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Komputasi Fotografi: Mesin Cerdas Ekstraksi Objek Foto Gunanto, Samuel Gandang
Journal of Urban Societys Arts Vol 13, No 1 (2013): April 2013
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Penerapan teknologi komputasi visi komputer di bidang seni fotografi digital mulaidikembangkan. Ekstraksi objek dengan latar yang kabur menjadi sebuah objek ujicoba yang layak untuk diteliti. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan maksud sebagaitahap awal mencari desain teknologi mesin cerdas ekstraksi objek foto yang mampumenangani ekstraksi objek foto secara simultan dalam waktu yang singkat danakurat. Berdasarkan hasil eksperimen, nilai kualitas ekstraksi objek berkisar antaratoleransi 0,1 sampai 0,3 pada proses pemilihan tepian objek fokus. Nilai ini akanmemengaruhi ketepatan proses morfologi dan ekstraksi objek. Computation of Photography: The Intelligent Engine for Photo Object Extraction.The application of computing technology in computer vision has been developed in thefield of digital photography. Extraction of the object with a blurred background is a viabletest object to be researched. The research was conducted with the intention of searching atechnology with intelligent engine design for getting at the simultaneous object extractionin a short time and accurately. Based on the experimental results, the quality of toleranceranging from 0.1 to 0.3 in the edge of detection process. This value will affect the accuracyprocess of the morphology and object extraction.
Game-Based Learning: Media Konstruktif Pembelajaran Mandiri Bagi Siswa Samuel Gandang Gunanto
Rekam : Jurnal Fotografi, Televisi, Animasi Vol 17, No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/rekam.v17i1.4951


Pembelajaran mandiri membutuhkan motivasi dan disiplin yang tinggi. Materi ajar yang terstruktur dan kontekstual juga merupakan faktor keberhasilan proses belajar yang mampu meningkatkan partisipasi aktif siswa. Pembelajaran mandiri di masa pandemi COVID-19 menjadi sebuah strategi transformasi sistem pendidikan di Indonesia baik yang berbantukan teknologi maupun yang mengandalkan interaksi manual di daerah pelosok Indonesia. Formula yang tepat dalam mengimplementasikannya sangat perlu diteliti dengan menggunakan beragam media sebagai alat bantu belajar. Gim sebagai sebuah media belajar muncul sebagai alternatif yang mampu mengintegrasikan elemen belajar yang tersusun sistematis. Skenario pembelajaran dapat diterapkan secara kontekstual yang mendekatkan materi belajar ke siswa dengan cara yang lebih natural. Proses belajar menjadi lebih menyenangkan dan terjadi secara sukarela. Penelitian ini akan mencoba memformulakan pembelajaran mandiri dan konstruktif bagi siswa dengan menggunakan media gim, sehingga dapat menjadi acuan bagi pendidik yang ingin menggunakan atau mengimplementasikannya dalam sistem pembelajaran di kelas.
Analisis Segmentasi Warna pada Citra Dua Dimensi Dengan Pendekatan Komputasi Fotografi Samuel Gandang Gunanto
Rekam: Jurnal Fotografi, Televisi, Animasi Rekam 6
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/rekam.v0i0.371


Color segmentation techniques on two-dimensional image was originally used in digital image processing applications in engineering sciences. Recent years, these techniques have been widely used in other disciplines. Photography in the digital era use this technique in a variety of needs, as an example for selecting objects based on color pixel elements. This research was done with computational photography approach to perform selection of object area based on color elements in each pixel. Observations and analysis done by comparing three common color segmentation method, namely k-means clustering method, index coloring, and Giannakopoulos HSV color detection. This research is a preliminary project of automation process for body segmentation based on colors. After testing, it turns out segmentation based on Giannakopoulos HSV color detection has added value. This is because the ease of data training process to determined the classification of color values and tolerance segmentation based on intensity variation from selected color.
Penjejakan Fitur Berbasis Koherensi Temporal dalam Sistem Animasi Ekspresi Wajah Samuel Gandang Gunanto; Mochamad Hariadi; Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno
Rekam : Jurnal Fotografi, Televisi, Animasi Vol 12, No 2 (2016): Oktober 2016
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/rekam.v12i2.1425


AbstrakTingginya permintaan produktivitas industri animasi di Indonesia menuntut adanya perubahandi sektor produksi. Teknologi motion capture merupakan penerapan prinsip visi komputeryang mengadaptasi indera mata manusia untuk mengenali fenomena gerakan yang tertangkapkamera dan memetakannya dalam pola gerak virtual. Tulisan ilmiah ini akan membahas metodepenjejakan fitur penanda di wajah manusia untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai ekspresiwajah. Teknik penjejakan menggunakan penerapan prinsip koherensi temporal. Asumsi yangdigunakan pada penelitian ini berargumentasi bahwa dengan menggunakan pendekatankoherensi temporal, maka proses penjejakan fitur di citra sekuensial dapat disederhanakandengan perhitungan nilai kedekatan pada penanda di setiap frame-nya. Hasil yang didapatmenunjukkan bahwa proses penjejakan fitur yang diusulkan memiliki hasil yang handal untukmenangani banyak frame. Komputasi yang digunakan juga sangat efisien dan hemat karenaprosesnya tidak memerlukan tahap pembelajaran terlebih dahulu. Kumpulan hasil penjejakanparameter fitur penanda secara sekuensial akan membentuk sebuah basis data ekspresi visualdari wajah manusia. AbstractTemporal Coherence Based Feature Tracking in the Animation System of Facial Expression.High demand on the productivity of the animation industry in Indonesia requires a changein the existing production process. Motion capture technology is the implementation of acomputer vision principle to adopt the human eye senses to understand the phenomenon ofmotion results from a camera and to map the virtual movement patterns. This paper willdiscuss a method for tracking marker features in the human face to obtain information aboutfacial expressions. The tracking technique is using implementation of temporal coherenceprinciple. This research assumes that by using temporal coherence approach, the trackingprocess in sequential images can be simplified by calculating similarity on markers in eachframe. The result shows that this feature-tracking process have reliable result to handle alot of frames. The computation used is very efficient and cheap because it does not requirea learning process in advance. The precision accuracy of tracking parameters generated adatabase of good visual expression.
Evaluasi Sintesis Ekspresi Wajah Realistik pada Sistem Animasi Wajah 3D dengan Teknologi Motion Capture Samuel Gandang Gunanto; Arif Sulistiyono; Agnes Karina Pritha Atmani; Troy Troy
Rekam : Jurnal Fotografi, Televisi, Animasi Vol 14, No 2 (2018): Oktober 2018
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/rekam.v14i2.1747


The human face has a unique shape and size, as well as a 3D character face model. The facial animation of 3D virtual characters is mostly done manually by moving the rigging in each frame. The more characters used, the more production costs that must be incurred. The absence of a cheap facial motion transfers system is also one of the reasons why not many studios are using motion capture technology in Indonesia.This research will evaluate the implementation of a facial expression synthetically using motion capture technology built from radial basis function (RBF) as a method of marker transfer as a reference for rigging movement in point cluster system. Testing is done by approaching facial expressions according to FACS theory and questionnaire of synthesis results.The experimental results show that according to FACS theory the requirement of expression formation has been fulfilled by referring to changes in facial features, but the implementation is not always able to describe perfectly the desired condition, namely the average percentage of faces easily recognizable by 35.53%. Therefore, the influence of animators in the control of micro expression improvements or the addition of exaggeration principle elements in the manufacture of facial animation is very important to produce facial expressions that are easily recognized by the audience.
Kalibrasi Multikamera Sebagai Acuan Perhitungan Rekonstruksi Pose Objek Virtual pada Seni Animasi Tiga Dimensi Samuel Gandang Gunanto
Rekam: Jurnal Fotografi, Televisi, Animasi Rekam 7
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/rekam.v0i0.377


The development of computer vision technology has penetrated in the field ofanimation and game art. Production time which generally takes a long time can be shortened significantly so that the animation industry productivity increases. But the existence of this technology is still very rarely used because of the expensive equipment and at least a man who mastered. This research is intended as an initial stage of looking for an alternative design of this technology. A good camera calibration will be a key reference for the right model of 3-dimensional reconstruction poses. Calibration error factor in pixels reprojection in this research is still good, 0.12. Visual results in 3-dimensional reconstruction of the cube as a result of exposure to the performance of this system is also still looks good, although shifting as much as 4.54 cm due to the extraction point.
Deformasi Wajah Karakter Kartun Berbasis Klaster Titik Fitur Gerak Samuel Gandang Gunanto; Matahari Bhakti Nendya; Mochamad Hariadi; Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno
Journal of Urban Society's Arts Vol 2, No 1 (2015): April 2015
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/jousa.v2i1.1269


Pendekatan tradisional animasi ekspresi wajah sangat tergantung pada animatordalam pembuatan gerakan kunci dan rangkaian gerakan ekspresi wajah.Problematika yang sering dijumpai adalah penggunaan kerangka dan gerakan wajahyang sama untuk model yang berbeda membutuhkan waktu yang lama dikarenakankompleksitas ekspresi wajah manusia. Pendekatan simulasi kulit wajah dan ototpada praktiknya masih memerlukan intervensi animator untuk pengaturan kulitwajah terhadap tulang/tengkorak kepala dan konfigurasi sambungan otot gerakdi wajah. Hal ini menyebabkan produksi animasi wajah untuk satu wajah tidakdapat digunakan ulang secara langsung untuk wajah lainnya karena kekhususannyatersebut. Oleh karena itu, proses pengamatan perubahan bentuk ekspresi wajahdengan adanya area bobot pada model wajah 3D menggunakan pendekatanklaster di titik fitur gerak mempunyai peran penting untuk mengidentifikasi prosespenyesuaian bentuk wajah yang berlainan dan variasi pengaruh gerakan pada wajahkarakter kartun.Cartoon Character Face Deformation Based on Motion Feature-Point Cluster.The traditional approach animated facial expression is highly dependent on animatorto create key of movement and continuity the motion of facial expressions. The problemsfrequently encountered is the use of the skeleton and the same facial movements fordifferent models takes a long time because of the complexity on human facial expressions.Simulation approach to facial skin and muscles in practice still requires interventionanimators to control the facial skin to bone/skull and connection configuration in facialmuscle movement. This leads to the production of facial animation for one face can’tbe reused directly to the other face model because of their specialization. Therefore, theobservation of deformation facial expressions with weights area on a 3D face model usingmotion feature-point cluster approach have an important role to identify the adjustmentprocess on different facial shapes, and variations of movement on cartoon character face.
Model Terstruktur Berbasis Multimedia (Mtbm) dalam Pembelajaran Tepak Kendang Jaipongan Asep Saepudin; Samuel Gandang Gunanto
PROMUSIKA Vol 6, No 1 (2018): April 2018
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/promusika.v6i1.2183


Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan hasil perancangan model pembelajaran kendang jaipongan berbasis multimedia yang efektif untuk mempelajari motif-motif tepak kendang jaipongan. Model ini sebagai model pembelajaran kendang jaipongan yang baru dan inovatif dengan memanfaatkan multimedia dalam bentuk audiovisual. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah observasi, perancangan, pembentukan dan sosialisasi. Model Terstruktur Berbasis Multimedia (MTBM) dalam Pembelajaran Tepak Kendang Jaipongan merupakan cara mempelajari kendang jaipongan berbasis multimedia secara terstruktur melalui empat tahapan yaitu Pengenalan Awal (PA), Pengenalan Dasar (PD), Praktik Pokok (PP) dan Praktik Mahir (PM).  Hasil kesimpulan diperoleh bahwa dengan terwujudnya perancangan (MTBM), maka mempelajari motif-motif tepak kendang jaipongan semakin mudah, efektif dan efisien karena dapat dilakukan di mana dan kapan saja berada tanpa harus berguru langsung ke pengendang aslinya. Hadirnya (MTBM) ini sebagai solusi terbaru cara belajar kendang jaipongan di era digital yang dapat diaplikasikan oleh seluruh pecinta dan pengajar kendang jaipongan baik dosen, mahasiswa, maupun masyarakat umum.
Pemetaan Perilaku Non-Playable Character Pada Permainan Berbasis Role Playing Game Menggunakan Metode Finite State Machine Matahari Bhakti Nendya; Samuel Gandang Gunanto; R. Gunawan Santosa
Journal of Animation and Games Studies Vol 1, No 2 (2015): Oktober 2015
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/jags.v1i2.1304


Role Playing Game is a game where players play certain figures and collaborate with other characters to form a story. Role Playing Game synonymous with Non-Playable Character (NPC), therefore it requires the a method of making an intelligent decision. Finite State Machine is one method pengambilakan smart decision so that it can be seen the dynamic aspect of the game. This study focuses on modeling the behavior of NPCs using Finite State Machine and its implementation as the Role Playing Game based games using the Game Engine RPG Maker XP. There are four types of NPC as the reference, the NPC partner, NPC quests, NPC NPC enemy and supporting the story. Each NPC has its own characteristics that make the player will receive a different response when conditions were different player. The results showed that the Finite State Machine generates a dynamic response which of course helps the player to memahai story line and the player character formation can occur.Keywords: non-playable character, role playing game, finite state machine.AbstrakRole Playing Game merupakan permainan dimana para pemainnya memerankan tokoh-tokoh tertentu dan berkolaborasi dengan tokoh lain untuk membentuk suatu cerita. Role Playing Game identik dengan Non-Playable Character (NPC), oleh karena itu diperlukanlah sebuah metode pengambilan keputusan yang cerdas. Finite State Machine merupakan salah satu metode pengambilakan keputusan yang cerdas sehingga bisa dilihat aspek kedinamisan dari game. Penelitian ini berfokus kepada pemodelan perilaku NPC menggunakan Finite State Machine dan implementasinya sebagai pada game berbasis Role Playing Game menggunakan Game Engine RPG Maker XP. Ada empat jenis NPC yang menjadi acuan, yaitu NPC partner, NPC quest, NPC enemy dan NPC pendukung cerita. Setiap NPC memiliki ciri khas tersendiri sehingga membuat player akan menerima respon yang berbeda-beda ketika kondisi player itu berbeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Finite State Machine menghasilkan sebuah respon yang dinamis yang tentu saja membantu player untuk memahai jalur cerita dan pembentukan karakter player pun dapat terjadi.Kata kunci: non-playable character, role playing game, finite state machine.
“Raton” Edukasi Keragaman Budaya Indonesia Melalui Media Permainan Papan Bimo Firstiawan Akbar; Samuel Gandang Gunanto; Arif Sulistiyono
Journal of Animation and Games Studies Vol 5, No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/jags.v5i1.2802


Lack of playground around the neighborhood and many of the children adolescent who play gadget more than playing an traditional games. “RATON” boardgame is a development of modified traditional games.There are processes that must be passed in the creation of boardgames such a concept, game rules, crafting, test play and packaging. The way to use it is almost the same as traditional Bentengan game, which is to seize the enemy fort by occupying it. It is complex in terms of regulations, but this games can be played by many people without leaving element made before this game exist.Keywords: boardgame, games, raton, traditional