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Pemetaan Lahan Lamtoro Sebagai Basis Data Hutan Tanaman Energi di Kabupaten Bone Bolango muhammad irfan maulana; Sardi Salim; Yasin Mohamad
Jambura Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Vol 5, No 1 (2023): Januari - Juni 2023
Publisher : Teknik Elektro - Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/jjeee.v5i1.16810


Pengembangan energi terbarukan sebagai energi alternatif atau dapat diperoleh dari tumbuhan yang salah satunya adalah tanaman lamtoro. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis sebaran lahan tanaman lamtoro dan analisis kesesuaian lahan untuk budidaya tanaman lamtoro di Kabupaten Bone Bolango sebagai basis data pengembangan hutan tanaman energi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam pemetaan sebaran lahan tanaman lamtoro adalah metode ground check (survey lapangan) dan metode dalam analisis kesesuaian lahan menggunakan metode overlay dan scoring setiap parameter yang digunakan dan diolah menggunakan software arcGIS. Hasil pemetaan sebaran lahan tanaman lamtoro pada tiga Kecamatan yang berada di Kabupaten Bone Bolango sebesar 1,604 ha pada Kecamatan Kabila dapat menghasilkan energi listrik sebesar 5.071 kWh/ha/tahun, 3,118 ha pada Kecamatan Tilongkabila dapat menghasilkan energi listrik sebesar 9.857 kWh/ha/tahun dan 22,070 ha pada Kecamatan Kabila Bone dapat menghasilkan energi listrik sebesar 69.767 kWh/ha/tahun. Menurut hasil analisis kesesuaian lahan tanaman lamtoro di Kabupaten Bone Bolango, mendapatkan empat kelas kesesuaian lahan yaitu S1 (sangat sesuai) dengan besar lahan seluas 6245 ha dapat menghasilkan energi listrik sebesar 19.741.622 kWh/ha/tahun, kelas kesesuaian lahan S2 (Cukup Sesuai) dengan besar lahan seluas 56617 ha dapat menghasilkan energi listrik sebesar 178.977.009 kWh/ha/tahun, kelas kesesuaian lahan S3 (sesuai marginal) dengan besar lahan seluas 13442 ha dapat menghasilkan energi listrik sebesar 42.492.696 kWh/ha/tahun dan kelas kesesuaian lahan N (tidak sesuai) dengan luas 111440 ha.The development of renewable energy as alternative energy can be obtained from plants, one of which is the lamtoro (leucaena leucocephala) plants. The research aimed to analyze the distribution of land for lamtoro plants and analysis of land suitability for cultivation of lamtoro plants in Bone Bolango Regency as a database for the development of energy plantation forest. The research method used in mapping the distribution of land for lamtoro plants was the ground check (field survey) method, whereas the method in land suitability analysis applied overlay and scoring methods in each parameter used and processed using ArcGIS software. The results of mapping distribution of land for lamtoro plants in three sub-districts in Bone Bolango Regency were that 1,604 ha in Kabila Subdistrict could produce electrical energy of 5.701 kWh/ha/year, 3,118 ha in Tilongkabila Subdistrict could produce electrical energy of 9.857 kWh/ha/year and 22,070 ha in Kabila Bone Subdistrict could produce electrical energy of69.767 kWh/ha/year. In accordance with the results of land suitability classes, including class S1 (very suitable) with an area of 6245 ha which could produce electrical energy of 19.741.622 kWh/ha/year, class S2 (fairy suitable) with an area of 56617 ha which could produce electrical energy of 178.977.009 kWh/ha/year, class S3 (marginally suitable) with an area of 13442 ha which could produce electrical energy of 42.492.696 kWh/ha/year and class N (not suitable) with an area of 111440 ha.
Mapping of lamtoro field in supporting the co-firing of steam power plants program Yasin Mohamad; Sardi Salim; Lanto Mohamad Kamil Amali; Abdi Gunawan Djafar
International Journal of Applied Power Engineering (IJAPE) Vol 12, No 1: March 2023
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3641.482 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijape.v12.i1.pp37-48


The policy of renewable energy in Indonesia is expressed in the government regulation no. 79 in 2014 regarding the national energy policy. In the document, renewable energy is targeted to reach 23% in 2025, and a minimum of 31% in 2050. One of the developed renewable energies is biomass which is produced by lamtoro, a plant which has been employed as a mixture in coal at Anggrek steam power plant 2×25 MW Gorontalo. As much of 1% to 5% of lamtoro is added in 1,000 ton of coal per day. The research aims to create a thematic map of the distribution of lamtoro to meet the need of co-firing at Anggrek steam power plant. The result of research shows the total area of field which has been planted with lamtoro is 69,074 ha, scattered in 14 districts. Meanwhile the largest area is Kabila Bone district (22,070 ha), and the smallest area is East Bulango district (0.228 ha). The estimated potential of lamtoro in 14 districts of Bone Bolango regency is about 916,439.86 ton/ha/year.
Development of Magnetic Digital Comics in Science Learning to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in Elementary Schools Lanto Mohamad Kamil Amali; Nova Elysia Ntobuo; Ritin Uloli; Yasin Mohamad; Muhammad Yunus
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol. 9 No. 2 (2023): February
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v9i2.2915


This study aims to develop digital comics for learning magnetism in learning Science in Elementary Schools. This type of research is development research, which refers to the Four-D. The location of this research is at Kota Tengah 80 Public Elementary School, Bulangu Timur 1 Public Elementary School, and Telaga Biru 1 Public Elementary School. The results of the study show that digital comic magnets developed for science learning in elementary schools: (1) are categorized as valid and feasible; (2) Practically used, this is indicated by the very good response from students with a percentage of 90% in the limited trial class and 93.75% in the extended trial class. The implementation of learning in the limited trial class obtained an average percentage of 90.91%, while in the extended trial class it was 96.15%; (3) Effectiveness, indicated by good student activity with a percentage of 82% in both limited trial classes and extended trial classes, as well as student learning outcomes that are in very good criteria. Based on this, the digital comics magnet that has been developed is stated to be valid, practical and effective, so that it can be used in the science learning process in class V of elementary school
Method to assess the potential of photovoltaic panel based on roof design Abdi Gunawan Djafar; Yasin Mohamad
International Journal of Applied Power Engineering (IJAPE) Vol 11, No 3: September 2022
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (748.316 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijape.v11.i3.pp186-198


The photovoltaic (PV) panel makes it possible for everyone to produce electricity in their own house. However, the panel is quite a costly investment and requires much consideration to maximize its potential. The roof has variables that would impact electricity generation. The roof of housing in Indonesia was built generally in a complex shape, a combination of gable and hip roofs. This research is conducted to break down factors affecting PV productivity in regard to the roof’s aspects. A computer simulation using Ladybug plugin in Rhinoceros software has been done to achieve the target. Initially, the performance of PV panels on the gable, and hip roof, is analyzed respectively. It is found that the roof’s slope, and orientation, contribute more to the amount of electricity produced than the shape itself. These factors were used to assess the PV potential in several housing models employing simple and complex roof (more than 2 surfaces) construction in the city of Gorontalo. Eventually, a comparison between the estimation of real PV production on housing, and the estimation provided by the simulation is conducted to verify the assessment method. The difference is about 4%, as proof the simulation result is reliable.
Analisis Nilai Indeks Keandalan Sistem Distribusi Primer PT.PLN (Persero) ULP Bangkir Yasin Mohamad; Nirmalasari Nirmalasari; Taufiq Ismail Yusuf
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer (JEECOM) Vol 5, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33650/jeecom.v5i2.6898


PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Bangkir berperan sebagai pelayanan pelanggan dan pemeliharaan jaringan distribusi dalam ruang lingkup Kawasan yang lebih kecil dibawah naungan UP3 Tolitoli. ULP Bangkir melayani Sebagian wilayah dari Lais, Ogoamas, Ogotua dan Malala tentunya hal ini menuntut suplai kelistrikan dengan keandalan yang tinggi. Metode yang digunakan untuk menghitung lama padam rata rata, frekuensi padam rata rata, dan konsumen lama padam rata rata ialah dengan menggunakan indeks SAIDI, SAIFI, dan CAIDI yaitu menghitung dengan berdasarkan data gangguan atau pemadaman dan jumlah konsumen. Hasil perhitungan nilai Indeks SAIDI, SAIFI dan CAIDI pada sistem Distribusi tegangan menengah 20 kV PT.PLN (Persero) ULP Bangkir pada 3 tahun terakhir dengan nilai rata rata SAIDI sebesar 44,82 Jam/Pelanggan/Tahun, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem tidak Handal karena telah melebihi Standar SPLN 68-2 : 1986 sebesar 21 Jam/Pelanggan/Tahun, sementara Nilai Indeks rata rata SAIFI sebesar 73,97 Kali/Pelanggan/Tahun, ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem dikatakan tidak handal karena telah melewati sistem SPLN 68-2 : 1986 sebesar 3,2 Kali/Pelanggan/Tahun, dan Nilai Indeks rata rata CAIDI sebesar 0,79 Jam/Kali/Tahun.
Pembuatan Aplikasi Pengelolaan Surat Keluar di Desa Dunggala Kecamatan Tapa Kabupaten Bone Bolango Syahrir Abdussamad; Rahmad Dedi Rianto Dako; Wrastawa Ridwan; Ade Irawaty Tolago; Yasin Mohamad
Empiris Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Volume 1 Nomor 1 Oktober 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Ichsan Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59713/ejppm.v1i1.660


Melayani masyarakat melalui surat menyurat merupakan salah satu tanggung jawab kecamatan atau desa yang merupakan penyelenggara pemerintahan tingkat terendah di daerah. Jika administrasi tidak dilakukan dengan benar, pembuatan surat di kelurahan akan menimbulkan masalah tersendiri. Evaluasi yang efektif atas kinerja pemerintah ditentukan oleh seberapa baik pemerintah melayani masyarakat. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk membantu pemerintah dalam memberikan solusi pengelolaan surat keluar berbasis komputer, khusus untuk Desa Dunggala, Kecamatan Tapa, Kabupaten Bone-Bolango. Untuk menghemat waktu dan tenaga, desain aplikasi surat keluar ini akan mengotomatiskan format surat, tidak perlu memasukkan manusia untuk setiap surat yang dibutuhkan masyarakat atau warga kecamatan. Tujuan dari aplikasi ini adalah untuk memanfaatkan secara maksimal perangkat komputer desa yang saat ini hanya digunakan untuk menggantikan mesin tik manual. Aplikasi yang dikembangkan untuk berbasis web tetapi sebenarnya digunakan secara offline atau lokal, dengan maksud agar pengembangan di masa mendatang—jika memungkinkan—dapat dilakukan secara online. Program yang dibuat menyimpan datanya dalam database sistem, membuatnya mudah untuk menemukan huruf yang ditulis sebelumnya. Tersedianya program-program yang user-friendly yang mudah digunakan dan tidak memerlukan pengetahuan khusus merupakan salah satu hasil dari upaya ini. Peningkatan lebih lanjut dari aplikasi surat keluar ini dapat dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan desa atau kecamatan. Serving the community through writing letters is one of the responsibilities of the sub-district or village, which is the lowest level government administration manager in the area. If administration is not done correctly, making letters in the kelurahan leads to its own set of issues. An effective evaluation of a government's performance is determined by how well it serves the community. The purpose of this service activity is to assist the government in delivering a computer-based outgoing mail management solution, specifically for Dunggala Village, Tapa District, Bone-Bolango Regency. In order to save time and effort, the outgoing mail application's design will automate the letter format instead of requiring human entry for each letter that the community or subdistrict people require. The purpose of this application is to make the most of the village's current computer equipment, which is currently only being utilized to replace manual typewriters. Apps that are developed to be web-based but are actually used offline or locally, with the intention of enabling future development—if feasible—to be done online. The created program stores its data in a system database, making it simple to locate previously written letters. The availability of user-friendly programs that are simple to use and don't require specialized knowledge is one of the outcomes of this effort. A further enhancement of this outgoing letter application could be achieved by considering the demands of the village or sub-district.
Penerapan Video Pembelajaran Daring dan Gamifikasi Untuk Penguatan Kompetensi Guru Dalam Di SDN 3 Kabila Bone Ikhsan Hidayat; Yasin Mohamad; Zainudin Bonok; Arifin Matoka; Wrastawa Ridwan; Syahrir Abdussamad; Iskandar Zulkarnain Nasibu; Lanto Mohamad Kamil Amali; Ade Irawaty Tolago; Muhammad Yasser Arafat
ELDIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Mei - Oktober 2023
Publisher : Electrical Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering State University of Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/ejppm.v1i1.5


school teachers on the implementation of ICT-based learning models. In accordance with the Ministerial Regulation number 37 of 2018. The target of this activity is for primary school teachers to create TIK-based learning tools that are easy and simple to use to improve the knowledge and skills of the training participants, which will have a positive impact on improving student skills and learning outcomes. In addition, through this activity, the creation of TIK-based learning tools by participating teachers is targeted by applying TIK-based learning models in learning for each subject in primary school. The method is by conducting training on the implementation of ICT-based learning models for primary school teachers in the coastal areas of Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province, such as the use of learning videos using Canva, and also related to gamification for learning. This activity begins with the provision of basic material related to learning media, followed by practice in creating Canva-based learning videos, and ends with practice in creating gamification-based learning media using the Wordwall application. This community service activity ends with the signing of an Implementation Agreement between the Electrical Engineering study program and SDN 3 Kabila Bone, Bone Bolango Regency
Pengelolaan Potensi Desa Melalui Pemberdayaan Bumdes di Desa Pinomontiga Kecamatan Bulawa Kabupaten Bone Bolango Yasin Mohamad; Zainudin Bonok; Syahrir Abdussamad; Salmawaty Tansa; Iskandar Z Nasibu; Lanto M. Kamil Amali; Arifin Matoka
ELDIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 2 (2023): November 2023 - April 2024
Publisher : Electrical Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering State University of Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/ejppm.v1i2.10


Pengabdian pada Masyarakat ini adalah suatu upaya yang dilakukan agar supaya terlaksananya Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi untuk memberikan sumbangsih ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi kepada masyarakat. Berdasarkan hal ini, kami mengajukan kegiatan Pengabdian di Desa Pinomontiga kec Bulawa Kab Bone Bolango dengan Tujuan Pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan Pengelolaan Potensi Desa melalui Pemerdayaan  BUMDES, Target luaran yang diharapkan dari kegiatan ini adalah para pengelola BUMDES dan Aparat desa serta Masyarakat Desa Pinomontiga dan pengelola wisata yang ada di  desa  pinomontiga. Hal ini di lakukan untuk membrikan pembekalan tentang analisis bisnis dan kelayakan usaha agar BUMDES lebih mandiri dan berdaya saing. Studi kelayakan usaha dapat dilakukan melalui beberapa tahap yaitu tahap penemuan ide atau perumusan gagasan, tahap memformulasikan tujuan dan terakhir tahap analisis. Community servise is an effort made to ensure that the Tridarma of Higher Education is implemented to contribute science and technolgy to society. Based on this, we are proposing a service activity in Pinimontiga vilage, Bulawa District, Bone Bolango Regency with the aim of this service being to provide village potential management through BUMDES empowerment. The expected output targets from this activity are  Bumdes managers and village officials as wel as the pinomontiga village community and managers, tourism in pinomontiga village. This is done to provide provision regarding business analysis and business feasibility so that BUMDES is more independent and competitive. A business feasibilty study can be carried out in several stages, namely the idea discovery or idea formulation stage, the objective formulation stage and finally the analysis stage.