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Prosiding Forum Studi Transportasi Antar Perguruan Tinggi Vol 2 No 1 (2015): Prosiding Forum Studi Transportasi antar Perguruan Tinggi
Publisher : FSTPT Indonesia

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Due to improper public transport services in Banda Aceh City, most students tend to use motorcycle for daily activity, in particular to school. Those who use public transport are rarely found. As a result, it will contribute to traffic congestion. This study aimed to investigate mode choice model of students to school. The location takes place at Kecamatan Meuraxa, Banda Aceh City, limited to high school students that use motorcycle and public transport to school. Primary data was done by conducting home interview survey. The method used were binomial logit difference and ratio take into account  travel time, cost and waiting time as the independent variables.  The results showed 67% students used motorcycle to school, and those who have SIM C was about 59%. Both models showed, when the cost of both modes are equal, about 50-60% of students used motorcycle to school.
Portal: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 10, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/portal.v10i2.974


Harga penawaran kompetitif diharapkan menghasilkan nilai kontrak yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Kontraktor memerlukan strategi penawaran yang cukup baik sehingga mampu menghasilkan harga penawaran yang tidak terlalu tinggi dengan harapan untuk mendapatkan profit yang memadai serta peluang memenangkan pelelangan yang besar. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui besarnya penetapan mark up pada penawaran pekerjaan konstruksi untuk memenangkan suatu tender dengan memperoleh keuntungan yang baik pula. Ruang lingkup penelitian dititikberatkan pada penawaran proyek konstruksi bangunan gedung di Kota Banda Aceh. Data yang digunakan adalah harga perkiraan sendiri (HPS) dan harga penawaran kontraktor. Perhitungan persentase besaran harga mark-up dilakukan dengan pemodelan friedman menggunakan tiga distribusi yaitu multi distribusi discrete, multi distribusi normal, dan single distribusi normal. Hasil perhitungan memperlihatkan 17 penawaran menghasilkan mark up untuk ketiga distribusi sebesar 10%. Nilai mark up untuk 8 penawaran pada multi distribusi discrete dan single distribusi normal sebesar 10% sementara pada multi distribusi normal diperoleh nilai sebesar 9%.
Potensi Permintaan Angkutan Umum pada Rencana Rute Feeder di Kecamatan Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh Rio Erlangga; Cut Mutiawati; Marwan Marwan
Jurnal Manajemen Aset Infrastruktur & Fasilitas Vol 4, No 4 (2020): Jurnal Manajemen Aset Infrastruktur & Fasilitas
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j26151847.v4i4.7901


Kemacetan sering terjadi di kota-kota di Indonesia terutama pada jam puncak pagi dan sore hari. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kurang berfungsinya angkutan umum. Masyarakat lebih memilih menggunakan angkutan pribadi untuk beraktivitas. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah karena kurangnya rute feeder yang dapat menjangkau wilayah permukiman. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi demand penumpang pada rencana rute feeder di lima kampung pada Kecamatan Kuta Alam Banda Aceh. Data yang telah dikumpulkan dianalisis dengan menggunakan Pedoman Teknis Penyelenggaraan Angkutan Umum di Wilayah Perkotaan Dalam Trayek Tetap dan Teratur, Departemen Perhubungan Tahun 2002. Hasil analisis diperoleh bahwa penduduk yang mau menggunakan angkutan umum lebih besar jumlahnya daripada jumlah penduduk yang tidak mau menggunakan angkutan umum yaitu 63%. Jumlah angkutan umum feeder tertinggi didapatkan pada jam 07.00-07.59 WIB dan 08.00-08.59 WIB. Jenis moda yang dibutuhkan adalah MPU sebanyak 20 unit dan bus kecil sebanyak 12 unit. MPU layak secara finansial untuk rute rencana feeder karena jumlah yang dibutuhkan melebihi jumlah minimum yaitu 20 unit. Hal ini juga sesuai dengan lebar jalan pada rencana rute feeder.
Analisis Kinerja Angkutan Kota dalam Provinsi di Provinsi Aceh Berdasarkan Pendekatan Load Factor Ruhdi Faisal; Cut Mutiawati; Alfi Salmannur
VOCATECH: Vocational Education and Technology Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2020): April
Publisher : Akademi Komunitas Negeri Aceh Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38038/vocatech.v1i2.20


Abstract AKDP movement has been declining lately based on an interview survey conducted on AKDP operators that it can be seen that the number of people using L-300 cars is on average above 5 passengers and the average does not meet the available passenger seats of 11 to 16 seats . The current condition shows that people tend to use private transportation / cars compared to public transportation. Judging from the condition of the AKPD in Aceh today many people use private vehicles to make movements. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of AKDP transport in Aceh Province using the load factor approach. The method used is the Directorate General of Land Transportation method in 2002 and refers to the Decree of Dirjendat No. 274, 1996. Data collection was carried out by means of a static survey using the interview method. From the calculation results it can be seen that the load factor of the regular operating AKDP is 64.55%. This reflects that the level of service is still in good condition ie on regular routes totaling 44 routes, while the total number of routes is 321 which operates irregularly. By not operating 277 routes on a regular basis it can be seen that people tend to use private vehicles when traveling. Keywords: AKDP; Public Transport Performance; Minibus; Load Factor __________________________ Abstrak Pergerakan AKDP Akhir-akhir ini semakin menurun berdasarkan survei wawancara yang telah dilakukan terhadap operator AKDP bahwa dapat diketahui jumlah yang menggunakan mobil L-300 rata-rata di atas 5 penumpang dan rata-rata tidak memenuhi kursi penumpang yang tersedia yaitu 11 sampai dengan 16 seat. Kondisi saat ini, menunjukkan masyarakat cenderung menggunakan angkutan pribadi/ mobil dibandingkan dengan angkutan umum. Dilihat dari kondisi AKPD di Aceh saat ini banyak masyarakat menggunakan kendaraan pribadi dalam melakukan pergerakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui kinerja angkutan AKDP di Provinsi Aceh dengan pendekatan load factor. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode Ditjen Perhubungan Darat tahun 2002 dan mengacu pada SK Dirjendat No. 274, 1996. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara survei statis dengan metode wawancara. Dari hasil perhitungan dapat diketahui nilai load factor AKDP yang beroperasi reguler adalah 64,55 %. Ini mencerminkan bahwa tingkat pelayanan masih dalam keadaan baik, yaitu pada trayek reguler yang berjumlah 44 trayek, sedangkan jumlah trayek seluruhnya adalah 321 yang beroperasi tidak reguler. Dengan tidak beroperasinya 277 trayek secara reguler dapat diketahui bahwa masyarakat cenderung menggunakan kendaraan pribadi dalam berpergian. Kata Kunci: AKDP; Kinerja Angkutan Umum; Mini Bus; Load Factor __________________________
An Exploration of Factor Affecting Household’s Travel Cost Budget Considering Household Life Stages Applying to Urban Bus Ridership Sugiarto Sugiarto; Lulusi Lulusi; Cut Mutiawati; Sofyan M. Saleh; Qurrata A'yuni; Irham Iskandar
Aceh International Journal of Science and Technology Vol 9, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Graduate Program of Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (738.784 KB) | DOI: 10.13170/aijst.9.1.16405


Urban bus reform so-called Trans Koetaradja (TK) is regarded as a potential urban transport policy aiming at alleviating autos traffic congestion and mitigating highly private mode dependency in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. The new bus system proposed by the Government has been operated since early 2018, and it remains free of fare services due to subsidy provide by the Government as the bus corridors have been expanded the budget getting escalating year by year. To reduce the burden of subsidies, the Government intends to drop monetary aid by applying full fare for the bus. However, declining the subsidy could affect bus ridership, especially low-income households whose captive riders may not afford the ticket. It hypothesizes that the travel cost budget (TCB) has significantly influenced the ability to pay for a particular household to afford the bus fare. The TCB for this study defines the maximum amount of money allocated by a specific family for their transportation within a month. Therefore, this study is aiming at exploring factors that effecting the households' transportation expenditures, taking into account household life stages (HLS) among TK' bus users. The use of revealed preference data obtained in 2019, the regression analysis of the ordinary least square (OLS) method, was used to calibrate and teste the exogenous variables across HLS. To simplify, the HLS in this study is segmented as early, middle, and established HLS. The distribution of TCB across HLS revealed that the share of transport expenditure on average to their monthly income had shared about 10-11 %. The finding from the OLS indicates that the variables of the female gender, monthly income, and the number of owned motorcycles have significant contributions to the TCB. The most significant finding is the impact of monthly income on the TCB across HLS. It exhibited early, and middle HLS has shown more spending share on income compared to the established HLS
Importance-Performance Analysis in Public Transport Level of Service: A Case Study of The Trans Koetaradja Bus in Banda Aceh Cut Mutiawati; Fitrika Mita Suryani; Renni Anggraini
Aceh International Journal of Science and Technology Vol 11, No 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Graduate Program of Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (641.246 KB) | DOI: 10.13170/aijst.11.1.23146


Traffic congestion often occurs in many cities, particularly in developing countries, mainly due to excessive private vehicles instead of public transport. To solve the problem, public transport should improve its level of services to attract more people to use it. Therefore, it is essential to observe to what extent people's satisfaction with public transport regarding its operation. This research aims to analyze the satisfaction level of bus passengers in Banda Aceh City concerning the expected satisfaction and observed performance. The passengers' satisfaction level was analyzed using the important performance analysis (quadrant analysis) method. The results showed that people's perception of the level of service of Trans Koetaradja buses was still acceptable. However, the arrival and departure time still needs to be improved. Further, dedicated bus lane planning is essential to avoid traffic jams so that the travel time can be much shorter. The fleet of operating buses is sufficient, and free-of-charge fares still need to be applied.
JURNAL TEKNIK SIPIL Vol 3, No 2 (2014): Volume 3, Nomor 2, Januari 2014
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Syiah Kuala

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Suzuya Mall Banda Aceh is one of the shopping center in the city of Banda Aceh. This mall is located onJln. Teuku Umar street. Daily activities of community cause the increasing of trip, including the attraction trip to this mall. However, the availabililty of parking space can not be accommodated by the mall, especially during the peak hours. The purpose of this study are to analyze the characteristics, capacity and demand parking of Suzuya mall.The results analysis of this study are showed: for motorcycles, peak hour vehicle arrival is on Saturday 20.00-21.00 pm at 285 veh/h with a volume of 1751 veh/day. The average length of the highest parking on Sundays at 0.96 h/veh. The highest accumulation on Sunday of 219 veh between 16:00-17:00 pm. The highest parking capacity on Thursday by 517 Unit Parking Space.
JURNAL TEKNIK SIPIL Vol 2, No 1 (2012): Volume 2, Nomor 1, September 2012
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Syiah Kuala

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Abstract: Consumer seldom redesign their property from developer. Therefor need a study to get dominant factors cause of redesign. The location for this research is Villa Citra and Bumi Permata Lamnyong Residence in Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar. Based on research, the dominant factor cause of redesign in Bumi Permata Lamnyong Residence are house size (type 36 and type 70), “availibility of fund” (type 45 and tipe 50) and need of family (type 130). the dominant factor cause of redesign in Villa Citra residence are need of family ( type 36), amount of room (type 50), house size (type 70) and esthetics factor (type 130).Keywords : Redesign, houseAbstrak: Pembeli (konsumen) rumah sering melakukan perubahan desain rumah yang dibeli dari developer. Untuk itu perlu suatu studi yang bertujuan untuk mencari faktor-faktor dominan yang menjadi penyebab perubahan desain yang sering dilakukan oleh konsumen perumahan. Penelitian dilakukan pada komplek perumahan Villa Citra dan Bumi Permata Lamnyong yang berlokasi di wilayah Banda Aceh dan Aceh Besar. Hasil diperoleh faktor dominan penyebab terjadinya perubahan desain untuk masing-masing tipe rumah pada Perumahan Bumi Permata Lamnyong  adalah perubahan karena ukuran ruang (tipe 36 dan tipe 70), perubahan karena ketersediaan dana (tipe 45 dan tipe50) dan perubahan karena keinginan keluarga (tipe 130). Sedangkan pada Perumahan Villa Citra faktor yang dominan adalah perubahan karena keinginan keluarga (tipe 36), karena jumlah ruang (tipe 50), karena ukuran ruang (tipe 70) dan karenaestetika/keindahan/tampak (tipe 130).Kata kunci : perubahan desain, rumah standar.
JURNAL TEKNIK SIPIL Vol 4, No 3 (2015): Volume 4, Nomor 3, Mei 2015
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Syiah Kuala

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JURNAL TEKNIK SIPIL Vol 1, No 3 (2012): Volume 1, Nomor 2, Mei 2012
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Syiah Kuala

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Abstract: Cost control is one of the important thing in construction project. If the cost of construction is uncontrollable, it will cause cost overrun. Cost overrun can be caused by many factors such as material, man power and heavy equipment cost. This research want to investigate the dominant factor that cause cost overrun. Data was collected by  questionaires that consists of 66 Variables. The variables were divided in 3 phases, 33 variables in planning phase, 23 variables in implementation phase and 2 variables in maintenance phase. Assesment of dominant level on this research were carried out in 5 measurement scale: 1 (very not dominan), 2 (less dominant), 3 (rarely dominant), 4 (dominant)  and 5 (very dominant). The  questionaires were distributed to contractor  grade 5, 6 and 7 that execute the construction project in Aceh. Data analysis were done by calculating the  average value (mean). The results shown that there are 51 variables cause of cost overrun with “dominant”  category  consisting of 13 variables at planning phase, 37 variables at implementation phase and 1 variable at maintenance phase with mean of 3,75 ≥ x ≥ 2,5. While 15 variables is categoried as " less dominant". Further more, this research found that there are additional 18 cost overrun variables beyond the questionaires.Keywords : Construction Project, Cost Overrun, ContractorAbstrak: Pengendalian biaya adalah salah satu hal penting dalam proyek konstruksi. Bila biaya konstruksi ini tidak dapat dikendalikan, maka akan menyebabkan cost overrun atau pembengkakan biaya.  Peningkatan biaya dapat disebabkan oleh banyak faktor seperti biaya material, biaya upah dan biaya peralatan berat yang tidak terkontol. Penelitian ini bermaksud  untuk mengetahui penyebab dominan terjadinya cost overrun. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode penyebaran kuesioner yang berisi 66 variabel penyebab cost overrun. Variabel-variabel tersebut dibagi dalam 3 tahapan yaitu tahap perencanaan, tahap pelaksanaan dan tahap pemeliharaan. Penilaian dilakukan dalam 5 skala pengukuran dari 1 (sangat tidak dominan) sampai 5 (sangat dominan). Kuesioner diisi oleh perusahaan kontraktor grade 5, 6 dan 7 yang menangani proyek konstruksi di Aceh. Analisa data dilakukan dengan cara mencari nilai rerata (mean). Hasil pengolahan data diperoleh variabel yang “dominan” menjadi penyebab cost overrun sebanyak 51 variabel dengan rincian 13 variabel pada tahap perencanaan, 37 variabel pada tahap pelaksanaan dan 1 variabel pada tahap pemeliharaan dengan nilai mean 3,75 ≥ x  ≥ 2,5. Sedangkan 15 variabel termasuk dalam kategori “cukup dominan”. Lebih lanjut terdapat 18 variabel lain yang menjadi penyebab cost overrun selain variabel yang ada pada kuisioner.Kata kunci : Proyek Konstruksi, Cost Overrun, Kontraktor