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KARAKTERISTIK BROWNIES YANG DIBUAT DARI KOMPOSIT TEPUNG GEMBOLO (Dioscorea bulbifera L.) Tutik Windaryati; . Herlina; Ahmad Nafi
Berkala Ilmiah Pertanian Vol 1 No 2 (2013): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Jember University Press

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[ENGLISH] Gembolo bulbs were an inferior crop which development has not been optimal. Gembolo bulbs rich in bioactive components such as glucomannan which were a water-soluble dietary fiber because it can absorb 200 times its weight of water. Brownies is a very popular food and flour composites research gembolo on making brownies has never been done, so the presence of composite flour in making gembolo brownies expected to improve the quality and flavor of brownies as a product that safe and good for consumers. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of the type and percentage of composite gembolo flour physical chemical properties and organoleptic brownies generated. Parameters measured were ash content, moisture content, protein content, fat content, carbohydrate content, overrun, texture, baking loss, stanleness, sliced appearance and WHC. Data were analyzed by ANOVA. The best treatment of compsite treatment is A2B2 treatment (composite flour soaking gembolo 5% citric acid for 24 hours at 20%). Brownies of treatment had 0.68% ash content, water content of 16.83%, 5.15% protein, 23.78% fat content, carbohydrate content of 53.57%, 39.76% flower power, texture 77, 67%, baking loss 5.02%, and 33.96% WHC. Keywords: Brownies; Composite; Gembolo flour [INDONESIAN] Umbi gembolo merupakan tanaman inferior yang pengembangannya belum optimal. Umbi gembolo kaya akan kandungan komponen bioaktif berupa glukomanan yang merupakan serat pangan larut air karena dapat menyerap 200 kali berat air. Brownies merupakan makanan yang sangat digemari dan  penelitian komposit tepung gembolo pada pembuatan brownies belum pernah dilakukan, sehingga dengan adanya komposit tepung gembolo dalam pembuatan brownies diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas dan citarasa brownies sebagai produk yang aman dan baik untuk konsumen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh jenis dan persentase komposit tepung gembolo terhadap karakteristik fisik, kimia dan organoleptik brownies yang dihasilkan. Parameter yang diamati adalah kadar abu, kadar air, kadar protein, kadar lemak, kadar karbohidrat, daya kembang, tekstur, baking loss, stanleness, kenampakan irisan, dan WHC. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan ANOVA. Perlakuan terbaik dari perlakuan komposit adalah perlakuan A2B2 (komposit tepung gembolo perendaman asam sitrat 5% selama 24 jam sebesar 20%).  Brownies dari perlakuan tersebut memiliki  kadar abu 0,68%, kadar air 16,83%, kadar protein 5,15%, kadar lemak 23,78%, kadar karbohidrat 53,57%, daya kembang 39,76%, tekstur 77,67%, baking loss 5,02%, dan WHC 33,96%. Kata Kunci: Brownies; Komposit; Tepung Gembolo How to citate: Windaryati T, Herlina, A Nafi. 2013. Karakteristik brownies yang dibuat dari komposit tepung gembolo (Dioscorea bulbifera L). Berkala Ilmiah Pertanian 1(2): 25-29.
Indeks Glikemik Beras Analog dari Mocaf dengan Substitusi Jagung, Ubi Jalar Ungu dan Wortel Nurud Diniyah; Lutfi Firdaus; Wiwik Siti Windrati; Ahmad Nafi'; Aris Prasetyo; Achmad Subagio
Warta Industri Hasil Pertanian Vol 33, No 02 (2016)
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Agro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (787.576 KB) | DOI: 10.32765/warta ihp.v33i02.3819


Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui IG beras analog berbahan dasar mocaf dengan substitusi tepung jagung, tepung ubi jalar ungu dan wortel. Nilai IG dari 3 sampel beras analog yang tersedia (80 % mocaf: 20 % tepung jagung; 80 % mocaf: 20% tepung ubi ungu; 80 % mocaf: 20 % wortel) ditentukan untuk 10 panelis. Panelis disiapkan untuk mengkonsumsi 50 g karbohidrat dari sampel beras analog dan uji makanan dilakukan terpisah sekali setelah semalam berpuasa. Pengukuran glukosa darah kapiler dilakukan sebelum dan selama 120 menit setelah masing-masing beban makanan. IG beras analog berbasis mocaf dengan substitusi jagung, ubi jalar ungu dan wortel secara berturut-turut yaitu 59,20; 61,98 dan 64,87 yang berada pada kategori sedang.
Pecel Pithik: Tradition, Culture, and Its Impact on The Socioeconomic Welfare of Osingese People in Banyuwangi Farida Wahyuningtyas; Akhmad Haryono; Novia Luthviatin; Ahmad Nafi'; Iken Nafikadini
Karsa: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol. 26 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v26i1.1531


This study aimed to explore and describe the existence of pecel pithik in the tradition of Osingese tribe of Banyuwangi and its impact on the social economic welfare of the very community. Qualitative approach method was used to achieve the purpose of this research. Data were collected through observation, in-depth interviews, note taking, and recording. Data analysis method operative in the study was descriptive qualitative method with thematic content analysis. This study has evinced that pecel pithik is a cultural asset of Osingese society, which is rooted in fundamental traditional agrarian values with selamatan, originally presented in rice fields in the form of tumpeng before harvest in the hope of good harvest and blessing. This was done to improve the society’s welfare and elevate their degree. Today, pecel pithik presented at rituals (selamatan) such as barong ider bumi and tumpeng sewu (bersih desa). Pecel Pithik has now been a potential of socioeconomic capital for regional progress as a resource of economic development to improve societies’ welfare.
Physical Properties of Gel and Edible Plastic from Whey and Tapioca In Various Ratio and pH Value Triana Lindriati; Herlina .; Ahmad Nafi
UNEJ e-Proceeding Indonesian Protein Society (IPS), International Seminar and Workshop 2014
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Edible plastic usually made from hydrocolloids and could be produced by solvent casting method whereas gel was made before casting. Potential of whey protein combined with tapioca as edible plastic based component was studied at this research. pH of solvent could affect interaction of whey and tapioca during  gel preparation. The gel’s characters affected on plastic’s characters . The research objectives were to study effect of whey and tapioca ratio and pH of solvent on physical properties of gel and edible plastics. Randomized Factorial Block Design were used. The two factors  were  porpotion of whey protein-starch mixture (0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%) and pH of solvent ( 4, 7 and 9). Increasing of whey porpotion could increase solubility of gel but decrease gel’s lightness and texture. Increasing of pH could increase gel’s solubility and decrease lightness and texture. There was significant effect (p≤0,05) of whey porpotion and pH interaction on gel’s characters. Increasing of whey porpotion could increase tensile strength and decrease elongation and solubility of edible plastics but the increasing of tensile strength was not significant (p≥0,05). Increasing of pH could increase elongation and decrease tensile strength and plastic’s solubility. There wasn’t significant effect (p≥0,05) of whey porpotion and pH interaction on edible plastic’s characters. The result showed that whey addition had decreased plastic’s characters even at 100% whey ratio tensile strength and elongation value were zero, edible plastic could not be produced from 100% whey. Keywords: texture, solubility, elongation, tensile strength, interaction
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember

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Soybean is the raw material that has a high protein. Indonesian soybean consumption per capita increased from 8.13 kg in 1998 to 8.97 kg in 2004. Soybean flour is the intermediete food. Soybean flour in the market was not yet known the certain nutritional content because of different soybean varieties. Two the best Jember varieties of soybean are Anjasmoro and Baluran. Imported soybean also has different characteristics that will affect the characteristics of the flour. This study used completely randomized design (CRD) with two factors: the type of soybean (Anjamoro/A1, Baluran/A2, and Import/A3) and treatment of flouring (Blanching/B1 and Non-Blanching/B3). The parameters observed were the brightness, yield and chemical properties include the levels of content soluble protein and content proximate. The results showed that the soybean flour in blanching and non-blanching process of imported and local soybean (Anjasmoro and Baluran) had non-significant effect on the level of yield, brightness, protein content, fat content, moisture content and carbohydrate content, but significant effect on the level of content soluble protein and ash content.Keywords: soybean, treatment flouring, soybean flour
DEGRADASI KOMPONEN SELULOSA, HEMISELULOSA, DAN PATI TEPUNG KULIT UBI KAYU MENJADI GULA REDUKSI OLEH Aspergillus niger, Trichoderma viride, DAN Acremonium sp. IMI 383068 Jay Jayus; Ahmad Nafi'; Anis Shabrina Hanifa
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (674.973 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/j-agt.v13i01.7868


As the solid waste produced from cassava processing industry such as tapioca factory or its derivatives, the cassava peel is potential to be use as a source of reducing sugar through hydrolysis process, since the peels contains a high amount of starch and lignocellulose components. The more environmentally friendly enzymatic hydrolysis using several microorganisms will be introduced in this study as an alternative to avoid the unsafe acid hydrolysis. However, the hydrolysis process using a single microorganism is not efficient since the hydrolytic enzyme produced is limited to a single enzyme, while the component in the cassava peels to be hydrolyzed is diverse which include cellulose, lignin, hemicellulose and starch. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the hydrolysis process by combining several microorganisms (A. niger, T. viride and Acremonium sp. IMI 383068) which produced different specificity of hydrolytic enzyme depending on the substrate available in the cassava peels. The aims of this research were to determine the effect of single and mixed culture on the amount of reducing sugar released during the simultaneous cultivation. The result showed that the use of simultaneous mixed cultures during hydrolysis process was able to produce higher reducing sugar compare to that of single culture. The hydrolysis of cassava flour using a single strain of A. niger, T. viride and Acremonium sp. IMI 383068 respectively produced 4.86 g/L, 4.02 g/L, and 1.68 g/L of reducing sugar, while the hydrolysis of it using simultaneous mixed cultures of A. niger, T. viride, and Acremonium sp. IMI 383068 produced 7.23 g/L of reducing sugar. Keywords: cassava peels, hydrolysis, reducing sugar
KARAKTERISTIK NUGGET YANG DIBUAT DENGAN VARIASI RASIO JAMUR MERANG (Volvariella volvaceae) DAN TEPUNG KORO PEDANG (Canavalia ensiformis L.) Nurud Diniyah; Ahmad Nafi'; Zakiyatul Fachirah
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember

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The aim of this study was to determine the effect of rasio mushroom and jack bean flour on the physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristic in the nugget product. This study used a randomized block design with one factor and triplet. Ratio mushroom and jack bean flour consists of P1 (100% : 0% ), P2 (90% : 10% ), P3 (80% : 20% ), P4 (70% : 30% ), and P5 (60% : 40% ). Different treatment showed significant differences in lightness, texture, moisture, ash, protein, carbohydrate and fiber content but not significant in fat content. The best treatment showed that P4 (mushroom 70 % : jack bean flour 30 %) has characteristic of lightness 42,95; texture 183,33 g/5mm; moisture 53,69%; ash 2,52%; fat 3,88%;, protein 12,52%; carbohydrate 27,39% and fiber 13,37%.Keywords: jack bean, mushroom, nugget
KARAKTERISASI SELAI OLES KORO PEDANG (Canavalia ensiformis L.) DENGAN VARIASI PENAMBAHAN SUSU FULL KRIM Ahmad Nafi'; Carolina Hendra Puspita Maqdiz; M. Maryanto
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (363.314 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/j-agt.v12i02.9278


Peanut butter is one type of jam that favored by the people. The raw materials of peanut butter such as peanut has a high enough consumption rates but this consumption is not always followed by its productivity. The alternative ingredients in the process of peanut butter production can be substituted by jack bean cause it has lower economic value and good nutrition, but its utilization is still limited. The Utilization of jack bean into a jam requires an additional ingredients to improve its physical, organoleptic and chemical characteristics. Therefore, the additional ingredients that can be used in the production process of jack bean butter is a full cream milk. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of the addition of full cream milk and the amount of its addition to get a good physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics of jack bean butter.The addition of full cream milk as much as 5%, 7.5%, 10%, 12.5%, and 15% of the total water mix and jack bean flour. The results showed that the addition of full cream milk increased the spreadability of jack bean butter, but not affected the lightness. The addition of full cream milk could increase the value of fat, protein and ash content, however this addition reduced water and carbohydrate content. It was improved the acceptance of organoleptic. Addition 12.5% full cream milk was the best treatment with the lightness 70.72; spreadability 15.90 cm; water content 33.12%; fat content 25.08%; protein content 22.14%; ash content of 0.81%; carbohydrate 18.85%; the preferences of color, flavor, taste, spreadability and overall respectively 4.92; 4.64; 5.08; 5; 5.04 (rather like to likes). Keywords: full cream milk, jack bean, peanut butter
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember

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Bananas have potential to be developed as a functional food prebiotic because it contains a resistant starch and dietary fiber, the raw banana contains 50% resistant starch type II and dietary fiber (14.52%). The aim of the research were to evaluate prebiotic properties insoluble dietary fiber (IDF) extracted from agung and mas banana flour. The banana flour produced from agung and mas variety used controlled fermentation by Brevibacillus brevis for 24 hours at room temperature. The IDF was extracted by using enzyme method. The prebiotic properties were evaluated based on their resistance to gastric acid hydrolysis, their capable to increase survival of probiotic bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus) and decrease pathogenic bacteria (enteropathogenic Eschericia coli/EPEC). The results showed that process fermentation of banana flour increased insoluble dietaryfiber (IDF) content mas and agung banana. Insoluble dietary fiber (IDF) fermented mas and agung banana flour was more resistant than non-fermented mas and agung banana IDF byhydrolysis gastric acid. Insoluble dietary fiber (IDF) of fermented banana flour to increase the survival of L. acidophilus, while decreased the survival of EPEC.Key word : banana, insoluble dietary fiber, prebiotic properties
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember

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Bananas have potential to be developed as a functional food prebiotic because it contains a resistant starch and dietary fiber. The raw banana contains 50% of resistant starch type II and 14.52% of dietary fiber. The aim of the research was to evaluate prebiotic properties insoluble dietary fiber (IDF) extracted from agung and mas banana flour. The banana flour produced from agung and mas variety used controlled fermentation by Brevibacillus brevis for 24 hours at room temperature. The IDF was extracted by using enzyme method. The prebiotic properties were evaluated based on their resistance to gastric acid hydrolysis, their capable to increase survival of probiotic bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus) and decrease pathogenic bacteria (enteropathogenic Eschericia coli/EPEC). The results showed that process fermentation of banana flour increased IDF content of mas and agung banana flour. The IDF of fermented mas and agung banana flour were more resistant than non-fermented mas and agung banana flour by hydrolysis gastric acid and increase the survival of L. acidophilus, but decreased the survival of EPEC.Keywords: banana, insoluble dietary fiber, prebiotic properties