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Implementasi Text Recogniter yang Diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Lain dengan Firebase Ml-Kit Berbasis Android Muclis, Pascal Aditia; Somantri, Somantri
Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang Vol 6, No 2 (2021): JURNAL INFORMATIKA UNIVERSITAS PAMULANG
Publisher : Teknik Informatika Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/informatika.v6i2.12104


Each community area has information, announcements and news made in a picture, pamphlet or poster. However, there are a lot of foreign languages in the information that are not understood by most people because of the lack of literacy in foreign language learning for the community, for that the author makes research on text recognition. Recognition or detection of text characters is also known as optical character recognition (OCR), which converts handwritten or printed text into data that can be edited and read by the system. After the text is converted into written form, the text is then converted from a foreign language (English) and then converted become Indonesian. This study uses observation and literature study in collecting information and materials for research, while for the method of making the system using prototyping which the system can be developed more quickly. The results of this application can help the people of Gunungendut Village to overcome the problem of understanding foreign language info that is in the image so that it is easy to understand using a mobile application.
Self Services And Monitoring Of Weak Heart Disease Based On The Internet Of Things And Mobile App Using Certainty Factor Somantri Somantri; Ikhsan Fazriawan; Adinda Laila Putri; Rafika Ariaty Maulani
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jite.v5i2.6195


Heart disease can be suffered by anyone regardless of age and gender. Heart disease can be caused by many things, such as unhealthy lifestyles (smoking), as well as heredity. Low self-awareness of someone with weak heart disease to monitor their heart health regularly. To diagnose weak heart disease, this system uses the Certainy Factor method. With this method, patients can find out the results of the decision whether the patient is at risk of developing weak heart disease or heart health conditions in normal circumstances. This method can provide comparative results (and decision results) of several parameters (tested), one of which is the heart rate parameter. Therefore, the authors build a mobile application system with the concept of service and monitoring of weak heart disease named "iHeart". With this application, patients can monitor and detect weak heart disease and use various features (features) contained in the application. One of the iHeart application facilities is the GUI Chart for heart rate monitoring. This application can also accommodate the patient's heart rate history data into a database as a data storage medium. This application system uses IoT technology, which makes it easy for users or patients and practitioners to see the results of a heartbeat to find out whether a patient has a weak heart or not, in real-time via a smartphone (smartphone) without interfering with patient mobility.
Implementasi Progressive Web Aps (PWA) Pada Aplikasi keuangan SMK Yapan Hendriyana; Somantri
Jurnal Teknik Informatika UNIKA Santo Thomas Vol 6 No. 2 : Tahun 2021
Publisher : LPPM UNIKA Santo Thomas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (625.862 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/jtiust.v6i2.1507


Dalam proses pengelolaan keuangan di Sekolah SMK Yapan yang masih menggunakan cara manual dan belum sepenuhnya dilakukan berdasarkan prinsip pengelolaan keuangan sekolah yang meliputi transparansi dan efisiensi. Cara ini bisa disebut sudah terlalu kuno dan kurang efisien, bahkan terkadang membuat keterlambatan dalam hal pelaporan keuangan. Dengan adanya masalah ini, perlu adanya suatu system aplikasi yang bisa membantu dan mempermudah dalam pengelolaan keuangan sekolah ini. Maka, penilis mempunyai ide untuk membuat suatu aplikasi keuangan yang bisa membantu mengelola keuangan tersebut. Pembuatan sistem yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Waterfall, Sedangkan metode sistem yang digunakan adalah berbasis Progressive Web Apps (PWA) yang merupakan teknologi website modern yang membuat website menjadi lebih cepat dan dapat dijalankan seperti aplikasi native. Tujuan dari penilitan ini adalah untuk menghasilkan aplikasi yang dapat membantu pihak sekolah dalam mengelola keuangan sekolah SMK YAPAN dalam mengatasi masalah kurang efisiensi dan keterlambatan dalam hal pelaporan keuangan.
Perancangan dan Impelementasi QoS Di Mikrotik Menggunakan Metode HTB (Studi Kasus SMP MBS Al Karimah Cibadak) Hamudi Alamsyah; Somantri
Jurnal Teknik Informatika UNIKA Santo Thomas Vol 7 No. 1 : Tahun 2022
Publisher : LPPM UNIKA Santo Thomas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


SMP Muhammadiyah Boarding School is a boarding school where students are required to live in a dormitory that has been provided. In addition to students, there are coaches whose job is to guide students after their teaching and learning activities are completed. In carrying out their activities in addition to guiding students, coaches really need an internet network connection to meet their needs and interests in finding things needed on the internet. In order to avoid problems in using the internet network from an ISP, it is necessary to have bandwidth management that can regulate the speed of internet connections so that it is more equitable in the distribution of internet bandwidth. If a LAN network without bandwidth usage management may often occur bandwidth struggles between client 1 and other clients. LAN (Local Area Network) is a computer network that is connected to a computer server using a certain topology, usually used in the area of one building or area not more than one km away [4]. With the problems as above, the authors conducted research and made a QoS Design and Implementation in Mikrotik Using the HTB Method (Case Study of SMP MBS AL KARIMAH). The author has analyzed that the topology used in SMP MBS AL KARIMAH is a Star topology with 1 Telkom ISP modem which is directly connected to the switch and from the switch to the client. This design is done by using a Mikrotik Router and a Winbox application for a remote Mikrotik router. Mikrotik is a Linux base operating system designed specifically for networking purposes [13]. In addition, MikroTik Router has several features such as authentication, authorization, client accounts, routing, mpls, Queues, firewalls, IP Telephony which allows Voice over IP (VoIP) [15].
Implementasi Progressive Web Aps (PWA) Pada Aplikasi keuangan SMK Yapan Hendriyana; Somantri
Jurnal Teknik Informatika UNIKA Santo Thomas Vol 6 No. 2 : Tahun 2021
Publisher : LPPM UNIKA Santo Thomas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54367/jtiust.v6i2.1507


Dalam proses pengelolaan keuangan di Sekolah SMK Yapan yang masih menggunakan cara manual dan belum sepenuhnya dilakukan berdasarkan prinsip pengelolaan keuangan sekolah yang meliputi transparansi dan efisiensi. Cara ini bisa disebut sudah terlalu kuno dan kurang efisien, bahkan terkadang membuat keterlambatan dalam hal pelaporan keuangan. Dengan adanya masalah ini, perlu adanya suatu system aplikasi yang bisa membantu dan mempermudah dalam pengelolaan keuangan sekolah ini. Maka, penilis mempunyai ide untuk membuat suatu aplikasi keuangan yang bisa membantu mengelola keuangan tersebut. Pembuatan sistem yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Waterfall, Sedangkan metode sistem yang digunakan adalah berbasis Progressive Web Apps (PWA) yang merupakan teknologi website modern yang membuat website menjadi lebih cepat dan dapat dijalankan seperti aplikasi native. Tujuan dari penilitan ini adalah untuk menghasilkan aplikasi yang dapat membantu pihak sekolah dalam mengelola keuangan sekolah SMK YAPAN dalam mengatasi masalah kurang efisiensi dan keterlambatan dalam hal pelaporan keuangan.
Perancangan dan Impelementasi QoS Di Mikrotik Menggunakan Metode HTB (Studi Kasus SMP MBS Al Karimah Cibadak) Hamudi Alamsyah; Somantri
Jurnal Teknik Informatika UNIKA Santo Thomas Vol 7 No. 1 : Tahun 2022
Publisher : LPPM UNIKA Santo Thomas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


SMP Muhammadiyah Boarding School is a boarding school where students are required to live in a dormitory that has been provided. In addition to students, there are coaches whose job is to guide students after their teaching and learning activities are completed. In carrying out their activities in addition to guiding students, coaches really need an internet network connection to meet their needs and interests in finding things needed on the internet. In order to avoid problems in using the internet network from an ISP, it is necessary to have bandwidth management that can regulate the speed of internet connections so that it is more equitable in the distribution of internet bandwidth. If a LAN network without bandwidth usage management may often occur bandwidth struggles between client 1 and other clients. LAN (Local Area Network) is a computer network that is connected to a computer server using a certain topology, usually used in the area of one building or area not more than one km away [4]. With the problems as above, the authors conducted research and made a QoS Design and Implementation in Mikrotik Using the HTB Method (Case Study of SMP MBS AL KARIMAH). The author has analyzed that the topology used in SMP MBS AL KARIMAH is a Star topology with 1 Telkom ISP modem which is directly connected to the switch and from the switch to the client. This design is done by using a Mikrotik Router and a Winbox application for a remote Mikrotik router. Mikrotik is a Linux base operating system designed specifically for networking purposes [13]. In addition, MikroTik Router has several features such as authentication, authorization, client accounts, routing, mpls, Queues, firewalls, IP Telephony which allows Voice over IP (VoIP) [15].
Implementasi Progressive Web Apps (PWA) pada Repository E-Portofolio Mahasiswa Samsul Aripin; Somantri Somantri
Jurnal Eksplora Informatika Vol 10 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Eksplora Informatika
Publisher : Bagian Perpustakaan dan Publikasi Ilmiah - Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis STIKOM Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30864/eksplora.v10i2.486


Setiap mahasiswa memiliki berbagai informasi terkait dengan kegiatan tridharma yang pernah dilakukannya, seperti prestasi akademik, aktivitas penelitian, publikasi karya ilmiah, pengabdian kepada masyarakat, prestasi, penghargaan, kegiatan organisasi, sertifikasi dan aktivitas pendukung lainnya. Seringkali data-data terkait aktivitas-aktivitas tersebut sulit ditemukan ketika dibutuhkan, maka dari itu dibutuhkan sebuah repository yang dapat menghimpun informasi tersebut. Melalui repository portofolio online setiap mahasiswa dapat membuat E-Portofolio yang mengkompilasikan seluruh aktivitas tridharma yang pernah dilakukannya selama masa perkuliahan, E-Portofolio tersebut dapat dipamerkan ke berbagai pihak sehingga akan memotivasi mahasiswa untuk terus mengikuti berbagai kegiatan yang dapat dipajang di portofolionya, portofolio tersebut juga dapat digunakan untuk berbagai kebutuhan seperti pengajuan beasiswa, persyaratan magang, dan lain-lain. Pengembangan perangkat lunak yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Waterfall, Sedangkan perancangan sistem yang digunakan adalah berbasis Progressive Web Apps (PWA) yang merupakan teknologi website modern yang membuat website dapat dijalankan seperti aplikasi native. Hasil pengujian menunjukan sistem sudah berjalan normal, mudah digunakan, dan memenuhi kriteria progressive web apps seperti dapat dijalankan secara offline dan dapat diakses melalui home screen.
SMART AGRICULTURE BASED IOT AND MOBILE APPS Somantri; Supriatna; Hardi Herdiana; Ujang Mulyana; Anggy Pradifta Junfithrana
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED TECHNOLOGY (IJEAT) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020): International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology (IJEAT)
Publisher : Nusa Putra University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (881.361 KB) | DOI: 10.52005/ijeat.v3i2.62


Agriculture is the main occupation in our country for many centuries. But now because of the migration of people from rural to urban areas there are barriers to agriculture. So to solve this problem we are using smart farming techniques using IOT. Smart farming is a developing concept, because the IOT Sensor is able to provide information about the agricultural sector and then act on user input. To develop this Intelligent Agricultural System, it uses the advantages of the latest technology such as Arduino, IOT and Wireless Sensor Networks. The paper aims to make use of the emerging technology namely IOT and the use of intelligent agricultural automation. Monitoring of environmental conditions is the main factor for increasing efficient crop yields. This feature includes the development of a system that can monitor temperature, humidity and is programmed via an android application.
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi E-Learning Berbasis Progressive Web Apps Untuk Menunjang Pembelajaran Online dengan Metode Prototyping Dini Agnia Hardianty; Indra Yustiana; S Somantri
J-SAKTI (Jurnal Sains Komputer dan Informatika) Vol 6, No 2 (2022): EDISI SEPTEMBER
Publisher : STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30645/j-sakti.v6i2.487


Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on the Indonesian education system which makes the learning process from offline to online. This is what prompted Hayyatan Thayyibah High School to create an E-Learning application to support the online learning process, apart from being used for online learning, the Hayyatan Thayyibah High School E-learning application was also used to share information and take attendance for reading the Qur'an (Tallaqi). The E-Learning application was built using the Prototyping method, from the results of usability testing, an average score of 80% showed that the application could be used well by students and the teacher.
ZONAsi: Jurnal Sistem Informasi Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): Sistem Informasi dan Implementasi Teknologi Untuk Kebermanfaatan Sosial
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/zn.v4i2.10662


Speech Recognition adalah proses otomatis mengenali kata-kata yang diucapkan orang berdasarkan informasi dalam sinyal suara. Penulis memiliki ide untuk mengkombinasikan speech recognition dengan sebuah microcontroller sehingga kita bisa mengendalikan perangkat elektronik melalui perintah suara tidak hanya itu penulis juga mengunakan internet of things sehingga perangkat bisa di kendalikan jarak jauh melalui aplikasi android. Dalam pengembangan aplikasi ini penulis mengunggunakan Metode Prototype atau model prototyping, Model prototyping merupakan suatu teknik untuk mengumpulkan informasi tertentu mengenai kebutuhan-kebutuhan informasi pengguna secara cepat.Sesuai uji validitas dari data responden kuisioner yang sudah diolah hasilnya Valid. Dan hasil uji realibilitasnya dapat disimpulkan dari hasil pengolahan data berikut 0,854 0,70 yang hasilnya sudah ter-reliabel. Sehingga hasil dari keseluruhan pada penelitian ini, Kecepatan waktu respon lampu menyala dengan Speech Recognition adalah yang tercepat 2 detik sedangkan yang paling lambat adalah 5 detik. Kecepatan waktu respon lampu menyala dengan menekan button adalah yang tercepat 2 detik sedangkan yang lambat adalah 3 detik