R. Azizah
Departemen Kesehatan Lingkungan Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat ,Universitas Airlangga

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Mapping of Environmental Health Risks in Bonetambung Island, Makassar A, Marwah; La Ane, Ruslan; Birawida, Agus Bintara; Azizah, R
Health Notions Vol 1 No 4 (2017): October-December 2017
Publisher : Humanistic Network for Science and Technology (Address: Cemara street 25, Ds/Kec Sukorejo, Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia 63453)

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Bonetambung Island is one of small islands of Spermonde Island Group that had limited access to sea transportations and unavailable environmental sanitation facilities. This study aimed to map environmental health risks to identify the areas of environmental health hazard in Bonetambung Island, Makassar. This study was observational descriptive. Respondents in this study were all households in Bonetambung Island as many as 102 households taken by exchautive sampling method. The result showed that the environmental health hazards in Bonetambung Island were hazard related to the source of clean water (71,1%), domestic wastewater (71,2%) and the ownership of garbage (72,5%). Additionally, some unhealthy behaviors that provided an opportunity for exposure to hazards were not-washing-hand-with-soap behavior (54.2%), open defecation behavior (62.7%), not processing and managing household waste (96.1%), and not-treat-drinking-water behavior (25.5%). So that, the mapping of environmental health risks in Bonetambung Island were very high risk category located in RT 03, high risk category located in RT 02, and low risk category in RT 01.
Analisis Dampak Lockdown pada Polutan Udara Utama di Era Pandemi COVID-19: Literature Review Alchamdani Alchamdani; R Azizah; Lilis Sulistyorini; Santi Martini; Mohd Talib Latif
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 12 (2021): Nomor Khusus April 2021
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/sf12nk235


Lockdown applied in big cities around the world as an effort to prevent the spreading of COVID-19. Lockdown has shown a major impact on the air quality. The decline of pollution happened because of the reduction of anthropogenic activities, especially in transportation and industry. This research method examines various articles about the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on air quality and aims to describe changes in pollutants in the atmosphere. This study used several search engines (Scopus, Science direct, springer, PubMed, and google scholar). The results of the lockdown were proven to reduce the concentration of pollutants PM2.5 (21.8% - 39%), PM10 (22.9% - 75%), NO2 (54.3% - 96%), SO2 (7.6% - 215.5%), CO (35% - 64.8%). The decreasing NO2 concentration causes the O3 concentration to increasing (15% - 525%) in the atmosphere. This is due to the limitation of titration process of O3 by NO especially in the urban areas. Limiting transportation activities and industrial activities can be one of the strategies for controlling COVID-19 and air pollution. The right source of pollution control will improve air quality and improve people's lives. Keywords: air quality; COVID-19; lockdown; major cities ABSTRAK Lockdown diterapkan di kota-kota besar di dunia sebagai upaya pencegahan penyebaran COVID-19. Penguncian telah menunjukkan dampak besar pada kualitas udara. Penurunan pencemaran terjadi karena berkurangnya aktivitas antropogenik, terutama di bidang transportasi dan industri. Metode penelitian ini mengkaji berbagai artikel tentang dampak lockdown COVID-19 terhadap kualitas udara dan bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perubahan polutan di atmosfer. Penelitian ini menggunakan beberapa mesin pencari (Scopus, Science direct, springer, PubMed, dan google scholar). Hasil lockdown terbukti menurunkan konsentrasi pencemar PM2.5 (21.8% - 39%), PM10 (22.9% - 75%), NO2 (54.3% - 96%), SO2 (7.6% - 215.5%), CO (35% - 64,8%). Penurunan konsentrasi NO2 menyebabkan peningkatan konsentrasi O3 (15% - 525%) di atmosfer. Hal ini dikarenakan keterbatasan proses titrasi O3 oleh NO khususnya di wilayah perkotaan. Pembatasan kegiatan transportasi dan kegiatan industri dapat menjadi salah satu strategi pengendalian COVID-19 dan pencemaran udara. Sumber pengendalian pencemaran yang tepat akan meningkatkan kualitas udara dan meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat. Kata kunci: kualitas udara; COVID-19; lockdown; kota besar
The Influence of Community Efforts on Malaria Vector Density Hilarius Yosef Muda Gudipung; R. Azizah
Health Notions Vol 1, No 4 (2017): October-December
Publisher : Humanistic Network for Science and Technology (HNST)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (342.232 KB) | DOI: 10.33846/hn.v1i4.77


Malaria still becomes a public health problem, especially on the outside of Java and Bali. Increasing morbidity rate of malaria is one thing caused by malaria vector that exist in endemic area. This study aimed to study the incidence of malaria cases and the effect of community efforts on malaria vectors density, using the cross sectional design. Subjects were 92 people in endemic and non-endemic villages. The variables were vector density as dependent variable, while mosquito repellent, mosquito breeding sites cleaning, spray mosquito coil as independent variable. Data was analyzed using logistic regression test. The p-value and OR of mosquito repellents were 0.077 and 2.304, p-value and OR of breeding place cleaning were 0.028 and 2.741, while pvalue and OR of spray mosquito were 0.006 and 3.799. Health education activities about malaria disease still need to be improved, to avoid mosquito bites should be understood how to control the mosquito, so mosquito density can be reduced. It is expected that the community participates in the prevention of malaria in their area. Keywords: Malaria, Mosquito, Vector density
Characteristic, Levels of lead in the blood, and hypertension of Workers Batteries Home Industry at Talun Village Sukodadi District Lamongan Regency Lian Dwi Fibrianti; R. Azizah
JURNAL KESEHATAN LINGKUNGAN Vol. 8 No. 1 (2015): Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jkl.v8i1.2015.92-102


Abstract: Lead  (Pb) is one  of the pollutants  that can cause hypertension. The objectives of this study  were  to analyze characteristic, levels  of Lead (Pb) in blood  and hypertension at home industry workers  batteries.  This research was an observational descriptive studies and used cross-sectional approach. Data obtained from interviews, questionnaires, and observation. Measurement of blood  lead used Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer and blood  pressure measurements used a tensimeter. Samples were selected by total population of 10 workers  batteries  home industry. The results  of the research that most workers  age is less  than 30 years was 50%, the worker men  was 60%, workers  who have a habit of smoke was 30%, Pb levels  in the blood  of workers  30% above the standards set by ATSDR (1999) < 10 μg/dL,  and 40% of workers  have hypertension. Cross-tabulation showed  that workers  who have hypertension that workers  aged 31–40 years (50%), workers  with employment ≤ 5 year period  (40%), male workers  (66.7%), workers  who was smoke (100%), workers  with no history of hypertension and diabetes (40%) and workers  who  have  levels  of lead (Pb) in the blood  > 10 μg/dL (100%). Advise  the workers  to reduce cigarette  consumption and wear personal protective equipment such as masks, gloves and boots while they work to reduce exposure of lead (Pb).Keywords: characteristic of workers,  levels  of lead (Pb) in the blood, hypertension, workers  home industry batteries
Characteristic, Behaviour, Lung Function of Workers and PM2,5 Concentration in Cecek Home Industry Sidoarjo Regency Zuhrida Aulia; R. Azizah
JURNAL KESEHATAN LINGKUNGAN Vol. 8 No. 1 (2015): Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jkl.v8i1.2015.128-136


Abstract: PM2,5   as  one  of the  air pollutions  parameters can  be  derived from burning  wood. Negative impact  from PM2,5  exposure on health are impaired  lung function.  This study  was conducted to analyze  characteristics, behaviors, lung function  of workers  and PM2,5  concentration in cecek home industry Katerungan  Village, Krian District of Sidoarjo Regency. This research used cross sectional design with total population, 10 workers.  Indoor PM2,5 concentration in production area and  warehouse space were  measured using  EPAM 5000  and  workers  lung function  was  measured using spirometry test. Individual characteristics and behaviors of workers  were analysed using descriptive quantitatively to lung  function.  Individual characteristics variable consists of age,  job tenure,  medical history and  BMI. Behavioral variables focus on smoking habit. The result of this research showed that PM 2.5 concentration in production area and warehouse space still under  the environmental quality standards (< 10 mg/m3). 40% workers  in production area and 80% workers  in warehouse space got impaired  lung function.  We can conclude that impaired  lung function  of workers in cecek home industry Katerungan  Village, Krian District of Sidoarjo Regency is not caused of PM2,5 exposure, but job tenure,  medical history, BMI, smoking habit for more than 5 years and more than 1 pack  per day. Impaired lung function more  likely happen to worker with job tenure  more  than 5 years,  having  historical respiration  disease, having  wasted nutritional status  and have been smoked more than 5 years and more than 1 pack  per day. The suggestion is that workers with impaired  lung function  should have  advanced diagnosis and  therapy.  For the owner  of a home industry,  should require his workers wearing  masks at work place.Keywords: PM2,5, lung function,  cecek home industry
The Description of Lung Function Status Among Limestone Milling Industry Workers in Tuban Regency Muhammad Sudrajad; R. Azizah
JURNAL KESEHATAN LINGKUNGAN Vol. 8 No. 2 (2016): Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jkl.v8i2.2016.238-247


Abstract: One of air pollution parameters that are harmful to human health is the amount of dust. The main source of the dust pollutant is a limestone grinding activities. The purpose of this study was to look at the description of workers pulmonary function status, physical quality of the work environment, and respiratory complaints that experienced by workers in the limestone milling industry. This research design was descriptive cross sectional study. All of 12 workers in limestone milling industry were recruited in this study. Physical quality of the environment that have seen was the amount of dust particle, air temperature, humidity, and wind speed. Characteristics and respiratory complaints worker measured by questionnaires. Lung function disorder was measured using spirometry. The result of the physical quality measurement of the environment still met quality standards. Respiratory complaints most experienced by workers was phlegm, cough, cough with phlegm, and cold conditions. A total of 100% workers in production and 83.3% of workers in the packing have impaired lung function. It is concluded that, lung function disorders more experienced workers with the working environment had higher levels of dust and higher temperatures, lower humidity. Judging by the characteristics of workers, impaired lung function more experienced workers by aged 20-29 years and 30-39 years old, have years of service more than 5 years, smoking habits, have normal status nutrition, not wearing protective respiratory tract, and not have a history of lung disease. It is suggested that, the workers with impaired lung function should immediately conductfurther tests to get proper treatment. In addition, workers should always wear respirator while working and quiet from smoking behavior.Keywords: dust particle, lung function status, limestone milling industry workers
Air Formaldehyde Levels and Eye Irritation in Workers at Production Area of Wood Adhesive Factory in Surabaya Mustika Ayu Raharyaningsih; R Azizah
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jkl.v9i2.2017.191-199


Formaldehyde is a chemical substance that has volatile and short-term effect characteristics, which can cause eye irritation. Exposure to formaldehyde in low levels can cause irritation to human eyes. The purpose of this research was to study the production process, air formaldehyde levels and eye irritation at Wood Adhesive Factory workers in Surabaya. This study was an observational study with cross sectional design and analyzed descriptively. The variables studied were levels of formaldehyde in the air and eye irritation of workers. Results showed that the average levels of formaldehyde in three areas of production (formalin, liquid adhesive, and powder adhesive production) was 0.2102 ppm and 12.5% of respondents experiencing eye irritation had age between 26-35 years, working period less than 10 years, length of work 7 hours per day, not wearing personal protective equipment safety glasses (spectacles) and had a habit of smoking. The factory had provided personal protective equipment safety glasses (spectacles), but 37.5% of the respondents did not wear personal protective equipment when they were working. Hence strict supervision regarding the use of personal protective equipment is needed, especially safety glasses (spectacles) so that workers are more obedient in wearing personal protective equipment and eye irritation to workers can be avoided.
Microbiology Indoor Air Quality at Hospital During the Covid19 Pandemic Aryatama Rahardhiman; Ririh Yudhastuti; R. Azizah
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jkl.v12i1si.2020.89-92


Introduction: Covid19 was an acute respiratory disease with fever, cough, and out of breath as the symptoms. WHO reported that until June 21st 2020, there were 8,708,008 cases were confirmed with 461,715 number of death (CFR 5.3%). In Indonesia, there were 45,891 cases were confirmed with 2,465 number of death (CFR 37%). People who were most at risk were people who physically close contact with the Covid19 patient, including health workers. The purpose of this study was to know the microbiology indoor air quality of Covid19 patient at Hospital before and during the pandemic. Method: The study design of this research was observational cross sectional. The study was done at a Hospital in East Java on December 2019 – June 2020. The sample of this research was a ward's air in a Hospital. The research variable was the number of microbiology, temperature, and humidity of the ward of Covid19 patient that was measured 3 different points of measurement each rooms. Result and Discussion: The result showed that the average of the number of microbiology before the pandemic was about 46.31 CFU/m3 with the average of the temperature was 27.64°C and the humidity was 44.58%, while during the pandemic the number of microbiology in the air increased to 64 CFU/m3 with the average of the temperature was 27.77°C and the humidity was about 42.46%. Based on the statistic analysis, there were differences between the numbers of the microbiology before and during the pandemic in the ward of Covid19 patients (p value 0.00). Conclusion: The result showed that the number of the microbiology was increased before and during the pandemic although it was still under the quality standard. Increasing of Covid19 patient was the probably reason of the increasing the number of the indoor air microbiology. It was recommended the hospital requires to control the air quality of the treatment room by regulating air ventilation.
Management of Solid Medical Waste on One of the Covid19 Referral Hospitals in Surabaya, East Java Rani Ayu Wardani; R. Azizah
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jkl.v12i1si.2020.38-44


Introduction: e Covid19 virus has an outer lipid sheath that is not tolerant towards disinfectants, but this virus can quickly infect humans with a fairly high mortality rate. The increasing Covid19 patients directly proportional the amount of solid medical waste production in hospitals. This study aims to identify the health protocol in solid medical waste management in one of the Covid19 patient referral hospitals in Surabaya, East Java. Method: We used descriptive observational research with secondary data for the data compiling method. The obtained data were then compared with the 2020 Guidebook on Waste Management in Referral Hospitals, Emergency Hospitals, and Public Health Centers that Handles Covid19 Patients, issued by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. Result and Discussion: Research results showed that the management of all solid medical waste yielded from the Covid19 Special Isolation Room is directly infectious, went through the incineration process using an incinerator with the primary burner set at 800o C and the secondary burner set at minus 1.000o C. The usage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) by medical waste trolley carriers was inappropriate. The officers only used surgical masks, head caps, gloves, shirt, and work shoes, without using any apron. Conclusion: Health protocol for medical waste management in one of the Covid19 patient referral hospitals in Surabaya, East Java has been implemented, but the usage of PPE by medical waste trolley carriers was still inappropriate.
The Role of Sanitarian and Social-Cultural Factors in Promoting the Open Defecation-Free (ODF) Village Anisa Haq Elhanur; Putri Nabilah Ramadhani; R Azizah
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jkl.v13i1.2021.17-23


Introduction: Open defecation behavior can be a means of spreading disease. A person's defecation behavior can be influenced by supporting factors provided by health workers, the socio-cultural environment and access to healthy latrine facilities. The aim of this study was to analyze the role of families, community leaders, health workers and the socio-cultural environment on defecating behavior in ODF and non-ODF villages. Methods: This study used quantitative and qualitative observational analytic. The study design was cross sectional design. All people who live on the banks of railway in non ODF and ODF villages were the population in this study. A total of 68 peoples were sampled who determined by themethod proportional random sampling. The independent variables were family support, sanitarian support, community leaders support, the health department team support, socio-culture and population density. The dependent variable was defecation activity. Data were collected by field observation and questionnaires. The collected data were analyzed using the Mann Whitney Test. Results and Discussion: There was no difference in family support (p = 0.661), community leaders support (p = 0.122), the health department team support (p = 0.555). However, there were differences in sanitarian officers support (p = 0.000), the socio-cultural environment (p = 0.000) and the population density in non ODF villages is higher than in ODF villages. Conclusion: There were differences in sanitarian officers support, the socio-cultural environment and population density between non ODF and ODF villages.
Co-Authors Acknes Leonita Aditya Sukma Pawitra Agus Bintara Birawida Ahmad Zaharin Aris Ahmadi Ahmadi Alchamdani Alchamdani Anisa Haq Elhanur Arif Sumantri Arif Sumantri Arif Sumantri Arif Sumantri Aryatama Rahardhiman Azmi Nur Fadlillah Bintang AJi Pangestu Corie Indria Prasasti Datu Buyung Agusdinata Desi Listianingsih Diaz Faliha Adani Edza Aria Wikurendra Eka Saul Manuel Eka Saul Manunel Gandhi Kusyoko Ganish Eka Fadillah Ganish Fadillah Globila Nurika H. J. Mukono Hilarius Yosef Muda Gudipung Husein Umarush Shiddiq I'anatul Ulya Dewi Juliana Binti Jalaludin Juliana Binti Jalaludin juliana Jalaludin Juliana Jalaludin Khuliyah Candraning Diyanah Kusuma Scorpia Lestari Lailia Ayu Rachmawati Laste Menanti Lian Dwi Fibrianti Lilis Sulistyorini Lovetta Yatta Juanah Marwah A, Marwah Mohd Latif Mohd Talib Latif Mohd Talib Latif Mohd Talib Latif Mufiadzatul Ardiyah Muhammad Addin Rizaldi Mustika Ayu Raharyaningsih Nadya Salma Prahutami Nanda Inas Fauziyah Novi Dian Arfiani Nunki Nirmalasari Nurul Qomariah Putri Nabilah Ramadhani Putri Nabilah Ramadhani Rani Ayu Wardani Rania Ichwana Wicaksono Ratih Lukmitarani Ratih Zahratul Jannah Rica Naudita Krisna Setioningrum Rike Dwi Anggraini Ririh Yudhastuti Rizma Izzati Makkiyah Giraldi Rosa Amelia Dwi Rachmayanthi Ruslan La Ane, Ruslan Salsabila Al Firdausi Salsabila Al Firdausi Salwa Salsabila Deliananda Santi Martini Setya Haksama Shaharuddin Mohd Sham Siti N. A. Jauharoh Siti N. A. Jauharoh Siti N.A Jauharoh Soedjajadi Keman Soleman Landi Sudrajad, Muhammad Suhariono Suhariono Tita Widya Arindayu Ummu Farihah Valerie Putri Bratandhary Yelly Atiefsa Narmala Yuliana Sarasati Zia Azuro Zuhairoh Zida Husnina Zuhrida Aulia