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Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam | Journal of Islamic Economics and Business Vol. 3 No. 2 (2017): JULI-DESEMBER 2017
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3516.706 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jebis.v3i2.6464


Recent development of Shari’a banking is quite satisfying. In 2016, shari’a banking has reported the asset as much as 365.6 trillion rupiahs. On the other hands, the index of shari’a financial literacy and inclusion has not been optimum that is only 8.11% and 11.06% respectively. Therefore, a new innovation is needed to increase the index of literacy and inclusion as a challenge in shari’a banking in Indonesia. As a response, Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK) has launched a new regulation of Non-Office Financial Services in the Framework of Inclusive Finance (Laku Pandai) which is expected to increase the index of shari’a financial inclusion. In the application, shari’a finance, which is based on the Islamic laws, should get itself closer to the centre of Islamic spiritual development, namely mosques. A mosque, however, does not only function as a place for developing spirituality but also plays an important role in improving economic activities. Hence, this study is conducted by qualitative research applying the method of Grounded Theory. The synergy between the Laku Pandai program and mosques is performed by involving ummah—the community—as the agent of Laku Pandai whose duty is to assist the community in getting suitable shari’a products and services. In this case, the products of Laku Pandai can be used in worshipping activities (qurban, umroh, hajj, etc), phone-credit recharging, and micro-shari’a financing. The application of this synergy, however, will make the products and services of shari’a finance accessible to the community and thus increase the index of shari’a financial inclusion at once.  The mosque-based education about shari’a finance is obtained by Islamic studies, lectures, and socialization initiated by involved parties, religious leaders and the society, so that it will also increase the index of shari’a financial literacy.Keywords: Laku Pandai, literacy, inclusion, shari’a finance, mosque
The optimization of Al Maidah catering home business through financial records and marketing management Syah Amelia Manggala Putri
Jurnal Pemberdayaan: Publikasi Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/jpm.v5i3.5279


Yogyakarta is known as a city center of education, cultural center as well as a tourist destination by both domestic and international tourists. This condition really supports the development of a home-based culinary business, especially catering. Al Maidah Catering is a home-based business managed by the millennial generation with good and stable development. The problems faced in the development of Al Maidah Catering home business are the absence of recording financial statements and the absence of an effective and efficient marketing strategy implementation. The absence of recording financial reports and marketing management cause the performance of Al Maidah Catreing's home business being less optimal. The purpose of this service is to provide solutions to these problems by conducting training and assistance in recording financial reports as well as marketing management training and assistance. The result of this training is that partners have been able to record simple financial reports and apply marketing management which has a positive effect on increasing sales, by carrying out online marketing strategies for Al Maidah Catering's home business through IG Ads which are proven to be effective and efficient
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Program Pengabdian Masyarakat 2021: 4. Kapasitas Daya Saing Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) dan Badan Usaha Milik Desa( BU
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (368.492 KB) | DOI: 10.18196/ppm.44.711


Salah satu usaha makanan yang banyak dijumpai di desa sendangsari kecamatan Minggir Kabupaten Sleman adalah jajan pasar atau makanan kecil untuk snack. Jajan pasar atau makanan untuk snack merupakan makanan ringan yang banyak digemari masyarakat. Selain untuk dikonsumsi sehari-hari sebagai camilan atau suguhan untuk tamu, jajan pasar juga sering dicari untuk dijadikan suguhan pada saat hajatan, pengajian, arisan dan acara perkumpulan lainnya. Salah satu pemilik usaha rumahan catering di desa sendangsari yang menjadi mitra adalah Ibu Feni. Usaha Ibu Feni tepatnya terletak di kampung Prayan desa Sendangsari, Kecamatan Minggir, Kabupaten Sleman DIY. Tujuan Pengabdian ini adalah menyelesaikan masalah efisiensi proses produksi dengan cara membantu pengadaan kompor besar dan alat parut kelapa listrik. Setelah itu diadakan sosialisasi dan pendampingan penggunaan peralatan tersebut. Tujuan kedua adalah menyelesaikan masalah pemasaran yaitu dengan mengadakan pelatihan tentang strategi promosi menggunakan media sosial untuk memperluas pangsa pasar dan pendampingan dalam membuat media sosial serta katalog menu untuk mempermudah pelanggan memilih menu yang akan dipesan.
Pemberdayaan Industri Rumahan Ceriping Gethuk untuk Meningkatkan Kuantitas Produksi dan Kemasan Produk (Packaging) Aqidah Asri Suwarsi; Safaah Restuning Hayati; Syah Amelia Manggala Putri
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol 7 No 1 (2022): Mei
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/jpm.v7i1.5390


One of the gethuk centers in Magelang is in Sedayu village, Muntilan sub-district. The gethuk and ceriping craftsmen who are partners are Mr. Rohmat and Ms. Hanik. The main problem faced by partners is in the production process, both in chip production and gethuk production. Production is still done manually and inefficiently. Another problem faced by partners is packaging of Gethuk chip products. This gethuk chip is still manually packed with 'dislomoti' and affixing the brand to the packaging just by attaching the brand's writing, in the form of black and white paper into the package. The purpose of this service is to solve the problem of efficiency of the production process by petrifying the procurement of cutting machines. The second objective is to solve the problem of still simple product packaging that is overcome by the procurement of press machines to glue plastic packaging. After that, assistance and training in the packaging of gethuk chips with press machines and trademark affixing with plastic screen printing were carried out. The results of the service have succeeded in providing gethuk, press machines, and plastic packaging cutting machines that have been screened with brands and PIRT numbers. The presence of these machines succeeded in increasing the production volume significantly from 10-15 kg perday to 25 kg perday.
Inovasi Produk dan Kemasan pada Industri Rumahan Kaos di Dusun Mejing Wetan Desa Ambarketawang Kecamatan Gamping Kabupaten Sleman Safaah Restuning Hayati; Syah Amelia Manggala Putri; Aqidah Asri Suwarsi
Transformatif : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1571.709 KB) | DOI: 10.22515/tranformatif.v1i2.2985


Partners in this service are t-shirt craftsmen in Mejing Wetan Village, Gamping District, Sleman Regency, D.I Yogyakarta. Partners contribute to providing explanations related to conditions and problems faced by Partners, which then the Service Team will provide the right solution. The problem that was found by Partners was that the packaging of the t-shirts was still simple and less attractive. The second problem, innovation in t-shirt design is still lacking and has not included local cultural wisdom and religious elements. The solution offered to Partners is training and assistance in t-shirt product packaging. The second solution is training and developing t-shirt designs based on local cultural wisdom and adding religious elements. Based on the results of the deliberations, the Partners contribute to providing space and time during the mentoring, training, and business monitoring activities. This PKM program provides several real contributions and can be felt by Partners, namely: increasing the quality and innovation of products (t-shirts) in order to have a higher selling power and increase Partner income. The end result of this PKM activity resulted in product innovation in the form of t-shirts with local cultural wisdom designs by incorporating religious elements and packaging innovations made of cardboard in the form of blocks with contemporary designs.
Transformatif : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1522.13 KB) | DOI: 10.22515/tranformatif.v2i2.3843


Perkembangan bisnis kuliner berbasis UMKM sangatlah pesat. Pemerintah mempunyai tanggunjawab terhadap keamanan dan kehalalan produk makanan di Indonesia. Sebagai negara dengan penduduk terbesar di dunia, masyarakat muslim Indonesia menjadikan aspek halal sebagai prioritas. Pemerintah berkontribusi dalam menjaga produk halal dengan sertifikasi halal yang dikeluarkan Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan Obat-Obatan dan Kosmetika Majelis Ulama Indonesia (LPPOM MUI). Sertifikat Halal mampu meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat yang berpengaruh positif terhadap penjualan. Sedangkan pengelolaan keuangan yang baik menjadikan UMKM akan lebih bersaing dan sejahtera. Permaslahan mitra timbul karena belum memiliki Sertifikat Halal dan belum memiliki pengelolaan keuangan yang memadai sehingga kurang optimal dalam melaksanakan ekspansi pasar. Tim pengusul mengajukan solusi atas permasalah tersebut dengan dilakukannya pelatihan dan pendampingan pengurusan Sertifikasi Halal dan pengelolaan keuangan. Hasil akhir dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini yaitu berupa sertifikasi halal hasil dari pendampingan pengajuan sertifikasi halal kepada LPPOM MUI dan terlaksananya tata kelola keuangan usaha  dengan baik  oleh mitra pengabdian yang tercermin dari mitra pengadian telah mampu membuat pencatatan laporan keuangan sederhana serta menerapkan strategi pengelolaan keuangan dengan baik guna eksistensi keberlangsungan usaha.
SME Financial Governance and Access to Capital in Islamic Microfinance Institutions Julia Noermawati Eka Satyarin; Muhsin Hariyanto; Syah Amelia Manggala Putri; Puri Tri Nanda; Anisatun Anggraeni
Ihtifaz: Journal of Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/ijiefb.v4i2.5837


Introduction: One of the obstacles faced by MSEs to achieve independence in entrepreneurship is limited working capital. The government through Bank Indonesia has required banks and microfinance institutions to provide working capital to SMEs. However, there are obstacles in its distribution, namely the fulfillment of the requirements for submitting financing related to MSE financial information. There are still many MSEs that cannot provide accurate financial information because they do not carry out financial management properly, such as making financial reports. Meanwhile, fund providers, including Islamic microfinance institutions, require financial information to analyze the customer's ability to repay the financing. Purpose: Knowing how the financial management of MSEs and the obstacles faced in making financial reports, and how MSEs provide financial information to obtain working capital from Islamic Microfinance Institutions. Methodology: This research was conducted with a descriptive qualitative method. The object of this research is the financial reporting of MSEs that are needed by Islamic Microfinance Institutions in making decisions to accept or reject the application for financing by MSEs. The data used are primary and secondary data obtained through interviews, documentation, and observation. Findings: The majority of UMK KSPPS BMT Niten customers do not perform financial management, especially in preparing financial reports. Constraints were faced due to the lack of awareness of MSEs on the importance of financial management, especially in preparing financial reporting, lack of knowledge about financial management, especially in preparing financial reporting, and limited time. KSPPS BMT Niten obtains financial information of prospective UMK customers or financial information of existing UMK customers through direct interviews. Paper Type: Research Article
An Investigation of the Antecedents to Marketing Mix Strategy Implementation Syah Amelia Manggala Putri; Safaah Restuning Hayati; Eka Jati Rahayu Firmansyah
Ihtifaz: Journal of Islamic Economics, Finance, and Banking Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/ijiefb.v3i2.2542


Introduction to The Problem: Been established for 282 years (2019), Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri was one of the oldest Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia. With its approximately 11,000 students, the institution was potentially economic to develop. The development effort was started in 1961 by establishing Koperasi Pondok Pesantren which focused on how to fulfill its students’ needs. Kopontren Sidogiri was currently the main actor in a minimarket business competition in East Java. With its trading activities earning IDR 1 trillion per year, Kopontren Sidogiri could give a welfare impact to the community and Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri.Purpose/Objective Study: The research aims to examine Kopontren Sidogiri’s operational description and marketing-mix implementation in retail business in the 4.0 era.Design/Methodology/Approach: The research was conducted using a qualitative method. According to the theme of the discussion, this research was field research. The research was a descriptive case study performed at Koperasi Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri. Sampling was conducted using a purposive sampling technique. The research sample consisted of a steering committee, managers, staff, and experts. The secondary data were collected from several findings relevant to this study. Data validity was tested using a triangulation technique.Findings: Strategies implemented included marketing mix (4Ps) i.e. product, place, price, and promotion. The achievement gave an inclusive and modern image to Koperasi Pesantren. Meanwhile, place strengthening was by building Toko Basmalah in the areas where alumni of Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri lived, creating loyal market targets. Moreover, price strengthening was by using a retail price in a product sale, encouraging the sale, and making effective profits. The promotion was by branding Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri, creating customers’ trust, and spreading positive information about Minimarket Basmallah to people (word of mouth).
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat MEMBANGUN NEGERI Vol 7 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Membangun Negeri
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35326/pkm.v7i2.1288


Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) merupakan penopang perekonomian Indonesia yang berkontribusi terhadap 23.89% GDP dan 93.78% total karyawan. Salah satu usaha UMKM yang berkembang pesat adalah dibidang kuliner. Dapur Mbah Putri merupakan salah satu UMKM kuliner yang sedang berkembang di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Usaha yang mulai dirintis 3 (tiga) tahun yang lalu ini bisa membidik segmen yang tepat sehingga bertahan ditengah pandemi. Dapur Mbah Putri termasuk usaha rumahan sehingga dikelola dengan sangat sederhana. Permasalahan packaging dan pemasaran menjadi kendala utama mitra yang perlu diatasi saat ini. Aspek pemasaran mengandalkan word of mouth sedangkan pengemasan dilakukan seadanya secara sederhana. Tim pengusul mengajukan solusi atas permasalah tersebut dengan dilakukannya pelatihan dan pendampingan packaging dan digital marketing. Hasil akhir kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini mitra pengabdian dapat menerapkan pemasaran produk usahanya melalui digital marketing memanfaatkan media sosial dengan mengoptimalkan pemasaran melalui WhatsApp Bisnis dan terkait permasalahan packaging kini produk mitra pengabdian sudah menerapkan packaging yang menarik serta memiliki label sebagai keterangan pada produk.