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Pelatihan dan pendampingan pengolahan sampah organik menjadi pupuk kompos di desa burai Lia Cundari; Susila Arita; Leily Nurul Komariah; Tuty Emilia Agustina; David Bahrin
Jurnal Teknik Kimia Vol 25 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Teknik Kimia
Publisher : Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/jtk.v25i1.13


Sampah merupakan material sisa dari suatu proses yang memiliki dampak bahaya untuk lingkungan dan kesehatan. Solusi dari dampak tersebut adalah penanggulangan sampah dengan perancangan dan pembuatan alat, serta pelatihan dan pendampingan yang berhubungan dengan pengolahan sampah. Kegiatan ini merupakan pengabdian kepada masyarakat bagi warga Desa Burai, Kecamatan Tanjung Batu, Kabupaten Ogan Ilir, Sumatera Selatan dimana sampah organik diubah menjadi pupuk kompos. Proses pembuatan pupuk kompos dilakukan dengan 3 tipe yaitu, kompos celup, kompos padat-cair, dan kompos padat. Kapasitas sampah organik yang diolah sebanyak 8 kg dan proses berlangsung selama 20-40 hari. Kompos cair yang dihasilkan dari proses celup sebanyak 4,5 Liter. Untuk komposter padat-cair telah dihasilkan kompos cair sebanyak 1,8 liter, kompos padatnya sebanyak 2,1 kg. Untuk komposter padat, dihasilkan kompos padat sebanyak 2,6 kg. Tingkat pengetahuan warga terhadap pengelolaan sampah secara umum masih relatif kecil, secara rata-rata hanya 48%. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh pendidikan warga yang tingkat dasar (SD) mencapai 48%. Untuk pengalaman warga dalam mengelola sampah sudah cukup baik, yaitu sebanyak 53%. Persepsi masyarakat terhadap pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga sudah baik, yaitu sebanyak 71% menyatakan setuju atas upaya pengelolaan sampah. Dengan tingkat persepsi yang tinggi tersebut tidak mendorong tingginya tingkat partisipasi warga terhadap pengelolaan sampah. Sebanyak 41-57% warga tidak pernah berpartisipasi baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung terhadap pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga.
Analisa performance ammonia converter pabrik pupuk sebelum dan sesudah turn around (TA) David Bahrin; Indira Nur Sakinah; Farra Unzilah Kendari Putri
Jurnal Teknik Kimia Vol 25 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Teknik Kimia
Publisher : Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/jtk.v25i1.14


Ammonia converter merupakan salah satu alat penting dalam produksi amoniak khususnya di Unit Amoniak Pabrik Pupuk. Performance reaktor ammonia converter mempengaruhi produktivitas dan efisiensi di pabrik amoniak dilihat dari peningkatan produksi NH3 yang di dapat dari hasil keluaran ammonia converter. Analisa performance dilakukan menggunakan simulasi aspen hysys 3.2. dengan prinsip perhitungan secara kesetimbangan dan kinetika. Hasil analisa pun akan dibandingkan sebelum dan sesudah Turn Around (TA). Berdasarkan teknik proses pada pabrik pupuk, hasil konversi dihitung menggunakan Microsoft Excel karena tidak terdapat data aktual untuk flowrate. Didapatkan hasil konversi sebelum TA yaitu konversi N2 sebesar 25,7088% dan konversi H2 sebesar 25,8984%. Hasil konversi untuk data setelah turn around yaitu konversi N2 sebesar 25,6191% dan konversi H2 sebesar 26,0366%. Penggantian katalis dan pengecekan operasi alat pada saat TA yang membuat kondisi operasi ammonia converter lebih membaik dibandingkan sebelum TA. Beberapa faktor lainnya yang mempengaruhi yaitu temperatur inlet, tekanan inlet, dan rasio H2/N22.
Synthesis and Characterization Catalyst γ-Al2O3 and Al/γ-Al2O3 using XRD Analysis Selpiana Selpiana; David Bahrin; RR Yunita Bayu Ningsih; Aditia H Akbar; Ayu Permatasari
IJFAC (Indonesian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Chemistry) Vol 7, No 1 (2022): February 2022
Publisher : IJFAC (Indonesian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Chemistry)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24845/ijfac.v7.i1.26


Catalysts have an essential role in chemical processes because they can control reactions and produce the desired product. In general, catalysts function to speed up chemical reactions that can take place by lowering the activation energy. By decreasing the activation energy, the minimum energy required for the collision is reduced so that the reaction can occur faster. Selection of the suitable material to be used as a catalyst is an effort that must be made to achieve a successful process and obtain cost efficiency. The choice of material as metal and support was the aim of this research. Aluminum (Al) was the material chosen as metal and γ-Al2O as the support. The method used in the synthesis of this catalyst was dry impregnation. It is hoped that more metal will stick to the support. In this study, catalyst synthesis was carried out with two variations of treatment. The first treatment was using Al as metal and γ-Al2O3 as the support. The second treatment did not use metal only γ-Al2O3 as the support. The resulting material was characterized by XRD analysis. The analysis found that in the diffractogram pattern of Al /γ-Al2O3, the peaks appeared at 2θ = 37o; 46o and 67o. The impregnation process went well. Aluminum was evenly distributed (sticks) to the pore surface of the support and entered the poresKeywords: Catalyst, metal-support, Al/γ-Al2O3, dry impregnation, XRD
Kinetic Study on the SO2 Adsorption using CuO/γ-Al2O3 Adsorbent David Bahrin; Subagjo Subagjo; Herri Susanto
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 2016: BCREC Volume 11 Issue 1 Year 2016 (April 2016)
Publisher : Department of Chemical Engineering - Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (526.323 KB) | DOI: 10.9767/bcrec.11.1.425.93-100


Adsorbent CuO/g-Al2O3 for adsorption of SO2 were prepared by impregnating Cu(NO3)2.3H2O solution. Five types of adsorbent were obtained 5Cu (intended Cu concentration of 5%, actual of 4.92%), 8Cu (7.68%), 15Cu(14.13%), 22Cu (20.80%) and 27Cu (25.80%). For activity test, model gas containing SO2 with a concentration of about 0.755 mol/m3 were passed through the bed of 1 gram adsorbent at a flow rate in the range of 1.4-1.8 mL/s. Adsorption of SO2 were carried out at a constant temperature of 300, 350, 400 or 450 °C. Increasing sulfur loadings (gram of sulfur per gram of adsorbent) were observed with increasing adsorption temperatures, but not with increasing Cu content in the adsorbent. Among those types, adsorbent of 8Cu was considered as the best with respect to the sulfur loading (3 g of sulfur per 100 g of adsorbent). Adsorbent 5Cu had actually a better sulfur loading, but it was suspected being contributed also by adsorption of SO2 on Al2O3. The shrinking core model was used in the kinetic study of adsorption using 8Cu and with additional assumption of a spherical particle. Compared to film diffusion and pore diffusion controlling step models, the reaction rate limitation was the best to fit the experimental data. The reaction rate constant for this model at temperatures of 300, 350, 400 and 450 °C were 0.022, 0.038, 0.042, and 0.059 kg.m.mol-1.min-1, respectively. The activation energy was 21.25 kJ.mol-1 and the frequency factor was 2.02 min-1. 
Study of the Potential Use of Clay from Muratara Regency as Subtituent Materials for API Bentonite for Drilling Mud based on API RP 13B Mud Slurry Properties Tests Azka R Antari; Machmud Hasjim; David Bahrin
Indonesian Journal of Environmental Management and Sustainability Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): March
Publisher : Research Centre of Inorganic Materials and Complexs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3821.185 KB) | DOI: 10.26554/ijems.2020.4.1.1-9


Bentonite, especially Sodium (Na) Bentonite is a type of clay that is used as a basis for water-based drilling mud in the of oil and gas wells drilling throughout the world including Indonesia, bentonite used in Indonesia is still partially imported from abroad. Sodium Bentonite can be substituted with ordinary clay which is treated by beneficiation throught addition of Na2CO3. The area of Musi Rawas Utara (Muratara) Regency of South Sumatra Province contains clay reserves resulting from pyroclastic deposit which will be investigated as potential subtitutional materials of imported API Bentonite. Clay samples from 6 different locations were prepared by first looking for the best % swell of sample beneficiation combination from all over the 36 combinations through the free swell test, the results obtained that the 4% BWOC Na2CO3 combination gave the best % swell. From this, 24 samples were prepared for various measurements of mud properties using standard equipment and procedures following the API RP 13 B for water-based mud with drilling grade Na-bentonite (API Bentonite) as standard material. The test includes 7 properties which are divided into 16 measurement units namely density, rheology, filtration, solid and liquid content, sand content, pH and methylene blue capacity etc. The test results show that the Na2CO3 beneficiation is able to change ionically the characteristics of the clay, but from the aspect of the suitability of the value of each test parameter to the standard value shows that none of the samples has full compatibility, which is mean that Muratara clay technically cannot be used as a substituent material of API Bentonite.
Pengaruh konsentrasi inisiator kalium persulfat dan monomer asam akrilat terhadap persen grafting karet alam/starch Tuti Indah Sari; Fitri Hadiah; David Bahrin; Tri Julieta Putri; Rizka Amanda
Jurnal Teknik Kimia Vol 29 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Teknik Kimia
Publisher : Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/jtk.v29i1.1450


Modifikasi karet alam menggunakan pati (starch) dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas karet alam serta meningkatkan kekuatan mekanis. Pati termasuk polimer yang sering dikembangkan dengan monomer atau beberapa polimer, karena memiliki sifat kekuatan tarik yang tinggi. Modifikasi karet alam menggunakan pati dilakukan dengan menambahkan kalium persulfat sebagai inisiator dan asam akrilat sebagai monomer. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi inisiator dan monomer terhadap persen grafting karet alam/starch, spektrum karet alam/pati dengan asam akrilat, dan morfologi hasil grafting karet alam dengan membandingkan pati termodifikasi dan tak termodifikasi. Variasi konsentrasi inisiator kalium persulfat yang digunakan berkisar 1 – 3%, sedangkan variasi jumlah monomer asam akrilat berkisar 22 – 30%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai persen grafting tertinggi yaitu pada konsentrasi inisiator 3% yaitu sebesar 58,28%, sedangkan variasi monomer menunjukkan hasil optimum pada penambahan monomer 28% dari pati yaitu 45,94%. Hasil Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) pada sampel menunjukkan munculnya peak pada panjang gelombang sekitar 1244,78 cm-1 yaitu gugus C-O-C yang menandakan adanya senyawa pati serta panjang gelombang sekitar 1739,62 cm-1 yaitu gugus C=O yang menandakan adanya asam akrilat. Morfologi sampel grafting karet alam dengan pati termodifikasi menunjukkan hasil yang lebih baik dibandingkan pati tak termodifikasi.
Experimental Investigation on Thermophysical and Stability Properties of TiO2/Virgin Coconut Oil Nanofluid Barlin Oemar; Amir Arifin; David Bahrin; Astuti; Dwiki Ramadhan; Muhammad Abil Rifqy; Muhammad Reza Tinambunan
Science and Technology Indonesia Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): April
Publisher : Research Center of Inorganic Materials and Coordination Complexes, FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26554/sti.2023.8.2.178-183


This paper shows experimental study results on the thermophysical and stability of nanofluids of Titanium oxide (TiO2) dispersed in high-purity of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO). Nanofluid samples that functioned as a lubricant were prepared by a two-step preparation method at different volume fractions (0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 vol.%) and different temperatures (28, 40, and 100°C). The dynamic viscosity and density were performed using Falling Ball Viscometer and Pycnometer, respectively. The sedimentation photograph method using a digital camera was applied to analyze the stability. A maximum dynamic viscosity enhancement of 62.78% was recorded for TiO2/VCO nanofluid with 0.5% nanoparticle volume fraction and at the temperature of 100°C). Whereas, the highest density improvement was recorded for TiO2/VCO nanofluid with 0.5% nanoparticle volume fraction. Freshly prepared nanofluids did not show any significant change in stability. However, a trivial phase separation appeared in the samples after 8 days. The results indicated that adding TiO2 nanoparticles increased the dynamic viscosity and density. It can be concluded that the volume in fraction has the effect to enhance the thermophysical stability of TiO2/VCO nanofluids.
Preparation and Characterization of Catalyst Zn/Al2O3 Catalyst using Dry and Wet Impregnation Method Selpiana Selpiana; David Bahrin; Muhammad Ridho Habibie; Faras Saskia Samara
IJFAC (Indonesian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Chemistry) Vol 8, No 1 (2023): February 2023
Publisher : IJFAC (Indonesian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Chemistry)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24845/ijfac.v8.i1.25


Metal supported catalysts are used in many catalytic cracking processes. Experiments have shown that the increasing of metal loaded within the catalyst support may affected the increasing of cracking process conversion and selectivity. Therefore, a fundamental understanding of increasing the metal loaded is needed. In this study, Zinc on Alumina supported catalyst was prepared using the dry and wet impregnation methods to obtain the best amount of Zn metal content in Al2O3 as catalyst support with good characteristics for catalytic cracking. The prepared precursor solution in wet impregnation method was varied in concentration. While the dry impregnation method was varied in drying temperature. The Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy test results the metal content of Zn on the variation of precursor solution concentration on 0,5 M; 2,5 M; 4,5 M  are 1,06%; 9,65%; 15,91% and in the variation of the drying temperature at 25ºC, 50ºC, and 80ºC respectively are 18,32%; 12,48%; and 39,07%. Characteristics analysis through X-Ray Diffraction, Brunauer-Emmet-Teller, and Scanning Electron Microscopy tests have also been carried out on samples with the highest metal content of 39,07% and samples with the lowest metal content of 1,06%.
Pembuatan dan Karakterisasi γ-Al2O3-SiO2 sebagai Penyangga Adsorben untuk Penyisihan SO2 dari Gas Cerobong PLTU-Batubara David Bahrin; Dikpride Despa; Trisya Septiana; Selpiana Selpiana; Muhammad Rizwan; Fauzan Fauzan; Agustina Agustina; Conniwanti
Seminar Nasional Insinyur Profesional (SNIP) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Prosiding SNIP Vol.3 No.1
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/snip.v3i1.371


Pembakaran batubara dengan kadar sulfur lebih dari 0,23%-berat (dry basis) dengan udara pembakaran berlebih 50% pada Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) batubara dapat menghasilkan SO2 diatas baku mutu emisi yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah. Penyisihan gas SO2 dari gas cerobong PLTU-batubara dapat melalui proses adsorpsi menggunakan adsorben padat dengan fasa aktif seperti CuO, MgO, CaO, CeO2 yang ditempelkan pada penyangga berbasis oksida logam baik tunggal maupun campuran diantaranya adalah g-Al2O3, SiO2, TiO2. Penggunaan campuran g-Al2O3 dan SiO2 sebagai penyangga didasarkan pada beberapa pertimbangan diantaranya adalah luas permukaan dan volume pori-pori yang besar dan stabilitas termal yang baik. Campuran senyawa g-Al2O3-SiO2 dibuat dengan metode sol gel menggunakan senyawa AlCl3.6H2O dan boehmite sebagai sumber g-Al2O3 dan natrium silikat dan Siral-10 sebagai sumber SiO2. Variabel penelitian meliputi komposisi campuran g-Al2O3 dan SiO2 diperoleh dengan memvariasikan konsentrasi SiO2 dalam larutan natrium silikat (4, 6, 8 dan 10 % v/v) dan temperatur kalsinasi (550, 650 dan 750°C). Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa variasi konsentrasi SiO2 (% v/v) dalam larutan natrium silikat menghasilkan penyangga dengan sifat pori yang cenderung mirip. Kenaikan temperatur kalsinasi mempengaruhi sifat pori penyangga γ-Al2O3-SiO2. Luas permukaan, total volume pori dan radius pori rata-rata penyangga γ-Al2O3-SiO2 terbaik diperoleh pada temperatur kalsinasi 550°C masing-masing sebesar 293,724 m2/g; 1,0580 cc/g; dan 67,33Å
Kinetic Study on the SO2 Adsorption using CuO/γ-Al2O3 Adsorbent David Bahrin; Subagjo Subagjo; Herri Susanto
Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 2016: BCREC Volume 11 Issue 1 Year 2016 (April 2016)
Publisher : Masyarakat Katalis Indonesia - Indonesian Catalyst Society (MKICS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.9767/bcrec.11.1.425.93-100


Adsorbent CuO/g-Al2O3 for adsorption of SO2 were prepared by impregnating Cu(NO3)2.3H2O solution. Five types of adsorbent were obtained 5Cu (intended Cu concentration of 5%, actual of 4.92%), 8Cu (7.68%), 15Cu(14.13%), 22Cu (20.80%) and 27Cu (25.80%). For activity test, model gas containing SO2 with a concentration of about 0.755 mol/m3 were passed through the bed of 1 gram adsorbent at a flow rate in the range of 1.4-1.8 mL/s. Adsorption of SO2 were carried out at a constant temperature of 300, 350, 400 or 450 °C. Increasing sulfur loadings (gram of sulfur per gram of adsorbent) were observed with increasing adsorption temperatures, but not with increasing Cu content in the adsorbent. Among those types, adsorbent of 8Cu was considered as the best with respect to the sulfur loading (3 g of sulfur per 100 g of adsorbent). Adsorbent 5Cu had actually a better sulfur loading, but it was suspected being contributed also by adsorption of SO2 on Al2O3. The shrinking core model was used in the kinetic study of adsorption using 8Cu and with additional assumption of a spherical particle. Compared to film diffusion and pore diffusion controlling step models, the reaction rate limitation was the best to fit the experimental data. The reaction rate constant for this model at temperatures of 300, 350, 400 and 450 °C were 0.022, 0.038, 0.042, and 0.059 kg.m.mol-1.min-1, respectively. The activation energy was 21.25 kJ.mol-1 and the frequency factor was 2.02 min-1.