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Jubaedah : Jurnal Pengabdian dan Edukasi Sekolah (Indonesian Journal of Community Services and School Education) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): Jurnal Pengabdian dan Edukasi Sekolah (Jubaedah)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46306/jub.v1i3.38


Critical thinking is one of the abilities that every individual must possess in order to be able to adapt to increasingly complex life. This critical thinking ability is also crucial for every leader to support the proper analysis and decision making. As the young generation of future leaders, students need this critical thinking ability. Therefore, socialization was carried out regarding the importance of critical thinking to build a critical young generation. This Community Service Activity is a series of Student Leadership Basic Training activities at SMA Citra Islami Cikupa. The socialization process was carried out by giving lectures and discussions with the activity participants and an evaluation using a questionnaire. The results of this Community Service activity provide conclusions including 1) socialization about the importance of critical thinking skills or critical thinking goes well and is followed with great enthusiasm by prospective student council administrators; 2) this socialization is also a provision for prospective student council administrators as the young generation of future leaders to continue to hone their critical skills
Generalisasi Algoritma Thinning Process pada Proses Poisson Majemuk dengan Komponen Proses Poisson Nonhomogen dan Distribusi Gamma Syarif Abdullah; Sidik Susilo; Miftahul Huda; Nina Valentika; Sri Istiyarti Uswatun Chasanah; Agusyarif Rezka Nuha; Aswata Wisnuadji; Fajri Ikhsan; Yazid Rukmayadi
MUST: Journal of Mathematics Education, Science and Technology Vol 5, No 2 (2020): DECEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/must.v5i2.6485


Proses Poisson majemuk (compound Poissonprocess (CPP)) adalah salah satu pengembangan dari teori stokastik yang digunakan untuk memodelkan fenomena nyata. Proses ini memiliki minimal dua komponen utama, yaitu komponen pada proses Poisson-nya berupa fungsi intensitas konstan atau fungsi tertentu dan komponen besaran akibat berupa distribusi tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat model CPP yang memiliki komponen fungsi intensitas nonhomogen pada proses Poisson-nya (non-homogeneous Poisson process (NHPP)) dan komponen besaran akibat yang berdistribusi gamma (gamma distribution (GD)). Selanjutnya dibuat penduga parameter (parameter estimation) dan algoritma untuk membangkitkan CPP yang memiliki komponen fungsi intensitas NHPP dan komponen akibat GD. Metode yang digunakan dalam menentukan penduga parameter yaitu metode moment. Sedangkan pembuatan algoritma pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode acceptance and rejections berupa generalisasi teknik thinning process. Hasil penelitian telah didapatkan rumusan penduga-penduga untuk fungsi nilai harapan dan varian pada CPP dengan komponen NHPP dan komponen GD. Penelitian ini didapatkan pula generalisasi algoritma thinning process pada CPP-NHPP-GD tipe 1 dan 2. Algoritma tipe 1 merupakan hasil modifikasi dan generalisasi algoritma dari model CPP-HPP dengan mengubah komponen pada proses Poisson-nya menjadi bentuk NHPP dan komponen pada bagian besaran akibat berupa distribusi gamma. Algoritma tipe 2 merupaan hasil modifikasi dari tipe 1 dengan melakukan breakdown interval menjadi subinterval.
Analisis Pembentukan Portofolio Optimal Saham-Saham JII30 Dengan Model Indeks Tunggal Periode New-Normal Miftahul Huda; Syarif Abdullah; Sri Istiyarti Uswatun Chasanah; Himmatul Mursyidah; Fajri Ikhsan; Sidik Susilo; Rani Septiani Sukandar
Jurnal Derivat: Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Derivat (Juli 2022)
Publisher : Pendidikan Matematika Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1107.506 KB) | DOI: 10.31316/j.derivat.v9i1.2758


The purpose of this research is to analyze the formation of the optimal portfolio on the Jakarta Islamic Index 30 (JII30) stocks during the new normal period. The model used is a single index model. This study uses secondary data for the period December 2020 - November 2021 from stocks listed on JII30 on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The results showed that the selected model provides optimal benefits. The risk-free asset return does not provide a higher return than the simulation results. Of the 30 stocks listed in JII30, obtained 7 stocks with the most significant proportion of funds, namely ERAA (25.72%), MDKA (24.87%), TLKM (17.98%), EXCL (12.82%), AKRA (7.54%), ADRO (6.73 %) and ANTM (4.34%). The formation of the optimal portfolio in this study produces an expected return of 0.009974 or 1%, where the portfolio return is above the market rate of return and the average risk-free rate. Meanwhile, the optimal portfolio risk obtained is 0.003173 and the standard deviation is 0.056327 or 5.63%. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic which has subsided and the economy is getting better has resulted in the formation of an optimal JII30 portfolio that can be carried out and reduce investment risk during the new normal period. Keywords: Jakarta Islamic Index 30 (JII30), Single Index model, new normal, Optimal portfolio
PKM SEMINAR CRITICAL THINKING : PENTINGNYA BERFIKIR KRITIS SEBAGAI SEORANG PELAJAR DI SMA TERPADU MATHLA’UL ANWAR Miftahul Huda; Intan Sari; Sarmila Sarmila; Rachmawan Pramuliatama; Eneng Rustia; Rani Septiani Sukandar
Jubaedah : Jurnal Pengabdian dan Edukasi Sekolah (Indonesian Journal of Community Services and School Education) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian dan Edukasi Sekolah (Jubaedah)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46306/jub.v2i2.85


The signs of people who have skill of critical thinking are usually marked by the emergence of any questions in their effort to obtain information related to a phenomenon that appears and seek a solution. Some of the characteristics of person who thinks critically tend to have a mindset of perspective, objective, creative, sensitive, diligent and have a high curiosity. As a teenager going to growing up, high school students are required to be able to determine good or bad for everything. In addition, having skills of critical thinking can also help students in conducting research, making effective decisions and having high self-confidence. To gain all of that, then the provision of critical thinking skills is considered necessary. Critical thinking is a skill that can be trained. Based on this, the purpose of this dedication activity is to carry out a colloquium activity to provide knowledge to students about critical thinking and how to train it. Colloquium activity give a way to practice skill of critical thinking by asking any questions frequently and being a good listener. Even someone who si slow in thinking can also having skill of critical thinking by doing the exercise
Implementasi Model Indeks Tunggal dalam Pembentukan Portofolio Optimal pada Saham Syariah MES BUMN 17 Periode New Normal Syarif Abdullah; Miftahul Huda; Sri Istiyarti Uswatun Chasanah; Himmatul Mursyidah; Fajri Ikhsan; Sidik Susilo; Alfian Firmansyah; Rizqi Fauzi; Kevin Dion Valen Boy
Journal of Mathematics Education and Science Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): Journal of Mathematics Education and Science
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri Bojonegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32665/james.v5i2.563


Pasar modal merupakan salah satu wadah dalam berinvestasi saham. Pilihan indeks saham dalam pasar modal di Indonesia dapat dilihat pada Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), dimana beberapa diantaranya memiliki prinsip syariah. Salah satu indeks saham yang memiliki prinsip tersebut adalah MES BUMN 17. Pada masa new normal tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa dalam berinvestasi akan ada kemungkinan dalam mendapatkan imbal hasil dan risiko yang tidak terduga. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah membentuk portofolio yang optimal pada 17 saham yang tergabung dalam MES BUMN 17 pada masa new normal. Penelitian ini menggunakan Single Index Model. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu pada periode new normal, yakni pada periode Desember 2020 s.d November 2021. Hasil penelitiaan didapatkan bahwa pada periode new normal, pada saham MES BUMN 17, memberikan keuntungan yang optimal. Dari 17 saham yang terdapat pada MES BUMN 17, didapatkan 3 saham yaitu saham BRIS (Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk.) dengan proporsi portofolio 67.093%, saham PTBA (Bukit Asam Tbk.) dengan proporsi portofolio 21.481% dan saham IPCC (Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal Tbk.) dengan proporsi portofolio 11.426%. Expected return portofolio optimal dan risiko portofolio optimal masing-masing sebesar 0.82% dan 0.35% per minggu. Artinya dalam skenario portofolio optimal yang diperoleh dalam analisis ini masih memberikan keuntungan bagi para investor pada periode new normal.
Publisher : Math Program, Math and Science faculty, Pamulang University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/sm.v5i1.29733


Seeing the needs of capital market industry players, the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) developed an Islamic stock index. The newest type of sharia stock index launched by the IDX is IDX Sharia Growth (IDXSHAGROW). Stock investment requires a strategy to obtain maximum returns with minimal risk, one of which is diversification in portfolio formation. This study aims to form an optimal portfolio on the latest Islamic stock index on the Indonesian capital market, namely IDX Sharia Growth (IDXSHAGROW). The model used is the single index diversification model. The data used is for the period December 1, 2021 to. November 30, 2022 with weekly frequency. The results showed that the 30 shares that are members of IDXSHAGROW have 14 candidate shares. Furthermore, by making a cut-off, 11 stocks were included in the optimal portfolio with each proportion, namely MAPI 25.67%, KLBF 22.04%, AKRA 13.28%, UNTR 12.16%, MPMX 8, 3%, BRMS 4.4%, INCO 3.6%, LPPF 2.93%, ELSA 2.59%, AGII 2.54% and MYOR 2.48%. The optimal portfolio expected return value is 0.0017568 with a variance value of 0.00245 and a standard deviation of 0.04954 at weekly frequency. From the analysis of optimal portfolio formation in this study, the results were quite profitable for investors. This can be seen from the expected return value of the portfolio which is higher than the market value with each risk.
Jurnal Abdimas Bina Bangsa Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Abdimas Bina Bangsa
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46306/jabb.v4i2.380


The LaTex training using Overleaf aims to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to use LaTex and the online platform, Overleaf, to create scientific and academic documents. The training covers basic LaTex topics, including document structure, formatting, and typesetting, as well as more advanced topics, such as creating mathematical formulas and technical illustrations. In addition, participants will learn how to use Overleaf to enable collaborative work, document synchronization, and document sharing in various formats. In this training, participants will be given hands-on learning experiences through exercises, activities, and direct practice on the use of LaTex and Overleaf. Instructors will also provide feedback and active interaction with participants in each training session. By completing this training, participants will have the ability to create high-quality scientific and academic documents using LaTex and Overleaf and be able to apply it to their own research and writing projects. This training is highly recommended for anyone who wants to improve their skills in creating high-quality scientific and academic documents and to increase their work efficiency.  
Jurnal Bayesian : Jurnal Ilmiah Statistika dan Ekonometrika Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Bayesian : Jurnal Ilmiah Statistika dan Ekonometrika
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46306/bay.v3i2.66


Inflation is one of indicators of economic stability in a region. Banten Province experiences fluctuating inflation developments from year to year. This fluctuation can be influenced by neighboring provinces such as Lampung and DKI Jakarta Province. Furthermore, inflation calculations in Banten are based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) values from three major cities in Banten: Tangerang City, Cilegon City, and Serang City. This means that inflation value can depict the cost of living movement over a specific period. Forecasting consumer prices, including food, drinks, tobacco, health, education, and others, is necessary to help consumers plan their finances wisely for the future. One method suitable for this forecasting is ARMA(p,q). The ARMA method is used for forecasting based on time series data for stationary data patterns. ARMA model was conducted using the Box-Jenkins method, involving steps of identification model, diagnostic model, and forecasting. The objective of this research is to forecast the inflation value at the end of 2023 using the ARMA method with inflation data from January 2018 to August 2023. This research resulted in an ARMA(1,1) model as the forecasting with MSE=0.0720176. The forecast for September to December 2023 indicates a significant increase in inflation, with inflation values of 0.211182, 0.264935, 0.233054, and 0.251963, respectively
Unsupervised Feature Selection Based on Self-configuration Approaches using Multidimensional Scaling Ridho Ananda; Atika Ratna Dewi; Maifuza Binti Mohd Amin; Miftahul Huda; Gushelmi Gushelmi
Jambura Journal of Mathematics Vol 5, No 2: August 2023
Publisher : Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34312/jjom.v5i2.20397


Some researchers often collect features so the principal information does not lose. However, many features sometimes cause problems. The truth of analysis results will decrease because of the irrelevant or repetitive features. To overcome it, one of the solutions is feature selection. They are divided into two, namely supervised and unsupervised learning. In supervised, the feature selection can only be carried out on data containing labels. Meanwhile, in unsupervised, there are three approaches correlation, configuration, and variance. This study proposes an unsupervised feature selection by combining correlation and configuration using multidimensional scaling (MDS). The proposed algorithm is MDS-Clustering, which uses hierarchical and non-hierarchical clustering. The result of MDS-clustering is compared with the existing feature selection. There are three schemes in the comparison process, namely, 75\%, 50\%, and 25\% feature selected. The dataset used in this study is the UCI dataset. The validities used are the goodness-of-fit of the proximity matrix (GoFP) and the accuracy of the classification algorithm. The comparison results show that the feature selection proposed is certainly worth recommending as a new approach in the feature selection process. Besides, on certain data, the algorithm can outperform the existing feature selection.
Pelatihan Pembuatan Grafik dan Diagram Menggunakan LaTeX Pada Overleaf Ridho Ananda; Miftahul Huda; Rani Septiani Sukandar; Asminah; Fipiariny
JURNAL NGABDIMAS Vol. 6 No. 02 Desember (2023): NGABDIMAS (Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat)
Publisher : P3M Institut Teknologi Pagar Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36050/ngabdimas.v6i02 Desember.193


Penggunaan visualisasi data dalam bentuk grafik telah menjadi sebuah keharusan dalam menyajikan informasi secara efektif dan menarik. Hal itu akan memberikan dampak positif terhadap pemahaman objek yang sedang diamati. Oleh karena itu, pelatihan dalam penggunaan alat bantu seperti PGFPlots di LaTeX menjadi relevan dan sangat penting. LaTeX, sebagai sistem penulisan dokumen ilmiah, telah menjadi standar dalam penulisan jurnal, tesis, dan publikasi ilmiah lainnya. PGFPlots, sebagai paket LaTeX untuk pembuatan grafik, memberikan fleksibilitas tinggi dalam merancang dan menyesuaikan visualisasi data. Dengan kombinasi keduanya, penulis jurnal ilmiah dapat menciptakan laporan yang informatif, mudah dipahami, dan estetis. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut, dilaksanakanlah pengabdian masyarakat berupa pelatihan pembuatan grafik dan bagan menggunakan LaTeX pada Overleaf. Pelatihan ini merupakan kolaborasi antara Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto dan Universitas Bina Bangsa Serang. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini ialah memberikan pengetahuan dasar PGFPlots LaTeX. Sasaran pelatihan ini ialah civitas akademik yang intens dalam kegiatan pembuatan karya ilmiah, laporan ilmiah, atau laporan kegiatan. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan secara daring dengan metode ceramah dan diskusi pada pemaparan materinya. Evaluasi dilakukan pada kegiatan ini, yakni berdasarkan jumlah peserta, tes formatif, dan tanggapan peserta. Bedasarkan hasil evaluasi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengabdian masyarakat mengenai pelatihan pembuatan grafik dan bagan dengan LaTeX dapat memberikan manfaat bagi peserta.