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Pendekatan Semiotika dalam Analisis Tanda Iklan Layanan Masyarakat Kampanye Kebersihan “Sayang Bandung” Tahun 2014-2015 Dewi Iriani; Agung Eko Budiwaspada; Dwinita Larasati
Jurnal Rekarupa Vol 4, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : FSRD ITENAS

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Tahun 2014, sebuah program komunikasi kota bertajuk Sayang Bandung mengeluarkan dua iklan layanan masyarakat terkait kebersihan disertai dengan penegakan kembali Perda Nomor 11 Tahun 2005 tentang Penyelenggaraan Ketertiban, Kebersihan, dan Keindahan (K3) di Kota Bandung. Iklan tersebut dibuat oleh suatu tim non pemerintah (NGO) yang terdiri dari akademisi dan praktisi kreatif di kota Bandung. Dua versi iklan ‘Sayang Bandung’ yaitu ‘Iis’ dan ‘Asep’ mendapatkan banyak respon terutama di media sosial. Iklan ini tidak hanya mendapat perhatian dari netizen, melainkan juga dari portal berita online dan berbagai macam forum, seperti yang memuat 70 halaman khusus untuk mengulas iklan tersebut. Respon positif berupa dukungan maupun respon negatif berupa kritikan disampaikan melalui akun media sosial ‘Sayang Bandung’. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui tanda-tanda iklan dan mitos yang terbentuk dalam iklan ‘Sayang Bandung’ yang memicu munculnya respon-respon tersebut. Pendekatan semiotika teks Thwaites digunakan untuk menganalisis iklan tersebut. Berdasarkan analisa dipahami bahwa  dalam iklan Sayang Bandung terdapat konsep gender, daya tarik fisik, keakraban komunikasi, dan budaya yang digunakan untuk mengkomunikasikan perda serta himbauan kebersihan kepada masyarakat kota Bandung, khususnya yang berusia muda. Kata Kunci : iklan layanan masyarakat, sayang bandung, semiotika AbstraCT In 2014, a city communication program titled Sayang Bandung issued two public service announcements related to cleanliness accompanied by the re-enforcement of Peraturan Daerah No. 11 of 2005 on the Implementation of Order, Cleanliness and Fineness (K3) in Bandung. The ad was created by a non-government team (NGO) consisting of academics and creative practitioners in Bandung. Two versions of the ads of 'Sayang Bandung',  'Iis' and 'Asep' get a lot of response especially in social media. These ads not only get the attention of netizens, but also from online news portals and various forums, such as which contains 70 pages specifically to review the ads. Positive response in the form of support and negative response in the form of criticism delivered through social media account 'Sayang Bandung'. This study aims to determine the signs of advertising and myths that formed in the ads of 'Sayang Bandung' which triggered the emergence of these responses. The Thwaites text semiotics approach is used to analyze the ad. Based on the analysis, it is understood that in the ads of‘Sayang Bandung’ there are gender concepts, physical attraction, communication intimacy, and culture used to communicate local regulations and hygiene appeals to the people of Bandung, especially young ones. Keywords : public service advertisement, sayang bandung, semiotics
Visualisasi dan Transformasi Kebertubuhan Dalam Film Animasi Planes (Ke Arah Pembentukan Mitos Baru) Acep Iwan Saidi; Agung Eko Budiwaspada
PANGGUNG Vol 25, No 4 (2015): Representasi, Transformasi, Identitas dan Tanda Dalam Karya Seni
Publisher : LP2M ISBI Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (918.93 KB) | DOI: 10.26742/panggung.v25i4.41


ABSTRACTThis research is entitled “Visualization and Transformation of Embodiment in the Film of Planes Animation”. As an animation film, Planes is interesting because it is using inanimate objects, in this case the planes, as characters. This fact indicates that the character transformation is done by an animator, from the character of inanimate objects in to live character. By using the methods of structural and semiotic analysis, found that the transformation is done not only for personification (it is made as if the inanimate objects becomes alive). In the Planes, “the living things” not only exist in the mind as imagination, but it is exist out of the mind, as an autonomous reality. Based on that, Planes is the animation film which opens space for creating a new myth in the history of culture. Like the fable as a myth in the tradition of primary orality, Planes allows the formation of myth in digital oral tradition.Key Words: Transformation, visualization, embodiment, personification, metaphor, tradition, myth ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertajuk “Visualisasi dan Transformasi Kebertubuhan dalam Film Animasi Planes”.Sebagai film animasi, Planes menarik karena menggunakan benda-benda mati, dalam hal ini pesawat, sebagai tokoh cerita. Fakta ini mengindikasikan dilakukannya transformasi karakte r ole h animator, yakni dari karakte r “yang mati” ke “yang hidup”.Dengan menggunakan metode analisis structural dan semiotik, ditemukan bahwa transformasi tersebut dilakukan melampaui sarana retorika personifikasi (membuatseolah- olah yang mati menjadi hidup).Di dalam Planes, “yang hidup” itu tidak berada di dalam pikiran dan imajinasi apresiator sebagai yang seolah-olah, melainkan hadir di luar pikiran, berdiri sendiri sebagai realita sotonom. Berdasarkan hal itu, Planes merupakan film animasi yang membuka ruang bagi terciptanya mitos baru dalam sejarah cerita. Jika fable merupakan mitos dalam tradisi kelisanan primer, Planes memungkinkan terbentuknya mitos dalam tradisi lisan digital.Kata kunci: transformasi, visualisasi, kebertubuhan, personifikasi, metafora, tradisi, mitos.
Perancangan Game untuk Menumbuhkan Kebanggaan terhadap Indonesia bagi Generasi Muda Indonesia Faikar Izzani; Agung Eko Budiwaspada; Dudy Wiyancoko
Wimba : Jurnal Komunikasi Visual Vol. 5 No. 2 (2013)
Publisher : KK Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1840.004 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jkvw.2013.5.2.5


Indonesia has the potential to become a respected developed nation, but until now it is still riddled with many problems. The pride of Indonesians to their country must be restored to motivate them to contribute to the nation. The media that will be used is mobile game with targeted segment Indonesian middle-class youth aged 15-21 years old. Research method used are observation, literature study, and interview with related parties. The content that will be used are native or acquired Indonesian technology and innovations. This is important because those are the base of a nation's development. Those contents are developed using captology and game designtheories. Basic brief of the designed game are 2D Visuals and using emergent gameplay. Interview with purposive sampling method to the target segment showed that they expect items consumed to be well designed and have significant values embedded. The game will be titled "Bangun Indonesia!", it has three in-game elements that players can explore its relationship with each others. Those three are Solusi, Potensi, and Masalah. The element that can be manipulated directly by the players is Solusi. It will interact with Potensi or Masalah with the purpose of neutralizing Masalah or strengthtening Potensi. The assumptions of game's operational and user's responses are players acquired information about Indonesian technologies and innovations, creative experience by playing game, ability to measure their knowledge, and enlightenment about the potential of Indonesian technologies and innovations in solving the nation's problems.Development potentials for the game are leveling concept, player-updating concept with curatorship scheme, multiplayer concept, strenghtening it's cognitive concept, and analogizing player with government officials.Marketing models for this game areGeneric, Sponsorship, and Policy models. With all of those concepts, Bangun Indonesia! game is expected to develop its player's national pride, and inspiring them to contribute in developing Indonesia.
Strategi Kreatif Iklan Kartu Kredit (Studi Kasus Iklan Kartu Kredit Bank BNI, Bank Mandiri, dan Bank BCA) Darfi Riskavirwan; Agung Eko Budiwaspada
Wimba : Jurnal Komunikasi Visual Vol. 3 No. 1 (2011)
Publisher : KK Komunikasi Visual & Multimedia Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2282.041 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jkvw.2011.3.1.5


Credit card becomes one of the popular banking transaction media. One of the facts is that nowadays credit cards are used in most product and service businesses. Another fact is that credit cards can accommodate their user's lifestyle and shopping habit. In fact, in Indonesia the credit card advertisements have been so abundant that they give an impression of the aggressiveness of the companies producing them and the an impression that it is easy to get the advertised credit cards. Each established bank like BNI, BCA, and Mandiri has its own way of advertising its credit card. It was found that the three banks used each own creative strategy to market or advertise its own credit card and its other credit card-like products.The purpose of this research to see the similarities among the three banks' credit cards and among their other credit card-like products, both of which were the subjects of this study. The methodology used in this study is juxtaposition one. In addition, the approach employed was semiotics. The latter was used to analyze the message construction in each visual advertisement, particularly in its message meaning and visual sign. Since both the semiotics and creative strategy approach are not adequate to analyze the message construction, the interdisciplinary approach was used. Therefore, advertising, message, and persuasive psychology theory were employed in this study. The advertising theory was used to analyze the anatomy, type, and display of advertisement. As for the message theory, it was used to analyze both the message delivery techniques and the message styles that were used in the advertisements. As to the persuasive psychology, it was used to analyze the method each credit card advertisement employed in persuading its target audience.The analyses shows that the credit cards of the three banks shared some similarities and differences as far as the creative strategy is concerned. One of the similarities is that they tend to use emotional strategy in their advertisements although each bank, in fact, use different emotional strategy approach. BNI bank tends to use psychological approach in its creative strategy; Mandiri Bank tends to use psychological and sociological approach equally; and BCA bank tends to use sociological approach thoroughly in its creative strategy.
Gestalt : Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Gestalt : Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual
Publisher : Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/gestalt.v3i2.90


In this modern era, cities play an important role in the country's development strategy, urban planners and designers and all stakeholders build a strong image and reputation in order to compete between cities and introduce them to the world for sources of regional cash income. City branding is one of the city's strategies to display uniqueness so that it is easily recognized and as a differentiator between a city. Currently, many cities in Indonesia have implemented a city ​​branding strategy and some have mascots as part of their city ​​branding. Mascot is part of the visualization of city ​​branding which has a role to strengthen brand identity. Malang City is one of the big cities in Indonesia that has implemented a city ​​branding strategy, namely Beautiful Malang. The city of Malang also has a mascot which is part of the city ​​branding of the city of Malang, namely the mascot of Osiji which is the official mascot of the Malang City government. This research is a study that examines the Osiji mascot in terms of its application. This study discusses the use of the Osiji mascot as part of the city ​​branding strategy of Malang City and how the visual perception arises from the application of the mascot. The purpose of this research is to find out the strategy that has been implemented by the Malang city government in applying the Osiji mascot as part of the city ​​branding of Malang City and to know the visual perception created from the application of the Osiji mascot. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The theory used in this research is Gestalt's theory of visual perception and Anholt's The City Brand Hexagon theory. The final results in this study indicate that the city ​​branding of Malang through Osiji is considered less than optimal so that the popularity of Osiji has not been able to strengthen the positive image of Malang City. The low popularity of the Osiji mascot is due to the application strategy that does not consider the design principles and concepts of city ​​branding.
Budaya Lokal Sebagai Unsur Pembentuk Branding Kabupaten Tasikmalaya Yopi Samsul Arifin; Agung Eko Budiwaspada
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (964.973 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/irama.v3i2.40877


Branding suatu wilayah saat ini berjalan sangat dinamis, kompetitif dan penting. Para pemimpin daerah berusaha tampil lebih menonjol dari kompetitor mereka, berusaha mencitrakan wilayahnya sebaik mungkin dengan menerapkan strategi branding. Strategi tersebut salah satunya dengan branding kota sebagai upaya membentuk citra dan daya saing kota. Kebutuhan akan brand suatu daerah menjadi penting karena dapat membangun positioning dan citra yang kuat. Beberapa kota di Indonesia saat ini sudah mulai berlomba melakukan kegiatan branding untuk daerahnya masing-masing termasuk Kabupaten Tasikmalaya. Namun berdasarkan penelitian-penelitian terdahulu branding yang dilakukan Kabupaten Tasikmalaya dan beberapa kota di Indonesia dinilai tidak berhasil mencapai tujuan utama dari branding kota dan hanya berujung pada sebuah logo dan tagline saja. Ketidakberhasilan ini dipicu oleh beberapa faktor seperti kurangnya riset mendalam, memiliki konsep yang mirip dengan daerah lain, kurang melibatkan masyarakat lokal dan cenderung hanya dijadikan proyek Pemerintah Daerah yang tidak jelas kelanjutannya. Beberapa di antaranya juga disebabkan karena tidak adanya karakter yang kuat sebagai benang merah desain dari branding daerah tersebut. Penelitian ini berupaya mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis kebudayaan lokal dari suatu daerah yang paling tepat untuk dijadikan sebagai unsur pembentuk branding daerah tersebut dengan luaran terciptanya sebuah metode pemilihan dan penentuan unsur branding sebuah daerah dalam upaya pembentukan citra dan positioning kota tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan embeeded mixed method design, sebuah metode yang melibatkan pengumpulan data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data kuantitatif dilakukan dengan membuat kuisioner tentang persepsi awal masyarakat umum terhadap kabupaten Tasikmalaya, setelah data tersebut tekumpul kemudian dilakukan verifikasi melalui wawancara dengan pihak pemerintah kabupaten dan budayawan. Setelah terjalin persamaan persepsi antar stakeholder. Tahap selanjutnya dilakukan analisis terhadap metode penentuan budaya lokal apa yang paling cocok untuk mencerminkan Tasikmalaya berdasarkan teori penentuan big idea sebuah brand Alina Wheeler. Dari hasil analisis ditemukan jika budaya lokal yang dinilai sangat mencerminkan kabupaten Tasikmalaya adalah kerajinan tangan anyam. Anyaman dipilih atas dasar nilai historis yang sangat panjang. Selain itu, anyaman mendong dan pandan menjadi produk unggulan Tasikmalaya yang ditemukan pertama kali oleh pengrajin Singaparna.
Jurnal Seni dan Reka Rancang: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Desain Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Seni & Reka Rancang: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Desain
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (418.379 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jsrr.v3i1.8299


Using Aida Model For The Formation Of The Brand Photo Cabin Concept In The Media SocialInstagram. The development of photo corner services in Surabaya is particularly fast making competitioneven tighter. The intense business competition makes photo business people corner does various waysto market its services. One of them is with using Instagram social media. Social media is used as ameans of promotion and marketing to increase consumer buying interest. This research is to analyzequalitatively on the use of the AIDA model, namely Attention, Interest (Interests), Desire (Desire) andAction (Actions in shaping the concept of a brand Photo Cabin on Instagram social media.
Jurnal Seni dan Reka Rancang: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Desain Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Seni & Reka Rancang : Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Desain
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (341.167 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jsrr.v4i1.9970


Abstract Why Trip Tour and Travel is a company which engaged in tour and travel service provider, as an old company which engaged in tour and travel service provider bussines sector, it needs an effort to create image and strong identity, so that company’s identity can increase. Thus, rebranding is needed as an effort of increasing company’s identity through some media, for example logo, website, social media, mobile apps which finally it creates a GSM ( Graphic standard manual) this planning aims to rebranding Why Trip Tour and Travel will show more fresh visual. In this rebranding is needed some steps to recieve appropriate result. First step is interviewing and observation, collecting data, creative strategy from Why Trip Tour and Travel and next step is processing design planning. Through all of steps, it will recieve key word as rebranding reference, is safe trip. The result of this final project is a logo, website, soscial media, and mobile apps which create a GSM ( Graphics Standard Manual) , it will be propposed to ownrer of Why Trip Tour and Travel company.Key word: Rebranding, why trip tour and travel, Company’s identity Abstrak Why Trip Tour and Travel adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang penyedia layanan jasa tour dan perjalanan. Sebagai perusahaan yang cukup lama brgerak di sector bisnis penyedia layanan jasa tour dan perjalanan, perlu adanya upaya membangun citra serta identitas yang kuat sehingga mampu meningkatkan identitas perusahaan. Maka dari itu, diperlukan upaya rebranding sebagai upaya peningkatan identitas perusahaan melalui beberapa media berupa pembuatan logo, website, sosial media, mobile apps yang akhirnya nanti membentuk sebuah GSM (Graphic Standart Manual). perancangan ini bertujuan untuk me-rebranding Why Trip Tour and Travel yang mana akan menampilkan visual yang lebih segar dari sebelumnya. Dalam rebranding ini diperlukan beberapa tahapan untuk mendapatkan hasil yang sesuai, yakni diawali dengan wawancara serta observasi, pengumpulan data, strategi keratif dari pihak Why Trip Tour and Travel, dan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan proses perancangan desain. Dari tahapan tersebut nantinya didapatkan kata kunci sebagai acuan rebranding, yaitu Safe Trip. Hasil dari laporan tugas akhir ini berupa logo, website, sosial media, mobile apps yang akhirnya nanti membentuk sebuah GSM (Graphic Standart Manual). yang akan diajukan kepada pemilik perusahaan Why Trip Tour and Tavel.Kata kunci: Rebranding, Why Trip Tour and Travel, Identitas Perusahaan
Jurnal Seni dan Reka Rancang: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Desain Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Seni & Reka Rancang : Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Desain
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (836.555 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jsrr.v4i1.9972


AbstractLino Printing is one of the manual printing techniques that belongs to the High printing technique which is part of the graphic arts. In the history of the development of graphic arts in Indonesia, it has been able to become a means of publishing news of Indonesian independence, but the nature of this printing technique that can be duplicated makes graphic art not develop because it is considered not exclusive and its originality is doubtful However, the interesting characteristic became the inspiration to use this technique in illustration work based on the narrative in the story of Sabai nan Aluih. This research uses practice lead research method. This method is used so that the work process can be done more freely. The story of sabai nan Aluih was chosen as a form of concern for Indonesian folklore.Keywords: lino-printing, illustration, Indonesian folklore, Sabai nan Aluih.  AbstrakLino Printing adalah salah satu teknik cetak manual yang termasuk dari teknik cetak Tinggi yang merupakan bagian dari seni grafis. Dalam sejarah perkembangan seni grafis di Indonesia mampu menjadi sarana publikasi berita kemerdekaan indonesia, namun sifat teknik cetak ini yang dapat di duplikasi membuat seni grafis tidak berkembang karena dianggap tidak eksklusif dan diragukan originalitasnya. Tetapi ciri khas yang menarik menjadi inspirasi untuk menggunakan teknik ini dalam karya ilustrasi yang berdasarkan narasi dalam cerita Sabai nan Aluih. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode practice lead research. metode ini digunaka agar proses berkarya dapat di lakukan dengan lebih leluasa. Cerita sabai nan Aluih di pilih sebagai wujud kepedulian terhadap cerita rakyat Indonesia.Kata kunci: lino-printing, ilustrasi, cerita rakyat Indonesia, Sabai nan Aluih.
Jurnal Seni dan Reka Rancang: Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Desain Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Seni & Reka Rancang : Jurnal Ilmiah Magister Desain
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (533.905 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jsrr.v4i1.9975


AbstractThis study discusses an organizer of a car modification exhibition, namely The Elite Production. This event organizer always tries to be a barometer of car modification in Indonesia which is held at ICE BSD, South Tangerang City. Although The Elite Production with its event has been running since 2015, this event organizer is still unable to compete with its competitors. The defeat of the competition was because The Elite Production lost in terms of branding. To be able to compete and beat its competitors, The Elite Showcase 2021 must carry out rebranding as a creative strategy to raise The Elite Showcase 2021 brand in the face of competitors. The method chosen for re-branding is to use “Design Thinking”. The stages in carrying out the design thinking method are empathize, define, ideaty, and test. Before the new branding is inaugurated, it must first go through several trials to the public, starting from several prototypes, until finally becoming a visual identity of The Elite Production 2021, which is ready to compete with its competitors in the car modification exhibition event.Keywords: event organizer, exhibition, car modification, design thinking  AbstrakPenelitian ini membahas tentang sebuah penyelenggara pameran modifikasi mobil, yaitu The Elite Production. Event Organizer ini selalu berusaha menjadi barometer modifikasi mobil di Indonesia yang diadakan di ICE BSD, Kota Tangerang Selatan. Walaupun The Elite Production dengan eventnya sudah dijalankan sejak tahun 2015, tetapi event organizer ini masih kalah bersaing dengan para kompetitornya. Kekalahan persaingan tersebut karena The Elite Production kalah dari segi branding. Untuk dapat bersaing dan mengalahkan para kompetitornya, The Elite Showcase 2021 harus melakukan rebranding sebagai strategi kreatif untuk menaikkan brand The Elite Showcase 2021 dalam menghadapi kompetitor. Metode yang dipilih untuk melakukan re-branding adalah dengan menggunakan “Design Thinking”. Tahapan dalam menjalankan metode design thinking adalah emphatize, define, ideaty, dan test. Sebelum branding baru diresmikan, harus terlebih dahulu melalui beberapa uji coba ke publik, mulai dari beberapa prototype, sampai akhirnya menjadi sebuah identitas visual dari The Elite Production 2021, yang siap bersaing dengan para kompetitornya dalam ajang pameran modifikasi mobil.Kata kunci: event organizer, pameran, modifikasi mobil, design thinking