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Pola Unmet Need Kontrasepsi Modern di Indonesia: Analisis Lanjutan Data SDKI 2007, 2012 dan 2017 Yunita Amraeni; Sudijanto Kamso; Sabarinah Sabarinah; Purwantyastuti Purwantyastuti
Jurnal Kesmas Jambi Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): Vol. 5 - No. 2 - September 2021
Publisher : Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/jkmj.v5i2.14365


Unmet need KB berdasarkan data SDKI di Indonesia masih stagnan. Sementara konsep unmet need sesuai dengan program pemerintah yaitu unmet need alat kontrasepsi modern masih memerlukan identifikasi. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pola unmet need alat kontrasepsi modern di Indonesia berdasarkan karakteristik dan wilayahnya. Penelitian ini merupakan data sekunder dengan panel survei dengan pendekatan kuantitatif pada analisis Data Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia SDKI 2007, 2012 dan 2017 dengan sampel utama adalah wanita usia subur (15-49 tahun) baik yang menggunakan/tidak menggunakan suatu metode kontrasepsi. Penelitian dimulai dari penyaringan data, imputasi data dan analisis deskriptif. Kecenderungan kejadian unmet need meningkat sebesar 8% dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir dengan unmet need dengan tujuan menjarangkan meningkat 1,5% dan unmet need dengan tujuan membatasi meningkat 6,5%. Tidak ada perbedaan karakteristik yang signifikan antara Pasangan Usia Subur baik di perkotaan maupun di pedesaan. Tren unmet need kontrasepsi modern meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya penggunaan tradisional. dan peningkatan unmet need modern lebih dominan di Indonesia bagian timur, sehingga perlu adanya peningkatan promosi terkait penggunaan alat kontrasepsi modern di Indonesia dan perlu adanya perlakuan yang berbeda untuk peningkatan alat kontrasepsi modern sesuai dengan kondisi geografis dan sosial budaya setempat.Kata Kunci: Unmet need, Kontrasepsi modern, Indonesia, SDKI
PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA CETAK PENDIDIKAN PENCEGAHAN KEKERASAN SEKSUAL BALITA DI KOTA BOGOR Asri Masitha Arsyati; Hadi Pratomo; Irawati Ismail; Sabarinah Prasetyo; Rita Damayanti
HEARTY Vol 5, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas Ibn Khaldun, Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (661.452 KB) | DOI: 10.32832/hearty.v5i1.1052


Indonesia menjadi darurat kejahatan seksual sejak tahun 2014 dan terus meningkat tiap tahunnya. Dinegara- negara maju media edukasi pencegahan kejahatan seksual dinilai efektif menurunkan angka kasus tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan media edukasi pencegahan kekerasan seksual pada balita untuk ibu dan kader posyandu. Media yang diuji coba terdiri dari poster, modul dan booklet. Jenis penelitian dengan Rappid Assesment Procedure (RAP) melalui diskusi kelompok pada 10 kader dan wawancara mendalam pada 20 ibu balita. Desain kualitatif ini dimodifikasi dengan pengembangan media (pre testing methods), yaitu tahapan ujicoba dan mengukur hasil media selama 3 kali. Hasil penelitian menemukan terdapat perubahan bahasa serta gambar dalam poster dan modul, sedangkan hanya bahasa dalam booklet. Sebagian besar ibu balita sangat membutuhkan booklet dibandingkan poster. Booklet terbukti lebih efektif digunakan untuk edukasi dibandingkan poster dan modul.
Analisis Dampak Covid-19 terhadap Pelayanan Antenatal Care (ANC) : Literature Review: Impact Assessment of Covid-19 on Antenatal Care (ANC) Service : Literature Review Fitri Latipatul Anshor; Sabarinah Prasetyo
Media Publikasi Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia (MPPKI) Vol. 5 No. 6: JUNE 2022 - Media Publikasi Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia (MPPKI)
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (373.957 KB) | DOI: 10.56338/mppki.v5i6.2411


Latar Belakang: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) menjadi pandemi global sejak ditetapkan oleh WHO pada Maret 2020. Hal ini berdampak pada pelayanan sektor kesehatan salah satunya pelayanan kesehatan ibu hamil yaitu pemeriksaan Antenatal care (ANC). Selama masa pandemi COVID-19 terjadi penurunan cakupan ANC di Dunia (59%) di Indonesia (51%). Tujuan: Mengkaji dampak COVID-19 terhadap pelayanan ANC. Metode Penelitian: Artikel ini ditulis dengan metode traditional narrative literature review. Sumber informasi artikel sebagai subjek utama penelitian yang ditelaah berasal dari mesin pencari PubMed, Google Scholar, BMC dan Sciencedirect. Pencarian literature dilakukan dengan kurun waktu penerbitan jurnal dari tahun 2020 hingga 2022. Hasil: Hasil analisis menunjukkan secara keseluruhan artikel menjelaskan bahwa pandemi COVID-19 memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap pelayanan ANC dimana terjadi penurunan cakupan ANC di berbagai wilayah dan perubahan pelayanan ANC selama pandemi COVID-19. Kesimpulan: Penggunaan telemedicine dan perawatan antenatal online menjadi alternatif pilihan yang dilakukan untuk memantau kesehatan ibu hamil selama pandemi COVID-19 akibat keterbatasan akses dalam mendapatkan pelayanan ANC akibat lockdown.
Jurnal Biometrika dan Kependudukan (Journal of Biometrics and Population) Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): JURNAL BIOMETRIKA DAN KEPENDUDUKAN
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jbk.v11i1.2022.89-97


Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is one of the national health indicators to achieve the success of maternal health efforts where the number of MMR in Indonesia reached 305 per 100,000 live births. Family planning services including Post Partum Family Planning/Keluarga Berencana Pascapersalinan (KBPP) can effectively reduce maternal mortality by reducing births and reducing high risk. The high number of KBPP users in DKI Jakarta can be caused by many things such as local government support, level of service by health workers, and others. Therefore, this study aims to analyze and find out the special causes that cause the number of KBPP participants in DKI Jakarta and as a lesson learned for other local governments. This research is a descriptive study to see the variety of data on the number of KBPP participants in DKI Jakarta. Univariate analysis was used to describe the number of KBPP participants and bivariate analysis to explain the characteristics of the variables studied based on time, namely in the form of a run chart. Based on four tests that have been carried out on the data on the number of KBPP participants in DKI Jakarta, it can be said that there is one test that meets the requirements as a variation of system data so that there is a special cause that causes the number of KBPP participants in 2019-2020. The existence of policy support from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, and various stakeholders has resulted in high coverage of the use of postpartum family planning.
The Effect of Low-Intensity Hairmyres Exercises on Six-Minute Walk Distance in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Preliminary Study Nury Nusdwinuringtyas; Johan Talesu; Anita Ratnawati; Sabarinah B. Prasetyo
Indonesian Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Vol 9 No 02 (2020): Indonesian Journal Of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36803/ijpmr.v9i2.296


ABSTRACTIntroduction: Therapeutic exercise is the main rehabilitation program in patients with ChronicObstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Shortness of breath due to persistent obstruction causesdisability in the form of decreased functional capacity. Hairmyers is an isolated group of exercise torecondition the limb muscles without weights. The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy oflow-intensity Hairmyres exercise in improving Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD).Methods: This is a pre-post interventional study held from January to April 2005. Hairmyres exerciseswere given to the patients (n=14) with moderate and severe COPD for eight weeks, five times a weekwith two exercises performed in front of the researcher. Six-Minute Walk Distance was measured before,at the end of the 4 th week, and after the exercise program.Results: Compared to the beginning, the 6MWD increased by 27 meters at the end of the 4th week and62.29 meters at the end of the program in moderate COPD patients, while the increase in severe COPDpatients were 39.71 and 76 meters, respectively. There was a significant difference (p <0.05) betweenthe first and the last measurement in both groups. This difference also surpassed the minimal clinicallyimportant difference (MCID) of 6MWD.Keywords: COPD, Hairmyers, Low-Intensity Exercise, 6MWD
Evaluasi Sistem Surveilans Tuberkulosis di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Banyumas Berdasarkan Pendekatan Sistem Nadia Hasnanisa; Sabarinah Prasetyo; Arif Burhanudin
Jurnal Biostatistik, Kependudukan, dan Informatika Kesehatan Vol 2, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Departemen Biostatistika dan Ilmu Kependudukan FKM UI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51181/bikfokes.v2i3.5960


Kabupaten Banyumas sebagai wilayah dengan jumlah kasus TB tertinggi di Provinsi Jawa Tengah mengalami penurunan angka pelaporan kasus TB. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran dan kesesuaian pelaksanaan surveilans TB dari segi input, proses, dan output di wilayah kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Banyumas berdasarkan pedoman yang ada. Penelitian kualitatif deskriptif menggunakan data primer melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi, dengan jumlah informan sebanyak 2 orang yang dipilih dengan metode purposive sampling. Beberapa komponen surveilans yang belum memenuhi standar yaitu jumlah petugas (Man), pelatihan bagi petugas (Man), pendanaan (Money), sarana transportasi (Material), alat TCM (Material), sarana kepustakaan (Material), aplikasi SITB (Material), capaian indikator kelengkapan dan ketepatan waktu pelaporan oleh unit pelapor (Pengumpulan Data), pelaksanaan analisis analitik (Analisis Data), dan penerbitan Profil Surveilans Epidemiologi Kabupaten/Kota sebanyak 1 kali setahun (Informasi). Perlunya mengatasi masalah utama terlebih dahulu, yaitu masalah terkait pendanaan dan SDM dengan pengadaan tenaga kerja dilanjutkan dengan pengorganisasian tugas, dan advokasi pendanaan kepada pihak terkait agar pelaksanaan surveilans TB optimal.
Analisis spasial kejadian diare di kabupaten Brebes Yosef Muhamad Rachman Baniaz Muliawan; Sabarinah Prasetyo
Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat (BKM) Vol 35, No 4 (2019): Proceedings the 5th UGM Public Health Symposium
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/bkm.45098


The Role of the Midwife in Postpartum Family Planning Services : A Case Study on Three Different Health Facilities in South Central Java Inggar Ratna Kusuma; Rita Damayanti; Sabarinah Prasetyo
Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat (JIKM)
Publisher : Association of Public Health Scholars based in Faculty of Public Health, Sriwijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (519.885 KB) | DOI: 10.26553/jikm.2022.13.1.112-125


Postpartum family planning coverage in Central Java is below the national standard, or it only reached 26.8%. Postpartum mothers are at risk of getting pregnant if they do not use contraception. Modern contraceptives prevent 3.2 million of 5.6 million under-five deaths and 109,000 of 155,000 (70%) maternal deaths. Continuity of Midwifery Care during the extended postpartum period encourages mothers to use modern contraception to manage the pregnancy gap. This study aimed to explore midwifery services for Family Planning Postpartum from the perspective of providers and clients in three health facilities: hospitals (RS), Public Health Centers, and Independent Midwifery Practice (PMB). The research was implemented through a qualitative descriptive, a case study approach design in 2021. informants were ten postpartum mothers, nine midwives, two heads of Puskesmas, head division of Family Planning, Women and Children Empowerment (KBPPA) conducted an in-depth interview. The interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using the Miles and Huberman method. Providers and clients identified several benefits of Postpartum Family Planning (KBPP). Midwives stated several obstacles in providing services, such as limited counseling time during labor and lack of support from hospital management. The competence of midwives constrained KBPP services at the Puskesmas. There were still few midwives at the Puskesmas certified to provide Long Term Contraception Method services. Midwives were also overloaded with work during the pandemic. Obstacles in the Independent Midwifery Practice were the lack of IMP with clinical networks and the limited authority of the midwife. Meanwhile, postpartum mothers' barriers included lack of knowledge about fertility and KBPP, worry about side effects, and the husband's lack of support. Therefore, optimizing the referral mechanism for long-term contraception in advanced health facilities is necessary. Continuity of care midwives and integration of services will increase coverage of postpartum contraception.
Gastric Mucosa Mucous Layer Thickness in Liver Cirrhosis with Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy Compare to Functional Dyspepsia Loli J Simanjuntak; Chudahman Manan; Marcellus Simandibrata; Vera Yuwono; Rino Alvani Gani; Sabarinah Prasetyo
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Digestive Endoscopy VOLUME 5, ISSUE 2, August 2004
Publisher : The Indonesian Society for Digestive Endoscopy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24871/52200448-57


Background: This study aimed to investigate gastric mucosa mucous layer thickness in portal hypertensive gastropathy (PHG) compare to normal mucosa in functional dyspepsia and its correlation with several variables such as child class, severity of esophageal varices and gastropathy. Methods: Biopsy specimens were taken from the antrum and corpus from both group of patients with PHG and functional dyspepsia. The specimen was given cryometric for frozen section. Tissue were sliced by sagital section 11 µm, placed in object glass, fixed and stained to evaluate mucous thickness and giemsa stained to observe Helicobacter pylori. Measurement of mucous thickness was done upward muscularis mucosa started from upper epithelial layer from foveale tip until outer mucous layer on 15 points which were marked randomly and calculate the mean value by micrometer (µm). Results: Mean value of antral mucous thickness in PHG was 13.30 ± 6.5 µm, while in the functional dyspepsia it was 25.59 ± 5.66 µm. Statistical analysis for both kinds of mucous thickness was p0.001. Mean corpus mucous thickness in PHG was 10.6 ± 6.81 µm, while mucous thickness in dyspepsia was 32.54 ± 6.51 µm. Statistical analysis revealed p0.001. This result showed significant difference of mucous thickness of antrum and corpus statistically between PHG and dyspepsia as control group. Conclusion: The study had proven the presence of decreased gastric mucosa mucous layer thickness in corpus and antrum in PHG. Thus, therapeutic approach to increase mucous thickness must be considered in patients with PHG. Keywords: Gastric mucosa, PHG, liver cirrhosisemistry
Risk Factors for Recurrent Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Bleeding after Esophageal Varices Ligation on Patients with Liver Cirrhosis Syarif Hidayat; Dharmika Djojoningrat; Nurul Akbar; Nanang Sukmana; Sabarinah Prasetyo
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Digestive Endoscopy VOLUME 5, ISSUE 3, December 2004
Publisher : The Indonesian Society for Digestive Endoscopy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24871/53200479-88


Background: Upper gastrointestinal tract (GIT) bleeding on liver cirrhosis patients will increase morbidity and mortality. Recurrent bleeding’s risk rise after the first episode of variceal bleeding. The mortality risk also rises on each bleeding. Purpose: This study was done in order to identify the risk factors for the first episode of recurrent bleeding of upper GIT on liver cirrhosis patient. Evaluation of risk factors was based on preliminary data prior to ligation. Method: Evaluation of the upper GIT bleeding was done using anamnesis on the patients or their relatives by letter, home visits or telephone. The data on recurrent bleeding was obtained from medical records. They were evaluated on the 3rd month then 1st year after ligation. This study was a cross sectional study with retrospective data and a consecutive sampling method. Result: Bivariate analysis revealed the 3rd month’s risk factors for first episode of upper GIT bleeding were ascites, total bilirubin level of 2 mg/dL, hepatoma, Child-Pugh C classification of the liver function and red color sign on esophageal varices. The risk factors for the first episode of upper GIT bleeding on first year were age £ 60 years old, hepatoma, and red color sign (RCS) on esophageal varices. The differences between risk factors on upper GIT bleeding on the 3rd month and 1st year were likely due to intervention, collateral para-esophageal varices, medication that irritated GIT, physical activities, and differences on variceal obliteration rate related to variceal ligation. Conclusion: Risk factors for recurrent upper GIT bleeding that could be minimized were ascites, total bilirubin level, Child-Pugh classification and RCS. It was expected with parascentesis, diuretics, hepatoprotector medications and drugs that lowers portal hypertension (such as propranolol and isosorbid mononitrate), might improve those risk factors thus decreasing the risk for recurrent upper GIT bleeding. Keywords: Upper gastrointestinal tract, esophageal varices, liver cirrhotic