the least common type was 2.35%. The density value of Enhalus acoroides seagrass is 48.375 ind/m2, Halophila ovalis is 14.5 ind/m2, Thalassodendron ciliatum is 35,475 ind/m2, Thalassia hemprichii species with the highest density is 67.25 ind/m2, Syringodium isoetifolium is 27.875 ind/m2 and Halodule pinifolia species density is at least 5.25 ind/m2. The status of the seagrass beds was categorized as "unhealthy" with an average seagrass cover value of 50.20%.Keywords: Seagrass Status, Cover, Seagrass, Bahowo ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2021 di Perairan Sekitar Bahowo, Kelurahan Tongkaina, Kota Manado, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Pengambilan sampel lamun dilakukan menggunakan metode random sampling (secara acak) dengan transek kuadrat yang ditarik tegak lurus garis pantai. sehingga diperoleh 6 jenis lamun yaitu Enhalus acoroides, Halophila ovalis, Thalassodendron ciliatum, Thalassia hemprichii, Syringodium isoetifolium dan Halodule pinifolia, dengan kondisi lingkungan perairan yang beragam. Hasil dari analisis status padang lamun diperoleh nilai tutupan lamun adalah 50,20% termasuk ke dalam kategori “sedang”, sedangkan tutupan lamun per jenis yaitu Thalassia hemprichii jenis dengan tutupan yang tertinggi dijumpai adalah 30,08%, Enhalus acoroides adalah 21,49%, Halophila ovalis adalah 6,84%, Thalassodendron ciliatum adalah 17,39%, Syringodium isoetifolium adalah 12,31% dan Halodule pinifolia jenis yang paling sedikit ditemukan adalah 2,35%. Nilai kerapatan lamun Enhalus acoroides adalah 48,375 ind/m2, Halophila ovalis adalah 14,5 ind/m2, Thalassodendron ciliatum adalah 35,475 ind/m2, Thalassia hemprichii jenis kerapatannya paling tinggi adalah 67,25 ind/m2, Syringodium isoetifolium adalah 27,875 ind/m2 dan Halodule pinifolia jenis kerapatannya paling sedikit adalah 5,25 ind/m2. Status padang lamun dikategorikan dalam kondisi “kurang sehat” dengan nilai rata-rata penutupan lamun adalah 50,20%.  Kata kunci: Status Padang Lamun, Tutupan, Lamun, Bahowo
Identification Of Marine Debris By Focusing The Study Of Clean Coast Index On Karang Ria Tuminting Beach Tirza I. A. Poluan; Joudy R. R. Sangari; Ferdinand Frans Tilaar; Lawrence J. L. Lumingas; Wilmy E. Pelle; Ridwan Lasabuda
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 11 No. 1 (2023): ISSUE JANUARY-JUNE 2023
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.v11i1.44018


Marine debris is rapidly gaining worldwide recognition as a major anthropogenic threat to global ocean ecosystems and produces a wide range of negative environmental, economic, safety, health and cultural impacts (UNEP, 2009). East Asia is the region with the fastest growing waste production in the world. Indonesia is in second position after China which produces the most waste in the world (Jambeck et al, 2015). The Beach Hygiene Index is a scaled index in a “Clean Coast” program launched by the Israeli ministry in an effort to solve the problem of littering on Israel's beaches. This index can be used as an indicator of pollution in a marine tourism area. The purpose of this study was to identify types of marine debris in the coastal waters of Karang Ria Tuminting and determine the value of the Clean Coast Index as an indicator of pollution. The collected data was then processed and statistically analyzed using Excel, Orange and SPSS software. Sampling was done by adapting the Shoreline Survey Methodology. approximately 1 month and made 2 direct observations, the plastic and rubber waste categories were found as the most common categories with the first observation being 73.4% and the second observation being 10.1%. The activities of the surrounding community are the main factors causing the abundance of marine debris around the coastal areas. The index value obtained is 39.5 with a total of 395 waste in various categories as stated by NOAA (2016). Keywords: Marine debris, Index, Identification, Category ABSTRAK Sampah laut dengan cepat mendapatkan pengakuan dunia sebagai ancaman antropogenik utama bagi ekosistem lautan global dan menghasilkan berbagai macam dampak negatif lingkungan, ekonomi, keselamatan, kesehatan, dan budaya (UNEP, 2009). Asia Timur adalah wilayah dengan pertumbuhan produksi sampah tercepat di dunia. Indonesia berada pada posisi kedua setelah China yang memproduksi sampah terbanyak di dunia (Jambeck et al, 2015). Indeks Kebersihan Pantai adalah skala indeks dalam suatu program “Clean Coast” yang diluncurkan kementerian Israel dalam upaya untuk memecahkan permasalahan sampah di pantai-pantai Israel. Indeks ini dapat digunakan sebagai indikator polusi pada suatu kawasan wisata bahari. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi jenis sampah laut di perairan pantai Karang Ria Tuminting dan menentukan nilai Indeks Kebersihan Pantai (Clean Coast Index) sebagai indikator polusi. Data yang dikumpulkan kemudian diolah dan dianalisis secara statistik dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Excel, Orange dan SPSS. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan mengadaptasi metode Shoreline Survey Methodology. Pengamatan dilaksanakan kurang lebih 1 bulan dan dilakukan 2 kali pengamatan langsung, diperoleh kategori sampah plastik dan karet sebagai kategori yang paling banyak ditemukan dengan komposisi jumlah pada pengamatan pertama sebesar 73.4% dan pengamatan kedua sebanyak 10.1%. aktivitas masyarakat sekitar menjadi faktor utama penyebab berlimpahnya sampah laut di sekitar wilayah pesisir. Nilai indeks yang diperoleh yaitu sebanyak 39,5 dengan jumlah total 395 sampah dengan berbagai kategori sesuai dengan yang dikemukakan oleh NOAA (2016). Kata kunci : Sampah laut, Indeks, Identifikasi, Kategori
Analisis Kinerja Stakeholder Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM)-Mandiri Kelautan Perikanan di Kota Ternate Nahrawai Djalal; Ridwan Lasabuda
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 1 No. 1 (2012): (Edisi September - Desember 2012)
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.1.1.2012.495


ANALISIS KINERJA STAKEHOLDER  PROGRAM NASIONAL PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT (PNPM)-MANDIRI KELAUTAN PERIKANAN DI KOTA TERNATE   Nahrawai Djalal1, Ridwan Lasabuda2   ABSTRACT   To see the success of the PNPM-Mandiri KP in 2009 on the district of Island Hiri, the city of Ternate then performed an analysis of the policy program that analyzes the performance of stakeholders. This study aims to knowing and evaluating the performance of each stakeholder PNPM program - Mandiri KP in Ternate City, namely : head of fisheries, executive consultant, team empower-ment, labor and community groups receiving companion program. The research method using survey methods with qualitative descriptive data analysis. Results showed that the performance of the program performance of each head of fisheries 90%; consultant implementing 97%; team empowerment 91%, labour 92% and the companion community groups 93%..     Keywords : analysis of performance, PNPM-Mandiri program   ABSTRAK Untuk melihat keberhasilan program PNPM-Mandiri KP Tahun 2009 di Kecamatan Pulau Hiri, Kota Ternate maka dilakukan analisis terhadap kebijakan program tersebut yaitu analisis kinerja stakeholder. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengevaluasi kinerja masing-masing stakeholder program PNPM–Mandiri KP Kota Ternate, yaitu : Kepala Dinas Perikanan, Konsultan pelaksana, Tim pemberdayaan, Tenaga pendamping dan Kelompok masyarakat penerima program. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode survei dengan  analisis data deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa capaian kinerja pelaksana program masing-masing Kepala Dinas Perikanan 90%; Konsultan pelaksana 97%;  Tim pemberdayaan 91%; Tenaga pendamping 92% dan Kelompok Masyarakat 93%.     Kata kunci : analisis kinerja, program PNPM-Mandiri       1 Mahasiswa Pacasarjana Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado 2 Staf pengajar Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Sam Ratulangi
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 1 No. 2 (2013): EDISI JANUARI - APRIL 2013
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.1.2.2013.1251


PEMBANGUNAN WILAYAH PESISIR DAN LAUTAN DALAM PERSPEKTIF NEGARA KEPULAUAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA Regional Development in Coastal and Ocean in Archipelago Perspective of The Republic of Indonesia Ridwan Lasabuda1     ABSTRACT   Indonesian as an archipelagic state has been recognized internationally (UNCLOS 1982), later ratified by Act 17 of 1985. Under UNCLOS 1982, the total maritime area of Indonesia is 5.9 million km2, consisting of 3.2 million km2 of territorial waters and 2.7 km2 of Economic Exclusive Zone (Zone Ekonomi Ekslusif), not including the continental shelf. This makes Indonesia as the largest archipelagic state in the world. However, the development of marine and fisheries for this is still far from expectations, while large potential of natural resources and environmental services are relatively unexploited in coastal areas, small islands and ocean in Indonesian archipelago.   Keywords : coastal and ocean, development, Indonesian, archipelago     ABSTRAK Sebagai negara kepulauan, Indonesia telah diakui dunia secara internasional (UNCLOS 1982) yang kemudian diratifikasi oleh Indonesia dengan Undang-Undang No.17 Tahun 1985. Berdasarkan UNCLOS 1982, total luas wilayah laut Indonesia seluas 5,9 juta km2, terdiri atas 3,2 juta km2 perairan teritorial dan 2,7 km2 perairan Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif, luas tersebut belum termasuk landas kontinen. Hal ini menjadikan Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia. Namun demikian, pembangunan bidang kelautan dan perikanan hingga saat ini masih jauh dari harapan. Padahal wilayah pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil dan lautan kepulauan Indonesia disimpan potensi sumber daya alam dan jasa lingkungan yang sangat besar dan belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal.   Kata kunci : pesisir dan laut, pembangunan, Indonesia, kepulauan         1 Laboratorium Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir Terpadu, FPIK UNSRAT
Lift Net Fisheries an it’s Continuity In Local Fishermen Community In North Sulawesi Province (Case study in Labuan Uki Bolaang Mongondow) Ridwan Lasabuda; Lawrence J. L. Lumingas; Rose O. S. E Mantiri
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 2 No. 1 (2014): Edisi Januari - April 2014
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.2.1.2014.4407


Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan aktivitas kehidupan komunitas nelayan tangkap lokal yang beroperasi di kawasan teluk Labuan Uki, Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow (pesisir Utara  perairan  Sulawesi Utara, Laut Sulawesi). Dalam rangka mengungkap permasalahan yang dialami oleh nelayan  lokal teluk Labuan Uki, metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey, jenis studi kasus, dimana informasi dari responden (nelayan lokal teluk Labuan Uki)  dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner, wawancara, pengamatan dan observasi.  Sedangkan metode analisis untuk menjawab tujuan penelitian yaitu analisis deskriptif. Adapun hasil yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah : 1) bagaimana  kondisi sosial ekonomi  nelayan lokal Teluk Labuan Uki, Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow; 2) tingkat produktivitas alat dan peralatan tangkap yang digunakan, serta jenis ikan tangkapan; 3) Mengetahui sistem pemasaran dan pengolahan hasil tangkapan ikan nelayan lokal Teluk Labuan Uki, kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow.   Keyword : nelayan lokal, alat tangkap bagan, teluk labuan uki   ABSTRACT This study was done to investigate the socio-economical conditions of the local fishermen of Labuan Uki Bay , Bolaang Mongondow ; productivity of tools and fishing equipment used and the type of fish catches and marketing systems, and processing of the catch . The method used in this study was a survey method , type of case study , which collected information from respondents using questionnaires, interviews, and observation. Methods of analysis to answer the research purpose was descriptive analysis. The results showed that socio-economical conditions of local fishermen of  Labuan Uki Bay were still low , where the majority of their houses were huts and made of wood ; the largest percentage of low educational level of elementary and secondary school . Fishing gear used was “bagan” boat with a length of between 7-18 m, using an engine of 5.5 OD ( katinting ), and a net of 4.5 to 10 m depth, run by one person, usually done by the owner . The average of catching period was 12 hours per trip, starting from 18.00 PM until 06.00 AM, while the majority of fish caught were anchovy ( Stelopohorus spp ) . In peak season , the catch reaches 100 bowls ( 10 bowls = 1 kg ) per trip , while in the bad and  transitional season ranged from  5 to 40 bowls per trip. Anchovy catches were dried using sun heat and placed on a rack , processed products were then sold to middlemen ( tibo - tibo ) at a price of Rp 15,000 per kg . There were some processed through boiling and then dried with a tool , and sold at Rp . 35.000 per kg . Keyword : local fishermen , “bagan” fishing gear, Labuan Uki Bay
Study of Vegetation and Perception Characteristic of Coastal Community in Utilizing Mangrove in Labuan Uki Bay, Bolaang Mongondow Regency Moh. Ikhsan Z. Runtukahu; Ridwan Lasabuda; Adnan S. Wantasen
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 5 No. 1 (2017): ISSUE JANUARY - JUNE 2017
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.5.1.2017.15806


Bay of Labuan Uki located in Lolak district, Bolaang Mongondow regency, North Sulawesi province has the potential of coastal area and sea, especially mangrove ecosystem to be used and preserved for the public welfare.Based on that, the purpose of the research is  to (1) analyze the community structure and mangroves forest area at the Bay of Labuan Uki (2) analyze the perception Bay of Labuan Uki coastal area societies in the utilization of mangrove ecosystems. The results of this research found that 5 families mangrove Avicenniaceae, Rhizophoraceae, Sonneratiaceae, Arecaceae and Myrsinaceae and 14 species, mangrove area is now 125.49 Ha with the conditions of thickness and density of mangrove largely been sparse due to logging for over functioned. The public perception most desire sustainable use, so need for rehabilitation, socialization to raise public awareness, economic alternatives for utilizing mangrove either directly or indirectly, and making of regulations related to the mangrove forests such as the Village Regulations together (Sauk, Baturapa II, Labuan Uki) and or the Local Regulation of Bolaang Mongondow Regency to maintain and preserve the mangrove forests at the Bay of Labuan Uki today.Keywords: Mangrove, Public Perception, Bay of Labuan Uki. AbstrakTeluk Labuan Uki terletak di Kecamatan Lolak, Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara memiliki potensi wilayah pesisir dan laut terutama ekosistem mangrove untuk dimanfaatkan dan dilestarikan demi kesejahteraan masyarakat. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Menganalisis struktur komunitas dan luasan hutan mangrove di kawasan Teluk Labuan Uki (2) Menganalisis persepsi masyarakat pesisir Teluk Labuan Uki dalam pemanfaatan ekosistem mangrove. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan 5 famili mangrove yaitu Avicenniaceae, Rhizophoraceae, Sonneratiaceae, Arecaceae dan Myrsinaceae dan 14 spesies, luasan mangrove saat ini 125,49 Ha dengan  kondisi ketebalan serta kerapatan mangrove  sebagian besar sudah jarang akibat penebangan untuk dialihfungsikan. Persepsi masyarakat sebagian besar menginginkan pemanfaatan yang berkelanjutan, maka perlu adanya rehabilitasi, sosialisai untuk membangkitkan kesadaran masyarakat, alternatif ekonomi bagi yang memanfaatkan mangrove baik secara langsung maupun tidak dan pembuatan regulasi terkait hutan mangrove berupa Peraturan Desa bersama (Sauk, Baturapa II, Labuan Uki) dan atau Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow untuk menjaga dan melestarikan hutan mangrove di Teluk Labuan Uki saat ini.Kata kunci : Mangrove, Persepsi Masyarakat, Teluk Labuan Uki.
Study on Ecological Economic Benefits of Mangrove in Sauk Village, Lolak Sub-district, Bolaang Mongondow District Muhammad Yusran Boynauw; Ridwan Lasabuda; Unstain N. W. J. Rembet
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 5 No. 2 (2017): ISSUE JULY - DECEMBER 2017
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.5.2.2017.15911


This study was carried out in Sauk village,  Lolak district, Bolaang Mongondow regency on June 10th – August 11th, 2016, around mangrove ecosystem at the geographic position of 00 50’ 10’’ N and 1230 56’ 40’’E. It was aimed to a) assess the ecological condition of the mangrove ecosystem of Sauk village based upon the community structure and (b) estimate the economic value of the mangrove ecosystem from direct and indirect benefit. Results found that the ecological value of the mangrove ecosystem was categorized as “rare” (<1000 trees/Ha), with low diversity index (< 2), and Sonneratia alba had very important role with the highest IVI. Total economic value was IDR. 1,116,830,000 per year based upon the benefit value.Keywords : economic benefit, ecology, mangrove ecosystem, Sauk village. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Sauk Kec, Lolak Kab. Bolaang Mongondow pada tanggal 10 juni–11 Agustus 2016, di sekitaran kawasan ekosistem mangrove Desa Sauk yang terletak pada posisi geografis N 00 50’ 10’’ dan E 1230 56’ 40’’. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah : (a) Menilai kondisi ekologi ekosistem mangrove di Desa Sauk berdasarkan struktur komunitas. (b) Menghitung nilai ekonomi ekosistem mangrove berdasarkan nilai guna langsung dan tidak langsung. Nilai ekologi  ekosistem mangrove di Desa Sauk dikategorikan “jarang” (<1000 pohon per Ha), dengan indeks keanekaragaman  rendah (< 2) dan jenis yang yang sangat berperan adalah Sonneratia alba yang memliki INP tertinggi. Sedangkan nilai ekonomi total berdasarkan nilai manfaat sebesar Rp.1.116.830.000 per tahun.Kata Kunci : Manfaat ekonomi, ekologi ekosistem mangrove Desa Sauk
Ecosystem Protection Of Mangrove Based Society By Village Decision (Case In The Bay Of Labuan Uki, Regensi Of Bolaang Mongondow) Hariyano Hasantua; Ridwan Lasabuda; Adnan S. Wantasen
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 5 No. 2 (2017): ISSUE JULY - DECEMBER 2017
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.5.2.2017.15933


The decrease of mangrove ecosystem in the coast Labuan Uki bay loak subdistrict, bolaang mongondow province caused by conversion land on each parts of mangrove become industry area and people residance. It’s  has effect to fish production, when there has low area of mangrove aqual to fisherman income. It means that, mangrove has no fungsion as development facility of marine biota will give the effect to the organism in that area.To make protection to mangrove ecosystem area in the bay of Labuan Uki. The researcher do the research of mangrove ecosystem based society by village decision. To know the wide and the study case of useless in labuan uki area. The result of this research to analys using qualitatife description method.The result of this research to give information to the researcer about the village regulation able to accept by villager with one hundred percent (30 persons total respondents). Than in the village regulation is kinds of mangrove ecosystem protection  based society that purpose to the cuntinue basic development in the bay of labuan uki and have been to apply solid system and partnerships. And the wide of mangrove about ± 241.75 ha. In there has genus Rhizophora, genus Sonneratia, Genus Bruiguera and genus Avicennia. But the most genus in Labuan Uki is dominate of  genus Rhizphora. In this case has to identificate effect of this problem that is to find out location of it. For the first in Sauk village dusun 1 the wide about ± 7.500 m2 as a talung conversion area. Secondly batubara II village dusun 3 the wide about ± 204 m2 and ± 3 ha. To conversion as location to make residance and fishpond area. And the last Labuan Uki village dusun IV the wide about ± 3 ha and about ± 3 ha. To conversion as fishpond area and PT. BETAGAS factory area.The key : defect case, mangrove, joint village regulation ABSTRAK Berkurangnya ekosistem hutan mangrove di pesisir Teluk Labuan Uki Kecamatan Lolak, Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow dikarenakan oleh konversi lahan pada beberapa daerah dari hutan mangrove menjadi daerah perindustrian dan pemukiman penduduk. Hal tersebut berpengaruh pada produksi perikanan, dimana penurunan areal hutan mangrove berbanding lurus dengan tingkat pendapatan nelayan. Artinya, hilangnya fungsi hutan mangrove sebagai fasilitas perkembangbiakan biota laut akan dapat mempengerahui keberadaan organisme laut disekitanya.Untuk mendekati upaya perlindungan di sekitar ekosistem hutan mangrove di kawasan teluk Labuan Uki, maka dilakukan penelitian ekosistem hutan mangrove berbasis masyarakat melalui penetapan peraturan desa bersama. Guna mengetahui luasan dan kasus kegiatan pemanfaatan yang terjadi di kawasan teluk Labuan uki. Hasil penelitian selanjutnya di analisis menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peraturan desa bersama dapat disetujui masyrakat desa dengan nilai 100 % (dari total responden 30 orang). Sedangkan penulisan peraturan desa bersama adalah bentuk upaya perlindungan ekosistem hutan mangrove berbasis masyarakat yang mengarah pada prinsip-prinsip pembangunan berkelanjutan teluk Labuan Uki dan telah menerapkan sistem keterpaduan dan kemitraan. Dan ekosistem hutan mangrove terdapat luas ± 241.75 ha. Serta banyak ditumbuhi oleh genus Rhizophora, genus Sonneratia, Genus Bruiguera dan genus Avicennia. Namun yang mendominasi kawasan teluk Labuan Uki adalah genus Rhizphora. Di samping itu, indentifikasi pemangku kepentingan dan permasalahan dari kasus kegiatan kerusakan hutan mangrove ditemukan beberapa titik, Desa Sauk dusun I luasan ± 7.500 m2 yang di konversi sebagai lahan talung (pemecah ombak) dan ± 1.500 m2 untuk  jalan perahu. Desa Baturapa II dusun 3 luasan ± 204 m2 dan ± 3 ha yang dikonversi sebagai lahan pembuatan rumah dan tambak. Dan Desa Labuan Uki dusun IV luasan ± 3 ha dan luasan ± 3 ha yang dikonversi sabagai lahan tambak dan perusahaan pabrik PT. BETAGAS.Kata kunci:      Kasus kerusakan, hutan mangrove, peraturan desa bersama.
Mangrove Community Characteristics and Local Fishermen’s Utilization in North Sulawesi Province: Case study on boat raft fishermen in Sauk village, Labuan Uki bay, Bolaang Mongondow regency Ridwan Lasabuda; Lawrence J. L. Lumingas; Rose O. S. E. Mantiri
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 4 No. 2 (2016): EDISI JULI-DESEMBER 2016
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.4.2.2016.19011


This study aims to analyze the characteristics of mangrove vegetation in Sauk village, Labuan Uki bay, and to know the exploitation activities and the community’s perception on mangrove ecosystem. Mangrove vegetation characteristic data were collected using transect line method in 3 stations, while mangrove utilization and community’s perception data were obtained through field observation, questioners, and structured interviews. Respondent sampling used purposive sampling, and the respondents were representatively selected based on profession background as boat raft fishermen.Results showed that mangroves in Sauk village consisted of 8 species, Avicennia officinalis Aegiceras floridum, Rhizophora apiculata, R. mucronata, R. stylosa, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Sonneratia alba, and S. casiolari. The density level was 689 trees.ha-1 (categorized as rare according to the decree of Living Evironment Minister Numbered 201/2004) and the mean vegetation spread was 95.16 M widely available from 22.70 Ha.People used the mangrove for firewood, building materials, boat frame, fish drying place, net dye material (tree skin), dahannya dibuat wadah bunga buatan, and fishing ground. Some people of the village clear cut the mangroves for boat sailing route, despite violating Indonesian Law numbered 27/ 2007 jo Low numbered 1/2014 concerning coastal area and small islands management.Sixty percent of the respondents understood that mangroves can be cut for various benefits, 40% knew that mangrove area is source of income, 40% as source of firewood, 10% as place where fish lay their eggs, and 10% as coast protection from abrasion.Keyword : mangrove, boat raft fishermen, Sauk village, Labuan Uki bay.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk   menganalisis karaktersitik vegetasi mangrove yang ada di desa Sauk Teluk Labuan Uki dan  mengetahui aktivitas pemanfaatan serta  persepsi masyarakat tentang ekosistem mangrove. Data karakteristik vegetasi  mangrove diambil menggunakan metode transek line  di 3  stasiun. Sedangkan data pemanfaatan mangrove dan persepsi masyarakat dikumpulkan melalui teknik observasi lapangan, pengisian kuesioner dan wawancara terstruktur. Pengambilan sampel responden menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Responden dipilih secara representatif berdasarkan latar belakang profesi sebagai nelayan bagan perahuHasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa mangrove yang ada di  desa Sauk terdiri dari 8  spesies : Avicennia officinalis (api-api), Aegiceras floridum (api-api), Rhizophora apiculata (lolaro), Rhizophora mucronata(lolaro), Rhizophora stylosa (lolaro), Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (ting), Sonneratia alba (lolaro)  dan Sonneratia casiolari (posi-posi). Tingkat kerapatan 689 pohon/ha (kategori jarang sesuai Kepmen Lingkungan Hidup No 201 Tahun 2004). Ketebalan vegetasi mangrove rata2 95,16 meter dari luas yang tersedia 22,70 Ha.Masyarakat memanfaatkan mangrove untuk : sumber kayu bakar, dibuat bahan bangunan, dibuat rangka kapal, tempat menjemur ikan, kulitnya sebagai pewarna jaring, dahannya dibuat wadah bunga buatan, tempat menangkap ikan dan biota air lainnya. Selain itu ada oknum masyarakat desa Sauk yang menebang mangrove untuk membuat lintasan perahu,  dimana kegiatan ini bertentangan dengan UU No.27 Tahun 2007 jo UU No.1 Tahun 2014 tentang Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau2 Kecil. 60 % responden memahami bahwa mangrove adalah tumbuhan yang bebas ditebang untuk dimanfaatkan berbagai kepentingan. 40 % responden memahami kawasan mangrove adalah sumber pencaharian masyarakat lokal, 40 % responden memahami sebagai sumber untuk mencari kayu bakar, 10 % responden memahami sebagai tempat bertelur ikan, dan 10 % responden memahami sebagai penahan abrasi pantai.Keyword : mangrove, nelayan bagan perahu, desa Sauk, Teluk Labuan Uki