Riris Tiani*
Department Of Social Anthropology, Faculty Of Humanities, Diponegoro University

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SULUK INDO Volume 1, Nomor 2, Tahun 2012
Publisher : Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (151.773 KB)


ABSTRAKHumor politik adalah kecenderungan seseorang dalam menciptakankelucuan dengan mengangkat isu-isu politik sebagai bahan utama dalam humoritu. Humor politik tercipta akibat munculnya rasa ingin tahu masyarakat yangcukup tinggi mengenai permasalahan politik di sebuah negara. Keberadaan humorpolitik sering digunakan sebagai sarana kritik politik. Kritik itu tidak dituturkansecara langsung, tetapi melalui tuturan-tuturan yang menggelitik dan unik.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pelanggaran prinsipkerja sama dalam wacana humor politik, mendeskripsikan munculnya implikaturpercakapan dalam wacana humor politik, dan mendeskripsikan tema yang terdapatdalam wacana humor politik.  Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi beberapa tahap.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode pustaka dengan teknik simakdilanjutkan dengan teknik catat. Kemudian data dianalisis menggunakan analisisdeskriptif. Data dikaji dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori pragmatik yangmeliputi teori prinsip kerja sama dan implikatur. Penyajian hasil analisisdilakukan dengan menggunakan kata-kata biasa. Penyajian penjelasan tuturandidukung dengan penceritaan kembali isi cerita yang dimaksudkan untuk memudahkan pemahaman terhadap tuturan humor. Hasil penelitian yang dicapai adalah pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama terjadidalam tuturan wacana humor politik, meliputi pelanggaran maksim kuantitas,kualitas, relevansi, dan pelaksanaan. Implikatur yang terdapat dalam wacanahumor politik terdiri dari (1) implikatur konvensional dan (2) implikaturnonkonvensional. Tema yang digunakan dalam wacana humor politik berfungsisebagai bahan terciptanya sebuah kelucuan pada wacana humor tersebut.
Kesantunan Berbahasa dalam Ceramah Gus Miftah: Suatu Kajian Pragmatik Suraia Revameilawati; Ary Setyadi; Riris Tiani
Endogami: Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Antropologi Vol 5, No 1: Desember 2021
Publisher : Prodi Antropologi Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/endogami.5.1.106-115


[Principle Politeness in Gus Miftah Lectures (Study of Pragmatic)] This study aims to explain the form of language politeness, and the determinants of language politeness in Gus Miftah's lecture. The data in the study are Gus Miftah's speeches in four lecture shows that fall into the category according to the research objectives. The data collection method used the listening method, with free listening and speaking techniques and note-taking techniques. The results of the analysis are presented using informal methods. The results of the study found 5 compliance with the principle of politeness and 12 violations of the principle of politeness. Violations of the principle of politeness are found more than the application of the principle of politeness, because speakers make a lot of jokes to lighten the atmosphere, but the jokes made by speakers seem less polite and have the potential to hurt some parties. The linguistic factors that determine politeness in language in this data are the use of diction which includes the use of various languages, the use of harsh words, the use of swear words, and the use of language styles, namely similes. While the non-linguistic factors that determine politeness are the context of the communication situation, and sociocultural institutions.
Penggunaan Pribahasa (Sanepa) Jawa dalam Kebudayaan Masyarakat di Surakarta Riris Tiani
Endogami: Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Antropologi Vol 3, No 2: Juni 2020
Publisher : Prodi Antropologi Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (554.62 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/endogami.3.2.166-172


The Indonesian nation has a wealth of oral traditions or extraordinary cultural traditions, which are spread across ethnic groups in Indonesia as a cultural heritage of the past. The wealth of oral traditions or cultural traditions becomes a source of wealth of local wisdom. This local wisdom must be used to build the character and identity of human resources and build this nation. Sanepan Java is still commonly found in the daily lives of the people of Central Java. Javanese language as part of idiomatic language Javanese is not only a verbal language that discusses beauty, but it is a language that is owned by Javanese for the benefit of Javanese people. This research questions the symbolic meaning and the application of sanepan in the life of Javanese people. The results of this study about the future of Java contain the meaning of discussion, mutual cooperation, harmony, care and advice. Sanepan Java contains local wisdom that is still relevant to be applied to the current conditions because it contains noble values of life. Most of it means conflict of meaning because it is interpreted by lexical. The noble values embodied in the future of Java become local wisdom and Javanese culture that needs to be preserved. Sanepan Java is a proof of the existence of the strength of the noble spirit of the Javanese people who have merged with nature.
Pekerja Perempuan di Sektor Informal: Kajian Etnografis Pedagang Asongan di Pasar Tanah Abang Jakarta Fanisa Pitamouldi; Suyanto Suyanto; Riris Tiani
Endogami: Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Antropologi Vol 4, No 2: Juni 2021
Publisher : Prodi Antropologi Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/endogami.4.2.13-19


This study aims to determine ten female workers in fulfilling family needs. In this study, from a gender perspective, feminism is quite well established in coloring the activities of women workers by showing a shift in gender values due to social construction. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data collection techniques used in-depth interviews, observation, documentation and supporting materials; previous research, and books or other references. The subjects in this study were women workers as informal entrepreneurs in Tanah Abang Market, Jakarta. The selection of subjects was done by using phenomenological qualifier method. The results study show that there are various reasons and motivations for women to work, each of which has an impact as well as knowing the pattern of relationships and describing the decision-making process in the family as an informal business actor. These decisions vary, the majority is to help their husbands to support their daily needs. But it is undeniable that there are other decisions, namely because of an invitation from a relative or to spend spare time to support the family in the village. In accommodating the demands of two roles, women workers also have the burden of dual roles, namely as a mother and wife to their husbands, and women who work in the public sector as breadwinners. The efforts of women workers in overcoming the effects of multiple roles are good time management, using their free time with their families, participating in various social activities in the environment and for resting. Basically they work to help improve their family's economy
Analisis Strategi Pemberdayaan Nelayan di Kecamatan Wedung Kabupaten Demak Richa Amalia; Nurdien Harry Kistanto; Riris Tiani
Endogami: Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Antropologi Vol 4, No 2: Juni 2021
Publisher : Prodi Antropologi Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/endogami.4.2.20-30


People in Wedung subdistrict are mostly search-eyed as fishermen with a total of 9,986 people. All fishermen in Bonang Sub-district are members of the Joint Venture Group (KUB). Fishermen in Wedung sub-district still use traditional fishing equipment and use small boats with a capacity of 1 to 4 people for fishing activities. The catch of marine fisheries both in Wedung subdistrict and in other sub-districts in Demak regency can only be auctioned at the Fish Auction Site (TPI). In addition to the KUB that was built directly by the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Demak Regency also initiated the Business Incubator Mina Sejahtera to accompany and provide training to MSMEs processed fish by the fishing community. The funding provided through several empowerment programs in the form of KUB and Business Incubator implemented is considered not appropriate. In addition, the uncertain condition of fishermen and the absence of collateral make it difficult for them to obtain capital loans. The data used in this study is primary data obtained from interviews with key informants which are then compiled into strategy evaluation of Joint Venture Group and Business Incubator activities programs along with alternative aspects of fishermen empowerment program strategy. Based on the results of interviews with key persons, five aspects and thirteen alternatives were formulated for the strategy of empowering the fishing community in Wedung Sub-district. Alternative aspects of the strategy of empowering fishing communities in Wedung sub-district are: Economic Aspects, Social Aspects, Technology Aspects, Environmental Aspects and Institutional Aspects. Evaluation of the KUB activity program is the lack of assistance in the establishment of KUB administratively so that the formation of KUB often encounters constraints on the administrative process. Mina Sejahtera Business Incubator in organizing its program is not maximal and has not been able to adapt to digitalization, as a result of which UMKM are shaded less able to develop in marketing. As for the alternative aspects of fishermen empowerment strategy in Wedung Sub-district are: Direct assistance in the form of tools, direct assistance in the form of funds, Development of capital access, Socialization and training of fishery resource processing business, Improving socialization of knowledge and skills about fishery management towards the preservation of fishery resources.
Budaya Kerja Pada Ekosistem Tiga Perempat Coworking Space di Kota Semarang Arina Khujjatul Khaq; Amirudin Amirudin; Riris Tiani
Endogami: Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Antropologi Vol 4, No 1: Desember 2020
Publisher : Prodi Antropologi Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/endogami.4.1.139-145


This study aims to explane the work culture of the three-quarters coworking space ecosystem at Semarang City The research subjects are creative workers and the internal team of the three-quarters coworking space. Data collection was carried out using participant observation methods, in-depth interviews with selected informants, and field observations. This research is a qualitative study using an ethnographic approach and the theory of cultural materialism proposed by Marvin Harris. The results found a pattern of activities of creative workers and the internal team of three-quarters of Coworking Space which is carried out every day as their habit and their views when doing work. Material and non-material cultures found in this study correlate with each other to form work culture in the three-quarter coworking space ecosystem. Work culture carried out by workers as a control of work intensity, as a way to achieve work goals, and psychological adaptation to workloads.
Harmoni: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 5, No 1 (2021): HARMONI
Publisher : Departemen Linguistik, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/hm.5.1.70-74


 ABSTRAKSentra Kuliner Teras Gunung yang ada di Kelurahan Candirejo, Kecamatan Ungaran Barat Kabupaten Semarang adalah salah satu bentuk pembangunan pemberdayaan desa dengan pariwisata. Sentra kuliner ini dibangun sejak tahun 2019 dan awalnya akan dibuka pada bulan Maret 2020. Nahas memang, karena pada waktu yang bersamaan, pemerintah justru menerapkan pembatasan kegiatan karena pandemi Covid-19. Sentra Kuliner Teras Gunung yang baru akan dibuka justru harus terbengkalai sementara waktu. upaya optimalisasi pengelolaan Sentra Kuliner Teras Gunung bersama para pengelola, pemangku kepentingan dan pengguna sentra kuliner Teras Gunung perlu dilakukan agar Teras Gunung memberi manfaat signifikan bagi masyarakat. Optimalisasi media promosi, penataan lokasi yang menarik, keragaman menu, pengadaan event bulanan, studi banding, penerapan protokol kesehatan, dan pelibatan investor lokal  dapat menjadi upaya untuk menggenjot manfaat Sentra Kuliner Teras Gunung. Kata kunci: optimalisasi; pengelolaan; sentra kuliner ABSTRACTThe Teras Gunung Culinary Center in Candirejo, West Ungaran, Semarang is one of village empowerment development in tourism. This culinary center was built in 2019 and was originally set to open in March 2020. It's unfortunate, because at the same time, the government has imposed restrictions on activities due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Teras Gunung Culinary Center, which is about to be opened, has to be temporarily abandoned. Efforts to optimize the management of the Teras Gunung Culinary Center together with the managers, stakeholders and consumers of the Teras Gunug Culinary Center need to be carried out so that the Teras Gunug provides significant benefits for the community. Optimizing promotional media, structuring attractive locations, varied menus, holding monthly events, comparative studies, implementing health protocols, and involving local investors can be an effort to boost the benefits of the Teras Gunung Culinary Center. Keyword: optimization, management, culinary center
Harmoni: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 5, No 2 (2021): HARMONI
Publisher : Departemen Linguistik, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/hm.5.2.107-111


ABSTRAKPromosi digital saat ini sudah menjadi tren bagi berbagai jenis usaha ekonomi. Untuk itu, berbagai bentuk kegiatan ekonomi baik barang maupun jasa bisa menggunakan paltform digital, seperti media sosial, untuk melakukan promosi usaha. Desa Wisata Teras Gunung Ungaran yang baru dibuka pun memerlukan bentuk promosi tersebut,mengingat letaknya yang jauh dari wilayah perkotaan tetapi memliki pemandangan alam yang indah yang pasti disukai oleh berbagai kalangan masyarakat. Untuk itu pelatihan promosi digital bagi masyarakat desa wisata Teras Gunung perlu dilakukan. Pelatihan dilakukan secara daring dengan media whatsapp. Pada awalnya peserta tidak tertarik karena merasa model promosi ini membutuhkan modal gawai yang mahal dan keahlian khusus. Akan tetapi setelah memahami strategi promosi digital, para peserta mulai tertarik dan ingin menekuni lebih lanjut.Kata kunci: desa wisata, promosi digital, media sosial ABSTRACTDigital promotion has now become a trend for various types of economic businesses. For this reason, various forms of economic activity, both goods and services, can use digital platforms, such as social media, to promote business. The newly opened Gunung Ungaran Terrace Tourism Village also requires this form of promotion, considering that it is located far from urban areas but has beautiful natural scenery that is definitely liked by various groups of people. For this reason, digital promotion training for the Teras Gunung tourism village community needs to be carried out. The training is carried out online using WhatsApp media. At first the participants were not interested because they felt that this promotion model required expensive equipment and special skills. However, after understanding the digital promotion strategy, the participants became interested and wanted to pursue it further.Keywords: tourism village, digital promotion, social media 
Harmoni: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 5, No 2 (2021): HARMONI
Publisher : Departemen Linguistik, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/hm.5.2.1-5


ABSTRAKDesa Wisata Teras Gunung yang ada di Kelurahan Candirejo, Kecamatan Ungaran Barat Kabupaten Semarang adalah salah satu bentuk pembangunan pemberdayaan desa dengan pariwisata. Desa Wisata ini dibangun sejak tahun 2019 dan awalnya akan dibuka pada bulan Maret 2020. Nahas memang, karena pada waktu yang bersamaan, pemerintah justru menerapkan pembatasan kegiatan karena pandemi Covid-19. Desa Wisata Teras Gunung sudah diminati dengan banyaknya pengunjungtiap akhir pekan. Akan tetapi, keuntungan utama dri lapak kulinernya belum dirasakan maksimal. Oleh karena itu kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat kali ini berfokus pada diversifikasi kuliner jajanan local di Teras Gunung guna pengenalan kuliner local serta optimalisasi keuntungan bagi pengelola desa wisata. Hasilnya, pengelola lapa kuliner Desa Wisata Teras Gunung mampu menjual kuliner jajanan lokal yang variatif dan diminati pengunjung. Kata kunci: diversifikasi, pengelolaan, kuliner local ABSTRACTTeras Gunung Tourism Village in Candirejo, Ungaran Barat District, Semarang Regency is one form of village empowerment development with tourism. This Tourism Village was built in 2019 and was originally set to open in March 2020. It is unfortunate, because at the same time, the government has imposed restrictions on activities due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Teras Gunung Tourism Village is already in great demand with many visitors every weekend. However, the main advantage of the culinary stalls has not been felt optimally. Therefore, this community service activity focuses on diversifying local street food at Teras Gunung in order to introduce local culinary delights and optimize profits for tourism village managers. As a result, the management of the culinary center of the Teras Gunung Tourism Village is able to sell local snacks that are varied and attractive to visitors. Keyword: diversification, management, local culinary 
Kesantunan Tuturan Anak TKW di Kecamatan Gemuh Kabupaten Kendal Fatikhatun Nikmah; Mujid Farihul Amin; Riris Tiani
Anuva: Jurnal Kajian Budaya, Perpustakaan, dan Informasi Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Maret
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Perpustakaan, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (429.483 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/anuva.4.1.13-21


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk pelanggaran prinsip kesantunan yang dilakukan anak sekolah usia 6-18 tahun dengan latar belakang ibu sebagai Tenaga Kerja Wanita di luar Negeri. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dengan teknik simak libat cakap, catat serta rekam dengan alat bantu gawai. Sumber data pada penelitian ini merupakan tuturan anak sekolah usia 6-18 tahun yang ditinggal ibu ke luar negeri. Peneliti menyimak semua tuturan yang terucap, serta terlibat di dalamnya. Mencatat tuturan yang tidak terjangkau oleh alat rekam gawai. Penelitian ini bersifat deskirptif kualitatif, mengolah data secara informal sesuai rancangan Pragmatik. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, ditemukan enam bentuk pelanggaran prinsip kesantunan menurut Leech. Keenam bentuk pelanggaran tersebut adalah (1) pelanggaran maksim penghargaan meliputi tuturan ejekan, cacian, dan merendahkan orang lain; (2) pelanggaran maksim kedermawanan meliputi tuturan tidak menghormati orang lain; (3) pelanggaran maksim simpati meliputi tuturan yang bersifat sinis; (4) pelanggaran maksim kesederhanaan meliputi tuturan menyombongkan diri sendiri; (5) pelanggaran maksim kebijaksanan; dan (6) pelanggaran maksim permufakatan.