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Peningkatan Pengetahuan Masyarakat dalam Penerapan Protokol Kesehatan melalui Edukasi Berbasis Media Online I Putu Sudayasa; Haryati Haryati; Yenti Purnamasari; Yulin Fitri Chintia; Nur Riska Anwar; Putri Permatasari; Pebriyanti Pebriyanti
PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 6 No 2 (2021): PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33084/pengabdianmu.v6i2.1684


The Indonesian government has made various efforts to prevent and control COVID-19. Implementing the new normal after the COVID-19 pandemic has encouraged people to do activities as before, with the obligation to implement strict health protocols. However, the incidence of COVID-19 in Indonesia continues to increase, as is Konawe Regency as the district with the first positive case report of COVID-19 in Southeast Sulawesi and currently has six sub-districts with red zone status. This is because many people are not aware of carrying out the government's appeal in implementing health protocols. This community service aims to increase public knowledge in efforts to control COVID-19 by applying health protocols. Educational activities carried out online through online media include video conferencing in the form of a webinar through Google Meet was attended by 86 participants, live streaming on social media Facebook and Instagram, broadcasting educational videos on local TV channels, and conducting offline activities in the form of installing educational posters. Education through online media is one of the uses of internet technology, and its reach is wide and can be a solution for education during the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis results show that education through online media effectively increases public knowledge regarding COVID-19 and the application of health protocols in the normal new era.
Sociodemographic Factors of Elective and Emergency Cesarean Delivery in the Referal Hospital: A cross-sectional study: Faktor Sosiodemografi pada persalinan seksio sesarea elektif dan emergensi di Rumah Sakit Rujukan: sebuah penelitian potong lintang Restuaji B.K. Umam; Nur I. Purnamasari; I Putu Sudayasa; Juminten Saimin
Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 10 No. 4 Oktober 2022
Publisher : Indonesian Socety of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32771/inajog.v10i4.1613


Objectives: To analyze the correlation between sociodemographic factors and cesarean section delivery at Referral Hospital in Kendari. Method: This was a cross-sectional study conducted at dr. Ismoyo Hospital in Kendari. Data were obtained from medical records of cesarean section delivery from January to December 2019. Sampling used simple random sampling techniques. Data were analyzed using the Chi-square test. Result: There were 50.5% emergency cesarean and 49.5% elective cesarean. The maternal age was 18-44 years. Most cases are aged 20-35 years (78.5%), have a higher education level (65.1%), employees (53.2%), and multipara (56.5%). There was a correlation between age and cesarean section (p = 0.027). There was no correlation between education level (p = 0.618), occupation (p = 0.563), and parity (p = 0.365) with cesarean section. Conclusion: There is a correlation between maternal age and cesarean section. Education, counseling, and antenatal care should be done for early detection. Keywords: age, cesarean section, education level, occupation, parity
Deteksi Dini Faktor Risiko Penyakit Tidak Menular Pada Masyarakat Desa Andepali Kecamatan Sampara Kabupaten Konawe I Putu Sudayasa; Muhammad Fathur Rahman; Amiruddin Eso; Jamaluddin Jamaluddin; Parawansah Parawansah; La Ode Alifariki; Arimaswati Arimaswati; Andi Noor Kholidha
Journal of Community Engagement in Health Vol 3 No 1 (2020): Maret
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Kesehatan STRADA Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30994/jceh.v3i1.37


Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM) merupakan penyakit yang tidak ditularkan dan tidak ditransmisikan kepada orang lain dengan bentuk kontak apapun, menyebabkan kematian dan membunuh sekitar 35 juta manusia setiap tahunnya, atau 60% dari seluruh kematian secara global, dengan 80% pervalensi pada negara berkembang. PTM, khususnya penyakit kardiovaskuler, kanker, penyakit pernapasan kronis, dan diabetes merupakan ancaman utama bagi kesehatan dan perkembangan manusia saat ini. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat yang terintegrasi Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Tematik, untuk mendeteksi faktor risiko penyakit tidak menular, pada masyarakat Kecamatan Sampara, Kabupaten Konawe. Jenis kegiatan yang dilakukan berupa penyuluhan kesehatan, pemeriksaan tekanan darah, kadar kolesterol, gula darah sewaktu dan asam urat. Telah dilakukan skrining dan deteksi dini faktor risiko penyakit tidak menular terhadap 67 orang responden, meliputi 14 laki–laki dan 53 perempuan. Pada hasil pemeriksaan tekanan darah, didapatkan jumlah yang mengalami hipertensi 28,35%, normotensi 67,16%, dan hipotensi 4,47%. Pada pemeriksaan Kolesterol Total, didapatkan kolesterol dalam batas normal 2,38% dan tinggi 37,31%. Hasil pemeriksaan Gula Darah Sewaktu (GDS), didapatkan kadar GDS dalam batas normal 85,07% dan kadar GDS tinggi 14,92%. Pada pemeriksaan Asam Urat didapatkan dalam batas normal adalah 91,04% dan tinggi 8,95%. Perlu memaksimalkan kegiatan posbindu dalam mereduksi kejadian penyakit tidak menular melalui penyuluhan dan screening
SKRINING DAN EDUKASI PENCEGAHAN HIPERTENSI PADA MASYARAKAT PESISIR KAMPUNG SALO, KOTA KENDARI I Putu Sudayasa; Nina Indriyani Nasruddin; Arimaswati Arimaswati; Andi Ad’Yusuf Kithfirul Azis; Anisha Ramadhani; Keysa Indira Salsabila
EJOIN : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 7 (2023): EJOIN : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, Juli 2023
Publisher : LPPM Institut Pendidikan Nusantara Global

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55681/ejoin.v1i7.1207


Hypertension is a condition characterized by elevated systolic blood pressure above 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure above 90 mmHg. Persistent high blood pressure can lead to symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, headaches, nosebleeds, shortness of breath, and others. It can also increase the risk of stroke, heart failure, and kidney failure. Nearly 95% of hypertension cases are influenced by environmental risk factors and genetic predisposition. The prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia is quite high, warranting special attention and management. The Asian Medical Student's Association (AMSA) Unit of Halu Oleo University conducted the "Berjuang untuk Solidaritas, Peduli Hipertensi" event as part of the AMSA-UHO 2023 program. The objective was to raise awareness about nutrition management and dietary therapy for hypertension patients through lectures, discussions, demonstrations, and health screenings.  The event showed an improvement in knowledge among the participants. A pre-test was conducted with a questionnaire consisting of 10 questions, involving 35 individuals. The results indicated that prior to the event, 17% had good knowledge, 25% had moderate knowledge, and 58% had poor knowledge about hypertension. After the educational activities and knowledge demonstrations, 83% had good knowledge and 16% had moderate knowledge. Furthermore, out of the 35 participants, 20 were found to have hypertension, 5 had prediabetes, and 7 had hyperuricemia. The coastal community of Kampung Salo in Kendari City demonstrated a relatively good level of knowledge regarding nutrition management to prevent the occurrence of non-communicable diseases, particularly hypertension. Additionally, they actively participated in health screenings for early detection of hypertension and other related conditions. It is hoped that the community of Kampung Salo will continue to actively engage in early prevention efforts, both at an individual and community level.