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The Effect of Work Motivation and Workload on Employee Performance in Regional Research and Development Agency Asbi Maulana; M. Risal
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 5 No. 4 (2022): February: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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This study aims to describe and identify the role of work motivation and workload in influencing employee performance. The total population in this study were 35 employees at the Regional Research and Development Agency of Palopo City. Hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS application, Y = 4,800 + 0,449X1+0,301X2. Results obtained on Partial testing (t-test) is that the motivation variable has a significant positive effect on employee performance 2,209 and the workload variable has a positive and significant effect on employee performance 1,782. The results of the determination coefficient test show a value of 0.304, meaning that employee performance is influenced by work motivation and workload of 30.4%, while the remaining 69.6% is influenced by other variables. The result of the calculation is that the number F count (7.002) > F table (4.14) so ??that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Partially and simultaneously, motivation and workload have a significant effect on employee performance.
Green Product, Quality, and Price on Interest in Buying Fast Food KFC Palopo City (Study on Consumers Palopo City KFC Fast Food Restaurant ) M. Risal; Muhammad Aqsa; Mutia Adam
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 5 No. 4 (2022): February: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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The ability to survive and continue to develop in the competitive world of business must be the top priority in the midst of intense competition with similar products. Creating and implementing green products as well as improving the quality and controlling the prices of the products are part of the company's ability to survive and thrive. This study aims to determine the effect of green products, product quality and product prices on buying interest. Multiple regression analysis was used in this study with a total sample of 85 respondents. The findings of this study indicate that green products, product quality and product prices both simultaneously and partially affect the interest in buying fast food at KFC Palopo City
Marketing Mix To Online-Based Consumer Purchase Decisions (Study of Palopo City Grab Transportation Service Users) Muhammad Aqsa; M. Risal; Firda Jamil
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 5 No. 4 (2022): February: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of product, price, place and promotion variables on consumer purchasing decisions for users of online transportation-based Grab in Palopo city. The data used in this research is primary data and the technique of using the data in this research is using a questionnaire. The number of samples from the population in this study was 81 samples. The data analysis technique in this study is multiple linear regression and data processing using the SPSS 21 application. The findings in the research that has been conducted reveal that the variables in this study, namely product, price, place and promotion variables have a significant and positive influence both partially and simultaneously on consumer purchasing decisions using online transportation service users Grab in Palopo City.
Effect of Capital Structure on Profitability in PT Astra International Tbk Period 2016-2020 Arhamy Nurul Isra; M. Risal; Muh. Yusuf Q
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): May: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/jurnalmantik.v6i1.2091


The car business is one of the pillar areas that has a great commitment to the community's economy. Not only that, this is also supported by the popular expansion for multi-purpose vehicles which is the biggest commitment to expanding the deal in Indonesia. The data used is secondary data. Secondary data is mostly as evidence, notes, or authentic reports that have been collected in files (documentation data), both distributed and unpublished. Where information is obtained from the financial statements of the organization PT Astra International Tbk for the period 2016-2020. Based on the results of multiple linear regression, namely Y=0.055-0.594X1+0.37X2 the regression equation shows that there is a negative influence between capital structure and a positive influence on profitability at PT Astra International Tbk period 2016-2020. DAR has a negative and insignificant effect on profitability. DER has a positive and insignificant effect on profitability. PT Astra International, Tbk must expand the organization to get and follow the organization's long-term utilization and temporary commitment to create organizational benefits or benefits and can attract financial backers to buy the organization's offerings or reinvestment. because for the funder, the use of the obligation can show the organization's exhibition in supervising the organization's funds. PT Astra International, Tbk must increase the profit of the organization because profit is one of the financial supporting elements that are interested in buying shares and reinvesting and the organization must hedge by making an agreement with the bank to build the cost of the organization's portion.
Implementation Of The Regional Financial Management Information System On The Quality Of Financial Reports (Study on the Regional Asset and Financial Management Agency of the City of Palopo) Lisdamayanti; Muhammad Aqsa; M. Risal
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): May: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Financial management in local governments has utilized technology as a basis in an information system. One of them is the development of the Regional Management Information System application to facilitate financial management in local governments so that it will produce good quality financial reports. This study aims to analyze the effect of the application of the Regional Financial Management Information System on the quality of financial reports produced at the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency of Palopo City. This research is an explanatory quantitative research where the population is all employees at the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency of Palopo City with saturated sampling technique so that the total population is used as respondents as many as 107 respondents. The data was collected through the distribution of questionnaires where before distributing the questionnaires, validity and reliability tests were carried out. The data that has been collected will be analyzed descriptively and verified by using the SPSS statistical tool . The results showed that the Regional Financial Management Information System had a significant effect on the quality of financial reports at the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency of Palopo City.
Bureaucracy Reform And Implementation Of Good Government And Implications On Employee Performance And Service Quality (Study at the Regional Revenue and Finance Office of Palopo City) Abdul Rahman; M. Risal; Salju
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): May: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mantik.v6i1.2220


The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the phenomena of the impact of bureaucratic reform, leadership skills, and the application of good governance on employee performance and its implications for service quality. This research was conducted at the Regional Revenue and Finance Office of Palopo City. The number of samples in this study were 65 employees. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with data collection techniques using a questionnaire. The independent variables consist of bureaucratic reform (X1), leadership skills (X2), and employee performance (X3 ) as intervening variables and the dependent variable is service quality (Y). The analyst used to test is to use the help of the SPSS application. The results showed that bureaucratic reform had no effect on service quality , leadership skills had a significant effect on employee performance, and employee performance did not significantly affect service quality.
Employee Performance In Effect Of Organizational Commitment And Work Attitude (Study at the Regional Revenue Service of Palopo City Wahyudin; M. Risal; Ilham Tahier
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): May: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mantik.v6i1.2221


Employee performance is defined as work performance both in terms of quantity and quality expected of each employee. The better the work atmosphere, the higher the performance, therefore a positive attitude towards work and high organizational commitment will improve the performance of an employee. Based on these problems, this study aims to analyze and empirically test the effect of organizational commitment and work attitude on employee performance at the Regional Revenue Service of Palopo City. The data used in this study is primary data, data collection was carried out using a questionnaire with a scale of 1-5 Liker . The sample in this study were 161 employees of the Regional Revenue Service of Palopo City. Data analysis using SPSS application assistance. The results showed that organizational commitment had no significant effect on employee performance. On the other hand, employee attitudes have a significant influence on employee performance.
Brand Image, Service Quality And Patient Satisfaction On Patient Loyalty Andi Ajmal; Muh Yusuf Q; M. Risal
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): May: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mantik.v6i1.2222


This study aims to describe and analyze the effect of the surgical polyclinic image mouth hospital Sawerigading City Palopo, quality service and satisfaction patient on patient loyalty. There are three hypotheses that were tested by path analysis using the least squares instrument partially. The population in this study was 100 patients who had visited, the population was also a sample. Data were collected using a questionnaire with a purposive sampling technique by combining Quota Sampling and Accidental Sampling. The research data used SPSS 19 with the results of multiple regression coefficients Y = 1.112 + 0.268X1 - 0.002X2 + 0.246X3. From testing the coefficient of determination (R2), the results obtained R2 of 0.278 (27.80%). It means that 27.80% that the independent variables, namely image, service quality, patient satisfaction have an influence on patient loyalty by 27.8%, while the remaining 72.2% is influenced by other variables not observed in this study. Based on the results of this study, the Oral Surgery Polyclinic at Sawerigading Palopo Hospital needs to continue to improve its image and service quality because it has an influence on patient satisfaction. Significantly increased patient satisfaction increases patient loyalty. These results indicate that the first, second, third hypotheses are accepted. image, service quality, patient satisfaction, collectively affect patient loyalty at the Oral Surgery Polyclinic of Sawerigading Hospital Palopo.