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Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 2, No 1 (2015): Wisuda Februari 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi

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This study was performed on 21 UMKM noodles sago in District High Cliff Meranti Islands District Riau Province. This study aims to determine the factors that lead to non-fulfillment of the realization of the raw materials sago noodles and raw material inventory systems Analyzing sago noodles in terms of the economic order quantity and safety stock. In this study the types and sources of data used in this study are primary and secondary data. Primary data is directly gather from respondents that related to the research object in 21 UMKM. Secondary data were obtained from government agencies that Disperindag and Forestry and Plantation Meranti Islands District. Data analysis method used is descriptive method of analysis using the EOQ (economic order quantity) and safety stock (safety stock). The results of this study indicate that the factors that lead to unfulfilled realization sago noodle raw material is a source of raw materials and raw material prices. Application of the method of EOQ (economic order quantity) is not appropriate when applied to 21 UMKM noodles sago. menggigat several things: (1) raw material price of corn starch is not always constant. (2) The cost of ordering and storage costs that exist in UMKM. (3) The raw material of corn starch is not always available when UMKM need. In comparison with using the application of safety stock method (safety stock) more efficient, which is useful as a supplemental supply to protect the production process in the event of a shortage of raw materials due to the delay or uncertainty of the arrival of raw materials.   Keywords: Inventory, source of raw materials, raw material prices, EOQ, Safety Stock
Analysis The Influence of Retailing Mix Towards Consumer Purchase Decision at Kinibalu Swalayan in Pekanbaru Feli Fahlevi; Jushermi '; Rio Marpaung
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 1, No 2 (2014): wisuda oktober 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi

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The research was conducted at Kinibalu Swalayan No. 3 in Pekanbarucity of Riau Province. The research objectives was to determine the variables retailing mix (product, price, location, promotion, service, and physical environment) influence simultaneously and partially. And to determine which variables are the most dominant influence towards purchase decision at Kinibalu Swalayan in Pekanbaru. To achieve these objectives the research carried out by using a sample of 115 respondent, with accidental sampling method. Methods of data analysis using simultaneously and partially test (multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS Windows version 17). Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it is found that the variables of retailing mix (product, price, location, promotion, service and physical environment), proved to have a significant influence towards consumer purchase decisions at Kinibalu Swalayan in Pekanbaru. Recommendations that authors propose is Kinibalu Swalayan should be able to improve services to consumers. By providing services to customers in any way concerned service at the time of the transaction, simplifying payments. Avoid long queues which will reduce customer satisfaction will make a visit to the Kinibalu Swalayan in pekanbaru.Keywords: Retailing Mix (product, price, location, promotion, service andphysical environmant), purchase decision.
Pengaruh Kecerdasan Emosional Pemimpin terhadap Kinerja dan Loyalitas Karyawan di PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper Bisnis Unit Riau Fiber Rio Marpaung; Maria Krisna
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen Vol 10, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

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Abstract: Becoming a leader is never an easy task. A leader is requied to take charge of his organizationand help it reach it’s goals. There are many ways that a leader could use to improve his subordinates’perfomance and to get their loyalties. One of the characteristics that a leader must have is a high Emotionalintelligence, comprised of Emotional Awareness, Self-management, Motivation, Empathy, and Social skill.This Emotional Intellegence could help a leader be more productive and more successful towards his goalsand help his subordinates to be more productive as well. This research is an analytical survey to analyze theinfuence of Emotional Intellegence of leadertowards the job perfomance and loyalty of employees in PT.Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper, Riaufiber Business Unit. The population of this research is 141 employeesfromvarious levels, sexes, positions, ages, educational backgrounds and length of services. Questionnaire isused as a method to gain the data for this research and SPSS 19 is used to analyze the data. The conclusionof this research shows that the Emotional Intellegence of a leader do infuence the Job Perfomance (a=0,044),the Emotional Intellegence of a leader do influence the Loyalty (a=0,356), and the Job Perfomance influencesthe Loyalty (a=0,288). It is recommende that a leader should improve his leadership by improving hisEmotional Intellegence so that the Job Perfomance and Loyalty Of his subordinates could also be improved.Keywords: emotional intellegence, job perfomance, loyalty, leader, employee
PEKBIS Vol 5, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (100.385 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/pekbis.5.3.179-189


This research aims to identify and analyze the influence of intellectual intellegence,emotional intellegence and spiritual intellegence against employee’s performance atPT.Angkasa Pura II Branch of Sultan Syarif Kasim II Airport Pekanbaru. Thisresearch uses 74 people of sample which selected pursuant to of stratified simplerandom method. Research variable consist of intellectual intellegence, emotionalintellegence, and spiritual intellegence as independent variable, and also employeesperformance as dependent variable. The method of analysis used validity andreliability test, quantitative descriptive analysis method, partial and simultaneousanalysis (multiple liniar regression analysis with SPSS version 17.0).From theresult of this research, the simultaneous regression test showed that all theindependent variables had a significant influence on employee performancevariable. And partial regression test showed that variable partial intellectualintellegence, emotional intellegence, and spiritual intellegence have a significantinfluence on employee performance. Emotional intellegence have strongestinfluence to performance improvement. Analysis of the coefficient determination2produce value adjusted R = 0,619. This means that 61,9% change in the level ofinfluence employee performance is explained by change in the intellectualintellegence, emotional intellegence, and spiritual intellegence. While the remaining38,1% influenced by other variables which not examined in this research.Keywords: Intellectual Intellegence, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence,employee performance