Muhammad Syahrir
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Tompotika Luwuk

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Journal : Patria Artha Journal of Nursing Science

Patria Artha Journal of Nursing Science Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Patria Artha Journal of Nursing Science
Publisher : Patria Artha University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33857/jns.v6i2.606


Sebelum adanya posyandu prakonsepsi, program kesehatan hanya fokus kepada ibu hamil. Program ini hadir sebagai upaya untuk memberikan pendampingan kepada wanita prakonsepsi untuk meningkatkan asupan gizi dan ibu calon pengantin dan ibu hamil guna menekan penyebab kematian ibu. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan posyandu prakonsepsi di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Toili II Kabupaten Banggai. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Etnometodologi yaitu memusatkan kajian pada realita yang memiliki penafsiran praktis. Hasil wawancara ini diperoleh dari pengelola program posyandu prakonsepsi, bidan desa, tenaga gizi puskesmas, wanita prakonsepsi, pengurus KUA dan kepala puskesmas. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa bentuk evaluasi pelaksanaan posyandu prakonsepsi di wilayah kerja puskesmas toili 2 kabupaten banggai tahun 2020 tentang bagaimana pola rekrutmen wanita prakonsepsi, kelas wanita prakonsepsi, pelaksanaan pengukuran lingkar LILA dan panggul, pemeriksaan tekanan darah, pengukuran hemoglobin dan pelaksanaan pemberian tablet fe, yang dimana sasarannya adalah pengelola program posyandu prakonsepsi, bidan desa, tenaga gizi puskesmas, wanita prakonsepsi, pengurus KUA dan kepala puskesmas telah terlaksana dengan baik, hal disebabkan karena adanya dukungan dari pemerintah Desa untuk menganggarkan kegiatan posyandu prakonsepsi dalam APBDES yang dibuktikan dengan pemberian susu prenagen kepada wanita prakonsepsi. Kesimpulan dari penelitian evaluasi terhadap pelaksanaan posyandu prakonsepsi sudah terlaksana dengan baik dimana dalam melakukan upaya penurunan angka stunting melalui lintas sektor telah dilaksanakan.Before the posyandu preconception, health programs only focused on pregnant women. This program exists as an effort to provide assistance to preconception women to increase nutritional intake and mothers of prospective brides and pregnant women in order to reduce the causes of maternal mortality. The purpose of this study was to find out how the implementation of the Posyandu preconception in the Toili II Health Center Work Area, Banggai Regency. This study uses an ethnomethodological approach, which focuses on the study of reality that has a practical interpretation. The results of this interview were obtained from the manager of the preconception posyandu program, village midwives, health center nutrition workers, preconception women, KUA administrators and the head of the puskesmas. The results showed that the form of evaluation of the implementation of the preconception posyandu in the work area of the Puskesmas Toili 2, Banggai Regency in 2020 was about the recruitment pattern of preconception women, the class of preconception women, the implementation of LILA and hip circumference measurements, blood pressure checks, hemoglobin measurements and the implementation of the administration of Fe tablets. where the target is the manager of the preconception posyandu program, village midwives, health center nutrition workers, pre-conception women, KUA administrators and the head of the puskesmas that have been carried out well, this is due to the support from the village government to budget for preconception posyandu activities in the APBDES as evidenced by the provision of prenagen milk to preconception woman. The conclusion from the evaluation research on the implementation of the preconception posyandu has been carried out well where efforts to reduce stunting rates have been carried out across sectors.