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Pelatihan Pengolahan Tulang Ikan Nila menjadi Abon di Desa Sebangun Kecamatan Sebawi Maryono Maryono; Dewi Merdekawati; Gusti Randy Pratama; Risqy Pricillia Nanda; Nirawati
Hippocampus: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 1 (2022): June 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (437.467 KB) | DOI: 10.47767/hippocampus.v1i1.347


The utilization of fish waste needs to be widely applied to the community, especially at the household scale. One of them is by carrying out community service activities, the purpose of this activity is to socialize as well as provide training on processing tilapia bones into shreds to housewives in Sebangun village. The method of service activities starts from planning, observation or initial visits, preparation, and implementation of activities. The training steps begin with the delivery of theory then demonstration or training as well as direct assistance to participants. The results of the activity achieved were that the participants had known the process of making shredded tilapia bones and the standard process of product packaging. In addition, it is hoped that the results of this activity can be disseminated, fulfill children's nutrition, and can improve the community's economy.
Pengolahan Pangan Kreatif Berbahan Baku Sagu Menjadi Cookies Guna Menurunkan Angka Anemia Pada Remaja di Desa Sebangun Kabupaten Sambas Maryono Maryono; Kiki Kristiandi
Indonesia Berdaya Vol 3, No 4: August-October 2022
Publisher : UKInstitute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47679/ib.2022345


Sebangun Village is a village whose commodities come from agriculture and plantations and are dominated by sago, rubber and oil palm and sweet potato plantations. Sebangun Village has the potential of sago commodity which has the potential to be developed into healthy food preparations. The product made in this community service is the manufacture of cookies with the addition of Fe tablets. The addition of Fe is given when the processed food is made, so that the processed food can become food with rich nutrients. This community service activity aims to provide training in creative food processing made from sago raw materials into cookies. This activity was carried out in August 2022 and was attended by 20 female participants in Sebangun Village. The material presented in this activity is the material for making, processing, decorating and packaging cookies made from sago. The team also gave demonstrations to participants regarding the sago cookies directly. And each participant is asked to make and mix the sago into sago cookies. This activity received a positive response from the training participants, this can be seen from the preparations made in various forms. In addition, participants also took the initiative to make cookies to become products that can improve the family's economy. Abstrak: Desa Sebangun merupakan desa dengan komoditasnya berasal dari pertanian dan perkebunan serta didominasi oleh perkebunan sagu, karet dan kelapa sawit dan ubi jalar. Desa Sebangun memiliki potensi dari komoditi sagu yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan jadi olahan pangan yang sehat. Olahan yang dibuat dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah pembuatan cookies dengan penambahan tablet Fe. Penambahan Fe ini diberikan saat olahan dibuat, agar pangan yang diolah dapat menjadi pangan dengan kayak zat gizi.  Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan dalam pengolahan pangan kreatif berbahan baku sagu menjadi cookies. Kegiatan ini dilakukan pada Agustus 2022 dan di ikuti oleh 20 peserta ibu-ibu yang ada di Desa Sebangun. Materi yang disampaikan dalam kegiatan ini adalah materi pembuatan, pengolahan, dekorasi dan pengemasan cookies berbahan baku sagu. Tim memberikan pula demonstrasi pada peserta terkait cookies sagu tersebut secara langsung. Dan setiap peserta diminta untuk membuat dan mengadon dari sagu tersebut dapat menjadi cookies sagu. Kegiatan ini mendapat respon yang positif dari peserta pelatihan, hal ini dilihat dari olahan yang dibuat dengan bentuk variatif. Selain itu pula peserta berinisiatif untuk membuat cookies untuk menjadi produk yang dapat meningkatkan ekonomi keluarga.
Analisis Supply - Demand Jasa Ekosistem Mangrove Pesisir Kecamatan Maginti, Kabupaten Muna Barat Rahman Rahman; Maryono Maryono; Mukti Ali
Grouper: Fisheries Scientific Journal Vol 13, No 2 (2022): Grouper : Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/grouper.v13i2.120


Ekosistem mangrove di Kecamatan Maginti memberikan manfaat jasa ekosistem yang besar kepada manusia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis supply – demand jasa ekosistem mangrove di Kecamatan Maginti. Penelitian dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan studi literatur. Analisis data jasa ekosistem dilakukan dengan mengadopsi matriks penilaian dari model Burkhard yaitu jasa penyedia, jasa pengaturan, jasa budaya, dan jasa pendukung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 25 jasa ekosistem di Kecamatan Maginti yang terdiri dari 11 jasa penyedia, 7 jasa pengaturan, 2 jasa budaya, dan 5 jasa pendukung. Kapasitas jasa penyedia yang sangat tinggi terdapat pada kolom perairan sebagai penghasil ikan, udang, dan kepiting. Kapasitas jasa pengaturan yang sangat tinggi terdapat pada tegakan pohon mangrove terutama sebagai perangkap sedimen, penahan arus dan gelombang, penahan angin kencang, dan penyerap karbon. Kapasitas jasa budaya sebagai tempat rekreasi terdapat pada substrat pasir dengan kapasitas sedang, dan fraksi buah dengan kapasitas sangat tinggi. Sebagian besar jasa ekosistem mangrove memiliki surplus karena kapasitas jasa yang tersedia melebihi permintaan. Defisit jasa ekosistem terdapat pada keterbatasan lahan pemukiman yang menyebabkan terjadinya degradasi mangrove sehingga memerlukan penanggulangan melalui rehabilitasi lahan – lahan tambak nonproduktif. 
Measurement of Fisherman Terms of Trade before and after The Covid-19 pandemic at Parit Baru Village, Salatiga sub-district Maryono Maryono; Beryaldi Agam
JURNAL AGRIKAN (Agribisnis Perikanan) Vol 15 No 2 (2022): Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52046/agrikan.v15i2.1229


Terms of Trade Fisherman focuses on the income and expenditure of fishermen's families with the aim of seeing the level of fishermen's welfare. The purpose of the study was to see the trend of NTN before and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Descriptive quantitative research method with a non-probability sampling method of determining samples and purposive sampling as a sampling technique with a questionnaire as a tool while in-depth interviews. The results of the study were 20 fishermen (before Covid-19) & 22 fishermen (after Covid-19) with NTN < 1, NTN = 1 as many as 3 fishermen (before Covid-19) & 0 fishermen (after Covid-19, NTN > 1 as many as 2 (before Covid-19) & 3 fishermen (after Covid-19). On average, NTN before Covid-19 was 1.0 and 0.9 after Covid-19, meaning fishermen have not been able to meet their primary needs.
Qardhul Hasan: Media Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): APRIL
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1311.494 KB) | DOI: 10.30997/qh.v7i1.3552


Daerah DAS Sambas, terutama daerah hulu yang salah satunya Desa Sepantai hampir setiap tahun terjadi kasus destructive fishing. Luasnya wilayah perairan umum daratan Kabupaten Sambas menjadi salah satu keterbatasan untuk mengawasi kegiatan destructive fishing. Mulai dari keterbatasan personil pengawasan, armada pengawas dan jangkauan wilayah yang sangat luas. Peran serta masyarakat sangat diperlukan untuk bersama-sama memerangi destructive fishing. Peran serta masyarakat dapat dilakukan dengan mengamati atau memantau kegiatan perikanan dan pemanfaatan lingkungan yang ada di daerahnya. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini merupakan rangkaian dari kegiatan eksplorasi keanekaragaman ikan di DAS Sambas. Agribisnis Perikanan dan Kelautan Poltesa yang merupakan satu-satunya perguruan tinggi bidang perikanan di Kabupaten Sambas melakukan kerja sama dengan pemerintah desa sepanjang DAS Sambas untuk melakukan edukasi dan pelatihan Riset Aksi Partisipatoris (RAP) dalam rangka penanggulangan destructive dan illegal fishing di Sungai Sambas, Kalimantan Barat. Kegiatan ini di peruntukan untuk berbagai lapisan masyarakat desa, mulai dari perwakilan perangkat desa, kelompok nelayan, pokmaswas, karang taruna, kelompok pemuda dan kelompok masyarakat lainnya. Dari kegiatan ini di harapkan muncul rencana pembuatan regulasi tentang destructive fishing yang bisa di terjemahkan dalam peraturan desa, peningkatan produktifitas kegiatan kelompok masyarakat pengawas dan kegiatan edukasi yang lebih besar untuk masyarakat Desa Sepantai. Dengan adanya kader-kader penggerak konservasi diharapkan mampu menularkan pengetahuan dan semangat dalam memerangi destructive fishing dan membantu desa dalam merumuskan kebijakan yang berhubungan dengan hal terkait. Selain itu, kegiatan ini akan di publikasikan pada publikasi ilmiah seperti seminar nasional atau jurnal dan media masa baik daring maupun cetak.Kata Kunci: RAP, Sepantai, destruktif, ilegal, penangkapan
JURNAL MINA SAINS Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Mina Sains
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30997/jmss.v9i1.8412


Feed is an important factor in fish farming, where approximately 60% of the production costs are concentrated for feed. Therefore, we need alternative ingredients that can be mixed with feed to reduce the cost of buying feed. Coconut dregs is an alternative source of vegetable protein derived from agricultural waste which can be used as a raw material for fish feed through the flouring process. This study aimed to determine the effect of fermented coconut dregs flour pellet feed as a source of raw feed material on catfish growth. The method used in this study was an experimental method consisting of 5 treatments Treatment A0 (0% fermented coconut dregs flour), treatment A1 (6% fermented coconut dregs flour), treatment A2 (12% fermented coconut dregs flour), A3 (18 % fermented coconut dregs flour), A4 (24% fermented coconut dregs flour). Data were analyzed using variance (ANOVA) with the SPSS application. The results showed that A3 (18% fermented coconut dregs flour) was the best treatment and affected the absolute growth of 9 g, whereas A0 treatment (0% fermented coconut dregs flour) showed the lowest absolute growth of 4 g. The local feed formulations obtained in this study can be used as alternatives to artificial feed.
Measurement of Fisherman Terms of Trade before and after The Covid-19 pandemic at Parit Baru Village, Salatiga sub-district Maryono; Beryaldi Agam
Agrikan: Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan Vol 15, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Sangia Research Media and Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29239/j.agrikan.15.2.389-394


Terms of Trade Fisherman focuses on the income and expenditure of fishermen's families with the aim of seeing the level of fishermen's welfare. The purpose of the study was to see the trend of NTN before and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Descriptive quantitative research method with a non-probability sampling method of determining samples and purposive sampling as a sampling technique with a questionnaire as a tool while in-depth interviews. The results of the study were 20 fishermen (before Covid-19) & 22 fishermen (after Covid-19) with NTN < 1, NTN = 1 as many as 3 fishermen (before Covid-19) & 0 fishermen (after Covid-19, NTN > 1 as many as 2 (before Covid-19) & 3 fishermen (after Covid-19). On average, NTN before Covid-19 was 0.6 and 0.5 after Covid-19, meaning fishermen have not been able to meet their primary needs.
PENDAMPINGAN PENINGKATAN PRODUK UNGGULAN BERBAHAN BAKU BUAH NANAS DI DESA SAJAD KABUPATEN SAMBAS: Assistance For Improving Superior Products Made From Pineapple Fruit In Sajad Village, Sambas District Kiki Kristiandi; Nurul Fatimah Yunita; Dewi Merdekawati; Oktavia Nurmawaty Sigiro; Maryono Maryono; Sangkala Sangkala; Sudirman Masara'T
MESTAKA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): Agustus 2023
Publisher : Pakis Journal Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58184/mestaka.v2i4.122


Pineapple fruit is a fruit that has distinctive characteristics ranging from aroma, color and shape. This fruit contains many nutrients that are beneficial to the body including bromyelin, vitamin C and other nutrients. This community service activity aims to improve the community's ability to utilize local food ingredients that have the potential to increase village superior products. The problem faced by Sajad Village is that there are frequent losses because agricultural products from pineapples tend to have lower prices to be sold to the market, besides that this loss also causes the motivation of the farmers to decrease. The preparations made in this activity are pineapple syrup, pineapple jam and shredded pineapple and packaging is done on preparations that have been processed. The method used in this community service is through outreach and training. After the training process was completed, each team evaluated the preparations that had been made and the testers were given the opportunity to give their opinion. Based on the activities that have been carried out, the community in Sajad Village, Sambas Regency, is satisfied and helped by the preparations that have been carried out. Another result that can be seen is that participants begin to understand that pineapple has many derivative preparations that can be utilized and are aware of the advantages of consuming pineapple.
PENYULUHAN MANFAAT KONSUMSI IKAN DI SMA NEGERI 1 SAMBAS hesti; Maryono; Dewi Merdekawati; Lutfi Eka Septi Ningsih; Rosalinda; Sardi; Deki Kurniadi; Miko Saputra; Eko Gunawan; M Ilham Hanavi
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Bersinergi Inovatif Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Bersinergi Inovatif
Publisher : PT. Gelora Cipta Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61674/jpkmbi.v1i2.159


In order for children to grow and develop properly, they need proper nutrition. Nutritional deficiencies can affect a person's learning ability and cognitive development. Because it is the most important need to have. For children aged six to twelve, fish protein is an important source of nutrients. However, according to Riskesdas in 2013, 30.7% of children this age are stunted, 18.4% are short, and 12.3% are very short. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids. when compared to beef, chicken, or other types of meat. To encourage children to eat fish, more information should be provided about fish nutrition and its benefits for overall health. The nutritional role of fish in brain development and intelligence should be enhanced. On November 20, 2023, in Sambas District, Sambas Regency, students of SMA Negeri 1 Sambas received counseling on the importance of eating fish. Students should better understand the importance of eating fish, that is the purpose of this counseling.