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An investigation on students’ e-learning readiness in higher education Maya Marsevani
ETERNAL (English Teaching Journal) Vol 12, No 2 (2021): August
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/eternal.v12i2.9186


The main goal of this research was to measure students’ readiness in applying E-Learning. Quantitative method was employed in this research. The researcher distributed an online questionnaire to undergraduate students at one of private university in Batam randomly. The collected data was analyzed with statistical software SPSS. The descriptive statistics (percentage, means and standard deviations) were calculated and reported in this research. Four categories of students’ readiness are being discussed in this research – students’ technology skills, technology access, motivation, and time management. Based on the result, the students were highly ready learn using E-Learning with overall mean 3.34
The Improvement of Students' Speaking Skill Through Storytelling Maya Marsevani; Diana Merliana Rahman
Lingual: Journal of Language and Culture Vol 13 No 1 (2022): Lingual: Journal of Language and Culture
Publisher : English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/LJLC.2022.v13.i01.p08


This research was conducted in an Islamic private junior high school in Batam and was conducted on 7th grade students with a total of 10 students. This research includes Classroom Action Research (CAR). Started with the problem faced the student such as lack of vocabulary, lack the proper motivation to study and practice speaking, not confident to speak. Responding to the problems, the right method of learning to speak English should be how to train memory, pronunciation, and hearing simultaneously, namely storytelling. Before the storytelling method was applied, students were given a pre-test to get the average grade for the class. After that, the average value of the class that has been obtained will be measured by the rubric. The total students’ average was 2.2 (poor). After looking at the results of the pre-test, researchers saw that with practice conversation, speaking skills of students can’t develop well. Because of that in the treatment 1, application cycle 1 and also post-test. The post-test results were 2.76. It can be said that the storytelling can help develop students' speaking abilities to improve.
International Journal of Language and Literature Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ijll.v5i1.32598


This research was aimed to investigate learners’ perception and practices of understanding teachers’ teaching objectives and requirements related to autonomous language learning, setting up their objectives and study plans to autonomous language learning, and find out learners perceive in learning English autonomously. To gain a deep understanding and utilizing the objectives, the researcher employed descriptive qualitative research. The research findings were extracted through both an online questionnaire and interview. Some constraints were reported in this research, but more positive responses were still shown by the learners. They positively disposed to the notion of learner autonomy. The learners specifically showed positive attitudes toward instructors’ teaching objectives and requirements, setting up their objectives and study plans, and their practices in learning English autonomously. Further researchers, thus, need to research in various universities with a large number to gain a deeper and wider understanding about learners perceive in autonomous language learning.
A Classroom Action Research: Improving Speaking Skills through Work in Pair Technique Maya Marsevani; Habeebanisya Habeebanisya
TLEMC (Teaching and Learning English in Multicultural Contexts) Vol 6, No 1 (2022): TLEMC (Teaching and Learning English in Multicultural Contexts)
Publisher : Siliwangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37058/tlemc.v6i1.4834


This Classroom Action Research (CAR) is implemented to improve students’ speaking skills at one of the junior high schools in Batam. The subjects of this research were 32 second-semester students in grade 7. The research was applied in two cycles following the procedures for action research, namely planning, action, observing, and reflecting. The researchers used classroom observation, document analysis, pre-test, and post-test to collect data. The findings show that the Work in Pairs method improves students’ speaking skills in class. This can be seen from the improvement of students' speaking skills in each cycle. The students achieved 57.26 for the pre-test which is categorized poor. After implementing Work in Pairs activities in two cycles the students’ average scores improved. The post-test was 65,33 in the first cycle and 72,93 in the second cycle. This proves that students responded positively to the Work in Pairs method. It can be concluded that working in pairs activities have a strong influence on improving students’ speaking skills. 
Penerapan Strategi Promosi Pada Vegetariano Sushi Dengan Memanfaatkan Media Sosial Maya Marsevani; Shinta Dewi; Cristina Tan; Annisya Mega Dwi Handayani; Elvina Enjelica; Wiewin Wiranata
National Conference for Community Service Project (NaCosPro) Vol 3 No 1 (2021): The 3rd National Conference of Community Service Project 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Internasional Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37253/nacospro.v3i1.6023


Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk membantu permasalahan utama yang dihadapi oleh Vegetariano Sushi, yaitu belum memiliki iklan promosi yang menarik dan masih belum dikenal oleh masyarakat luas. Hal ini dapat menghambat perkembangan usaha tersebut apabila terus dibiarkan. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah teknik pengumpulan data berupa metode wawancara melalui chat pada aplikasi Whatsapp dan metode observasi yang secara langsung mengunjungi lokasi. Tujuan ini sudah tercapai dengan adanya hasil dari pelaksanaan kegiatan, yaitu telah berhasil membuat konten promosi berupa video dan poster dengan semenarik mungkin hingga mencapai 3.028 tayangan dari total keseluruhan dalam jangka waktu satu minggu setelah video promosi diunggah melalui Instagram. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa telah berhasil juga dalam memperkenalkan Vegetariano Sushi kepada masyarakat luas terutama yang berada di luar Kota Batam. Untuk rekomendasi kegiatan PkM berikutnya, diharapkan kepada pelaksana kegiatan selanjutnya dapat merancang strategi promosi yang lebih baik dan lebih menarik lagi mengenai konsep promosi untuk dapat lebih memikat masyarakat
PEMBERIAN MASKER HIJAB KAIN GRATIS DAN SOSIALISASI CARA PENGGUNAAN MASKER KAIN DI KECAMATAN BENGKONG Maya Marsevani; Al Ridho Wahyudi; Dandhytya Andrea Puspa; Diana Rosmery; Fitra Abdi Agustian; Kamelia Kamelia; Larassaty Vitrian; Roma Elisabeth Manurung; Siti Fatimah Azzahroh; Syafira Nur Faatihah
National Conference for Community Service Project (NaCosPro) Vol 2 No 1 (2020): The 2nd National Conference of Community Service Project 2020 (Accepted Papers)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Internasional Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37253/nacospro.v2i1.1216


The use of masks could be an alternative when people went outside. It helped people to obey the protocol in this pandemic situation. Cloth face masks were offered for women, especially those who wear hijab in Bengkong. It was the main objective of this scientific writing. The purpose of this activity was to provide women’s convenience who wear hijab. Observation, a set of questionnaires, and interviews were used to collect the data. After observing the community in Bengkong, the writers provided cloth face masks that were suitable for women, especially those who wear hijab, and deliver them to the community.
PENGGUNAAN VIRTUAL LAB SEBAGAI ALTERNATIF PEMBELAJARAN PRAKTIKUM SISWA SECARA DARING PADA DUA SMK DI KOTA BATAM Maya Marsevani; Marvin Tandedi; Neilcent Claudio Siuwandy; Annisa Salsabila; Steven Steven; Calvin Yantson; Tiara Puspita Ayuni; Wenny Ong; Aldy Tri Sentanu; Nanda Jala Sena
National Conference for Community Service Project (NaCosPro) Vol 2 No 1 (2020): The 2nd National Conference of Community Service Project 2020 (Accepted Papers)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Internasional Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37253/nacospro.v2i1.1167


The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has hampered the implementation of the education system in Indonesia, one of which is the Vocational High School (SMK) education system in Batam City. Students who initially attended classes at school are now forced to attend them online at home. Online classes certainly carry their own challenges. An example that can be taken from the survey results is that there are still schools whose online learning is not supported by a Learning Management System. This research was conducted by distributing surveys to SMK students and students’ parents, as well as interviews with SMK teachers. The result of this research is to create a website to support online learning for schools that still do not have their own Learning Management System. This website is called V-Lab.
Upaya Pencegahan Rasisme Dan Radikalisme Pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Mahardika Desty Febria; Maya Marsevani; Catherine Catherine; Celine Patrisia Sinurat; Joyce Tan; Julia Julia
National Conference for Community Service Project (NaCosPro) Vol 4 No 1 (2022): The 4th National Conference of Community Service Project 2022
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Internasional Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37253/nacospro.v4i1.7186


Rasisme merupakan pemahaman tentang ras atau suku diri sendiri yang paling berkuasa dan benar, sehingga membuat perbedaan perilaku terhadap ras atau suku orang lain. Radikalisme merupakan perilaku untuk memaksa adanya perubahan yang besar dari lingkungan sosial yang biasanya dilakukan dengan cara kekerasan. Kedua ini saling berhubungan, jika adanya sikap rasisme maka bisa menyebabkan radikalisme. Belakangan ini kasus Rasisme dan Radikalisme semakin meningkat dalam lingkungan sekolah. Ini bisa menjadi salah satu penyebab runtuhnya ideologi bangsa, karena pelajar merupakan generasi masa depan bangsa. Tujuan peneliti melakukan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pemahaman siswa-siswi tentang Rasisme dan Radikalisme, serta meneliti apakah pernah terjadi Rasisme dan Radikalisme dilingkungan sekolah dan upaya penyelesaiannya. Metode awal yang kami lakukan yaitu metode wawancara terhadap guru serta beberapa siswa-siswi, kemudian melakukan proses perancangan yang tepat dengan kondisi saat ini. Maka dari itu kami memilih metode pendidikan masyarakat penyuluhan dengan cara webinar dan membuat video edukasi untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan kesadaran tentang Radikalisme dan Rasisme. Dengan adanya penyuluhan ini pemahaman siswa-siswi terhadap Rasisme dan Radikalisme semakin meningkatkan dilihat dari kuesioner melalui Google form terdapat sekitar 50 responden dengan hasil sekitar 70% siswa-siswi SMK Mahardika paham tentang materi yang disampaikan dalam video, 20% siswa-siswi kurang paham tentang materi yang disampaikan dan 10% siswa-siswi tidak paham. Rekomendasi untuk PKM selanjutnya adalah melakukan webinar yang tertuju kepada guru, itu dikarenakan peran guru yang sangat penting dan besar bagi siswa-siswi serta idelogi bangsa.
Implementing Brainwriting Strategy on Improving Writing Skills for English Intermediate Level Students Vanesse Goh; Maya Marsevani
Conference on Business, Social Sciences and Technology (CoNeScINTech) Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Conference on Business, Social Sciences and Technology (CoNeScINTech)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37253/conescintech.v3i1.8330


The aim of this study was to improve English intermediate level students in writing using brainwriting strategy. This is a Classroom Action Research which consists in total of seven meetings; two meetings for test and 5 meetings for treatment. The population of this research was the students who have joined English tuition on Intermediate level which consisted of 7 students. The steps of this research were (1) observing students’ difficulties in writing, (2) implementing brainwriting strategy and (3) writing practice using brainwriting strategy. The instruments of this research were observation and tests (pre-test and post-test). The results of this research are students able to improve their writing skills on fictional story and become more active in the classroom through brainwriting strategy which is shown by the average score of pre-test (1,95) with not enough category and post-test (2,42) with enough category
Pemberian Masker Hijab Kain Gratis Dan Sosialisasi Cara Penggunaan Masker Kain Di Kecamatan Bengkong Maya Marsevani; Al Ridho Wahyud; Dandhytya Andrea Puspa; Diana Rosmery; Fitra Abdi Agustian; Kamelia Kamelia; Larassaty Vitrian; Roma sabeth Manurung; Siti Fatimah Azzahroh; Syafira Nur Faatihah
Madani: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Kewirausahaan Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Januari 2023
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Internasional Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37253/madani.v2i1.7302


Penggunaan masker berbahan jenis kain dapat menjadi alternatif masyarakat ketika masyarakat ingin keluar rumah namun tetap melaksanakan protokol kesehatan yang dianjurkan oleh pemerintah. Pemberian masker berbahan kain khususnya untuk perempuan pengguna hijab di kecamatan Bengkong menjadi tujuan utama pelaksanaan kegiatan dan penulisan artikel ilmiah ini. Tujuan kegiatan sosial kami yaitu untuk memberikan kemudahan pada kaum perempuan pengguna hijab yang merasa kesulitan untuk memperoleh masker khusus pengguna hijab. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini yaitu dengan mengamati perilaku masyarakat, melakukan penyebaran kuesioner, dan wawancara. Setelah melakukan pengamatan, solusi yang kami berikan yaitu dengan membuat produk masker berbahan dasar kain yang tepat untuk para pengguna hijab dan memberikan produk masker kami kepada masyarakat warga Bengkong.