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Indonesia Pelatihan Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru SD Dalam Penggunaan Internet Berbasis Metode E-Learning SD Negeri Kecamatan Tualang Kabupaten Siak Suarman Suarman; M.Yogi Riyantama Isjoni Isjoni; Mifta Rizka Rizka; Filma Alia Sari; Henny Indrawati; Caska Caska
Journal of Community Engagement Research for Sustainability Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Januari
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (374.433 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/cers.2.1.20-27


In the 4.0 revolution era, teachers are required to have competencies and abilities that are in accordance with the demands of the times. Learning is not limited to face-to-face meetings between teachers and students in the classroom. The teaching and learning process can be done anywhere and anytime using the internet. This activity aims to improve teacher competence in using the internet based on the E-Learning method. This activity is carried out in 3 stages, namely the preparation stage, the implementation stage and the evaluation stage. The preparatory stage is carried out by collecting data on elementary school teachers in Tualang District, making observations, giving permission to the training site, preparing the place and training materials. The implementation stage is carried out in two stages, namely the introduction of E-Learning-based learning with demonstration, discussion and question and answer methods and practicing E-Learning-based online learning. The results of the service activities show an increase in teacher competence in using the internet based on E-Learning. The evaluation and follow-up stages are carried out by evaluating the organizers and evaluating the participants. The training participants who took part in this activity were quite enthusiastic about participating in the material and conducting simulations. It is expected that participants who take part in training activities can manage learning using the internet based on the E-Learning method.
Election Smart House (ESH) as a Pre-Voter Political Education Facility To improve the quality of democracy Hariyanti Hariyanti; Filma Alia Sari
JED (Jurnal Etika Demokrasi) Vol 6, No 1 (2021): JED (Jurnal Etika Demokrasi)
Publisher : Universitas of Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26618/jed.v6i1.3940


Abstract. This study aims to describe the Election Smart House (RPP) as a means of pre-voting political education in Pekanbaru City and Dumai City. The study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Determination of research informants through non-probability sampling techniques with purposive sampling techniques. The data validity testing technique uses triangulation of data sources. The research findings show that pre-voting political education through the use of lesson plans is carried out in two ways, namely (1) a program to disseminate lesson plans to schools. The Election Commission of Pekanbaru City conducted socialization of lesson plans to kindergartens and elementary schools, while junior and senior high schools had not yet done so because of time constraints. While the General Election Commission of Dumai City has never carried out socialization of the RPP to schools, but rather it was carried out in tertiary institutions and; (2) hearings (visits) to the lesson plan. Pre-voter hearing activities have never been conducted in the Pekanbaru City RPP, while the Dumai City RPP has received a one-time visit from the school, namely the Erna City Vocational School in Dumai in December 2019. The RPP as a means of pre-voting political education has not run optimally. This is indicated by the lack of socialization of the RPP to the pre-voters and pre-voter visits to the RPP. In addition, the General Election Commission as the manager of the RPP does not have a special / routine program in educating pre-voters through the use of the RPP. Some efforts are needed to increase the political literacy of pre-voters through the use of RPPs such as the special RPP  program that is carried out periodically through the collaboration of the General Election Commission as the manager of RPPs and schools through PPKn teachers as subjects integrated with electoral and pre-voter visits to RPPs.Keywords: Election Smart House, Political Education, Pre-election, DemocracyAbstrak.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan Rumah Pintar Pemilu (RPP) sebagai sarana pendidikan politik prapemilih di Kota Pekanbaru dan Kota Dumai. Penelitian  menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Penentuan informan penelitian melalui teknik non probability sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik pengujian keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber data. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan politik prapemilih melalui pemanfaatan RPP dilakukan melalui dua cara yakni (1) program kegiatan sosialisasi RPP ke sekolah. Komisi Pemilihan Umum Kota Pekanbaru melakukan sosialisasi RPP ke taman kanak-kanak dan sekolah dasar, sedangkan untuk jenjang SMP dan SMA belum dilakukan karena terkendala waktu. Sementara Komisi Pemilihan Umum Kota Dumai belum pernah melakukan sosialisasi RPP ke sekolah, melainkan dilaksanakan di perguruan tinggi dan; (2) audiensi (kunjungan) ke RPP. Kegiatan audiensi prapemilih belum pernah dilakukan di RPP Kota Pekanbaru, sedangkan RPP Kota Dumai pernah menerima kunjungan sekali dari sekolah yakni SMK Erna Kota Dumai pada Desember 2019. RPP sebagai sarana pendidikan politik prapemilih belum berjalan secara optimal. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan minimnya sosialisasi RPP kepada prapemilih maupun kunjungan prapemilih ke RPP. Selain itu, Komisi Pemilihan Umum sebagai pengelola RPP tidak mempunyai program khusus/rutin dalam mengedukasi prapemilih melalui pemanfaatan RPP. Diperlukan beberapa upaya untuk meningkatkan literasi politik prapemilih melalui pemanfaatan RPP seperti adanya program khusus RPP yang dilaksanakan secara berkala melalui kerjasama Komisi Pemilihan Umum sebagai pengelola RPP dan sekolah melalui guru PPKn sebagai mata pelajaran yang terintegrasi dengan kepemiluan serta kunjungan prapemilih ke RPP.Kata Kunci: Rumah Pintar Pemilu, Pendidikan Politik, Prapemilih, Demokrasi.
Tunjuk Ajar: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 4, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/jta.v4i1.57-72


This study aims to see the magnitude of the influence of principal academic supervision on the professionalism of teachers in economics. This research is limited to the state high school unit group only, because there are so many private high schools in Kampar Regency. The method used is a survey method with correlational techniques. The population in this study were all 55 teachers of the economy at SMA Negeri Kampar Regency. The data in this study were collected by distributing questionnaires and documentation obtained from the principal. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis technique and inferential analysis. As well as using the data requirements test, namely: normality test and linearity test. The results showed that the magnitude of the influence of the principal's academic supervision on the professionalism of teachers in economics was 16.80%, while the remaining 83.20% was determined by other factors that were not part of this study.
The Effectiveness Online Learning toward Students’ Motivation at FKIP University of Riau M. Yogi Riyantama Isjoni; Filma Alia Sari; Mifta Rizka
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 14, No 2 (2022): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : STAI Hubbulwathan Duri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (507.656 KB) | DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v14i2.1202


At this time the world is shocked by the outbreak of a disease caused by a virus called corona or better known as Covid-19 (Corona Virus diseases-19). This policy has a major impact on the wheels of human life, one of which has an impact in the field of higher education Especially in FKIP students of Riau University. This study aims to analyze the effect of the effectiveness of online learning as a result of covid-19 on student learning motivation in the FKIP environment of Riau University.This study was conducted to show the effect of the effectiveness of online learning on student motivation at FKIP Riau University. The Methodology in this study is a quantitative approach with multiple linear reggresions models. The sample is 615 student at FKIP Riau University. The research instrument was a closed questionnaire based on likert using google form. Hypothesis testing using t test dan f test.  The results showed that learning effectiveness had a positive and significant effect of 75.4%. These results illustrate that during Covid-19 pandemic, online learning was effectively carried out in order to increase student learning motivation.
Strategi Pengembangan Economic Civic di Lingkungan Persekolahan Guna Mendorong Peserta Didik Sebagai Wirausaha Muda Hariyanti; Filma Alia Sari
Jurnal Kewarganegaraan Vol 6 No 2 (2022): September 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (219.748 KB) | DOI: 10.31316/jk.v6i2.2034


Abstrak Sumber Daya Manusia yang berkualitas dihasilkan dari system pendidikan yang mampu membekali lulusannya dengan kemampuan intelektualitas yang bermutu, keterampilan soft skill maupun hard skill dan karakter yang matang, artinya SDM yang berkualitas harus memiliki civic competences yang menyatu dalam dirinya. Artikel ini menggunakan metode literature review dalam menganalisis permasalahan melalui kajian teori dan hasil penelitian yang relevan untuk membuah sebuah solusi. Tahun 2045, Indonesia diperkirakan mengalami bonus demografi, dimana jumlah penduduk yang berusia produktif cukup tinggi. Economic civic merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mempersiapkan warga negara yang berkualitas dan berdaya saing sehingga tidak hanya menjadi konsumen produk negara lain tetapi menjadi produsen yang mampu mendatangkan income. Economic civic dibangun dalam lingkungan sekolah karena nilai-nilai entrepreneurship harus dibekali sejak dini, dilakukan secara kontiniu dan terbina. Economic civic dapat dikembangkan melalui (1) infiltrasi dalam mata pelajaran di sekolah; (2) membentuk kegiatan ekstrakurikuler entrepreneurship di sekolah yang peminatannya bersifat pilihan bagi peserta didik; (3) sinergi antara pihak sekolah dan pemerintah daerah untuk mengikutsertakan dan mendorong peserta didik untuk membuat dan menjual produk/karya mereka dalam kegiatan ekonomi kreatif. Kata Kunci: Economic Civic, Sekolah Abstract Quality human resources are produced from an education system that is able to equip graduates with quality intellectual abilities, soft skills and hard skills and mature characters, meaning that quality human resources must have civic competences that are integrated within them. This article uses the literature review method in analyzing problems through theoretical studies and relevant research results to produce a solution. In 2045, Indonesia is estimated to experience a demographic bonus, where the number of people of productive age is quite high. Economic civic is one of the efforts to prepare qualified and competitive citizens so that they are not only consumers of other countries' products but also producers who are able to bring in income. Economic civic is built in a school environment because entrepreneurship values ​​must be provided from an early age, carried out continuously and nurtured. Economic civic can be developed through (1) infiltration in subjects at school; (2) establishing entrepreneurship extracurricular activities in schools whose specialization is optional for students; (3) synergy between schools and local governments to involve and encourage students to make and sell their products/works in creative economic activities. Keywords: Economic Civic, School.
Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan dan Partisipasi Anggota terhadap Kinerja Koperasi Silva Selatpanjang Kecamatan Tebing Tinggi Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti Alfiyanti Alfiyanti; Gusnardi Gusnardi; Filma Alia Sari
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling (JPDK) Vol. 4 No. 6 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling: Special Issue (General)
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jpdk.v4i6.9996


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah kualitas pelayanan dan partisipasi anggota berpengaruh terhadap kinerja koperasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh anggota Koperasi Silva yang berjumlah sebanyak 72 orang, teknik sampel yang digunakan didalam penelitian ini yaitu teknik sensus dimana semua anggota populasi dijadikan sampel penelitian. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan untuk menganalisis data menggunakan regresi linier berganda. Adapun hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh kualitas pelayanan dan partisipasi anggota terhadap kinerja koperasi. Besar pengaruh diketahui dari nilai Koefisien Determinasi (R2) sebesar 0,428 atau 42,8%, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 52,7% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain selain variabel yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Kualitas pelayanan bisa diwujudkan dengan koperasi memberikan tempat tinggal yang lebih layak untuk para anggota yang berada ditempat usaha koperasi, serta koperasi bisa menyediakan call center bagi anggota yang ingin menyampaikan keluhan atau masalah. Dalam meningkatkan partisipasi anggota bisa dilakukan dengan mengadakan seminar mengenai hak dan kewajiban anggota serta kesadaran anggota sebagai pemilik maupun pengguna. Selanjutnya dalam meningkatkan kinerja koperasi, selain menumbuhkan kesadaran anggota sebagai pemilik dan pengguna koperasi, koperasi juga harus meningkatan fasilitas pelayanan serta kebutuhan anggota agar partisipasi anggota lebih baik, sehingga nantinya juga akan berdampak pada meningkatnya kinerja koperasi.
Election Smart House Service as a Voter Education Center for Students in Dumai City Hariyanti Hariyanti; Gigieh Cahya Permady; Filma Alia Sari; Ahmad Eddison
JED (Jurnal Etika Demokrasi) Vol 8, No 1 (2023): JED (Jurnal Etika Demokrasi)
Publisher : Universitas of Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26618/jed.v8i1.8841


Election Smart House (ESH) is an election organizer innovation designed to improve pre-voter political literacy among students. However, the operation and management of the ESH as a community voter education center is not operating well at present. As a voter education center, ESH provides various attractive services, facilities, and programs. The research design employed a qualitative descriptive method. The researcher intended to describe in-depth and thoroughly the ESH service as a voter education center in Dumai City that strives to promote students' political literacy. Observation, interviews, and documentation were employed in the data collection process. The research informants included Dumai City Election Commission commissioners, Dumai City election smart house (ESH) managers, and Dumai City high school civic education teachers. The study results indicate that ESH services consist of (1) the publication of ESH activities in the mass media and (2) an invitation from the General Election Commission of the City of Dumai for the public, community, or school to visit ESH. ESH can serve as a forum where the election community can discuss elections and democracy. Voter education for students through ESH is a strategic step in educating students about election and democratic materials since ESH offers students materials and additional services that attract visitors.
Digital Literacy- Based Case Method Lecture Model for Strengthening Student Critical Thinking Filma Alia Sari; Fenny Fenny Trisnawati; Supentri Supentri; M. Yogi Riyantama Isjoni
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 16, No 1 (2024): AL-ISHLAH: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN
Publisher : STAI Hubbulwathan Duri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v16i1.4576


The change in the learning paradigm from traditional learning models to digital literacy-based case methods involves several changes in habits, which ultimately require each individual to adapt and complete all activities from time to time. Therefore, digital competence is important in the learning process. Using good reading skills can support successful learning. Interest in reading books has decreased because it has been replaced by a new method, screen-based reading behavior. This has aroused researchers' interest in discussing the importance of digital literacy. The case method is the learning model that can support students' digital competence in participating in learning and improving critical thinking. This study employs a 4-D development paradigm (Four-D Models) to create cutting-edge goods in the shape of digital literacy-focused case study lecture model project modules. The produced product's feasibility is confirmed through the validation procedure and implementation test to ensure the creation of the final product. The study took place in Pekanbaru, Riau Province, between March and June 2023. The data analysis methods utilised included observation, documentation studies, interviews, FGDs, data reduction, analysis, data interpretation, and data triangulation. Conclusions can be derived from the outcomes of the data analysis. This digital literacy-based case method lecture innovation, initially designed for monetary economics lectures, can be applied across all courses to enhance critical thinking skills in other scientific disciplines and facets of life. We anticipate that this marks the commencement of advancements in lecture innovation and development.