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The Influence of Abiotic Factors on The Diversity and Abudance of Mangrove Crabs (Scylla spp.) in Blok Bedul Alas Purwo National Park Mangrove Forest Rina Sugiarti Dwi Gita; Sudarmadji Sudarmadji; Joko Waluyo
Jurnal ILMU DASAR Vol 16 No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (183.774 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jid.v16i2.1517


The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity, abundance and abiotic factors influence the diversity and abundance of mud crab (Scylla spp.) In mangrove forests Blok Bedul Alas Purwo National Park. This research method uses descriptive quantitative method. Diversity is calculated by using the formula of Shannon Wiener, mangrove crab abundance is calculated using the formula abundance Kreb whereas the method of analysis using simple linear regression. The data used in this research is data such as the number and type of biotic mud crabs and data abiotic form of measurement of temperature, pH, salinity, substrate type, and the tide. This study shows the results include mangrove crab species diversity index of every observation stations in the mangrove forests Blok Bedul Alas Purwo National Park is H '= 0.315 showing that the level of diversity in every station is low. The abundance of mud crabs in the mangrove forests Blok Bedul Alas Purwo National Park is 0.0011 individuals / m² which showed that the level of abundance at relatively low research station. Results of the analysis of the influence of abiotic factors on the diversity and abundance of mud crabs in mangrove forests Blok Bedul National Park Alas Purwo not significant (p> 0.05) the diversity and abundance of mangrove crab.   Keywords : abiotic factors , abundance , diversity , mud crab , regression
Purification and Characterization of Antibacterial Protein from Pheretima javanica Joko Waluyo; Bambang Sugiharto; Noor Cholies Zaini
Jurnal ILMU DASAR Vol 8 No 1 (2007)
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Jember

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This research aimed to examine and isolate antibakterial protein from three species of earthworms has antibacterial potencies. The research was conducted in several stages, namely: extraction earthworm by using three kinds of solvents; antibacterial activity test of earthworm extract by agar diffusion method; purification of antibacterial protein by using DEAE chromatography, filtration column chromatography, and Native-PAGE. The results showed that three species of earthworms contained antibacterial protein. The activity of antibacterial protein extract of Pheretima javanica in MOPS buffer was highestand the inhibition zone diameter were10.0-14.0 mm. Compared to the other solven, the of MOPS buffer most precise for the solvent of protein. The extract of Pheretima javanica with MOPS solvent was fractionated by using DEAE chromatography (anion exchanger) and produced three peaks of protein group. Among the peaks, last peak that need 0.380 M NaCl to eluate performed antibacterial activity. Further fractionation of the protein by using gel filtration chromatography produced two peaks and one of the peak has antibacterial activity. Further purification that carried out by cutting the active fraction of second protein peak by using Native-PAGE produced seven bands. A single protein of the sixth band from lowest band showed antibacterial activity. 
Dampak Model Pembelajaran AGT Re-Con Terhadap Peningkatan Hasil Belajar dan Self Regulated Learning Siswa MTs Sri Hartatik; Wachju Subchan; Joko Waluyo
Jurnal Pembelajaran dan Pendidikan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Pendidikan IPA FKIP Universitas Jember Bekerjasama dengan Perkumpulan Pendidik IPA Indonesia (PPII)

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Learning model of AGT Re-Con (Auditory, Guiding, Testing, Repetition and Conclussion) is combined between learning model of GIL (Guided Inquiry Learning) and AIR (Auditory Intelectually and Repetiiton). The purpose this research is one of to description of final learning and self regulated learning students with using learning model of AGT-Con. The aim of this research is for first grade student of MTs Negeri Arjasa in academic year 2015/2016 that helding research for three times meeting. The learning result to analyze using N-gain. Analysis with N-gain to get the first meeting 0,50, second meeting 0,51 and third meeting 0,75, meanwhile self regulated learning the high percentage student for indicator Organizing and Transforming.
Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran RASI (Reading, Analyzing, Sharing, and Inferring) dalam Pembelajaran IPA di SMP Vivi Darmayanti; Jekti Prihatin; Joko Waluyo
Jurnal Pembelajaran dan Pendidikan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Pendidikan IPA FKIP Universitas Jember Bekerjasama dengan Perkumpulan Pendidik IPA Indonesia (PPII)

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The learning process that provide an opportunity for learners to learn independently is a reading method such as Think, Talk, Write (TTW), Reading, Questioning, and Answering (RQA). Based on the disadvantages and advantages of TTW and RQA, syntaxs can be combined then it is known as RASI (Reading, Analyzing, Sharing and Inferring). The purpose of this research is to produce RASI learning model with valid criteria based on Borg and Gall development model. The preliminary field testing was conducted at the State Junior High School 4 Jember. RASI learning model is validated by lectures and teachers on March 2016. The data are analyzed by analysis of percentage. The result showed that validation of RASI is 88.61% with very valid criteria. Average of teacher response 81,67% and average of students response is 83,01% with very good critera. RASI learning model is valid and it can be used in main field testing.
Validitas Perangkat Pembelajaran IPA Model Inkuiri Terbimbing untuk Melatihkan Keterampilan Pemecahan Masalah Siswa SMP Materi Pencemaran Lingkungan Rusmi Indriyani; Joko Waluyo; Jekti Prihatin
Jurnal Pembelajaran dan Pendidikan Sains Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Pendidikan IPA FKIP Universitas Jember Bekerjasama dengan Perkumpulan Pendidik IPA Indonesia (PPII)

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This research is aimed to produce science learning equipments of guided inquiry model for training student problem solving skill in environment pollution materials and to describe the validity base on validaty of by an educational expert, an material expert, and science teacher using validation of sheet. This research uses four-D model that consists of define, design, develop, and disseminate step. The result of this research are syllabus, lesson plane, student books, student work sheet, student tests. The average of validaty lesson plan 3,5, student books get average 3,5, student work sheets get average 3,5, and student tests get average 3,6.
The Toxicity of Srikaya Seed Granules (Annona squamosa L.) with Different Heating Temperatures Against the Larva of Aedes aegypti L. Rima Gloria Purwanto; Dwi Wahyuni; Joko Waluyo
BIOEDUKASI Vol 18 No 1 (2020)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/bioedu.v18i1.15683


Abstract: Aedes aegypti L. is a mosquito carrying dengue virus that causes dengue fever, especially in Southeast Asia which is a tropical rain forest region which is a habitat for mosquito growth. Aedes aegypti L. mosquito control is carried out by chemical means of fogging and using abate but this control actually causes Aedes aegypti L. mosquitoes to become resistant or immune to chemical drugs so that a new breakthrough is created by making bioinsecticides biologically to eradicate the Aedes aegypti L. mosquito. with characteristics that are environmentally friendly and do not kill non-target animals and cause the Aedes aegypti L. mosquito not to become resistant. To be able to realize this desire so that the sugar cane granules extract of Annona squamosa L. containing active compounds in the form of annonain and squamosin so that they are toxic to Aedes aegypti L. mosquito larvae. Further research is to test the heating temperature level of the granules of Annona squamosa L. extract temperature of 40 ° C and 60 ° C which is more deadly of Aedes aegypti L. mosquito larvae. This research method uses a completely randomized design with four repetitions. The temperature of 60 ° C uses concentrations of 1 ppm, 6 ppm, 12 ppm, 18 ppm, 24 ppm and 30 ppm. As for the temperature of 40 ° C using concentrations of 1 ppm, 7 ppm, 14 ppm, 21 ppm, 28 ppm, and 35 ppm, each temperature compared with aquadest and abate. Data analyzed using probit analysis to determine the LC50, then followed by a statistical test paired sample T-test with SPSS to find out a significant difference between heating temperatures of 40 ° C to 60 ° C. These results then show that a higher temperature of 60 ° C has a higher level of toxicity compared to a lower temperature of 40 ° C.
The Effect of Cocoa Leaf Extract (Dendrophthoe pentandra (L.) Miq.) on The Growth of Shigella dysenteriae and Salmonella typhi Della Mahda Yunita; Joko Waluyo; Siti Murdiyah
BIOEDUKASI Vol 17 No 1 (2019)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/bioedu.v17i1.13205


Cocoa parasite leaves (Dendrophthoe pentandra (L.) Miq) belong to parasitic plants against hosts which are potentially used as traditional medicinal ingredients. However, the efficacy of cocoa parasite leaves is still not widely known by the public. One of the properties from cacao parasitic leaves is able to treat mild diseases such as smallpox, hookworm, flu, cough and diarrhea as well as being able to be used as a treatment for serious diseases such as tumors and cancer. The bacteria causing infection generally come from gram negative bacteria, namely Shigella dysenteriae and Salmonella typhi which refer to enteropathogenic bacteria causing infection to the host. The existing controls still use antibiotic drugs that are used less procedurally and causing bacteria more resistant. Cocoa parasite leaf extract contains active compounds in the form of alkaloids and saponins which play a role in inhibiting bacterial growth. This study aims to determine the effective concentration on the effect of cocoa parasite leaf extract to the growth of Shigella dysenteriae and Salmonella typhi bacteria. The research method was by using diffusion so that by using wells with 5 repetitions. The concentration used was 8%, 10%, 12%, 14%, 16%. Data were analyzed by using ANOVA analysis to determine the effective concentration on the effect of extracts to the inhibition of bacterial growth. The significant values were indicated at 0,000 against Shigella dysenteriae and 0.042 bacteria against Salmonella typhi (<0,05). The data revealed that cocoa parasite leaf extract has the potential to inhibit the growth of Shigella dysenteriae and Salmonella typhi bacteria.
Identification of Bacteria on Seblak Food around University of Jember Based on Microbiological Criteria of Processed Food Rizka Maulidya Cahyani; Joko Waluyo; Mochammad Iqbal
BIOEDUKASI Vol 18 No 1 (2020)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/bioedu.v18i1.14835


The quality of food that is good in bacteriological, chemical and physical must always be maintained in order to avoid diseases or health problems. Healthy and safe food is an important factor to improve the standard of public health. Seblak is a ready-to-eat Indonesian food which until now has never been carried out research about what kinds of bacteria in it. Seblak is a food made from raw crackers which is then deliberately soaked using hot water to have a chewy texture. This study aims to determine what types of bacteria are contained in seblak, through the process of isolation and identification in the macroscopic, microscopic and biochemical way. This study used 5 samples, which was repeated 5 times for each sample. Bacteria were isolated from the sample using spread plate techniques and observed by growing colonies on the plate. Each different colonies was observed microscopically through gram staining and endospore staining. To strengthen the data, biochemical tests were also carried out, biochemical tests that have been done in this study were the oxidase test, catalase test, and indole test. The results of the study showed that the bacteria that were found from the samples are in the genus of Bacillus sp. because they show the morphological characteristics of the colonies that form concentric circles, meanwhile, microscopic observations show morphological characteristics of cells in the form of gram-negative bacilli and have the endospores.
The Effect of POE Learning Models (Prediction, Observation, and Explanation) with Probing-Prompting Techniques on The Student’s Cognitive Learning Outcomes of SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Jember Dewi Farida; Joko Waluyo; Kamalia Fikri
Pancaran Pendidikan Vol 7, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education The University of Jember Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (302.514 KB) | DOI: 10.25037/pancaran.v7i3.199


Student learning outcomes are competencies that students have after gaining their learning experience, so indicators of learning success can be seen from student learning outcomes after experiencing the learning process. Student learning outcomes can be improved through the use of learning models, one of which is by applying the POE learning model (Prediction, Observation and Explanation) with probing-prompting techniques. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of POE learning models (Prediction, Observation and Explanation) with probing-prompting techniques on the cognitive learning outcomes of the tenth grade students at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Jember on the environmental pollution subject. Type of research is a quasy experimental study using a pretest and posttest design. In the experimental class, learning activity was carried out by applying the POE learning model (Prediction, Observation and Explanation) with probing-prompting techniques and the control class, learning activities are carried out by applying conventional learning models. The data of the students' cognitive learning outcomes were obtained through the pretest and posttest scores then analyzed using ANAKOVA test. The application of POE learning model (Prediction, Observation and Explanation) with probing-prompting techniques had a significant effect with a probability as much as 0,000. The affective learning outcomes influenced significantly with a significance value of 0.001 or p<0.05.
The Development of Biology E-Pocket Book to Improve Senior High School Students’ Biology Literacy Ability Mega Candra Kumalasari; Joko Waluyo; Iis Nur Asyiah
Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): Journal Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies
Publisher : Green Publisher Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2042.443 KB) | DOI: 10.59188/eduvest.v2i3.382


This research aimed at improving biology literacy ability based on HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill) by using E-pocket book learning media. This research employed a research and development (R&D) method, which was used as actual proof in improving a learning media of HOTS-based E-pocket book. There were 10 schools, including state or private schools, and 10 biology teachers as need analysis involved in this study. A needs assessment was conducted by using a questionnaire generated in Google form. The result of the needs assessment showed that teachers understood the HOTS learning process of 90%, HOTS learning material of 80%, and the teachers’ knowledge on E-pocket book learning media of 50%. Therefore, all of the teachers (100%) agreed if E-pocket book learning media is implemented for the students and if the learning media that can improve the students’ biology literacy should be developed.