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Evaluasi Kebijakan Keterwakilan Perempuan Tahun 2014 Perspektif Game Theory Angin, Ria; Yuswadi, Hary; Patriadi, Himawan Bayu; Gianawati, Nurdyah
POLITICO Vol 17, No 2 (2017): Jurnal POLITICO Fisipol
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (567.583 KB) | DOI: 10.32528/politico.v17i2.1005


Kebijakan kuota 30% diimplementasikan oleh aktor (partai politik) dan perempuan sebagai sub aktor.  Kebijakan diimplementasikan oleh  partai politik dengan merekrut perempuan sebagai caleg,   menempatkan pada suatu daerah pemilihan dan nomer tertentu. Ibarat suatu permainan, upaya tersebut adalah strategi partai politik  ketika menghadapi strategi  partai politik lain yang menjadi lawan. Caleg incumbent akan memilih non kooperatif dan pindah pada partai politik lawan, bila  strategi partai politik  tidak memberi keuntungan. Sebaliknya caleg baru  memilih kooperatif dengan strategi partai politik.Kata kunci: Evaluasi Kebijakan, Keterwakilan Perempuan, Game Theory
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Perum Perhutani di Kecamatan Kalipuro, Kabupaten Banyuwangi Ardiansyah, Vicky; Gianawati, Nur Dyah
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in Indonesia is the mandate of the legislation, namely, the Law No.25 of 2007 on TLN No.4274 LNNo.67 Investment and Law Number 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Article 74 paragraph (1) of the company that runs its business activities in the field and / or related to the natural resources required to carry out its social and environmental responsibilities. Perum Perhutani is one of the state-owned enterprises that have implemented CSR. This research is focused on how to answer the problem formulation on CSR implementation Perhutani office in Forest Village Community Institution Rukun Makmur Kalipuro subdistrict in order to determine, describe and explain the implementation of the program. This study used qualitative research methods, descriptive research, data collection based on observations, interviews and documentation as well as the determination of informants using purposive sampling technique. Analysis of qualitative data, ie everything that is said informants, both written and verbal and real behavior were studied. Powered by the technique of triangulation validity sumberdata guide you in preparing the discussion. The results showed that the implementation of programs to improve the welfare of society as evidenced by an increase in revenues and an increase in knowledge about plants and institutional
Journal of Social and Political Science Vol 2 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Jember

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The purpose of this study is to analyze the effort of innovational entrepreneurial attitudes in developing the ?Purnama? village microbusinesse. This descriptive qualitative research used the snowball techniques for determining informants. The data analysis technique applied the flow model that is data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that most families in the village are the bamboo craftswomen because the raw materials are easy to find as the most natural plantation resourse. The main product is ?besek? that is the box or bowl for fish container. The craftswomen sell the ?besek? to the collectors. Recently, the number of craftswomen is 350 which increased fastly from 50 persons relating to the market demand of ?besek?. This situation results the micro entrepreneurial attitudes which based on the process of making ?besek? for own need to crafts business. This family micro business innovate throught three (3) business constructions, they are input, envirounment, and output. Input is gained by increasing market demmand of ?besek? from another businessman who need ?besek?. Second is an environment which provides the raw materials and the craftswomen is the housewife who have craft skills. Last is outcome in the form of knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, values that grow after crafting entrepreneurship.Keywords: Development, Entrepreneurial Attitude, Micro Business, Village
Perilaku Menyimpang Mahasiswi yang Bekerja sebagai Pemandu Karaoke di Kota Jember Pratami, Meilya Yolanda; Gianawati, Nur Dyah
e-Sospol Vol 6 No 2 (2019): Pluralisme
Publisher : University of Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/e-sos.v6i2.28651


Abstract This study aimed to explain by describing what and how far the deviant behavior of female students working as LC (Ladies Companion) in Jember. The study was conducted with a qualitative approach and belonged to a descriptive research. The research subjects were students who worked as LC. The analysis unit used a purposive technique. The data collection was supported through observation, interviews, and documentation. Furthermore, the explanation was done descriptively to explain the students' behavior who work as LC. Based on the research that has been done, it was found that the behavior of the students who work as LC were drinking alcoholic beverages, using narcotics and drugs, even doing prostitution. The occurrence of these deviant behaviors will potentially be a social disease that can lead to social problems in the community and if it is not immediately addressed, it will lead to social disorganization. Indirectly, the deviant behavior done by female students working as LC becomes a social problem in the community.
Journal of Social and Political Science Vol 2 No 2
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Jember

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usaha mikro di desa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik penentuan informan menggunkan teknik bola salju atau snowball sampling. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model analisa data Miles dan Huberman (2002) dimulai dari tahap pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian keluarga di desa memiliki usaha pembuatan besek wadah ikan laut yang terbuat dari bambu. Hal ini didukung oleh potensi alam disekitar desa yaitu banyaknya tumbuhan bambu. Perkembangan berwirausaha kerajinan besek berawal dari adanya permintaan dari seorang pengusaha (pengepul) besek wadah ikan laut dari luar desa yang meminta beberapa keluarga di sesa ini untuk membuat besek. Jalinan antara perintis pengrajin besek dengan pengepul yang saling menguntungkan yang didasari saling percaya karena pengepul selalu membeli hasil kerajinan dan selalu membayar tepat waktu, lama-kelamaan diketahuan oleh warga desa yang lain dan akhirnya mereka ikut-ikutan membuat besek. Sampai saat ini di desa Purnama ada sekitar 350 keluarga pengrajin besek. Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh model pengembangan sikap berwirausaha dalam upaya inovasi pengembangan usaha mikro dalam bentuk kerajinan besek di desa berkembang melalui tiga kontstruk berwirausaha yakni input, lingkungan, dan outcome. Input diperoleh adanya penawaran dan sinergintas antara pengusaha lain sejenis yang lebih kuat untuk berwirausaha dan hasil produksinya dibeli oleh pengusaha yang lebih kuat. Lingkungan dipengaruhi oleh suberdaya alam yang dimiliki oleh pengrajin berupa banyaknya tumbuhan bambu dan waktu luang ibu-ibu rumah tangga karena sebagian besar yang mengerjakan kerajinan adalah ibu-ibu rumah tangga di rumah masing-masing. Sedangkan autcome adalah berupa pengetahuan, sikap, keyakinan, nilai-nilai yang ada setelah berwirausaha kerajinan. Kata kunci : Model, Pengembangan, Sikap Berwirausaha, Usaha Mikro, Desa
The Women Representation Policy and its Effect to Women Political Participation in Jember, Indonesia Ria Angin; Hary Yuswadi; Himawan Bayu Patriadi; Nur Dyah Gianawati
Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Vol 8, No 1 (2018): (April 2018)
Publisher : Department of Government Studies Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1537.805 KB) | DOI: 10.26618/ojip.v8i1.960


The journey of the Indonesian government in implementing women representation policy has evolved. In the election of 2004,women representation policies have not mentioned the target of achievement for political parties. The policy only states that political parties are expected to implement gender equality in nominating candidates. Then in the year of  2009 election, the government had changed  the policy clause, and  states the percentage that must be achieved by political parties. However,  in 2004 and 2009 election only a few political parties,  implemented the policy. Yet, the  policy, which is implemented, in the 2014 election has changed. The clause of the policy became more distinct, for it contains sanctions which are applicable to any political parties that are not implementing the policy. The present study yielding that the more distinct the policy, the more likely it would be complied by all participating political parties. The effect of the complying political parties would be the increase of women participation in politics as candidates of legislatives.
COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION IN DIAPERS WASTE MANAGEMENT Wahyuni Mayangsari; Nur Dyah Gianawati; Franciscus Adi Prasetyo; Atik Rahmawati
UNEJ e-Proceeding 2022: E-Prosiding Kolokium Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Diapers are anorganic waste and cannot be decomposed, waste management is needed. This study aims to analyze community participation in the management of diapers such as the form of community participation in its management in Taman Baru Village, Banyuwangi Regency. The method uses descriptive qualitative research. Data collection with unstructured interviews and direct observation. Furthermore, in determining informants use purposive. The results showed that the people in Taman Baru Village were very enthusiastic in participating in waste management. The form of participation is carried out as a donor of used diapers, involved in management and participates in socializing waste diapers management activities. However, the community is also still sorting out diapers that are worthy of being sent to the management site such as pee marks instead of fecal marks. For the surrounding community, used diapers (which feces on it) are not suitable for process, then people will throw it into landfills. So the need for education and training to the community in the management of diapers waste, so that this activity can be expanded. Of course, the goal of reducing diapers waste and protecting the environment can be realized.
Evaluasi Kebijakan Keterwakilan Perempuan Tahun 2014 Perspektif Game Theory Ria Angin; Hary Yuswadi; Himawan Bayu Patriadi; Nurdyah Gianawati
POLITICO Vol 17, No 2 (2017): Jurnal POLITICO Fisipol
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32528/politico.v17i2.1005


Kebijakan kuota 30% diimplementasikan oleh aktor (partai politik) dan perempuan sebagai sub aktor.  Kebijakan diimplementasikan oleh  partai politik dengan merekrut perempuan sebagai caleg,   menempatkan pada suatu daerah pemilihan dan nomer tertentu. Ibarat suatu permainan, upaya tersebut adalah strategi partai politik  ketika menghadapi strategi  partai politik lain yang menjadi lawan. Caleg incumbent akan memilih non kooperatif dan pindah pada partai politik lawan, bila  strategi partai politik  tidak memberi keuntungan. Sebaliknya caleg baru  memilih kooperatif dengan strategi partai politik.Kata kunci: Evaluasi Kebijakan, Keterwakilan Perempuan, Game Theory
PENGEMBANGAN PARIWISATA DAN PENGENTASAN KEMISKINAN Kusuma Wulandari; Nur Dyah Gianawati; Franciscus Adi Prasetyo
BISMA: Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen Vol 16 No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/bisma.v16i3.36426


Tourism development is one of the mainstays in village development, especially to reduce poverty. Pro-Poor Tourism (PPT) is a tourism perspective that seeks to bring various benefits to the poor, including social, environmental, and cultural benefits in addition to economic benefits. PPT does not aim to expand the size of the sector, but opens opportunities for the poor in tourism, at all levels and scales. The approach in this research is qualitative-descriptive. Determination of informants was done by using purposive sampling technique. The data processing of this research went through some stages such as reviewing all data, compiling transcripts of interview results, coding data, categorizing data, compiling temporary conclusions, analyzing and compiling final conclusions. This study aims to analyze and discuss the development of community-based tourism and poverty reduction based on the perspective of Pro-Poor Tourism (PPT). The developmentof a tourism village in Glingseran has provided benefits for the village community, namely releasing the title of poor village so that the development of a tourisim village is in accordance with the philosophy of the Pro-Poor Tourism (PPT) perspective which is oriented to providing economic benefits, including creating jobs for rural communities. The culture of the Glingseran people, such as Solawatan and Sedekah Bumi, has come back tolife with village tours.