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A Content Analysis of English Textbook Related to Contextual Teaching and Learning Syaiful Haque; Muhimatul Ifadah; Dodi Mulyadi
English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Proceedings Vol 2 (2018): 2nd ELLiC Proceedings: 'Education 4.0: Trends and Future Perspectives in English Educa
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

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This research was aimed to investigate whether the English Textbook Contextual Teaching and Learning “Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama” fulfilled the criteria of good textbook suggested by government and supporting the contextual teaching and learning. This research was designed in collaboration of descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis. The object of this research was Textbook entitled “Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama”. Library research and analysis were used to collect the data, while the instruments used were analysis sheet and interview. The result of this research showed that the textbook met the criteria of good textbook with the score for content fulfilment was 84.86%. The lowest achievement was in the criteria of cooperative fulfilment, which only achieved 28.18%. The researcher suggested that teacher could be more flexible in delivering the material of the textbook. For supplementing cooperative activity, teacher could arrange the activities that give students opportunity to collaborate in pairs.
The Students' Perception toward the Use of Cooperative Integrated Reading Composition in Teaching Reading Report Text Annisa Noerkhalifah; Testiana Deni WIjayatiningsih; Dodi Mulyadi
English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Proceedings Vol 2 (2018): 2nd ELLiC Proceedings: 'Education 4.0: Trends and Future Perspectives in English Educa
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

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Reading skill is very important for students who mostly learn English through written text. They need some models from the teacher in comprehending reading text especially report text. This condition happened in SMA Negeri 1 Gubug. They still needed some models and attractive method in comprehending report text. They also felt less motivated and noisy when they read a text without any attractive activities. Therefore, this research is focused on the analysis of students ‘perception using Cooperative Integrated Reading Composition in teaching reading report text. The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative one. It used questionnaire as the data collection. The results of this research showed that the students’ perception in reading report text using Cooperative Integrated Reading Composition had good responses and they joined the discussion enthusiastically. To sum up, the use of Cooperative Integrated Reading Composition gives a good impact for the students’ reading ability viewed from their perception.
Developing a Written Descriptive Text through Interactive Multimedia Adip Rohadi; Siti Aimah; Dodi Mulyadi
English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Proceedings Vol 2 (2018): 2nd ELLiC Proceedings: 'Education 4.0: Trends and Future Perspectives in English Educa
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

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Most of English teachers still used the conventional teaching and only used PowerPoint presentation during the teaching process. Actually, teachers can use the more attractive media such interactive CD. This study was aimed to find out the effectiveness of developed interactive CD in teaching written descriptive text and the students’ response toward the developed interactive multimedia. This research used research and development method from Sugiyono (2009, p. 289). The data taken were the media assessment data by the experts, questionnaire about students’ response to the interactive CD, and effectiveness of interactive CD analysis. The experts’ assessment results showed that the interactive CD was scored 94% in term of media and 100% in term of subject matter. The percentage showed that both media and material from the interactive CD were categorized as very good. The result of questionnaire about students’ response to the interactive CD was at 89.16% on small-scale product trial and 91.4% on large-scale product trial with very good criteria. Both results on students’ response questionnaire showed that the interactive CD gained positive response from the students. Meanwhile, the data about interactive CD effectiveness was analyzed using T-test. The result of the T-test obtained from SPSS assisted calculation indicated that there was significant influence of interactive CD on the average score of tenth grade students' descriptive text. Overall, it can be concluded that the interactive CD is eligible and effective to be used as a learning media in school.
The Politeness Principles of Teachers and Students in English as a Foreign Language Classroom Interaction Eva Anis Shofi`ah; Siti Aimah; Dodi Mulyadi
English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Proceedings Vol 1 (2017): 1st ELLiC Proceedings: `Innovation, Trends, and Challenges in English Language Learnin
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

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This study was conducted to find out the Politeness Principles in EFL classroom interaction. Consisting of six maxims; tact maxim, approbation maxim, generosity maxim, agreement maxim, modesty maxim and sympathy maxim. There were one English teacher and one classroom of eighth grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 03 Semarang that became the subject of this study. Indepth, this study was to explore the use of politeness principles of students and teacher in the EFL classroom interaction. A mix method research with the domination of qualitative researchwas chosen as the research design. Classroom observation checklist, documentation, library research, were used as the instruments of the data collection. The result of the study shows that violation of politeness principles has the higher position with the percentage 41% rather than fulfillment with the percentage 31.5%, while other utterance becomes the lowest utterance with 27.5%. The highest maxim fulfilled was generosity with the percentage 38%, and the lowest maxim fulfilled was modesty maxim with 1%.
The Analysis of Students' Listening Proficiency and Their Motivation in (Meta)-Cognitive Collaboration Strategy Instruction Dodi Mulyadi
English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Proceedings Vol 1 (2017): 1st ELLiC Proceedings: `Innovation, Trends, and Challenges in English Language Learnin
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

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Students motivation is important in mastering English especially in mastering listening skill. The aim of the study is to find out the students listening proficiency viewed from their motivation. Quantitative analysis was used to investigate the findings of this research by using pre-test post-test one group design. The research aims at finding the results of students listening proficiency viewed from their motivation after they have been treated by using M-CCSI as (meta)-cognitive collaboration strategy instruction. The instruments of the research are TOEFL Test of listening section and Motivation questionnaire. The participants of study 28 EFL students from one class at Muria University of Kudus (UMK) the 3 semester of year 2016-2017.After analyzing the improvement of delta score, the students who have low motivation has 5.81 of gain score after doing treatment by using M-CSSI. Meanwhile, the students who have high motivation have a gain score 6.75.The results shows that the students motivation do not influence significantly with p value 0.493 which is above the 5% of significant level.
Storytelling: Peningkatan High Order Thinking Skills Siswa Sekolah Dasar Negeri 03 Ujung-Ujung Pabelan Semarang Testiana Deni Wijayatiningsih; Riana Eka Budiastuti; Dodi Mulyadi; Muhimatul Ifadah; Siti Aimah; Eva Dina Mareta
Jurnal Surya Masyarakat Vol 3, No 1 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26714/jsm.3.1.2020.7-14


Students at Public Elementary School 03 Ujung-Ujung Pabelan learned English only in extracurricular activities, where grade 4 and grade 5 were joined in one class. The learning was done by memorizing vocabulary and learning the structure of English grammar. During extracurricular activities, students were not introduced to HOTS-based storytelling, they only learned English vocabulary and structures. Based on this explanation, students needed HOTS skills in learning English so that they can stimulate critical thinking skills in responding to reading and other English language materials. But in reality, they tended to memorize vocabulary and grammar relatively. Based on this statement, our service team focuses community service on the implementation of storytelling to increase student’s HOTS at 03 Elementary School Ujung-Ujung Pabelan Semarang, which had 42 students. The service method used is the lecture method, brainstorming, storytelling practice, and evaluation of the satisfaction of community service participants. The results show that the student’s HOTS in learning to read English stories, retelling what they had read, and increasing the students' critical thinking patterns. The students become motivated to retell story in English and the students improve their critical thinking patterns.
Revealing Student’s Reading Interest through creative WhatsApp Status Riana Eka Budiastuti; Dodi Mulyadi
Journal of English Teaching and Learning Issues Vol 2, No 1 (2019): June 2019
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jetli.v2i1.5033


Along with the rapid development of technology and digital era, this research investigated and reveal millennial students about their reading habit and interest. Specifically, this paper investigates about students’ reading interest through creative WhatsApp status.  This study was carried out by 18 students taking “Basic Reading” class and “Cultural Based Reading” class. It was conducted with descriptive qualitative method by using interview and observation of the students’ WhatsApp status screenshot. It is found that 89% students of English Department Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang are more interested in reading fiction than the factual text. Besides, students also find that learning using experiment with social media is fun and challenging.
EFL Learners’ Listening Strategy Awareness viewed from Their Learning Styles in the Extensive Listening Class Dodi Mulyadi
E-Structural (English Studies on Translation, Culture, Literature, and Linguistics) Vol 1, No 02 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (440.538 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/es.v1i2.2175


Abstract. Albeit listening comprehension as the vital role of language input, most EFL students have a somewhat negligent concern of it in the process of mastering EFL. Accordingly, the listening educators need to confirm students’ listening strategy awareness related to their learning styles for enhancing the quality of teaching listening. To this end, the study aims at assaying EFL students’ listening strategy awareness between visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners who got an explicit strategy instruction of Extensive listening class and those who did not get the explicit strategy instruction.   The participants of the study were 38 sophomore EFL students of English departments at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang. Listening strategy awareness questionnaire, learning style questionnaire, and interview were utilized as the data collection instruments. The results elucidated that explicit listening strategy instructions have raised students’ direct attention strategies. Strategies of interpreting the meaning in their head and translating keywords that they have listened potentially impact on students’ mental translation strategy awareness. Indeed, visual learners in the control group have a higher strategy awareness dealing with person knowledge than in an experimental group. Then, auditory learners have similar scores for both groups — meanwhile, a bit higher score of person knowledge possessed by the kinesthetic learners in the experimental group. However, the statistical findings elucidate that there are no significant differences between the experimental and control group. Interview results confim that explicit strategy instruction of extensive listening class enables learners to create a good atmosphere in listening class, and their competence of listening instruction.
JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy) Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/jall.v5i1.4514


This article aims to describe the students’ motivation in learning online narrative text on students’ reading comprehension through Google Classroom of 24 students tenth-grade students at SMK Muhammadiyah Kradenan. This study used pre experimental design one group pre-test post-test and conducted at May 2020. The data was obtained through pretest, posttest and questionnaire. The data of this current study were analyzed by using SPSS consisted reliability, validity, T- test and percentage (questionnaire). The result from this article showed the students’ motivation in learning online narrative text using Google Classroom also got positive responses and they learned with high motivation. It can be concluded that there was a different result before the treatment and after the treatment. Therefore, there was students’ motivation in learning online narrative text on students’ reading comprehension through Google Classroom.
Young Learners’ Perception of Picture as Motivation Booster in English as Foreign Language Febiyanti Liza Riani; Muhimatul Ifadah; Dodi Mulyadi
English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Proceedings Vol 5 (2022): Innovative Practices in Language Teaching, Literature, Linguistics, and Translation
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

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Young learners’ awareness of learning English in many places are still interesting to be investigated in Indonesia since in the elementary school, English sometimes taught and some other institution decided to not taught it for some reasons. The study was designed to investigate the student’s perception of picture to help them in boosting motivation in learning English as a foreign language.  In addition, they were being affirmed to elaborate their engagement in the classroom.  The phenomena were observed and questionnaire were managed to get the data. From the study it was found that student’s motivation is improving, revealed from the observation and the questionnaire’s result.  The students’ engagement in learning English was more dynamic and the classroom atmosphere become more joyful. Further, it can be interpreted that they were become more enthusiastic and stimulated when learning English. Supporting these facts, they affirmed that learning English was best experienced whenever the teacher used an interesting media, choosing a fun topic, and giving them chance to compete with their classmates.