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Pengaruh Penambahan Ekstrak Kulit Buah Nipah sebagai Green Corrosion Inhibitor terhadap Laju Korosi pada Baja Karbon ST37 Ulikaryani, Ulikaryani; Fadlilah, Ilma; Jati, Unggul Satria
Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin Vol 17, No 3 (2022): Volume 17, Nomor 3, Desember 2022
Publisher : Mechanical Engineering Department - Semarang State Polytechnic

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32497/jrm.v17i3.4012


Ekstrak limbah kulit buah nipah (Nypa Fruticans Wurmb) diteliti potensinya sebagai green corrosion inhibitor dalam menghambat laju korosi pada baja karbon ST37 melalui metode weight loss dan pengamatan morfologi permukaannya melalui Scanning Electron Microscopy. Daya hambat korosi baja karbon ST37 menggunakan ekstrak kulit buah nipah ditentukan pada berbagai persen berat campuran ekstrak pada inhibitor dan lama paparan dengan media korosifnya. Efisiensi inhibisi meningkat dengan meningkatnya persen berat ekstraknya. Efisiensi inhibisi tertinggi sebesar 81,63% dengan laju korosi 0,617 mpy yang diperoleh pada persentase ekstrak 30% dengan lama paparan 12 hari. Hasil yang diperoleh membuktikan bahwa ekstrak limbah kulit buah nipah dapat digunakan sebagai inhibitor yang efektif pada baja karbon ST37 dengan media korosif air laut.
Simulasi Tegangan (Stress) Pada Komponen Rangka Mesin Uji Tarik Sealent Menggunakan Solidworks Dian Prabowo; Unggul Satria Jati; Ulikaryani Ulikaryani; Probo Hardini
Infotekmesin Vol 14 No 2 (2023): Infotekmesin: Juli, 2023
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Cilacap

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35970/infotekmesin.v14i2.1947


A series of processes are carried out in order to obtain the desired product result. One of the processes carried out is testing the strength of polymers by means of tensile testing in this case testing of polymer-based sealants. The method used is the method of simulating frame loading on the tensile testing machine that has been made. The software used to assist the simulation process is SolidWorks. The simulation is carried out in static mode or a fixed loading (no movement or vibration). A stress Analysis Simulation is carried out to get the result of static loading in the form of σ (stress). Loading simulations on the frame of the tensile testing machine for the tensile testing of the sealant are carried out on the components of the frame with different loading variations. Frame components with upward loading are given an average load of 38.5 MPa. Meanwhile, the frame components with downward loading are given an average load of 6.169 MPa. The largest average stress obtained from each component is 0.326 N/mm2. this value does not exceed the yield strength of 235 N/mm2.
Pengaruh Jenis Limbah Aluminium Pada Proses Pengecoran Menggunakan Tungku Krusibel Terhadap Nilai Kekerasannya David Dwi Putra; Faisal Haqqoni; Mohammad Nurhilal; Ulikaryani Ulikaryani
Infotekmesin Vol 14 No 2 (2023): Infotekmesin: Juli, 2023
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Cilacap

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35970/infotekmesin.v14i2.1948


Aluminum waste that has accumulated due to the widespread use of aluminum in household needs, daily life, and in the manufacture of industrial material components will have an impact on the environment if not handled properly. It is necessary to utilize aluminum waste in a product that has a sale value through a casting process using a crucible furnace. This research was conducted to determine the hardness differences of waste aluminum from used aluminum cans, used aluminum pots, and used aluminum wires melted in a smelting furnace. This study uses quantitative analysis and experimental research types. Tests carried out on this crucible furnace were carried out to determine the effect of the type of aluminum waste and the length of time it took to smelt the three types of material on the hardness results. The results of the Rockwell hardness test on aluminum can waste have an average value of 71.38 HRB, on aluminum pans waste it has an average value of 71.68 HRB, and on aluminum cable waste it has an average value of 53.02 HRB.
Pemanfaatan Limbah Budidaya Ikan Lele dalam Ember (Budikdamber) Menggunakan Bayam Merah Ayu Pramita; Rosita Dwityaningsih; Mardiyana Mardiyana; Murni Handayani; Ulikaryani Ulikaryani
Bubungan Tinggi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 6, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/btjpm.v6i1.10091


Pertambahan populasi penduduk yang semakin meningkat di desa Banjarwaru juga disertai meningkatnya kebutuhan pangan dimana masyarakat harus dapat mengembangkan sistem budidaya tanaman pangan yang lebih efisien dan mudah dilakukan. Di Desa Banjarwaru ini terdapat kader Posyandu dan kader PKK dari 8 dusun yang sangat aktif dalam melakukan program peningkatan ketahanan pangan secara mandiri sebagai upaya dalam mencegah stunting. Salah satunya dengan budidaya ikan lele dalam ember (budikdamber) dilengkapi budidaya sayur organik pula. Dimana budidaya ini akan menghasilkan limbah makanan dan kotoran ikan tersebut yang dapat digunakan sebagai nutrisi dalam sayuran aquaponik.  Program ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi, pelatihan dan pendampingan tentang pemanfaatan limbah budidaya ikan lele (budikdamber) dengan menggunakan bayam merah pada aquaponik dan meminimalisir adanya kandungan limbah dari budikdamber tersebut. Rangkaian dari kegiatan ini berlangsung mulai bulan April-Agustus 2023 berlokasi di Balai desa Banjarwaru.  Adapun peserta kegiatan ini adalah para kader Posyandu dan PKK beserta perangkat desa. Metode kegiatan ini diawali dengan sosialisasi, pelatihan pembudidayaan ikan dan sayur dalam ember dan penyebaran kuesioner sebelum dan sesudah kegiatan ini. Dari hasil kegiatan ini diketahui bahwa para kader ibu-ibu Posyandu dan PKK memperoleh informasi mengenai pemanfaatan limbah budidaya ikan lele dalam ember (budikdamber) untuk memberikan nutrisi pada bayam merah dengan sistem aquaponik.The increasing population in Banjarwaru village is also accompanied by increasing food needs, where the community must be able to develop a food crop cultivation system that is more efficient and easier to carry out. In Banjarwaru village, there are Posyandu cadres and PKK cadres from 8 hamlets who are very active in carrying out programs to increase food security independently in an effort to prevent stunting. One is cultivating catfish in buckets (budikdamber) and organic vegetables. This cultivation will produce food and fish waste, which can be used as nutrients in aquaponic vegetables. This program aims to provide information, training, and assistance regarding the use of catfish cultivation waste (budikdamber) using red spinach in aquaponics and minimizing the waste content from budikdamber. This series of activities will take place from April-August 2023 at the Banjarwaru Village Hall. The participants in this activity were Posyandu and PKK cadres, along with village officials. The method of this activity begins with socialization, training on cultivating fish and vegetables in buckets, and distributing questionnaires based on the results of this activity. From the results of this activity, it was discovered that the Posyandu and PKK women cadres obtained information regarding the use of catfish cultivation waste in buckets (budikdamber) to provide nutrition to red spinach using an aquaponics system.