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Pengaruh Faktor Sosial Ekonomi Dan Kompetensi Manajerial Peternak Sapi Perah Terhadap Pendapatan (Suatu Kasus Pada Peternak Sapi Perah di KPSBU Lembang di Kecamatan Lembang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat) Euis Dasipah; Karyana KS; Dety Sukmawati; Ida Danah
Paspalum: Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian Vol 8, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Universitas Winaya Mukti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35138/paspalum.v8i1.177


The research has aim at to know relationship between  the socio economic factors and managerial competence and and it’s infuence to the breeder’s income.    The method was  used by survey technique toward the breeders.  The Sampling technique was used by simple random sampling method by using slovin formula, carried out 70 units. The data was analyze by the  path analyze to  verify  the hypothesis. The result of the research that was the relationship strongly between  the influence of socio economic factors and managerial competence shown by the coeficient of corellation r = 0,77.  The economic factors has  the indicators : age, formal education, knowledge, experience, dependency ratio,  motivation of business and scale of business has gained 78,53% citeria good.  Managerial competence of breeder has  indicators: data recording,  milking technique , livestock health, feed, mating,cowshed, man power and marketing  obtained   78,94 %,  criteria good.  The  socio economic factors and managerial competence of breeder give  a positive influence to the breeder income.    The contribution of managerial competence  shown greater than The  socio economic factors. Each other contribution are  33,11 % and  20,70 %.
Faktor Kelembagaan, Sosial Ekonomi Dan Penerapan (Adopsi) Teknologi Terhadap Keberhasilan Usahatani Kopi Arabika Java Preanger Euis Dasipah; Dety Sukmawati; Dian Purwadi Faturachman
Paspalum: Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian Vol 9, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Universitas Winaya Mukti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35138/paspalum.v9i1.282


This study aims to determine and study "Institutional Farmers, Socio-economic and Technological Adoption of the Success of Java Preanger Arabica Coffee Farming (Survey of Coffee Farmers in Rancakalong District, Sumedang Regency)". Descriptive Analysis research method, with the research variables consisting of two independent variables namely, farmer institutions and farmers' socio-economic, and two Bound Variables namely Application of technology and success of coffee farming. The study population numbered 110, with a sample of 86 people, simple random sampling. / Simple random sampling, every subject in the population has the same chance of being selected as a sample. Main Hypothesis Testing Results indicate that farmer institutions, farmer socio-economics and application of technology Influence the success of coffee farming, the results of the Hypothesis Sub-tests are; (1) farmer institution influences the success of coffee farming in Rancakalong District, Sumedang Regency, (2) farmer socioeconomic influences on the success of coffee farming in Rancakalong District Sumedang Regency and the application of technology influences the success of coffee farming in Rancakalong District Sumedang Regency, (3) There is The relationship between farmer institutions and socio-economics in Rancakalong District, Sumedang Regency. Farmer institutionalization, farmer socio-economic condition and simultaneous application of technology have a positive effect on the success of coffee farming in Rancakalong Subdistrict, but when compared to the influence of all variables, the Farmer Institution has a smaller effect. While the cause of the influence of X2 is higher than X1, because the dynamics of farmer groups are common everywhere and at any time and are usually more directly related to how to improve farming yields so that the interaction is stronger. Considering the various limitations in this study, it needs to be followed up more broadly and deeply, so that it can provide more comprehensive benefits and look at other factors that influence the success of coffee farming.
Pembentukan Harga Cabai Merah Keriting Secara Teoritis Dan Empiris Dety Sukmawati; Euis Dasipah
Paspalum: Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian Vol 9, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Universitas Winaya Mukti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35138/paspalum.v9i2.283


High demand for curly red chilies will cause prices to rise while production cannot fulfill consumer desires. This situation was caused by an imbalance of supply-demand, where the supply-demand imbalance can be caused by several changes such as changes in production technology, population growth or number of consumers, changes in income levels per capita and season (., Asriani, and Rasyid 2012). Research data as research subjects were 1) Price time series data, curly red chili production at production centers 2) Supply data of curly red chilies from Cikajang Garut Regency, Caringin Central Market, Gedebage Main Market and Kramat Jati Central Market, 3) Time series data price, production, supply, government policies and supporting data from the West Java Food Crops Agriculture Office, and related agencies. The data used were time series data and supporting data from: Price information centers in production centers, main markets and price information at the West Java Food Crops Agricultural Service, for each marketing agency data was carried out by tracing the marketing chain. The research analysis was carried out in several ways, namely theoretically and empirically at the production center and the wholesale market described descriptively. Theoretical price formation can be explained that prices was formed based on supply and demand. Prices derived from price formation can come from the District or Provincial Agriculture Office and be informed from the Commodity Price Information Center in production centers and forwarded to farmers, dealers, traders and wholesale markets. Price information can be conveyed to between market players, so that farmers and market players know your margin and profit. Empirically, it can be seen that price formation in production centers was not seen to be formed from supply and demand. The price in the wholesale market is the price determined by market players in the wholesale market based on the amount of supply entering the main market and price information between the parent markets. The information center at PIKJ does not have production data from production centers so that when the price hike occurs, the version of the Ministry of Agriculture is imports of chilies ("specifically for curly red chilies, there are no imports"). Imports indicate that the production / supply decreases without knowing the actual amount of production, in this case the price information speed was faster than the production data that was informed per year so that prices in farmers still do not increase, meaning that farmers do not enjoy price increases, in this case it can be said that market mechanism was not working well.
Analisis Pendapatan, Produktivitas Dan Curahan Tenaga Kerja Usahatani Padi Sawah Pada Petani Pengguna Dan Bukan Pengguna Brigade Alsintan (Alat Dan Mesin Pertanian) Di Kecamatan Pabuaran, Kabupaten Subang Andi Arifin; Euis Dasipah; Nendah Siti Permana
Paspalum: Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian Vol 10, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Universitas Winaya Mukti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35138/paspalum.v10i1.364


This study aims to analyze the effect of using Alsintan (Agricultural Machine Tools) on income, productivity and outpouring of labor  for lowland rice farming. This research uses survey method. The technique for determining respondents used the Taro Yamane formula (1967) and obtained a sample size of 41 respondents who were allocated proportionally, namely 23 farmer respondents who used agricultural machinery and 18 farmer respondents who did not use agricultural machinery. The results showed that the income of lowland rice farmers using agricultural machinery was different from the income of rice farmers who were not using agricultural machinery. The income of lowland rice farmers using agricultural machinery is Rp. 15,117,478, which is Rp. 7,855,255, - compared to the income of rice farmers who do not use machinery, which is only Rp. 7,262,223. The productivity of lowland rice farmers using agricultural machinery is different from that of farmers who are not using agricultural machinery, namely the productivity of lowland rice farmers using agricultural machinery is 6,825 kg/hectare/season, 771.0 kg higher than the productivity of paddy rice for farmers who do not use machinery, which is only 6,066 kg/hectare/season. The outpouring of labor for rice farmers using machine tools is different from the labor for rice farmers not using machine tools, where the labor for rice farmers using machine tools is 69 working days/hectare/season, 42 working days less than rice farmers not using machine tools which is 111 Working Days/hectare/season.
Keberhasilan Usahatani Kopi (Coffea arabica) Melalui Dinamika Kelompok Dan Manajerial Petani Muhamad Yusuf; Dety Sukmawati; Euis Dasipah
Paspalum: Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian Vol 8, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Universitas Winaya Mukti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35138/paspalum.v8i2.201


Coffee was one of the important plantation commodities in the national economy. This can be seen from the role of the coffee plantation sector in providing employment plants, providing the State's foreign exchange through exports. One of the goals of coffee farmers in managing their farming was to make a profit. In achieving this goal, farmers face several obstacles. By joining farmers in a farmer group forum can help explore the potential, solve the farming problems of its members, thus farmer groups have a strategic position in realizing quality farmers. The research was conducted in Sukasari Subdistrict, Sumedang Regency with the unit (subject) of analysis being 70 farmers who cultivated coffee in the harvest season from January to March 2020 Hypothesis testing. path. There was a positive relationship between the dynamics of farmer groups and farmer management. This was evidenced by the correlation value between the dynamics of farmer groups (X1) and managerial farmers (X2) which reached 84.1%. The better the group dynamics, the better the farmer's managerial, which consists of technical skills and business / skills aspects. The dynamics of farmer groups and farmer managerial influences positively on the success of coffee farming. the higher the value of farmer group dynamics (X1) and farmer managerial (X2), the effect on the increase in farming (Y).
Pengaruh Sistem Produksi Dan Peran Penyuluh Pertanian Terhadap Keberhasilan Usahatani Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus ostreatus) Amar Romidin Sumarga; Euis Dasipah; Karyana KS
Paspalum: Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian Vol 10, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Universitas Winaya Mukti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35138/paspalum.v10i1.379


This study aims to find out the relationship between the Production System And Role of Agricultural Extensionists on the Success of White Oyster Mushroom Farming (Pleurotus Ostreatus).    The analysis unit is farmers of White Oyster Mushroom Farming. The technique of determining respondents was carried out in a census of 60 units. Analysis techniques are used pearson correlation and path analysis. The results of the study obtained by the production system in the business activities of white oyster mushrooms inCugenangSubdistrict are characterized at the level of application of white oyster mushroom cultivation technology consisting of dimensions: from the process of providing raw materials; production process; harvesting and post-harvest handling; Distribution and warehousing obtained a rate of achievement of 78.87 % good criteria. The role of PPL is related to the business activities of white oyster mushrooms inCugenangSubdistrict which consists of dimensions: Advisors; Technicians; Liaison; Organizer;  and innovators obtained a level of achievement of 77.01 % good criteria. The success of the white oyster mushroom farming business inCugenangSubdistrict consisting of dimensions: productivity; product quality; continuity ; and farming efficient . Obtained a level of achievement of 77.50 % good criteria. There is a strong relationship between the role of PPL and the production system in the white oyster mushroom farming business inCugenangSubdistrict, indicated by the correlation coefficient r = 0.93.  The better the role of PPL, the better the production system.    The production system and the role of PPL have a positive effect on the success of white oyster mushroom farming inCugenangSubdistrict.  Production System contribution was obtained 81,23 % and contribution of PPL Role 12.60 %.
Paspalum: Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian Vol 4, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Universitas Winaya Mukti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (457.126 KB) | DOI: 10.35138/paspalum.v4i1.23


The use of marketing concept philosophy in a company's program is not just an effort of those who are given the responsibility of sales and marketing, but an endeavor attempted by everyone in an organization. Requirements needed for consumer-oriented organizational development include some activities i.e. inculcating consumer-oriented values and beliefs which are supported by top management, integrating markets and consumers into the process of strategic planning, creating marketing management & developing a strong program, creating a basic measurement of performance on the basis of markets, and developing commitment to consumers throughout the organization.
Mimbar Agribisnis : Jurnal Pemikiran Masyarakat Ilmiah Berwawasan Agribisnis Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Juli 2022
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/ma.v8i2.7432


Aquaculture business in Sukabumi City is a small-scale business, so there are still various problems that can hinder business development. By joining the group, it is hoped that it will have a real influence on the empowerment of fish farmers, especially in increasing production and independence of fish farmers in making decisions. This study aims to determine the combined effect of group dynamics and independence, the influence of each, as well as the relationship between group dynamics and independence on the success of tilapia aquaculture in the Fish Farmers Group (Kelompok Pembudidaya Ikan) in the city of Sukabumi. The study was conducted in Sukabumi City in November 2021 - March 2022 with the subject of the analysis being Pokdakan which farming tilapia as many as 49 people. The research variables are Group Dynamics (X1), Group Independence (X2) and Business Success (Y). The results shows that the direct influence of group dynamics and group independence on business success was 34%. Group dynamics have no significant effect on business success, the direct effect is only 3.13%. Group independence has a significant effect on business success, with an effect of 20.89%. Group dynamics and group self-reliance have a significant and positive relationship.
PENERAPAN TEKNOLOGI BERDASARKAN LUAS LAHAN DAN PENGARUHNYA TERHADAP PRODUKTIVITAS, DAN EFISIENSI USAHATANI KENTANG (Solanum tuberosum, L) (Suatu Kasus Pada Petani Kentang di Kecamatan Cipanas, Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat) Lukman Lukman; Euis Dasipah; Karyana KS
Mimbar Agribisnis : Jurnal Pemikiran Masyarakat Ilmiah Berwawasan Agribisnis Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Juli 2022
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/ma.v8i2.7597


This study was to determine the effect of land area on the application of productivity technology and efficiency of granola potato farming. The unit of analysis is farmers who plant granola potatoes in MT 2021 in Cipanas District, Cianjur Regency, West Java. Respondents were taken from sample farmers with a layered random technique comparable to the size of 55 people. The analysis technique and hypothesis testing used were Kruskal Wallis and Cgi Square analysis. The results showed that potato farming performance based on land area: wide (1.75 ha), moderate (0.65 ha); and narrow (0.36 ha) shows relatively diverse conditions. The productivity of each farm land reached 13.56 tons/ha; 11.25 tons/ha; and 11.05 tons/ha. The income achievement of potato farming is Rp. 61,564,317/ha, medium land is Rp. 38.986.882/ha, and narrow land is Rp. 38.196.880/ha. R/C farming efficiency respectively: 2.34; 1.87 and 1.79. There are differences in the application of technology in potato farming based on large, medium, and narrow land areas. Potato farmers with large plots showed a better level of technology application than potato farmers with medium or narrow plots. The level of achievement of the application of potato farming technology was obtained by farmers with an area of 83.99% very good criteria; medium land farmers 72.50% good criteria; and farmers with narrow land 71.73 good criteria. There is a positive effect of the application of technology on the achievement of potato farming productivity. The productivity of large land farming shows a higher level than potato farmers with medium or narrow land. Each obtained by farmers with an area of 13,560 kg/ha; medium land farmers 11,185 kg/ha; and small land farmers 11,021 kg/ha. There is a positive effect of the application of technology on the efficiency of potato farming. Farming efficiency of farmers with large land shows a higher level than farmers with medium or narrow land. Each obtained by farmers with an area of 2.34; medium land farmers 1.87; and farmers with narrow land 1.79.
ANALISIS EFISIENSI DAN FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG BERPENGARH TERHADAP HASIL PRODUKSI USAHATANI PADI ORGANIK DI PROVINSI JAWA BARAT (Suatu kasus di Kelompok Tani Sari Alam Desa Cibatu Kabupaten Sukabumi dan Kelompok Tani Terlaksana Kelurahan Sukakarya Kota Sukabumi) Romy Sudiawan; Euis Dasipah; Dety Sukmawati
Mimbar Agribisnis : Jurnal Pemikiran Masyarakat Ilmiah Berwawasan Agribisnis Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Juli 2022
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/ma.v8i2.7343


This study aims to analyze what production factors affect organic rice production and how efficient the use of these production factors is in the Sari Alam Farmer Group, Cibatu Village, Sukabumi Regency and the Implemented Farmer Group, Sukakarya Village, Sukabumi City. The research area method was carried out purposively (deliberately). The number of samples was 40 farmers from the Sari Alam Farmer Group, Cibatu Village, Cikembar District, Sukabumi Regency and 40 farmers from the Implemented Farmer Group, Sukakarya Village, Warudoyong District, Sukabumi City, the data used was for one planting season. The first hypothesis is analyzed by multiple regression analysis, the second hypothesis includes technical efficiency, price efficiency and economic efficiency using the frontier function. The results of the analysis of the two statistical test sample areas showed that simultaneously the independent variables consisting of land area, seeds, compost, liquid organic fertilizer and labor had a significant effect on the dependent variable, namely organic rice production. The classical assumption test shows that the research data is normally distributed, free of multicollinearity symptoms and there is no strong correlation between independent variables. The results of organic rice farming calculations show that in the Sari Alam Farmer's Group technical efficiency (ET) is 0.997, price efficiency (EH) is 7.266 and economic efficiency (EE) is 7.204 and in Implemented Farmers Group technical efficiency (ET) is 0.998, price efficiency ( EH) of 5.960 and economic efficiency (EE) of 5.948. The economic value in both farmer groups is more than 1, meaning that organic rice farming activities in both groups are very efficient.