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Hubungan Antara Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) dengan Protein α-Sinuklein-larut Air pada Batang Otak Tikus yang Diinduksi Rotenon Yulianti, Arief Budi; Sumarsono, Sony Heru; Ridwan, Ahmad; Yusuf, Ayda T
Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) Vol 3, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Bandung

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Abstrak Parkinson adalah salah satu penyakit neurodegeneratif dengan ganggunan gerak bila kematian neuron dopaminergik lebih dari 70 %. Paparan neurotoksin diduga menjadi penyebab terjadinya Parkinson sporadik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan kondisi stres oksidatif pada batang otak tikus Wistar yang diinduksi rotenon. Metode: Penelitian eksperimental dengan menggunakan tikus Wistar jantan. Variabel bebas: kelompok tikus, lama perlakuan, waktu pengamatan, dan lokasi di batang otak. Variabel terikat: konsentari SOD, konsentrasi protein α-sinuklein-larut air, dan densitas ROS. Densitas ROS berbeda secara signifikan antara kelompok perlakuan (sig: 0,029), waktu pengamatan (sig: 0,0001), dan lokasi di batang otak (sig: 0,001). Konsentrasi SOD tidak berbeda secara signifikan antar kelompok perlakuan (sig:0,566), waktu pengamatan (sig:0,441) dan lokasi di batang otak (sig: 0,091). Konsentrasi protein α-sinuklein-larut air berbeda secara signifikan antar kelompok perlakuan (sig: 0,001), waktu pengamatan (sig: 0,001) tetapi tidak berbeda secara signifikan pada lokasi di batang otak (0,625). Densitas ROS relatif tertinggi pada hari ke-10 dan 40. Sementara itu konsentrasi SOD pada hari ke-10 dan 40 relatif rendah sedangkan konsentrasi protein α-sinuklein-larut air pada hari ke-10 relatif tinggi dibandingkan dengan hari ke-40. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa stres oksidatif pada batang otak tikus Wistar yang diinduksi rotenon berpengaruh pada struktur protein α-sinuklein.   Kata kunci: Batang otak, protein α-sinuklein, ROS, rotenon, SOD, stres oksidatif   Abstract Parkinson is the neurodegenerative disease with movement disordered, if the dopaminergic neurons dead more than 70%. Neurotoxins exposure is predicted cause sporadic Parkinson. The research aim is to determine oxidative stress stage in the brainstems Wistar rat’s treated-rotenone. Methods: An experimental study using male Wistar rats. The independent variable: groups of rats, long treatment, observation time, and location in the brainstem. The dependent variable: SOD concentration, concentration of protein α-synuclein-water soluble, and ROS density. ROS density significantly different among treatment groups (sig: 0,029), observation time (sig: 0.0001), and the location in the brainstem (sig: 0,001). SOD concentrations not significantly different among treatment groups (sig: 0.566), observation time (sig: 0.441) and the location in the brainstem (sig: 0.091). The concentration of protein α-synuclein-water soluble significantly different among treatment groups (sig: 0,001), observation time (sig: 0,001), but not significantly different at the location in the brainstem (0,625). ROS density relatively high at day 10 and 40. Meanwhile SOD concentration on day 10 and 40 are relatively low. And the concentration of α-synuclein protein-water soluble on day 10 is relatively higher than on day 40. The conclution is oxidative stress in the brainstem Wistar rat’s treated-rotenone effected on the protein α-synuclein structure Key word: α-synuclein protein, brainstem, oxidative stress, ROS, rotenone, SOD
Jurnal AKP Vol 3, No 2 (2012): Jurnal AKP - Desember 2012
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Pamenang

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Diarrhea is the state of the frequency of bowel movements more than four times in infants and more than three times in children with the consistency of watery feces, the factors are the environmental causes of diarrhea, how to wean poor, and individuals. Washing hands with soap is one of the actions of sanitation by cleaning hands and fingers with water and soap to be clean and germ decided chain. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of mother knowledge about proper handwashing on diarrhea in infants posyandu Kandangan.Design in this study is correlational research that examine the relationship between variables, research can be done by finding, describing a relationship, estimating, testing based on existing theory. The population is all children in the neighborhood health center Kandangan, research sample was all children in attendance at the neighborhood health center on 22 March 2010 or during the conduct of research. In this study using cross sectional analytic study of this kind of research that emphasizes the time of measurement / observation of the independent and dependent variable data only once, at one time. But not all research subjects should be observed on the same day or time, and to know the relationship between correlations using Spearman correlation.The results showed that Spearman correlation (ρ) = 0.030. This indicates a positive number, which means there is a relationship between maternal knowledge about proper hand washing with diarrhea in infants with sigfinikan test (sig. Ρ = 0.030 <α = 0.05) with 5% error level (α = 0.05)From the research it is suggested to prevent occurrence of diarrhea in infants not only with proper hand washing but also by keeping the environment clean, correct way of weaning, and the pattern of a clean and healthy living. Keywords: knowledge, maternal hand-washing, the incidence of diarrhea, infant
Jurnal AKP Vol 5, No 1 (2014): Jurnal AKP - Juni 2014
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Pamenang

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Teens are individuals, both women and men who are in a period or age between children and adults, one mark of a young woman who went through the menarche. Menarche that arise can lead to anxiety. The purpose of this study was to describe the level of anxiety in the face of menarche girls in SDN Ketawang 02 Purwoasri.        The research design used in this study is descriptive, population samples of  35 students and the class V / VI by 35 respondents. Sampling technique using total sampling. Data were collected by using a scale koesioner Hars.              The results showed that most of the 25 men (71.5%) experienced moderate anxiety, and 10 people (28.5%) experienced mild anxiety.       From the research, most of the respondents experienced moderate levels of anxiety, hence the need for education about menarche and reproductive health consultations to add information and knowledge so as to reduce anxiety. Key words : Anxiety, Teens, menarche.
Jurnal AKP Vol 7, No 1 (2016): Jurnal AKP - JUNI 2016
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Pamenang

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ABSTRAK Masa menopause akan menyebabkan banyak perubahan yang terjadi baik perubahan fisikmaupun perubahan psikis. Adapun perubahan fisik yang terkait dengan menopause yaitu berat badanbertambah, perut kembung, mudah lelah, insomnia dan gangguan tidur, kerontokan rambut, pusing,denyut jantung tidak teratur, inkontinensia urin, perubahan kulit, alergi, osteoporosis. Kurangnyapengetahuan juga akan mempengaruhi sikap yang ditunjukkan oleh wanita saat mengalami perubahanmenopause. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara pengetahuandengan sikap ibu tentang perubahan fisik menopause. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Cross sectional. Variabel independen dalam penelitianini adalah pengetahuan dan variabel dependennya adalah sikap. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh ibu di wilayah dusun Ngesong desa Banjarejo kecamatan Plemahan Kabupaten Kediri dengan jumlahpopulasi sebanyak 69 orang. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah simple random samping; danjumlah sampel 59 responden. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik korelasi spearman dengan =0,05.Hasil perhitungan statistik menunjukkan hasil koefisien korelasi 0,628 dengan ρ = 0,000 (< α = 0,05) yang artinya Ho ditolak dan Hditerima yang dapat diartikan bahwa ada hubungan pengetahuandan sikap ibu tentang perubahan fisik menopause di dusun Ngesong desa Banjarejo. 1 Dari penelitian ini, maka direkomendasikan upaya-upaya peningkatan pengetahuan untukmembangun sikap yang positif diantara ibu dalam menghadapi menopauseKata Kunci : Menopause, Pengetahuan, Sikap
Jurnal AKP Vol 2, No 1 (2011): Jurnal AKP - Juni 2011
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Pamenang

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Disminorrhea are unpleasant experience by presence of pain in lower part of abdomen which may affect the daily activities. Menstrual pain is a symptom and it is not a disease itself. Almost all adolescent have experienced of it and may generate an anxiety particularly for the affected women, especially if their knowledge is insufficient. The lack of knowledge may trigger an anxiety and hence the higher the knowledge, the anxiety will decrease.This objective of this research was to know the influence of knowledge  to level of  anxiety of students of Senior High School of (SMA) Muhammadiyah I Pare which had had experienced of menstrual pain. This research used Cross Sectional technique and the populations of the research was student in SMA Muhammadiyah I Pare by sample were 30 respondents. Sampling technique was total sampling. Data was analyzed by Spearman correlationThe  analyzed  correlation  of  spearman  rho got ρ (0,561)  above ( 0,05)  or ρ (0,561) ( 0,05). Its means H0 was accepted, H1 was rejected, meant there was no influence between level of knowledge to the level of anxiety of adolescence who had experienced of menstrual pain in SMA Muhammadiyah I Pare.The sufficient knowledge on dismenorrhea can degrade anxiety, knowledge can be obtained by read articles of about menstrual pain and the school should give the lesson of about system   reproduction and can perform program of consultancy about their problem about reproductive system with health care institution or health care personals. 
Jurnal AKP Vol 4, No 2 (2013): Jurnal AKP - Desember 2013
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Pamenang

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One of source patient dissatisfaction is caused by less communication going on betweeen nurse with the patient. The purpose of this research is to describe patient satisfaction of therapeutic communication in the nurse implements the nursing care in Seruni room Kab.Kediri hospital.Research design used in this study was descriptive with the entire population of patients treated in Kab.Kediri hospitals Ruang Seruni totaling 119 average  per month, the total sample of 45 respondents to the purposive sampling technique. The data collected using questionnaires. While variable in this study is about patient satisfaction therapeutic nurse communication.The results showed that of the 45 respondents surveyed the largest 36 respondents (49,0%) said they were satisfied with therapeutic communication provided by nurses.From the research, it is advisable for nurses to provide nursing care in accordance with the expectations of the patient, and can show the attitude - the attitude of patience, honest, humble, empathetic to the patient so that the patient will feel satisfied with the services provided by nurses. Keywords: Satisfaction, Patient, Therapeutic Communication
Jurnal AKP Vol 4, No 1 (2013): Jurnal AKP - Juni 2013
Publisher : Akademi Keperawatan Pamenang

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Family latrine is a building used to dispose of faeces or human excrement to a family commonly known as (WC). The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of education on the use of latrines to the behavior of healthy bowel on RT 01 RW 01 Desa Dusun Ngrangkok Klampisan Kandangan Kediri District Year 2011.The research design will be used in this research is to design research at the level of pre-experimental design precisely on-one-group pre-post test design, the population of 30 heads of families who were taken with a purposive sampling technique sampling contained 23 samples with the inclusion criteria. By analysis using Wilcoxon test through the help of computer software. Results obtained from 23 respondents, the vast majority behave defecate qualify after the extension that is 10 respondents (43,48%) and the smallest is not eligible ie there are 8 respondents (34,78%). The test results using Wilcoxon tests with the result P value: 0.001 <0.05. Thus p <  then working hypothesis (H1) was accepted and nil hypothesis (Ho) is rejected it means there is the influence of education on the use of latrines to the behavior of a healthy bowel movement. This is because education is a component that affects the behavior of the family. The more often get the better education also behavior in everyday life. For that family needs to get a good education from the health department or from health workers about the behavior of proper bowel movements.  Keywords: Counseling, Utilization Latrines, Behavior
Gonadal Maturity Induction using Karamunting (Melastoma malabatrhicum) Ethanol Extract on White Shrimp Female (Litopenaeus vannamei) Ridwan, Ahmad; Awaludin, Awaludin; Anggraeni, Tjandra
Proceeding International Conference on Global Resource Conservation Vol 6, No 1: Proceeding of 6th ICGRC 2015
Publisher : Proceeding International Conference on Global Resource Conservation

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Common problem that happened in white shrimp culturing is insufficiency of mature female to provide the seed simultaneously. There are several methods to accelerate gonadal maturity infemale white shrimp: eye ablation, environmental manipulation, and providing high cholesterol fresh feed. Till now, high cholesterol feed is not very common method. Karamunting or Malabar Melastome (Melasthoma malabatrhicum) is known to have a high cholesterol content, more specifically, lanosterol based on GCMS test. Lanosterol is cholesterol that contained in plants, which assumed as precursor hormone for gonad maturity process in female of white shrimp. The aim of this experiment is to determine whether Karamunting ethanol extract can stimulate and accelerate gonad development in female of white shrimp. This experiment consists of several steps: (1) Karamunting (Melastoma malabathricum) extraction, (2) GCMS test for Karamunting, (3) extract injection to female of white shrimp (Litopenaues vannamel) for 15 days in 3 days interval with dosage variable 0 (control), ), 10 mg/kg BW (P1), 7,5 mg/kg BW (P2), 5 mg/kg BW (P3), 2 mg/kg BW (P4) dan 1 mg/kg BW (P5), (4) The measuring parameters are Karamunting content, morphological gonad development observation and hepatopancreas somatic index (HSI) measurement, (5) Data analysis. Data shows that karamunting ethanol extract with P1 and P2 dosage can result in morphological gonad development response (GML II), meanwhile with P3, P4 and P5 dosage there is no changes observed. All variables didn’t affect the level of HSI (P&gt;0.05). Based on the result, it can be concluded that Karamunting ethanol extract indicates an acceleration of gonad maturity process in white shrimp female.Keywords : Gonad maturity; Hepatopancreas Somatic Index ; L.  vannamei; M. malabatrhicum
UNIVERSUM Vol 12, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/universum.v12i2.1067


A study on contradictive hadith is popular with terms “ilmu mukhtalaf al-Hadisikh and mansu>kh (elimination), and al-tarji>h} (priority). In a case of murtad person, the majority of riwayah mention the punishment is death execution. However, there is also a riwayat that explains the delay of death execution to give a chance for murtad person to do taubat. The contemporer shoolars (ulama) debate the death punishment for murtad person that is done in hurry. It is done to debate the authority of shahih hadith about death punishment for murtad person, but with the consideration of keeping the life balace in nation and religion. By prioritizing fiqh approach, this article tries to study hadith on punishment for murtad person through al-jam’u and uses an-Nakha
Analisis Perencanaan Perkerasan Kaku ( Rigid Pavement ) Jalan Plosoklaten - Gedangsewu Kabupaten Kediri Ridwan, Ahmad; Romadhon, Fajar
Jurnal Aplikasi Pelayaran dan Kepelabuhanan Vol 9, No 2 (2019): Bulan Maret
Publisher : Universitas Hang Tuah

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Perkerasan jalan adalah merupakan salah satu unsur konstruksi jalan raya sangat penting dalam rangka kelancaran transportasi darat, sehingga memberikan kenyamanan dan keamanan bagi penggunanya, sehingga perlu direncanakan dengan baik berdasarkan standar dan kriteria perencanaan yang berlaku di Indonesia. Pada penelitian ini akan dibahas tentang analisa perencanaan perkerasan kaku (rigid pavement) untuk pembangunan prasarana jalan di daerah perkotaan maupun di pedesaan, mengingat perkerasan jalan ini lebih mampu mendukung beban kendaraan berat serta tahan terhadap genangan air. Dari data lapangan yang telah dikumpulkan, dan melalui analisa dan perhitungan didapat Perencanaan Perkerasan Jalan dengan nilai CBR 90% adalah 3.5%. Lalulintas Harian Rata-rata pada jalan tersebut yaitu, 1. MPV, sedan, jeep, pick up: 796 buah; mini bus, truck kecil: 547 buah; bus, truck as 2: 486 buah; truck 3 as, trailer: 51 buah; sepeda motor: 11.687 buah; sepeda/becak: 288 buah; gerobak: 5 buah. Beton yang digunakan untuk struktur atas menggunakan beton mutu K.350 tebal: 19 cm; untuk pondasi bawah menggunakan mutu K.175 tebal: 10 cm; urugan pasir bawah pondasi menggunakan agregat kelas A tebal: 5 cm. Tulangan yang digunakan untuk tulangan memanjang D-13 mm, jarak 200 mm; tulangan melintang D-13 mm, jarak 400 mm; dowel (ruji) D-25 mm, panjang 450 mm, jarak 300 mm; tie bar D-16 mm, panjang 600 mm, jarak antar batang 750 mm. Bahu jalan menggunakan urugan pilihan 1 m di sisi kanan dan kiri badan jalan, drainase menggunakan U-Ditch tinggi: 70 cm dan lebar: 60 cm. Dari perhitungan analisis tersebut besar biaya pekerjaan perkerasan kaku (Rigid Pavement) sebesar Rp. 89.975.955.000,00 atau terbilang: Delapan puluh sembilan milyar sembilan ratus tujuh puluh lima juta sembilan ratus lima puluh lima ribu rupiah.