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EDUSCOPE: Jurnal Pendidikan, Pembelajaran, dan Teknologi Vol 6 No 1 (2020): Volume 06 No. 01 Juli 2020
Publisher : LPPM Universitas KH.A.Wahab Hasbullah Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32764/eduscope.v6i1.876


ABSTRACT In this era english become one of the foreign language which is studied in Indonesia by almost people..There are many skills which we studied in English such as reading ,speaking,listening and also writing. Reading sometimes become the most bired actitities through students because it was passive activities. According to this reason this paper aims to design English learning media learner as a media that appropriate for their learning needs. JLIBRARY is some technology whuch is developed by using ICT method emphasizes on textual android app. It was done for time efficiency in learning a language. The simple and clearly technique are used in the implementation of JLIBRARY method in learning English. There were two researches objective; these are designing JLIBRARY and knowing the feasibility of the english learning media. The researcher uses Research and Development method adapted from Sadiman’s development. The researcher concludes that JLIBRARY is feasible to use in English Learning Media. KEYWORDS: Jlibrary,English media,ICT ABSTRAK Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu bahasa asing yang dipelajari di Indonesia saat ini. Sebagai sarana komunikasi, salah satu keterampilan yang paling penting adalah keterampilan berbicara atau percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk merancang media pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk pelajar muda sebagai media yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan belajar mereka. Metode JLIBRARY menekankan pada aplikasi android tekstual. Hal ini dilakukan untuk efisiensi waktu dalam mempelajari suatu bahasa. Teknik yang sederhana dan jelas digunakan dalam penerapan metode JLIBRARY dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Ada dua tujuan penelitian; ini merancang JLIBRARY dan mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Peneliti menggunakan metode Penelitian dan Pengembangan yang diadaptasi dari pengembangan Sadiman. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa JLIBRARY layak untuk digunakan dalam Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Kata Kunci: Jlibrary,English media,ICT
Designing PALUGADA (Practice and Learn Using Grammar Learning Media) for Beginner Students Ulfa Wulan Agustina
EDUSCOPE: Jurnal Pendidikan, Pembelajaran, dan Teknologi Vol 7 No 1 (2021): Volume 07 No. 01 Juli 2021
Publisher : LPPM Universitas KH.A.Wahab Hasbullah Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32764/eduscope.v7i1.1780


ABSTRACT Palugada is practice and learn using grammar learning media. This study aims to design a Grammar Learning Media that is focused on beginner students in learning English at school. The research method used is the Research and Development (R&D) method using the ADDIE model, this model consists of five parts, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. There are two media feasibility validations for this product. The first is material validation, and the second is media validation. Both have been validated by their respective expert validators before being tested on students. Data collection was done by using a questionnaire. The results of the implementation are in the form of an assessment of student work and media suggestions. The results of the implementation show that the average acquisition percentage of the assessment is 97.77% in the 'very good' category. So, based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the application of grammar learning media is suitable for helping eighth grade student. KEYWORDS: Palugada, Learning media, Beginner Students ABSTRAK Palugada adalah latihan dan pembelajaran menggunakan media pembelajaran grammar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang Media Pembelajaran Grammar yang difokuskan pada siswa pemula dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di sekolah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode Research and Development (R&D) dengan menggunakan model ADDIE, model ini terdiri dari lima bagian yaitu analisis, perancangan, pengembangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi. Ada dua validasi kelayakan media untuk produk ini. Yang pertama adalah validasi materi, dan yang kedua adalah validasi media. Keduanya telah divalidasi oleh validator ahli masing-masing sebelum diujikan pada siswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil implementasi berupa penilaian karya siswa dan saran media. Hasil implementasi menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata perolehan persentase penilaian adalah 97,77% dengan kategori sangat baik. Jadi, berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan media pembelajaran grammar cocok untuk membantu siswa kelas VIII. KATAKUNCI: Palugada, Learning media, Beginner students
Developing Learning Media Using Augmented Reality Technology for English Learners Hasan Ismail; Ulfa Wulan Agustina; Luluk Choirun Nisak Nur
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Multidisiplin Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Volume 2 No 1 Tahun 2019 (On Proses)
Publisher : KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah University

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Abstrak . Saat ini perkembangan teknologi dalam dunia pendidikan sangatlah cepat. Media yang digunakan saat ini harus mengikuti kemajuan teknologi yang ada. Dalam belajar bahasa inggris khususnya pada speaking skilll, pengembangan media pembelajaraan berbasis teknologi perlu dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan speaking skill siswa. Oleh karena itu, peneliti bertujuan mendesain media pembelajaraan bahasa inggris berupa kartu kosa kata untuk pemula sebagai media yang sesuai dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris. Media ini mengunakan teknologi augmented reality. Augmented reality merupakan inovasi dari grafik komputer yang menyajikan visualisasi dan animasi dari objek. Aplikasi augmented reality dalam dunia pendidikan merupakan salah satu yang memliki daya tarik yang kuat kepada siswa dan memberikan kebebasan pada siswa untuk melakukan proses pengamatan sendiri. Aplikasi augmented reality ini di desain untuk memudahkan atau membantu murid dalam menghafal kosa kata untuk menarik minat belajar bahasa inggris. Media pembelajaran bahasa inggris ini sebelum di uji coba kepada siswa telah di validasi oleh ahli materi dan ahli media. Sedangkan instrumen penelitian ini berupa kuestionaire pada ahli materi, media dan siswa. Dari hasil penelitian terdapat beberapa saran, yaitu : 1). Media pembelajaraan kartu kosa kata (vocar) sebagai media pembelajaraan alternatif flash card saat ini. 2). Kartu kosa kata (vocar) dikembangan dari media pembelajaraan flash card. 3). Kartu kosa kata merupakan inovasi baru. Media ini dapat digunakan oleh peserta didik dirumah atau ditempat lain. Kata kunci: kartu kosa kata, augmented reality, media pembelajaraan bahasa inggris, siswa pemula.
Students Positive Response on Semantic Mapping Strategy in English Writing Skill Ulfa Wulan Agustina; Luluk Choirun Nisak Nur
JEES (Journal of English Educators Society) Vol 3 No 2 (2018): October
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/jees.v3i2.1560


One of the most important skills in English is writing. The writing skill allows the students to express and investigate ideas, thoughts, and beliefs and make them apparent and obvious. Writing encourages writers to think, learn and communicate. Unfortunately, most of the students were difficult and get bored in writing activities. They need some strategies to make easier when they do writing task. Semantic mapping is one of good ways for writing task. It helps students to get idea and improve it into sentences and paragraphs.The purpose of the research is to know whether semantic mapping strategy is able to improve writing skill. This study focuses on students' positive response on semantic mapping strategy in English writing skill. The instrument of this study is using questionnaire which is distributed to the students of second semester in English Department at an Indonesian private university which consisted of 30 students. The result of this study indicates that 25 % of students get easier in learning writing task and 75 % are motivated to have a good writing by using semantic mapping strategy.
Designing King Al Post As English Teaching Media For Beginner Students Anisa -; Iin Baroroh Ma'arif; Ulfa Wulan Agustina
JoEMS (Journal of Education and Management Studies) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): (Oktober 2018)
Publisher : Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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Technology has grown rapidly in education sector, it creates new opportunities for improving learning experience of students at any levels of education. One of them is education in Junior high school. Teaching them will be interested and completely different, because beginners are unique and are able to think abstractly and logically. Therefore, the researcher aimed to design English learning media for beginner students as a media that were appropriate for their learning needs. There were two research objectives; these are desingning King Al PoST and knowing the feasibility of the English learning media. the researcher uses Research and Development method adapted from Borg and Gall’s development. This English learning media were validated by material expert and media expert before trying to the students. While, the instrument of this research are questionnaires and interviews to material expert, media expert, and students. The result of this research showed that 1) the result of material expert is 85 score; 2) the result of media expert is 85,00 score; 3) the result of preliminary field testing is 88,67 score; 4) the result of operational field testing is 90,25. Based on the result above, the researcher conclude that King Al PoST is feasible to use in English learning. From the result there were two suggestions: 1) to the English teacher it can be used to be alternative teaching media to teach English; 2) to the other researcher it can be used to do the research at different level of the students.
Linguistic Intelligence and Sentence Structure Mastery towards Students Writing Skill in Recount ulfa wulan agustina
JoEMS (Journal of Education and Management Studies) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): (Oktober 2018)
Publisher : Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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This research is a kind of survey and aims to find out and analyze empirically the effects of linguistic inteligenceand sentence structue towards student’s writing skill in recount. The observed population of this research is students of private junior high schools in Depok West Java. The sample was gained through simple random sampling, which means that the researcher mixed the subjects in the population so that they will be considerably the same. This research has 3 variables which are divided into 2 independent variables (linguistic inteligence and sentence structure) and 1 dependent variable (writing skill in recount). The collection of the data is done by questionnaire and written tests for both independent and dependent variables. The gained data was then analyzed by using correlation technique and multiple regressions. Previously, the prerequisite tests before examining the regression test must be accomplished, such as normality test and linearity test. The result of this research is: 1) There are any significant effects of linguistic inteligence and sentence structue altogether towards student’s reading comprehension and it is proved by Fo = 13,014 and Sig.=0.001< 0.05) There is a significant effect of linguistic inteligence towards student’s writing skill in recount and it is proved by to = 3,378 and Sig.=0.000 < 0.05) There , , is a significant effect of sentence structure towards student’s writing skill in recount and it is proved by to = 2,577 and Sig.=0.012< 0.05. It means that the student’s writing skill in recount is strongly influenced by linguistic inteligence and sentence structureof his/her own.
Designing Dubbing Time For Students’ Speaking Ability Iin Baroroh Ma'arif; Mia Oktaviana; Ulfa Wulan Agustina
JoEMS (Journal of Education and Management Studies) Vol 1 No 1 (2018): (Oktober 2018)
Publisher : Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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Educational system in Indonesia also consist of two types; they are formal and informal education. Formal education is based on the classroom, also using syllaby, and structured. While informal education is based on a learning community, like a course. Informal education do not need formal curriculum or syllaby, they usually make the curriculum by them selves. The example of informal education are TPQ, The researcher investigate students’ speaking ability by using Dubbing Time, to know students ability in speaking ability. In this research, researcher make a fun method learning to improve the students’ ability in speaking skill by using this media. Researcher designed a media by named Dubbing Time. Dubbing Time is one of some media to make a fun learning. Dubbing Time is a media to improve speaking skill for students. In this media, students explain a picture on the screen. This media can use be used in some text such as narrative, descriptive or procedure, but in this case the researcher use narrative text to this research.. The result of media validation is 68 score in good category. The result of material validation is 65 in a good category The result of user validation in get 90,25 score in field study.
JoEMS (Journal of Education and Management Studies) Vol 2 No 3 (2019): Juni 2019
Publisher : Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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Reading is a means of language acquisition, communication, sharing information and ideas. It is a process to get knowledge through written text. Reading skill has important role to other skills, such as listening, writing and speaking skill. But, reading became a difficulty for students of SMPN 1 Jenangan especially class 8C. It is influenced by some factors among others: the students have low desire to read English text, the students read the text slowly and they get difficulty to comprehend the text. To improve the students’ reading skill, the researcher applied Reading Race strategy.Reading Race strategy is innovative strategy in teaching and learning English which helps students to be able to read the English text, comprehend it and find the idea of text fluently and easily.The design of this study was Classroom Action Research. The research was conducted in SMPN 1 Jenangan. It is located on Jalan Raya Jenangan- Kesugihan.The subject of the study were students of 8C SMPN 1 Jenangan Ponorogo.The class consist of 37 students, 20 males and 17 females. This study was conducted in May. It was conducted in 2 cycles. Technique of collecting data were questionnaire, observation, test and field note.Based on the result of the study, the achieved percentage of reading test (group) of cycle I was 69.89 % and 74.91% in cycle II. While the achieved percentage of reading test (individually) of cycle I was 67.91% and 75.64% in cycle II. Moreover, the percentage of observation on students’ activities of cycle I was 63.91% and 71.48% in cycle II. The result of questionnaire showed that students’ perception and interest in English have been improved.100% of students like Reading Race strategy, 65% of students did not get difficulty in reading an English text, 78% of students thought that English is easy, while 73% of students did not translate English text word by word, and 59% of students did not get difficulty to find out information of the text.Based on explanation above, it could be concluded that Reading Race strategy can improve students’ reading skill. Beside that, it improves students’ motivation, activities and interest in teaching learning process.
JoEMS (Journal of Education and Management Studies) Vol 4 No 2 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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Being able to communicate in English fluently is the concern of every individual in this world because it gives some advantages in this life. As mobile technology has grown rapidly in educational sector, it creates new opportunities for improving learning experience of students in every level. The purpose of this research is to improve students speaking skill through LEB (Learning English Better) app. This study was conducted to fix the concern by concertating on how android application as learning media are used in speaking class of the eight grade of junior high school. This research combined the steps of R&D with the ADDIE model. The data were obtained from questioners and observation. The research was conducted in SMP Darul UlumKepuhdoko. The findings shows that LEB app get 3.1 point which categorized fair and worth to use in media validation and get 4 point which categorized fair and worth to use in material validation and also get 4.2 point in the assessment result by respondence wich is category good and worth to use. The result of this study shows that LEB app was appropriate to eight grade of SMP Darul Ulum students to learn speaking skill. Based on principle of m-learning, LEB app is flexible and practical. The product is easy to operate simple and helpful to learn English speaking skill
JoEMS (Journal of Education and Management Studies) Vol 4 No 5 (2021): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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English is an international language. English is the language of communication in the globalized world, so that almost no country does not learn and use English as the language of international communication. The objective of the research is to designing LeaRy (Learn Vocabulary) for beginner level of English learners. In this research, the researcher used Research and Development (R&D) methods. This research procedure adapts the ADDIE development model which consists of five stages which include analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The researcher used observation and questionnaire to collect the data. The researcher did research and field testing to the 21 students in Al-Lathifiyyah 1 females Islamic Boarding House. The result of material validation is 3.3 points and categorized as good quality. Then, the result of media validation is also categorized as good quality in 3.2 points. In addition, the result of user validation is 4.7 points and categorized as good quality. Therefore, LeaRy learning media is a good learning media to learn English vocabulary, especially in spell vocabulary and Elnglish pronunciation.