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Literasi Hukum Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Literasi Hukum
Publisher : Universitas Tidar

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Menjaga kekayaan alam di wilayah kedaulatan dalam laut teritrorial dan hak berdaulat merupakan kewenangan suatu negara terhadap wilayahnya. Kemajuan teknologi dewasa ini telah berkembang jenis-jenis alat penangkapan ikan yang dimaksud untuk mempermudah cara penangkapan dan menghasilkan yang semaksimalkan mungkin, kondisi yang demikian itu apabila tanpa memperhatikan ekologi.   Pemikiran   yang   mengarah   pada   pencegahan   kepunahan   maupun kerusakan lingkungan laut sangat diperlukan disisi lain diperlukan kontrol dalam bentuk pengawasan baik secara sektoral maupun regional. Keadaan geografis Indonesia ditambah potensi perikanan besar telah menumbuhkan gagasan tentang strategi pemberdayaan yang  dikembangkan diantaranya  adalah  meningkatkan posisi tawar nelayan melalui penataan kelompok nelayan, kelembagaan pasar, kelembagaan pelayanan. Strategi tersebut dikembangkan dikembangkan karena berorientasi pada peningkatan kesejahteraan nelayan. Adapun yang menjadi permasalahan dalam penelelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: Bagaimana implementasi pemberantasan penangkanapan ikan ilegal setelah meratifikasi Agreement On Port StateMeasures To Prevent, Deter, And Eliminate Illegal, Unreported, And Unregulated Fishing. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian normatif dengan pendekatan penelitian  konseptual dan pendekatan perundang-undangan.
SOUTH CHINA SEA: CONFLICT, CHALLENGE, AND SOLUTION Winanda kusuma; A. Cery Kurnia; Rio Armanda Agustian
Lampung Journal of International Law Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Law Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25041/lajil.v3i1.2266


The South China Sea is a strategic marine area in terms of natural resource potential and international trade routes. For decades, territorial disputes have occurred with peaceful solutions from regional organizations, international courts, and even contributions from outside the claimant state. This paper examines the efforts made to contribute to a peaceful solution to disputed states of claims. The achievement of a peaceful solution, the shortcomings of the peaceful solution to the proposed peaceful solution's chronology. This research is normative juridical research that is historical descriptive in nature. The South China Sea Dispute arises from China's actions regarding its map of its maritime territories that do not comply with international maritime law. Regulations regarding the method of drawing deep-sea boundaries under international maritime law are violated in this act. Negotiation efforts in finding conflict solutions in regional organizations, state leadership meetings, informal meetings of claim state policymakers, and efforts to file claims by the Philippines at permanent court arbitration have been carried out. China's action that does not recognize the Philippine lawsuit decision poses a challenge to international maritime law and its member countries. A complete peaceful solution must be sought immediately when Softlaw and hard law must comply with the claiming state.
Ultra Vires Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Kreditur Dalam Perseroan Terbatas Rafiqa Sari; Winanda Kusuma; A. Cery Kurnia
PROGRESIF: Jurnal Hukum Vol 13 No 2 (2019): PROGRESIF:Jurnal Hukum
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (269.515 KB) | DOI: 10.33019/progresif.v13i2.1225


The Board of Directors in carrying out the management of the company is subject to the principles of civil law. If the Board of Directors deviates from the principle, it is called conducting Ultra Vires. This action can certainly have positive and negative consequences for shareholders both majority and minority can test at the General Meeting of Shareholders. The ultra vires action by the directors is detrimental to the creditor, the legal mechanism that needs to be studied in more depth to get the answer. This study aims to analyze the legal protection of creditors for directors of limited companies conducting Ultra Vires and analyze legal remedies against restoring the creditor's rights to directors of limited companies conducting Ultra Vires. (1) Does the law regulate the protection of creditors for directors of limited companies conducting Ultra Vires ?; (2) How does the law restore creditor rights over the directors of the limited company to conduct Ultra Vires ?. With these legal issues, the basis for protecting third parties. These principles include the Goodwill Principle, the Pacta Sunt Servanda Principle and the Modern Ultra Vires Doctrine. By relying on these fundamentals, preventive legal protection and repressive legal protection can be given. Legal remedies for recovery are based on the first, actions containing aspects of repairing and preventing, and secondly, actions or efforts containing aspects aimed at recovering, including ratification and compensation.
RIO LAW JURNAL Vol 3, No 1 (2022): Mei
Publisher : Universitas Muara Bungo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36355/rlj.v3i1.606


Dalam tatanan kehidupan dunia, tidak ada satu negara pun yang dapat mengisolasi diri dari pergaulan internasional. Jalinan kerja sama dan membuka hubungan diplomatik dengan negara lain sangat diperlukan untuk berbagai kepentingan. pencarian dan pemberian suaka secara umum sudah dipraktikkan oleh negara-negara dalam jangka waktu yang cukup lama, isu ini tetap mengalami dinamika, baik dalam praktik maupun dalam diskursus hukum internasional. Isu hukum yang ditulis Apa saja hak dan kewajiban yang diterima akibat pemberian suaka diplomatik; Bagaimana konsekuensi pemberian suaka diplomatik dan tata cara pemberiannya. pengungsi politik atau aktivis politik yang berasal dari negara lain dan negara itu mengizinkan untuk masuk ke wilayahnya atas permintahannya. di dalam gedung kedutaan (legation premises), yakni: 1). Sebagai tindakan yang bersifat sementara. 2). Suaka diplomatik kebiasaan setempat yang bersifat mengikat. 3).Aadanya suatu perjanjian khusus. hak suatu negara untuk memberikan perlindungan dalam batas-batas wilayahnya merupakan konsekuensi dari kedaulatandan yurisdiksi territorial.
Urgensi Badan Hukum Pada Organisasi Kemasyarakatan (Ormas) Berbentuk Perkumpulan (Studi Pokdarwis Desa Kota Kapur, Kecamatan Mendo Barat, Kabupaten Bangka) Derita Prapti Rahayu; Faisal; A. Cery Kurnia; Winanda Kusuma; Komang Jaka Ferdian
Perspektif Hukum VOLUME 21 ISSUE 2
Publisher : Faculty of Law Hang Tuah University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/ph.v21i2.89


The role of the community is very strong and cares about the cultural heritage in their area in the form of the Kotakapur site. Communities who are members of POKDARWIS Bekawan, Kotakapur vilage, trying to make a historical tourism village are not easy, it requires the participation of the Regency Government and related agencies in overcoming one by one the problems that become obstacles to the construction of the site. The problem in this writing is what is the scope of Pokdarwis as a community organization? and secondly how is the urgency of legal entities in community organizations in the form of associations?. Problems will be analyzed using normative research methods, by producing answers, namely first, Pokdarwis is a social organization in the form of associations, second, the urgency of legal entities in Pokdarwis is their legal position as legal subjects.
Convention on The Rights of Persons With Disabilities: Efforts to Fulfill Human Rights for Access to Workers with Disabilities Ave Gave Christina Situmorang; Winanda Kusuma
Uti Possidetis: Journal of International Law Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/up.v4i2.23674


The Convention on The Rights of Persons With Disabilities (CRPD) is a special international human rights instrument that regulates the rights of persons with disabilities as a concrete effort to respect, protect and guarantee the rights of persons with disabilities throughout the world. Indonesia has ratified the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. Even though Indonesia has ratified the CRPD convention, the fulfillment of human rights (HAM) for Indonesian citizens, especially the rights of persons with disabilities to get a job, has not been maximized. This paper is a research that examines juridically the implementation of the CRPD Convention in Indonesia regarding the employment of persons with disabilities. The research method used by the author is a legal research method focusing on library research. Normative legal research focuses on the study of data such as laws and regulations, legal theory as well as scientific legal research works.
Exclusive Economic Zone: Contemporary Law of the Sea Fisheries Regulations Toni Toni; Winanda Kusuma; A Cery Kurnia; Muhamad syaiful Anwar; Rafiqa sari
Ikatan Penulis Mahasiswa Hukum Indonesia Law Journal Vol 3 No 2 (2023): IPMHI Law Journal, July 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang in collaboration with Ikatan Penulis Mahasiswa Hukum Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ipmhi.v3i2.71165


The sea as an important area in a country must be able to be maintained both for state sovereignty and respect for sovereign rights. This is regulated in the jurisdiction of the territorial sea regime which applies sovereignty and the EEZ regime which applies sovereign rights. This research analyzes the background of agreements on international regulation of the sea and the utilization of fisheries which are also regulated in international law. The current international law of the sea only strictly regulates regional regimes and territorial jurisdiction, while the nature of fisheries cannot follow this. This research method is normative where international fisheries law arrangements still do not exist. The vacuum of international norms is only filled by weak international agreements and their implementation cannot be forced. The history of the current international law of the sea shows that the basis of the agreement is only related to territory and respect for maritime law in the form of international customs. It needs to be understood that the sea as a natural area must be used in a sustainable manner and also must not violate, so the marine potential, especially fisheries, needs to be agreed with strict sea area regulations and optimal utilization within the framework of the welfare and sustainability of marine ecosystems.