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Analisis Hubungan Konstruksi Sumur Gali dan Sanitasi Lingkungan Terhadap Jumlah Bakteri Coliform Dalam Air Sumur Gali (Studi Kasus: Desa PAL IX, Kecamatan Sungai Kakap) Utin Yeni Syafarida; Dian Rahayu Jati; Aini Sulastri
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 20, No 3 (2022): July 2022
Publisher : School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro Univer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jil.20.3.437-444


Desa Pal IX merupakan wilayah yang terletak di Kecamatan Sungai Kakap yang masih banyak menggunakan sumur gali untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Namun masih banyak sumur gali yang belum memenuhi persyaratan konstruksi dan sanitasi sesuai dengan SNI 03-2916-2992. Menurut data WHO 2013, diare merupakan satu diantara jenis penyakit yang dapat disebabkan akibat mengkonsumsi air yang telah tercemar oleh bakteri Coliform. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kondisi bakteriologis air sumur gali berdasarkan Permenkes RI No.32 Tahun 2017, hubungan konstruksi sumur gali dan sanitasi lingkungan terhadap jumlah bakteri Coliform dalam air sumur gali. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi dan metode MPN dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak 10 sumur gali. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, diketahui bahwa 8 dari 10 sampel tidak memenuhi syarat jumlah Coliform. Berdasarkan hasil analisis statistik, didapatkan bahwa ada hubungan antara konstruksi sumur dan sanitasi lingkungan gali terhadap kandungan bakteri Coliform yang ditandai dengan nilai P<0,05. Hubungan sanitasi lingkungan terhadap kandungan bakteri Coliform adalah semakin dekat jarak sumur gali dengan sumber pencemaran, maka semakin tinggi kemungkinan kandungan bakteri Coliform yang terkandung dalam sumur gali. Hubungan konstruksi sumur gali terhadap bakteri Coliform adalah semakin buruk konstruksi sumur gali, maka kandungan bakteri Coliform di dalam air sumur gali akan semakin tinggi. Secara keseluruhan tidak ada sumur gali yang memenuhi persyaratan bakteriologis dan kondisi lingkungan yang terdapat di Desa Pal IX Kecamatan Sungai Kakap Kabupaten Kubu Raya.ABSTRACTPal IX Village is an area located in Sungai Kakap District which still uses many dug wells to meet their daily needs. However, there are still many dug wells that do not meet the construction and sanitation requirements in accordance with SNI 03-2916-2992. According to 2013 WHO data, diarrhea is one of the types of diseases that can be caused by consuming water that has been contaminated with Coliform bacteria. The purpose of this study was to analyze the bacteriological condition of dug well water according to the quality Standars regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 32 year 2017, the relationship of dug well construction and environmental sanitation on the number of Coliform bacteria in dug well water. This study used the observation method and the MPN method with a sample of 10 dug wells. Based on the research that has been done, it is known that 80% of the samples do not meet the requirements for the number of Coliforms. Based on the results of statistical analysis, it was found that there was a relationship between well construction and environmental sanitation on the content of Coliform bacteria which was indicated by a P value <0.05. The relationship between environmental sanitation and Coliform bacteria content is that the closer the dug well is to the source of pollution, the higher the possibility of Coliform bacteria content contained in the dug well. The relationship between dug well construction and Coliform bacteria is that the worse the dug well construction, the higher the Coliform bacteria content in the dug well water. Overall, there are no dug wells that meet the bacteriological requirements and environmental conditions in Pal IX village, Sungai Kakap district, Kubu Raya regency.
Analisis Pemanfaatan Sampah Plastik dengan Metode Buang, Pisah, dan Untung Menggunakan Sistem Barcode Dawud Abdullah Azzaki; Dian Rahayu Jati; Aini Sulastri; Robby Irsan; Jumiati Jumiati
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 20, No 2 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro Univer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jil.20.2.252-262


Sampah yang meningkat tanpa adanya penanganan lebih lanjut akan mengakibatkan permasalahan serius. Penimbunan sampah dapat bertahan dengan waktu yang lama, yang disebabkan oleh lambatnya waktu dekomposisi dari timbunan sampah, khususnya sampah plastik. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui jumlah sampah plastik yang dihasilkan, keuntungan yang dihasilkan dan keberlanjutan dari penerapan metode Buang, Pisah, Untung (Bungpitung) menggunakan sistem barcode. Penelitian mengambil metode purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data berupa data sekunder harga jual sampah plastik dan data primer timbulan sampah plastik dan wawancara. Penelitian menggunakan analisis metode gabungan (mixed methods) penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Total timbulan sampah plastik dari semua responden sebesar 136.508 gr dengan rata-rata timbulan sampah plastik 65 gr/orang/hari. Bentuk sampah plastik dominan terbanyak Gelas Bening Sablon (GBS) sebesar 35.526 gr. Bentuk sampah plastik dominan terbanyak dari total seluruh jenis yaitu Botol Bening Biru (BBB) sebesar 40.525 gr. Total keuntungan sampah plastik yang diperoleh dari semua responden sebesar Rp 128.945 dengan rata-rata keuntungan sampah plastik Rp 61,4 /hari. Tingginya nilai timbulan sampah plastik, tingginya nilai keuntungan yang dihasilkan, kontinuitas penerapan metode bungpitung, peningkatan wawasan mengenai pengelolaan sampah plastik, peningkatan perilaku dalam mengelola sampah plastik serta pendapat secara langsung oleh responden mengenai kelayakan metode Bungpitung merupakan bukti metode Bungpitung layak diterapkan pada masyarakat di masa yang akan datang.ABSTRACTIncreased waste without further handling will lead to serious problems. The landfill can last for a long time, which is caused by the slow decomposition time of the landfill, especially plastic waste. This study aims to determine the amount of plastic waste produced, the profits generated from the application of the Dispose, Separate, Profit (Bungpitung) method using a barcode system. The research took the purposive sampling method. Collecting data in the form of secondary data on the selling price of plastic waste and primary data on the generation of plastic waste and interviews. This study uses a combined analysis (mixed methods) of quantitative and qualitative research. The total generation of plastic waste from all respondents is 136,508 grams with an average plastic waste generation of 65 grams/person/day. The dominant form of plastic waste is Screen Printing Clear Plastic Cups (GBS) as much as 35.526 gr. The most common form of plastic waste of all types is Blue Clear Plastic Bottle (BBB) of 40,525 gr. The total profit from plastic waste obtained from all respondents is Rp. 128,945 with an average profit of Rp. 61.4/day for plastic waste. The high value of plastic waste generation, the increase in the value of the profits generated, the continuity of the application of the bungpitung method, increased insight into plastic waste management, increased behavior in managing plastic waste, and direct assessment by respondents about Bungpitung methods suitable for use in the community in the future.
Pengaruh Perubahan Tutupan Lahan Terhadap Jasa Ekosistem Pangan Di Taman Nasional Danau Sentarum Hanif Andryannur; Aji Ali Akbar; Aini Sulastri
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 20, No 3 (2022): July 2022
Publisher : School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro Univer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jil.20.3.615-627


Jasa ekosistem merupakan komponen yang penting dalam perkembangan pengelolaan Taman Nasional Danau Sentarum (TNDS), besar jasa ekosistem bagi masyarakat dapat memicu keterlibatan masyarakat di kawasan Taman Nasional untuk ikut melestarikan ekosistem Taman Nasional Danau Sentarum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh perubahan tutupan lahan terhadap sebaran kelas jasa ekosistem pangan di kawasan TNDS. Pola sebaran jasa ekosistem Taman Nasional Danau Sentarum pada penelitian ini dikaji dengan pendekatan berbasis data pola perubahan tutupan lahan di Kawasan Taman Nasional Danau Sentarum. Peta jasa ekosistem disusun melalui pendapat para ahli terhadap potensi jasa ekosistem pada masing- masing jenis tutupan lahan melalui Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) menggunakan metode perhitungan pairwise comparison. Jenis jasa ekosistem yang dianalisis adalah penyedia pangan. Hasil dari perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa nilai indeks jasa ekosistem pangan Taman Nasional Danau Sentarum pada tahun 2020 masih didominasi oleh kelas jasa ekosistem pangan rendah dengan total luasan 71.115 ha dengan tutupan lahan yang mendominasi adalah lahan rawa seluas 51.757 ha. Pada tahun 2020 juga terjadi peningkatan luasan pada kelas jasa ekosistem pangan sedang dengan total luasan 43.325 ha yang didominasi oleh tutupan lahan hutan rawa sekunder dengan total luasan 13.310 ha.ABSTRACTEcosystem services are an important component in the development of the management of Danau Sentarum National Park (DSNP), large ecosystem services for the community can trigger community involvement in the National Park area to participate in conserving the ecosystem of Danau Sentarum National Park This study examines the effect of land cover changes on the distribution of food ecosystem service classes in the DSNP area. The pattern of distribution of ecosystem services in Danau Sentarum National Park in this study was studied using an approach based on data on land cover change patterns in the Danau Sentarum National Park area. Ecosystem service maps are prepared through expert judgment on the potential for ecosystem services in each type of land cover through the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with the pairwise comparison calculation method. The types of ecosystem services analyzed are food providers. The results of the calculation show that the value of the food ecosystem service index of Danau Sentarum National Park in 2020 is still dominated by the low food ecosystem service class with a total area of 71,115 ha with the dominant land cover being a swamp area of 51,757 ha. In 2020 there was also an increase in the area of the medium food ecosystem service class with a total area of 43,325 ha which was dominated by secondary swamp forest land cover with a total area of 13,310 ha
Jurnal Sinergitas PKM & CSR Vol 4, No 3 (2020): DECEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Pelita Harapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19166/jspc.v4i3.2539


Raudhatul Islamiyah Mosque which is located on Jl. Trans Kalimantan, Jawa Tengah Village, Sungai Ambawang District, Kubu Raya District is one of the mosques that had problem in fulfill the demand of clean water for flushing and daily activities. The water used comes from artesian well whose quality and quantity were inadequate. This had an impact on the damage to mosque facilities such as faucet because of rust and the bathtub turn brownish yellow. Besides flushing, activity in the form of mouthwash - gargle using water that was yellowish brown and smelly can potentially cause disease because of the presence of iron, organic matter, microbes, and others. Therefore it needed a water treatment that treats water quality so that it was safe to use. Water treatment was designed using aeration and shell sand filtration with a processing capacity of 1000 liters. The method used in this activity was the participatory method where the youth at the mosque participated in socialization and training activities, making water treatment plants, operation and maintenance water treatment equipment. In addition there was an operational standard manual to facilitate the operation and maintenance of the water treatment equipment.BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: Masjid Raudhatul Islamiyah yang terletak di Jl.Trans Kalimantan, Desa Jawa Tengah, Kecamatan Sungai Ambawang, Kabupaten Kubu Raya merupakan salah satu masjid yang memiliki permasalahan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan air bersih untuk wudhu dan aktivitas harian lainnya. Air yang digunakan berasal dari sumur bor yang kualitas dan kuantitasnya kurang memadai. Hal tersebut berdampak pada rusaknya fasilitas masjid berupa keran air wudhu karena karat dan beberapa fasilitas masjid salah satunya adalah bak kamar mandi menjadi berwarna kuning kecoklatan. Selain itu aktivitas wudhu berupa kumur – kumur menggunakan air yang berwarna kuning kecoklatan dan berbau dapat berpotensi mengakibatkan penyakit karena adanya kandungan besi, zat organik, mikroba, dan lainnya. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan suatu instalasi pengolahan air yang mampu mengolah kualitas air sehingga aman untuk digunakan. Pengolahan air yang dirancang menggunakan proses aerasi dan filtrasi pasir kerang dengan kapasitas pengolahan sebesar 1000 liter. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah dengan metode parsipatori dimana remaja masjid ikut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan sosialisasi dan pelatihan, pembuatan instalasi pengolahan air, operasional dan pemeliharaan alat pengolahan air. Selain itu terdapat buku panduan standar operasional untuk mempermudah operasional dan pemeliharaan alat.
Waste Processing in the Raudhatul Islamiyah Mosque Centra Java Village, Ambawang River District, Kubu Raya District Ulli Kadaria; Ricka Aprillia; Aini Sulastri; Govira Christiadora Asbanu; Wahdaniah Muktar
Warta Pengabdian Andalas Vol 28 No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jwa.28.3.239-246.2021


As one of the public facilities with a reasonably solid mobilization of activities, the mosque requires adequate facilities and infrastructure substantial waste. Likewise, the Raudhatul Islamiyah Mosque on the edge of the Trans Kalimantan road, Ambawang District, and Regency of Kubu Raya do not have waste management facilities and infrastructure, including trash bins. The approach taken was to provide trash bins so that waste can be accommodated according to its type and socialization and training to increase public awareness and train partners in processing organic waste produced to have economic value. The purpose of the socialization of waste management was to provide knowledge about the grouping of waste based on the types of organic and inorganic waste, how to sort waste and its utilization and increase the understanding of partners regarding how to make compost. The face-to-face method was used in lectures, discussions, questions and answers, simulations and field practice. The materials provided include classifying waste based on its type, problems caused by waste, how to sort waste and how to process organic waste into compost. In addition, training on composting was given after the socialization material was completed. The final activity was the handover of 2 segregated trash bins with a capacity of 50 litres and a composter with a capacity of 5 litres equipped with an activator that functions to accelerate the work of microorganisms in the composting process of organic waste.
Jurnal Buletin Al-Ribaath Vol 14, No 2 (2017): Buletin Al-Ribaath
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (996.838 KB) | DOI: 10.29406/br.v14i2.877


Hidayatul Muslimin 1 Kubu Raya Boarding School and Ma’had Labbaik Pontianak have a problem in term of water quality. The limited quantity as well as the uncertainty of rainwater cause Hidayatul Muslimin 1 Boarding School and Ma’had Labbaik using well to use well to meet the needs of clean water. The physical quality of well water is dark brown in color because of the peat soil around both of locations. Well water is only pumped toward the reservoir without any water treatment process, thereby potentially causing diseases such as itching as well as causing yellow color in clothing and kitchen utensils. Thus, installation of water treatment unit is needed to treat well water into the clean water which is suitable for everyday use. Treatment technology used are chlorination, aeration, and filtration using clamshell media, with a processing capacity of 1000 liters. The method used is the participatory method by involving students in socialization, operation, and maintenance of water treatment installation. The physical quality of water is clean after treatment and suitable for everyday use. Keywords: Aeration, Filtration, Chlorination, Water Treatment
Study of Rhizosphere Bacteria on the Coast of Mempawah Mangrove as Bioremediation Agents Aini Sulastri; Jumiati Jumiati; Putranty Widha Nugraheni; Leonardus Sandy Ade Putra; Eka Kusumawardhani
Jurnal Presipitasi : Media Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Teknik Lingkungan Vol 19, No 3 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (959.089 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/presipitasi.v19i3.464-476


The production and accumulation of organic matter in the mangrove ecosystem allow this area to be rich in microbes and potentially develop as a source of various extracellular enzymes. This research aims to create effective microorganisms as bioremediation agents and determine the composition of the types of bacteria found in mangrove areas, sediments, leaf litter, stems, and mangrove plants. Sediment and vegetation were obtained as samples for being diluted and isolated, then spread onto media to get a single pure colony using Zobell 2216 method. The virgin territory formed is distinguished by characterization using macroscopic observations. It was found that the composition of bacteria isolated from the mangrove area contained 59 isolates with various visible characteristics consisting of 20 isolates of sedimentary bacteria, 27 isolates of bacteria on stems, and 12 isolates of bacteria derived from mangrove leaves. Bacterial isolates S08, B27, and D04 have the potential for the bioremediation of Hg metal. Bacterial isolates S58, B35, and D13 have potential for Pb bioremediation, while bacterial isolates S27, B35, and D12 have potential as Fe bioremediation agents.
Efektivitas Aktivator Mikroorganisme Lokal Limbah Sayur Dalam Pembuatan Kompos Ukhfiya Dewantari; Arifin Arifin; Aini Sulastri; Isna Apriani
Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Lahan Basah Vol 11, No 1 (2023): Januari 2023
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jtllb.v11i1.56732


Flamboyan adalah pasar yang berlokasi di Kota Pontianak yang menghasilkan sampah organik dengan persentase sebesar 89,57 %. Tingginya sampah organik yang dihasilkan dapat menyebabkan limbah organik akan membusuk dan menimbulkan bau yang tidak sedap serta menjadi vektor penyakit sehingga sanitasi dan estetika lingkungan menurun. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan untuk menangani limbah tersebut dengan cara pengomposan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui kualitas fisik dan kimia kompos berdasarkan PERMENTAN No. 70 tahun 2011 dan mengidentifikasi pengaruh antara aktivator mikroorganisme lokal limbah sayur, EM4 dan kotoran sapi terhadap kualitas kematangan kompos. Metode penelitian ini yaitu pengomposan secara aerobik dengan waktu pengomposan selama 35 hari dan menggunakan jumlah mikroorganisme yang sama yaitu sebanyak 7.850.000 sel. Hasil penelitian yang didapat, kompos yang terbaik terdapat pada aktivator kotoran sapi dengan parameter yang telah memenuhi baku mutu terdiri dari suhu sebesar 31oC, pH sebesar 5,8 , warna coklat kehitaman, bau seperti tanah, bertekstur halus, kadar kalium (K) sebesar 4,4 %, kadar C-Organik 32,9% dan rasio C/N kompos sebesar 23,54 serta aktivator MOL, EM4 dan kotoran sapi tidak memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda terhadap kematangan kompos.
Pelatihan Komposting Remaja Masjid Raudhatul Islamiyah Kabupaten Kubu Raya Ulli Kadaria; Aini Sulastri; Winardi
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 7 No 4 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (491.206 KB) | DOI: 10.30653/002.202274.185


COMPOSTING TRAINING FOR YOUTH AT RAUDHATUL ISLAMIYAH MOSQUE KUBU RAYA REGENCY. Youth of Raudhatul Islamiyah Mosque is one of the youth Muslim organizations who live in Central Java Village, Ambawang District, Kubu Raya Regency. Even though they are based on Islam, mosque youth are not only engaged in religious activities. Several activities have been carried out at that location and the participation of the youth of the mosque is very good, this is proven by the well-maintained tools that have been given and the routine activities that are carried out in mutual cooperation. In previous activities, community services were also carried out in the form of socializing the sorting of organic and inorganic waste and providing composting tools on a small scale, but the interest of mosque youth in processing waste, especially organic waste, needs to be facilitated. In this activity, socialization and training on composting were carried out, as well as the provision of composting equipment on a large scale. Mosque youth are actively involved in socialization and training activities. After the socialization, training, and mentoring activities, it is hoped that the youth of the mosque can develop the knowledge that has been obtained for a wider scope and can be applied in their respective neighborhoods so as to reduce the volume of organic waste.
The Value of Mangrove Ecosystems Based on Mangrove Carbon Sequestration in West Kalimantan Vera Maulidia; Aji Ali Akbar; Jumiati Jumiati; Arifin Arifin; Aini Sulastri
Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management Vol 10, No 1 (2022): January-June, 2022
Publisher : Center for Journal Management and Publication

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (395.126 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/jwem.v10i1.279


Research on carbon storage is currently in the world spotlight along with the increasing greenhouse effect. Mangroves as one of the ecosystems play a role in blue carbon which can store more carbon than terrestrial forests. Mangroves absorb more carbon than any other forest ecosystem. This is because mangroves are included in wetlands that have the ability to store carbon when the land remains wet. An in-depth discussion was carried out by integrating various literatures on mangroves from 2011–2021 to enrich the information for this research. Mangrove area in West Kalimantan in the period 2011 - 2021 has an area of about 256,586.80 Ha which is dominated by species Brugueira spp., Rhizophora spp., Sonneratia alba, Avicennia spp. Nypa fruticans, Excoecaria agallocha, Xylocarpus moluccensis and Acrostichum speciosum. Human activities, abrasion and sedimentation have caused a decrease in the area of mangrove ecosystems in West Kalimantan. An increase in temperature has a global impact on life on the earth's surface and the environmental conditions of mangroves. The decrease in micropopulation and aboveground biomass causes a decrease in infauna species and biomass, affects nutrient cycles, destroys nurseries, and reduces mangrove ecosystem services. The results show that mangrove carbon storage in the period 2011 - 2021 is 628.10 tons C.ha-1 which has an economic valuation of 3,410.50 US$. Efforts to mitigate global warming and trade in mangroves can be carried out through community-based restoration, restoration of forest plantings, integrated coastal ecosystem rehabilitation, and economic approaches.