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Putusnya Perkawinan karena Kematian sebelum Terjadinya al-Dukhūl; Masa ‘Iddah dan Kaitannya dengan Kaedah Taqdīm al-Naŝála al-Qiyās Marsal, Arif
YUDISIA : Jurnal Pemikiran Hukum dan Hukum Islam Vol 8, No 2 (2017): Yudisia
Publisher : Program Studi Hukum Keluarga Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (512.391 KB) | DOI: 10.21043/yudisia.v8i2.3236


Qiyas which issahih is hujjah that has been accepted in the stipulation of law. The position of Qiyas in fuqaha’s understanding is as the source of law after Quran , Hadits and Ijma’. Nonetheless sometimes in practice,some of the fuqaha’ do not search and steep in detail dalil before they actually go inside the qiyas’s method in istidlal.The issue of the divorcebecause of the quietus before the occurance of jima’(qabla al-dukhul) is becoming part the writer’s object to be analized wether the effect is the same and it can be qiyas with the divorce (life divorce), which both of them occured before the jima’ (al-dukhul). The writer’s found that the Qiyas can not be prevailed in this issue because it is found that there’s a specialite dalil from nash. Which elucidates each of the law and it specifies that nash come first compare to the notion/opinion and lid for the ijtihad and qiyas toward the issue of the nash that has been described.
YUDISIA : Jurnal Pemikiran Hukum dan Hukum Islam Vol 9, No 1 (2018): Yudisia
Publisher : Program Studi Hukum Keluarga Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (358.426 KB) | DOI: 10.21043/yudisia.v9i1.3677


In the Islamic Compilation Law in Indonesia that poured out in theconstitution of the Republic of Indonesia number 1 year 1974, thedefinition and the aim of the marriage is stated in one article,which is in chapter 1 sets that the marriage is the bond of the innerbirth between man and woman as a husband and wife, with the aimas to establish a household, a happy and everlasting family basedon the belief of one and only God (KHI, Article 1 Chapter 1).However, the aim of the marriage is not easily to reach in. Thereare many issues come in that caused on an unsuccessful marriage.Furthermore, one of the issues that impact on the failure of themarriage is a husband’s infertility. Moreover, the present of thechild is one of the most noteworthy things in the marriage.Although, having a child is not a compulsory need, it has a bigimpact on the harmony of the household. That point has an impacton the assertion of the wife to lodge a khulu. That matterindubitable enticing to review from the Islamic law perspective.
Pendekatan Machine Learning: Analisis Sentimen Masyarakat Terhadap Kendaraan Listrik Pada Sosial Media X Kusuma, Gathot Hanyokro; Permana, Inggih; Salisah, Febi Nur; Afdal, M.; Jazman, Muhammad; Marsal, Arif
JUSIFO : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Vol 9 No 2 (2023): JUSIFO (Jurnal Sistem Informasi) | December 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/jusifo.v9i2.21354


Environmental issues and the depletion of fossil fuels continue to escalate as the number of fossil fuel-based vehicle users increases in Indonesia. Electric vehicles emerge as one of the potential alternative solutions to address current environmental challenges, given their eco-friendly nature and lack of pollution emissions. Sentiment analysis is conducted to understand public responses, both supportive and opposing, towards electric vehicles. This research aims to analyze the sentiment of X-social media users regarding electric vehicles using machine learning techniques. The research stages include data collection, data selection, preprocessing, and classification using Naïve Bayes Classifier (NBC), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithms. The test results show that on a balanced dataset using ROS, SVM performs the best with accuracy = 68.7%, precision = 77.9%, and recall = 68.4%. Meanwhile, NBC yields an accuracy of 60.3%, precision of 61.3%, and recall of 60.3%, while KNN has an accuracy of 53.9%, precision of 54%, and recall of 53.9%.
A Comparative Study of the Performance of KNN, NBC, C4.5, and Random Forest Algorithms in Classifying Beneficiaries of the Kartu Indonesia Sehat Program Nabillah, Putri; Permana, Inggih; Afdal, M.; Muttakin, Fitriani; Marsal, Arif
JUSIFO : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Vol 10 No 1 (2024): JUSIFO (Jurnal Sistem Informasi) | June 2024
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/jusifo.v10i1.21536


This study evaluates the performance of various algorithms in determining eligible recipients for the Kartu Indonesia Sehat program. The Random Forest algorithm demonstrated the highest accuracy, precision, and recall, with values of 72.08%, 72.41%, and 99.64%, respectively. The emphasis on recall helps minimize errors in identifying eligible recipients. Additionally, the C4.5 algorithm reduced the total number of variables from 33 to 8, highlighting its computational efficiency. The findings provide valuable insights for the Social Affairs Office of Dumai City in making informed decisions regarding KIS eligibility. The results underscore the effectiveness of using algorithmic approaches to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of aid distribution processes.
Aplikasi Hitung Waris Menurut Syariat Agama Islam Berbasis Android: Android Based Aplication for Counting Inheritance According to Islamic Religion Muhammad Wahyu Pratama; Marsal, Arif
Indonesian Journal of Informatic Research and Software Engineering (IJIRSE) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Informatic Research and Software Engineering
Publisher : Institut Riset dan Publikasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57152/ijirse.v4i1.1351


Hukum kewarisan Islam yaitu hukum yang mengatur tentang pemindahan hak pemilikan harta peninggalan tarikah pewaris, menentukan siapa-siapa yang berhak menjadi ahli waris dan berapa bagian masing-masing. Perhitungan secara manual yang masih dilakukan dapat menghabiskan banyak waktu dan juga sering terjadi kesalahan dalam perhitungan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membangun Aplikasi Hitung Waris Menurut Syariat Agama Islam Berbasis Android yang mampu menyimpan hasil perhitungan. Pembuatan aplikasi ini menggunakan metode Waterfall. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian menggunakan User Acceptance Test dan Black Box didapat keseluruhan penilaian aspek pengguna aplikasi yaitu setuju (79,8%), serta secara fungsional menghasilkan hasil yang diharapkan.
Entrepreneurial Orientation and MSME’s Tourism Performance: The Mediating Role of Social Media Capability Parlyna, Ryna; Susanto, Perengki; Abror, Abror; Marsal, Arif
Journal of Applied Data Sciences Vol 5, No 3: SEPTEMBER 2024
Publisher : Bright Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47738/jads.v5i3.377


This study explores the mediating role of social media capability on entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and MSME’s tourism performance in DKI Jakarta Province, Indonesia (MP). MSMEs contributes largely to Indonesia's economy. However, these enterprises often struggle with limited resources leading to weaker performance. The research problem centers on identifying factors that can enhance the MP, mainly through EO and SMC. The objective is to investigate both EO's direct impact on MP and SMC's mediating role. Quantitative research was used, utilizing a survey-based method with data collected from 300 MSME owners and managers in the tourism sector. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to examine the relationships between EO, SMC and MP. The results reveal a favorable positive relationship between EO and MP, with a path coefficient (β) of 0.425 and a p-value of 0.000. It underscores the importance of EO in intensifying the MP. It also found that EO significantly affects SMC, with a path coefficient (β) of 0.353 and a p-value of 0.000. This suggests that MSMEs with a strong EO are expected to enhance SMC. SMC was also found to have a positive and favorable effect on MP, with a path coefficient (β) of 0.179 and a p-value of 0.001. This suggest that SMC is crucial for improving MP. It also confirmed the mediating role of SMC in the relationship between EO and MP, with an indirect path coefficient (β) of 0.063 and a p-value of 0.006. It proposed that EO directly enhanced MP through SMC. However, the study is narrowed by its focal point on a specific geographic area and sector, which may impact the relevancy of the results. Forthcoming study could address these limitations by exploring different contexts. This study contributes to broaden the literature on the mediating role of SMC in the EO- MP in DKI Jakarta, Indonesia.
Perbandingan Performa Algoritma RNN dan LSTM dalam Prediksi Jumlah Jamaah Umrah pada PT. Hajar Aswad: Comparison of RNN and LSTM Algorithm Performance in Predicting the Number of Umrah Pilgrims at PT. Hajar Aswad Al Kiramy, Razanul; Permana, Inggih; Marsal, Arif; Munzir, Medyantiwi Rahmawita; Megawati, Megawati
MALCOM: Indonesian Journal of Machine Learning and Computer Science Vol. 4 No. 4 (2024): MALCOM October 2024
Publisher : Institut Riset dan Publikasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57152/malcom.v4i4.1373


Secara bahasa umrah bermakna ziarah atau berkunjung, sedangkan secara istilah umrah adalah perjalanan ke Baitullah di luar waktu haji dengan tujuan melaksanakan ibadah tertentu dan memenuhi syarat-syarat khusus. PT Hajar Aswad merupakan sebuah perusahaan travel umrah yang beroperasi di Indonesia. PT Hajar Aswad bertanggung jawab untuk mengatur perjalanan, akomodasi, transportasi, dan berbagai keperluan lainnya bagi para jemaah umrah, untuk itu perlu memiliki pemahaman yang baik mengenai pola dan tren jumlah jemaah umrah agar dapat mengoptimalkan operasional dan memberikan pelayanan yang memuaskan kepada jamaah. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memprediksi jumlah jamaah umrah pada PT Hajar Aswad menggunakan algoritma RNN dan LSTM agar PT Hajar Aswad. . Hasil perbandingan kedua algoritma menunjukkan bahwa LSTM mampu memberikan hasil prediksi yang sedikit lebih baik dibandingkan RNN dengan parameter window size 7, optimizer Adam, batch size 8, dan learning rate 0,01. Model ini memiliki nilai RMSE sebesar 0,1758, MAPE sebesar 0,4846, dan R2 sebesar 0,5198.
Jurnal Teknik Informatika (Jutif) Vol. 5 No. 4 (2024): JUTIF Volume 5, Number 4, August 2024 - SENIKO
Publisher : Informatika, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52436/1.jutif.2024.5.4.2184


Social media is one of the main technologies currently used by billions of people around the world, especially TikTok. TikTok contains popular content such as comedy, dancing, and increasingly educational information. TikTok presents the #SerunyaBelajar program with 1.4 million posts. Despite the existence of interesting programs, problems were found such as inappropriate keywords about education, short video duration, inconsistent quality of information and distraction. So TikTok needs to focus on user satisfaction and retention by continuing to innovate. The purpose of this study is to measure satisfaction and intention to continue using TikTok as educational information. This study uses 2 models, namely the Expectation Confirmation Model with four variables (confirmation, perceived usefulness, satisfaction, and intention to continue) and the Information System Success Model with two variables (system quality and information quality). Respondents used totaled 96 TikTok users who accessed educational content and were processed using SEM-PLS. This study found that confirmation (T: 19.558) affects perceived usefulness. Thus, many users feel that TikTok provides useful features. In addition, satisfaction (T: 6.364) and continuance intention (T: 3.602) are influenced by perceived usefulness related to TikTok. And satisfaction (T: 3.809) influences TikTok users' continued intention to access educational content..
Analysis of User Experience of the CapCut Application in Generation Z for Social Media Content Using the User Experience Questionnaire Method Wulan, Damar; Syaifullah; Saputra, Eki; Rahmawita, Medyantiwi; Marsal, Arif
Scientific Journal of Informatics Vol. 11 No. 3: August 2024
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/sji.v11i3.7543


Purpose: In the midst of these dynamics of change, research, development and application of technology continues to be the main focus in efforts to achieve progress and efficiency in various sectors of life. Generation Z has been the primary architect of cultural and behavioral change on social media. One of the most prominent characteristics of Generation Z is their desire to create "viral" content on social media. Content created using CapCut often uses interesting video and audio effects, such as progress effects, dry effects, music effects, and so on. This application has various features that make it easier for users to create video content, such as video effects, audio and animation. This shows that generation Z tends to use the CapCut application to create and edit video content that they share on social media. This research was conducted based on a phenomenon that has recently occurred, where many generations Z want to create content on social media using the CapCut application and also from several previous studies that have been conducted which are still lacking in understanding CapCup user satisfaction as a medium for creating content for Generation Z. and from several interviews the author conducted with CapCut application users. Method: This research uses the user experience questionnaire (UEQ) method with six (6) variables, namely attractiveness, efficiency, clarity, dependability, stimulation and novelty. Dr. Martin Schrepp developed a special tool that can be used to analyze UEQ questionnaire results, namely the UEQ Data Analysis Tool. The UEQ Data Analysis Tool is in the form of an Excel application which can be obtained by downloading it directly from the official website This study employs a quantitative research strategy. This study does not know the exact number of the population to be studied. So, the sample size was calculated using the Lemeshow formula, a survey was conducted on 96 users of the Capcut application. Result: Based on the results of the discussion regarding user experience, specifically Generation Z, in the CapCut Application using the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) method, conclusions can be drawn from the 6 variables in the UEQ used, the 6 variables obtained positive evaluation values, namely the Attractiveness (mean 1.177), Perspicuity variables. (mean 1.109), Efficiency (mean 1.109), Dependability (mean 1.159), Stimulation (mean 1.151) and Novelty (mean 0.763) with the highest evaluation value on the Attractiveness variable. 2. Based on the benchmark results, the values obtained for the Attractiveness variable were 1.18, Perspicuity 1.11, Efficiency 1.11, Dependability 1.16, Stimulation 1.15, and Novelty 0.76. Each variable gets an Above Average value (above the average). However, there is still potential for improvement to achieve standards of perfection desired. Users provided invaluable feedback and suggestions, highlighting the need for improvement. Novelty: This research provides 2 recommendations based on the results of evaluations using UEQ, which are expected to help in improving and improving the quality of the CapCut Application in the future.