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Perancangan Media Pembelajaran Membaca Kosa Kata untuk Anak Keterlambatan Bicara pada Paud Anak Ceria Ariq Fernanda Atalantha; Rahmat Kurniawan; Poerbaningtyas E
Jurnal Desain Vol 9, No 3 (2022): Jurnal Desain
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/jd.v9i3.11819


Penelitian ini membahas terdapat anak speech delay (keterlabatan bicara) pada PAUD Anak Ceria berusia 3-5 tahun. Para guru sudah melakukan sesi stimulasi namun anak masih tidak bisa fokus karena dilakukan secara berulang-ulang yang membuat anak jenuh, sehingga memerlukan dampingan guru dalam waktu yang lama. Maka diperlukannya sebuah media motion graphics yang menampilkan visual, warna, objek gerak, dan audio yang bisa menjadi daya tarik dan menyampaikan informasi yang bisa dicerna oleh anak. Jenis penelitian ini penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis 5w+1h dan untuk memperoleh data menggunakan teknik wawancara kepada guru, observasi ke PAUD tersebut dan studi pustaka. Untuk perancangannya menggunakan metode Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) yang dimulai dari concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing (alpha beta), dan distribution.
Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa Vol 11, No 2 (2022): Gorga : Jurnal Seni Rupa
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/gr.v11i2.37300


The purpose of this research is to produce a corporate identity for CV Arya Wasa as a corporate image. CV Arya Wasa is a goods and service procurement company that has just been born but has considerable potential to develop. In tis study, CV Arya Wasa already has a logo and company values, but this is not enough to meet the criteria for a good corporate identity. This type of research uses a qualitative method with a development model with data collection techniques using interview techniques, field observation and literature studies both offline and online. The design method that uses is design thingking with the test method using SUS (System Usability System). The results of tests conducted on 25 respondents proved that the design of CV Arya Wasa’s corporate identity is acceptable, easy to implement and provides a good image for the company and its potential target market with an average value of 70,90 (above average).Keywords: logo, Arya Wasa, identity, company.AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan corporate identity bagi CV Arya Wasa sebagai citra perusahaan. CV Arya Wasa merupakan perusahaan pengadaan barang dan jasa yang baru saja lahir namun memiliki potensi yang cukup besar untuk berkembang. CV Arya Wasa telah memiliki logo dan nilai-nilai perusahaan, namun belum cukup memenuhi kriteria corporate identity yang baik. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan model pengembangan dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi lapangan dan studi literatur secara offline maupun online. Metode perancangan yang digunakan yaitu design thinking dengan metode pengujian menggunakan SUS (System Usability System). Hasil pengujian yang dilakukan kepada 25 responden membuktikan bahwa dengan adanya perancangan corporate identity CV Arya Wasa ini dapat diterima, mudah pengimplementasiannya dan memberikan citra yang baik bagi perusahaan maupun calon target pasarnya dengan nilai rata-rata 70,90 (di atas rata-rata).Kata Kunci: logo, Arya Wasa, identitas, perusahaan. Authors:Ritsa Ephipania Toding : STIKI MalangPoerbaningtyas E : STIKI MalangRina Nurfitri : STIKI Malang References:Banjaŕnahor, A. R., Purba, B., Sudarso, A., Sahir, S. H., Munthe, R. N., Kato, I., Gandasari, D., Purba, S., Muliana, M., & Ashoer, M. (2021). Manajemen Komunikasi Pemasaran. Jakarta: Yayasan Kita Menulis.Dewi, S. K., Haryanto, E. K., & De Yong, S. (2018). Identifikasi Penerapan Design Thinking Dalam Pembelajaran Perancangan Desain Interior Kantor. Seminar Nasional Seni Dan Desain 2018, 33–38.Gunalan, S., Haryono, H., & Yasa, I. N. M. (2022). Analisis Pemaknaan dan Tanda Pada Desain Logo GP Mandalika Series. Gorga: Jurnal Seni Rupa, 11(1), 212-219.Justin, M. R., Rohiman, R., & Darmawan, A. (2022). Desain Identitas Visual pada UMKM Ruang Keramik Studio Kota Metro Lampung. Gorga: Jurnal Seni Rupa, 11(1), 156-164.Lubis, S. K., Retnowati, T. H., & Syawalina, S. (2020). Predictive Power of Intellectual Ability Test Score on Students’ Fine Art Learning Outcomes. 3rd International Conference on Arts and Arts Education (ICAAE 2019, 41–44., Y. (2006). Desain Komunikasi Visual Terpadu, Arte Intermedia. Jakarta: Intermedia.Sanyoto, S. E. (2010). Nirmana: Elemen-elemen Seni dan Desain. Yogyakarta: Jalasutra.Yuda, R., Sucipto, F. D., & Ghifari, M. (2022). Perancangan Maskot ISBI Aceh sebagai Upaya Penguatan Brand Awareness. Gorga: Jurnal Seni Rupa, 11(1), 36–44.
Mobile APP UI/UX Design Overcomes Masturbation Addiction Mukhamat Andi Setiawan; Poerbaningtyas Evy; Adita Kusumasari Kusumasari
IC-ITECHS Vol 3 No 1 (2022): IC-ITECHS
Publisher : IC-ITECHS

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Teenagers develop a variety of interests during this time, including a sexual one that might result in a masturbation addiction. As a remedy to this problem, the researcher created a UI/UX application design to combat mobile-based masturbation addiction. Through a mobile application, this design seeks to assist youths who are masturbation dependent. The research method used in this study is qualitative. Researchers utilize design thinking to create their applications, and there are five processes that : empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and testing. Data was gathered through in-depth interviews, questionnaires, and software design. The end result of this design is an Mastopbasi application interface with three key features: Daily Reports, Professional Assistance, and Productivity. Each of these features has a specific purpose and performs a certain function based on user requirements. Suggestions for an interface design must be based on the demands of the target audience. In the hope that they will be able to fix the problem, this will heighten interest in the product and provide customers the option to select a product that best matchestheir needs.
Perancangan Alat Penyortir Telur Ayam Berbasis Arduino Menggunakan Sensor Ldr (Light Dependent Resistor) Dan Sensor Berat (Load Cell) Egantara Satria Utama; Poerbaningtyas E
J-INTECH (Journal of Information and Technology) Vol 10 No 2 (2022): J-Intech : Journal of Information and Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32664/j-intech.v10i2.764


Seeing the conditions where the need for consumption of chicken eggs continues to increase, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of eggs that are suitable for consumption. However, currently the method for the process of sorting the quality of broiler eggs that is massively used is using manual methods such as utilizing sunlight or putting them in water. Based on these problems, the idea came up to make a chicken egg quality sorter using a weight sensor (Load Cell) and an LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) sensor. Based on the tests that have been carried out, the use of these two sensors is able to speed up and simplify the process of sorting eggs with precise results, where the use of a Load Cell sensor is more accurate in measuring egg weight and an LDR sensor that can read the intensity of light that penetrates the eggs from the HPL LED which determine egg quality. that was built and the application that has been made. That has been made can operate properly and provide benefits for the surrounding community, namely wifi access at an affordable cost.
The Interface Design Of Web-Based Interactive Catalog In Bandungrejosari Ward Malang City Evy Poerbaningtyas; Ana Utami Nur Rahman; Adita Ayu Kusumasari
IC-ITECHS Vol 3 No 1 (2022): IC-ITECHS
Publisher : IC-ITECHS

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MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) are one of the foundations of the Indonesian economy that was able to survive the monetary crisis that hit from 1997 to 1998. in 2012 and increased to 62.9 million MSME businesses including UMKM in the Malang city area (BPS, 2017) (Depkop, 2018) (YR Suci, 2017). As technology develops, SMEs are starting to take advantage of the internet network through e- commerce websites and social media as a means of buying and selling online. With this development, competition between businesses is getting tighter and more competitive. So that many of the same products can be found with different sellers and prices. The impact that arises from this intense competition is the development of the same product so that it does not highlight the main products of these MSMEs and only focuses on selling trending products. Based on the problems found, the Bandungrejosari Village, Malang City, requires accurate information facilities as a reference for developing information updates in the MSME sector digitally in the form of a website. Media Website was chosen because it can display information quickly and in real-time. With the existence of the Kata UMKM Website, it is hoped that it can expand MSME information in the Bandungrejosari sub- district, so that it is better known, especially for the people of the Bandungrejosari sub-district and Malang City.
Prototipe Perancangan Sistem Kendali Jarak Jauh Pada Traktor Roda 2 Menggunakan Arduino Poerbaningtyas E; Candra Hadi Pranata
J-INTECH (Journal of Information and Technology) Vol 11 No 1 (2023): J-Intech : Journal of Information and Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32664/j-intech.v11i1.828


Seeing the conditions in this modern era, many farmers use the help of tools to work on land management, namely the two-wheeled tractor with the quick brand dragonfly model, where this tool has several advantages and disadvantages. An example of the advantages of the quick brand dragonfly model tool is that it has a minimalist design and an affordable price. While the weakness of the tractor tool is that the dragonfly model tractor tool with the Quick brand is still conventional or manual. In order to overcome the use of manual dragonfly model tractors, an idea arose to make a remote control device for a 2-wheeled tractor using Arduino. Where this tractor is equipped with several additional sensors such as ultrasonic sensors as obstacle detection, temperature sensors, potentiometers as position sensors and data storage modules. These sensors are controlled by the Arduino Uno ATmega 328p Microcontroller. Based on the tests that have been carried out, the use of the tractor control device is able to speed up and simplify the tillage process with the right results. The purpose of this research is to get performance effectiveness on the use of 2-wheeled tractors in cultivating agricultural land.