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Pengaruh Motivasi Guru Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Materi Pecahan Pada Siswa Kelas IV Ssekolah Dasar Inpres 109 Perumnas Kota Sorong Yakobus Bwarnirun; Budi Santoso
Attadrib: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Publisher : Program Studi PGMI STAI Daruttaqwa Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54069/attadrib.v4i1.115


This study aims to determine the effect of teacher motivation on mathematics learning outcomes in fractional material in class IV SD Inpres 109 Perumnas Sorong City. This research is an experimental study using a pretest-posttest group design research design. The independent variable in this study is teacher motivation while the dependent variable is learning outcomes. The sample of this study was the 50th-grade students of SD Inpres 109 Perumnas Sorong City as many as 50 students, divided into two groups namely the Experimental Group with 25 students and the Control Group with 25 students. Data collection techniques used were questionnaire, test, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique consists of three stages, namely the stage of a description of the data, the stage of testing the requirements of the analysis, and the stage of testing the hypothesis. Questionnaire reliability test results obtained Cronbach's Alpha results of 0.860. Then the reliability test results of the pre-test results obtained Cronbach's Alpha results of 0.750 and the reliability test of the post-test questions obtained Cronbach’s Alpha results of 1.258. From the analysis of the results of the calculation of the motivation of learning experimental class students obtained a total score of 1787 with an average of 3.574. Percentage of 64% shows good motivation from students and 36% shows quite a good category. Whereas the control class obtained a total score of 1748 with an average of 3.496. Percentage of 64% shows good motivation from students and 36% shows quite good category. From the data analysis, the Kolmogrov Smirnov Asymp normality test was obtained. Sig (2-tailed)> 0.05 then normal data is obtained. From the analysis of the data obtained homogeneity test that Asymp. Sig (2-tailed)> 0.05 then obtained homogeneous data. Paired T-test results obtained the t value of the experimental class t count of 14.334 while the t class of the control class of 14.511 and the value of t count> t table or sig 0.000 <0.05 in both classes then H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. So it can be concluded that there is an influence of teacher motivation on learning outcomes of fraction material mathematics in class IV SD Inpres 109 Perumnas Sorong City, if the teacher's negative expectations decrease, the learning achievement of students will increase
HIDRO BROKOLI (Program Pendampingan Budidaya Brokoli (Brassica oleracea L) untuk Meningkatkan Gizi Masyarakat Kampung Arar) Jaharudin Jaharudin; Budi Santoso
Jurnal Abdimasa Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 3 No 1 (2020): JURNAL ABDIMASA Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (237.692 KB)


Hidroponik Brokoli merupakan program pendampingan budidaya Brokoli (Brassica oleracea L) untuk meningkatkan gizi masyarakat di kampung Arar. Latar belakang pemilihan media tanam hidroponik adalah lokasi pulau Arar pesisir pantai sehingga tekstur tanahnya kurang cocok apabila ditanami sayur-sayuran. Program PKMS ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan: (1) meningkatkan keterampilan masyarakat kampung Arar tentang bercocok-tanam menggunakan media hidroponik; (2) peningkatan keterampilan pengolahan tanaman hidroponik dari pembibitan sampai panen; Metode yang dipakai dalam pencapaian tujuan tersebut adalah metode ceramah, demonstrasi dan penugasan. Dalam pelaksanaan program kegiatan akan dilakukan pendampingan (monitoring). Program pengabdian ini akan diikuti oleh warga kampung yang berjumlah 20 orang. Program pelatihan akan dibimbing langsung oleh dosen pendidikan Biologi STKIP Muhammadiyah Sorong. Pengabdian ini berlangsung selama 6 (enam) bulan terhitung mulai target Juni hingga November 2019. Target luaran dari kegiatan ini adalah (i) satu artikel ilmiah yang di publikasikan melalui jurnal ISSN (ii) satu artikel pada media massa cetak (iii) video kegiatan (iv) Terjadi peningkatan keterampilan bercocok-tanam hidroponik yang ditandai dengan a) masyarakat dapat bercocok-tanam menggunakan media tanam hidroponik b) masyarakat dapat menyemai bibit hidroponik.
Pendampingan Bimbigan Membaca Al-Quran Dasar Metode Tsaqifa Santri Panti Asuhan Muhammadiyah Aimas Budi Santoso; Jaharudin Jaharudin
Jurnal Abdimasa Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Jurnal ABDIMASA Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (597.744 KB)


Pendampingan bimbigan membaca Al-Quran dasar metode Tsaqifa santri Panti Asuhan Muhammadiyah Aimas merupakan upaya untuk meningkatkan keterampilan membaca al-Qur’an bagi santri. Pengabidan ini dilatarbelakani oleh minimnya keterampilan membaca Al-Qur’an yang dimiliki Santri Panti Asuhan Muhammadiyah Aimas. Hal tersebut merupakan masalah krusial sebab lembaga tersebut merupakan institusi yang berlandaskan nilai-nilai keislaman sehingga keterampilan membaca Al-Qur’an merupakan kemampuan dasar yang harus dimiliki oleh Santri Panti Asuhan Muhammadiyah Aimas. Program penelitian internal ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan membaca Al-Qur’an bagi santri. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode pembelajaran untuk orang dewasa (Tsaqifa) yang diimplementasikan melalui tiga pendekatan yaitu: metode langsung, implementasi dan evaluasi program. Program pengabdian ini diikuti oleh Santri Panti Putra dan Putri Muhammadiyah Sorong yang berjumlah 20 orang. Program pelatihan akan melibatkan dosen pendidikan agama Islam UNIMUDA Sorong dan pemenang juara lomba khatib dan imam Se-Sorong Raya. Pengabdian ini berlangsung selama 2 (lima) bulan terhitung mulai target januari hingga februari 2019. Target luaran dari kegiatan ini adalah (i) Terjadi peningkatan keterampilan membaca Al-Qur’an dosen yang ditunjukan melalui: (a) peserta dapat membaca Al-Qur’an sesuai dengan makharijul huruf dan tajwid dengan tepat, (b) peserta pelatihan dapat mengajarkan Al-Qur’an dengan menggunakan metode Tsaqifa.
Jurnal Abdimasa Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 5 No 1 (2022): Jurnal ABDIMASA Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36232/jurnalabdimasa.v5i1.2344


Tujuan pengabdian ini dilakukan adalah untuk memberikan edukasi atau pemahaman tentang budidaya sayur dengan metode aquaponik dalam meningkatkan gizi masyarakat kampung maibo, sehingga harapanya masyarakat dapat melakukan dengan sendirinya. Selain itu dengan kurangnya dukungan dari pihak pemerintah terkait, maka masyarakat sudah mengetahui dan mampu menjalankan kegiatan yang serupa. Pada pengabdian ini juga target luaran yaitu (1) Memberikan keterampilan dalam budidaya sayur hijau, (2) Memberikan pengetahuan tentang kebutuhan gizi bagi perkembangan manusia, (3) Dapat meningkatkan sumber pendapatan bagi masyarakat, (4) Cara tanam menggunakan Metode Akuaponik.
Alfred Schutz's Perspective in Phenomenology Approach: Concepts, Characteristics, Methods and Examples Ruslan Rasid; Hilman Djafar; Budi Santoso
International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): February 2021
Publisher : CV. Inara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51601/ijersc.v2i1.18


Alfred Schutz with his phenomenology introduced the concept of multiple reality. For Schutz, the reality in this world is not only in the reality of social life, but also includes fantasy reality, dream reality, etc. Therefore, the aim of this research is to analyze and describe how the concepts, characteristics, methods and examples of the use of the phenomenological approach in Alfred Schutz's perspective qualitative research methodology. The results of the study explain that the phenomenological approach pioneered by Edmund Husserl has a watchword: zuruck zu den sachen selbst (back to things themselves) that a method for explain phenomena in their purity, where these phenomena are anything that in some way appears in human consciousness . Whether in the form of something as a result of fiction or in the form of something real.
Model Berdayakan Muallaf Lazismu di Daerah 3T, Suku Abun di Kabupaten Sorong Budi Santoso Santoso; Jaharudin Jaharudin; Farcham Mulloh; Rohmat Suprapto
FIKROTUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Manajemen Islam Vol. 10 No. 01 (2021): 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Agama Islam Al-Khairat Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32806/jf.v13i01.4984


Zakat Institution Infaq and Shadaqah Muhammadiyah Sorong regency is a zakat institution or zakat collecting institution that serves in community empowerment activities through productive utilization of zakat funds, infaq, wakaf and other generosity. One of its flagship programs is the construction of the Abun Tribe of Sorong Regency. The construction of the Abun tribe continues as a form of Lazismu's concern for vulnerable groups (muallaf). The purpose of this research is to describe the contribution that lazismu has made in the development of muallaf Abun tribe of Sorong district. This research includes descriptive-qualitative research data excavated using observation techniques, interviews and documentation. After the data collected, qualitative data analysis is carried out using Miles and Huberman analysis. The results showed that: Muhammadiyah da'i program, social service activities: Eid al-Qurban activities, spraying disinfectant during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter melalui Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler “Hisbul Wathan” Budi Santoso
ISTAWA Vol 3, No 1 (2018): Istawa: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Postgraduate Program Magister Pendidikan Agama Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (533.003 KB) | DOI: 10.24269/ijpi.v3i1.1003


The existence of moral degradation causes educational institutions to perform various ways as an effort to provide strengthening Character Education through Extracurricular Activities. One of the activities undertaken in the formal education environment in providing character education development is through Hisbul Wathan activities that must be followed by all students of SMK Muhammadiyah Aimas. This discussion aims to examine and explore information about the development of character education through Hisbul Wathan activities at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Aimas. The approach used in this research is qualitative with case study method to express and understand the fact that happened intensively and depth related to happened phenomenon. Data and information gathering techniques were conducted through interviews, post-participatory and non-participant observations, documentation studies and literature studies. The results of this research are the forms of activities in Hisbul Wathan activities at SMK Muhammadiyah I Aimas with character education.
The Students Ability to Change the Health Interview Text become a Narrative at Seventh Grade of SMP IT Nurul Yaqin Abdul Rahman Hatsama; Budi Riono; Budi Santoso
INTERACTION: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Vol 9 No 2 (2022): INTERACTION: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah (UNIMUDA) Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36232/jurnalpendidikanbahasa.v9i2.3070


This study aims to describe students' ability in writing, especially developing narrative essays based on interview texts. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative method. This research technique is carried out by giving the task of composing a narrative based on the interview text that has been provided to students. The instrument used is a test of the ability to change the text of a health interview into a narrative that is given to students in the form of a written test. The object of this research is students' essays which are assessed from the linguistic aspect including the ability to use spelling, diction, paragraphs, and the suitability of the narrative content with the interview text. The source of the data for this study were the seventh-grade students of SMP IT Nurul Yaqin, Sorong Regency, totaling 46 students from the number of 50 students in class VII. Collecting data in this study through test techniques. To analyse the data using the average formula. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the seventh-grade students of SMP IT Nurul Yaqin, Sorong Regency are able to change the health interview text into a narrative. That is, as many as 61% can convert health interview texts into narratives, while 39% have not been able to convert health interview texts into narratives. This is based on the average value of 60, which is in the range of values ​​of 60-74 with sufficient category.
Pelaksanaan Kampus Mengajar di Daeah 3T: Program Asistensi Mengajar Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidkan Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong di SD Negeri 3 Kabupaten Sorong Semester Ganjil Tahun Akademik 2021/2022 budi santoso; Jusmin Jusmin; Muhammad Muzakki; Mukhlas Triono; Fathurrahman Fathurrahman
Jurnal Abdimasa Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Jurnal ABDIMASA Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36232/jurnalabdimasa.v6i1.3592


This service is motivated by the Teaching Campus activity which is a form of implementing the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) teaching assistance program at the Muhammadiyah Education University Sorong to empower students in helping the learning process in elementary and junior high schools in Sorong Regency. in the form of direct teaching, preparing Learning Device Plans and learning media for school administration. The end result of this activity is that this program is based on not being fully effective. This can be seen from the lack of students who have the opportunity to hone their interpersonal and leadership skills during teaching assistance activities. Routine activities are teaching in class, making learning media as well as when on duty as pickets and adapting technology.
Pro-Tanah Papua (Podcast Dan Radio Online Untuk Anak Papua) Sarana Pendidikan Nonformal, Diskusi Dan Informasi Berbasis Local Wisdom Papua Mukhlas Triono; Endra Putra Raharja; Budi Santoso
Jurnal Abdimasa Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Jurnal ABDIMASA Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36232/jurnalabdimasa.v6i1.3260


This community service targeting indigenous Papuan youth (hereinafter referred to as KMAP) is currently one of the age levels that is deemed necessary to get more attention, especially in the education sector. The lack of educational and motivational information facilities and the lack of access to foreign news have an impact on information gaps. To convey interesting information, the right media is certainly needed, one of which is podcasts. The PRO-LAND PAPUA Program (Online Podcast and Radio for Papuan Children) aims to be a means of non-formal education and educational information that can provide motivation for indigenous Papuan youth. The method used is with several stages, namely the preparation, implementation and evaluation stages. The PAPUA PRO-LAND program was produced using a local wisdom approach and is packaged in a more millennial way to be closer to KMAP. The resulting video and audio are uploaded to the YouTube channel and can be accessed again at any time. By optimizing partner resources, namely UNIMUDA Campus Radio Sorong Insania FM and the UNIMUDA Sorong Public Relations Team, this community service presents local wisdom-based content that is educational and informative to indigenous Papuan youth.