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KARAKTERISTIK DAN TIPOLOGI HAK-HAK KEPEMILIKAN DALAM PERIKANAN ARTISANAL Apendi Arsyad; Tridoyo Kusumastanto; Rokhmin Dahuri; Asep Saefudin; Endriamo Soetarto
Buletin PSP Vol. 16 No. 2 (2007): Buletin PSP
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

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The objective of the research is to explain about the rules of the traditional social institution, especially characteristic and typology of property rights on artisanal fishery management system at Abang island. Traditional institution pattern commonly has function for keeping continuity of coastal resources, so management that did by local fisherman society in coastal villages feel to keep well fishery resources and ecosystem, not disturbed by capture activity for example intake of rock, bombardment of fish and usage of potassium. Study case method that using is rural rapid appraisal (RRA) for coastal community. This research was done in Abang island village Galang subdistrict Batam city, try to identify and documentating several characteristic and typology of property rights on artisanal fishery at Abang island village. Based on result of research there are 8 fishing gears that dominant used by local fisherman, and other 2 modern fishing gears. Operation of trawl that has been prohibited based on Keppres No. 39/1980, still found in territorial water of Abang island. Eight of fishing gears that operated by fisherman, had fishing ground in around of territorial coastal water, farthermost catch fish by distance 3 or 4 miles from coast line. Generally fisherman here included small scale and traditional fisherman category, meant they become fisherman hereditarily, heritage of their parents, by using simply fishing gears, but they orientated to market, most of catch fish and prawn sold to merchant and tauke, called artisanal fisherman. For appliance catch selected like line, fisherman of Abang island catch fish collectively by using fish aggregating device cooperation result among fisherman. Most of fishing gears used by fisherman in this area are trap, line, longline, setnet, gillnet, fish cage, seine and fish-net. From a number of fishing gears divided again become some types, like net consist of beach seine, apollo net (trammelnet), trawl kara ( Lobster), stromateus net, gillnet and crab net.
STATUS PEMANFAATAN SUMBERDAYA UDANG OLEH PERIKANAN SKALA KECIL DI WILAYAH PESISIR KABUPATEN CILACAP (Utilitization Status of Shrimp by Small Scale Fisheries in the Coastal Area of Cilacap District) Andreas D. Patria; Luky Adrianto; Tridoyo Kusumastanto; M. Mukhlis Kamal; Rokhmin Dahuri
Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management Vol. 5 No. 1 (2014): Marine Fisheries: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Laut
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (397.42 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jmf.5.1.49-55


ABSTRACTFish stock in marine is dynamic due to fluctuation in the annual total catch. Consequently, the estimate number of fish stock changes yearly, without exception in the coastal of Cilacap District. This current study was intended to reassess the condition of fish stock utilization in the coastal water of Cilacap in 2012. Data of fish production, effort, fish price, and effort cost in 1999-2012 are taken from the Office of Fisheries Agency of Cilacap District. Analysis of fish stock condition is carried out using Gordon-Schaefer bioeconomic model. The results showed that utilization of marine fish resource in the coastal water of Cilacap District was in the condition of over fishing both in terms of MSY or MEY.Key words: fish stock assessment, Gordon-Schaefer model, small scale of fisheries-------ABSTRAKStok sumberdaya ikan di suatu perairan laut selalu dinamis karena jumlah penangkapan ikan berubah setiap tahunnya. Konsekuensinya adalah bahwa dugaan stok ikan di suatu lokasi perairan juga berubah setiap tahunnya, tidak terkecuali di perairan pantai selatan Kabupaten Cilacap Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menduga status tingkat pemanfaatan stok udang oleh nelayan skala kecil di perairan pesisir Kabupaten Cilacap dengan tahun acuan 2012. Data produksi udang, data upaya penangkapan, data harga udang, dan data biaya per upaya penangkapan tahun 1999-2012 bersumber dari Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Kabupaten Cilacap. Analisis kondisi tingkat pemanfaatan stok ikan dilakukan menggunakan model keseimbangan bioekonomi Gordon-Schaefer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan laut di wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Cilacap telah berada pada kondisi lebih tangkap (overfishing) baik dari segi MSY maupun MEY.Kata kunci: pendugaan stok ikan, model Gordon-Schaefer, nelayan skala kecil
Struktur Ikan Karang dan Interaksinya dengan Komponen Lifeform Karang Penyusun Terumbu Karang Pulau Hoga dan Karang Karedupa di Kepulauan Tukang Besi , Kabupaten Buton Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara Abdul Harim; Rokhmin Dahuri; Dietriech G Bengen; Budi Hascaryo Iskandar
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan dan Perikanan Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 2 (1995): Desember 1995
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas ikan karang dan interaksinya dengan lifeform karang pada terumbu karang Pulau Hoga dan Karang Kaledupa di Kepulauan Tukang Besi, Kabupaten Buton Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara.Metode transek garis sejajar dengan kontur kedalaman digunakan untuk mengamati persentase penutupan lifeform karang dan ikan-ikan karang asosiatif pada kedalaman 10m. Pencacahan ikan-ikan karang dilakukan secara visual pada batas pandang 3 meter ke kiri dan kanan transek. Untuk mengetahui interaksi antara ikan karang dengan lifeformkarang digunakan analisis faktorial koresponden. Dari hasil pengamatan ditemukan 142 spesies ikan karang yang tergolong ke dalam 30 famili. Selanjutnya komponen lifeform karang yang paling berperan terhadap distribusi spasial ikan-ikan karang secara berturul-turut adalah komponen karang balu, komponen karang lunak dan komponen abiotikKata-kata kunci: ikan karang, lifeform karang, struktur komunitas ikan karang, distribusi spasial, anal isis faktorial koresponden
MODAL SOSIAL DALAM PENGELOLAAN SUMBERDAYA PERIKANAN Budiati Prasetiamartati; Akhmad Fauzi; Rokhmin Dahuri; Akhmad Fakhrudin; Hellmuth Lange
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan dan Perikanan Indonesia Vol. 13 No. 1 (2006): Juni 2006
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

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Konsep modal sosial diartikan sebagai sebagai norma dan hubungan sosial yang menyatu dalam struktur masyarakat dan membuat orang dapat bekerjasama dalam bertindak untuk mencapai tujuan. Aksi bersama atau kerjasama dapat berlangsung ketika terdapat modal sosial dalam masyarakat. Tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa modal sosial input dan modal sosial output atau aksi bersama terbukti dapat mendukung pengelolaan perikanan yang berkelanjutan melalui aksi bersama pelarangan kegiatan penangkapan ikan yang merusak, antara lain penggunaan bom, bius, atau penambangan karang.Kata kunci: pengelolaan perikanan, modal sosial.
KELIMPAHAN DAN BIOMASSA POPULASI SIMPING (Placuna placenta, Linn, 1768) DI TELUK KRONJO, KABUPATEN TANGERANG Yonvitner .; Mennofatria Boer; Isdradjad Setyobudiandi; Rokhmin Dahuri; Kardiyo Prapto Kardiyo
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan dan Perikanan Indonesia Vol. 17 No. 1 (2011): Juni 2011
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

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Kegiatan penangkapan telah menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan stok dan biomasa simping. Penurunan itu dapat terjadi pada stadia spat, muda, dan dewasa. Perubahan ukuran tangkap yang semakin kecil juga merupakan pertanda bahwa telah terjadi upaya penangkapan yang berlebih. Berdasarkan analisis kepadatan, terdapat adanya perbedaan jumlah dan biomassa antara waktu pengamatan. Peningkatan biomassa yang terjadi, yatu 0,46 gram per 2 minggu dan laju penurunan kepadatan sebesar 0,657 ind/2 minggu. Pada bulan April kepadatan rendah, biomassa rendah, dan rasio biomassa terhadap kelimpahan juga rendah. Artinya tekanan penangkapan yang terjadi maupun pengaruh lingkungan besar saat bulan April.Kata kunci: biomassa, kelimpahan, simping, Kronjo
Kualitas habitat populasi simping (Placuna placenta) di Perairan Teluk Kronjo, Tangerang Yonvitner .; Rokhmin Dahuri; Isdradjad Setyobudiandi; Kardiyo Praptokardiyo; Mennofatria Boer
Aquahayati Vol 9, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Aquahayati

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Populasi simping dapat bertahan dan berkembang apabila memiliki kualitas lingkungan hidup yang baik. Penelitian inibertujuan untuk mengkaji karakter habitat dan lingkungan hidup simping di perairan Teluk Kronjo, Tanggerang. Penelitiandilaksanakan selama lima bulan, dari bulan Maret sampai September 2008. Penelitian dilakukan dengan interval satubulan pada enam stasiun dengan tiga kali ulangan. Analisis meliputi analisis deskriptif dan anova dua arah (antara stasiundan antar zona). Status habitat simping dari indikator suhu, kecerahan, pH, BOD, masih mendukung kehidupan simping,sedangkan kekeruhan, TSS, oksigen, redoks, dan COD, berpotensi menghambat pertumbuhan simping. Secara keseluruhankondisi habitat kurang baik namun masih dalam batas syarat minimal untuk mendukung kehidupan simping.Kata kunci: simping, Kronjo, kualitas air
JOURNAL OF COASTAL DEVELOPMENT Vol 1, No 2 (1998): Volume 1, Number 2, Year 1998

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The coastal zones and their embodied natural resources are a frontier area that offers Indonesian nation opportunities and challenges to enhance its economic development on a sustainable basis. Being the largest Archipelago State in the world, Indonesia is endowed with abundant and diverse coastal and marine resources. As natural resources on land are becoming scarce or difficult to develop, marine and coastal resources will be an importance resource for sustaining Indonesian economic development in the twenty first centuries. Furthermore, the shift of the global economic center from Atlantic to Pacific Rim will inevitably increase the use of Indonesia’s marine and coastal areas for various development activities, especially sea communication and transportation, fisheries and aquaculture, tourism, mining and energy, maritime industry, and coastal and offshore engineering. However, experience in developing marine and coastal resources during First Long-term Development Period (1969-1994) have resulted not only in economic successes but also caused environmental degradation at a level which threatens the sustainable capacity of marine and coastal ecosystems to support further Indonesia’s economic development. Case like water pollution in highly populated or industrializes areas, overfishing of some fish stock, physical destruction of important coastal ecosystems (especially mangrove and coral reef), and coastal resource use conflict among coastal users indicate such a threatened condition. In addition, the majority of coastal communities are still lingering on absolute poverty. The paper critically identifies and analyses the root of the problems, which threatens the sustainable capacity of coastal ecosystems, and suggests an alternative development paradigm provides a framework for reorientation of Indonesia’s development policies and programs with respect to coastal and marine resources to achieve sustainable development for the utmost benefits of all Indonesian people.
DESTRUCTIVE FISHERY AND FISHERY SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSING FISHERY SUSTAINABILITY USING A MULTICRITERIA PARTICIPATORY APPROACH : A Case Study of Small Islands in South Sulawesi Budiati Prasetiamartati; Akhmad Fauzi; Rokhmin Dahuri; Achmad Fahrudin; Hellmuth Lange
JOURNAL OF COASTAL DEVELOPMENT Vol 9, No 3 (2006): Volume 9, Number 3, Year 2006

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The sustainability in the integrated human and nature systems or social–ecological systems(SES) of reef fishery needs attention, because the livelihood of many coastal communities is dependentupon it. Likewise, coral reef ecosystem is important marine resource as a source of biodiversity, aspawning aggregation for various reef fish and biota. However, coral reef ecosystem in South Sulawesihas been pressured by reef-related fishing activities, which include destructive practices of bomb andpoison fishing.This study assesses the condition of fishery sustainability in five selected small islands situated inTaka Bonerate Marine National Park and Spermonde Archipelago, South Sulawesi. Multi-criteriaanalysis (MCA) is used as a decision-making tool to analyze and evaluate multiple indicators under aparticipatory group decision-making environment (Mendoza and Prabhu 2004). Four variable criteriaof sustainability indicators are included, namely ecological-criterion indicators, economic-criterionindicators, social-criterion indicators, and institutional-criterion indicators. The result of theassessment is analyzed with the state of coral reef and the state of destructive fishery in the area. 
Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota Vol. 10 No. 1 (2010)
Publisher : Program Studi Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, UPT Publikasi Publikasi Ilmiah UNISBA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/jpwk.v10i1.242


This study aims is to analyze the status of coastal ecosystems, to analyze factors that affect the quality of coastal ecosystems, and to prepare the direction on spatial planning in coastal areas of Ambon Bay Area.The analytical method used in this study is the analysis of ecosystem status, principal components analysis, analysis GIS and analysis of dynamic systems.The results showed that the condition of ecosystem status damaged in 2008, whereby, the status of mangrove ecosystems is moderate with a density of 1100 trees/ha, the status of seagrass ecosystems damaged by percentage cover of 38,76%, and the status of coral reef ecosystems are damaged by the percentage of live coral is 42,27%By using dynamic systems analysis, created the scenario of land use planning in Ambon Bay Area that integrates land and wet land. The scenario used in this study is the optimistic, pessimistic and moderate scenarios. The variable that is used to determine of policy scenarios spatial planning based on the rate of population growth is 2,5% per annum, while variable forest area of at least 30% of the area. Of the three scenarios, the scenario chosen for the land use planning policy in Ambon Bay Areas in the future is to use the moderate scenario. The simulation results moderate scenario, the status of coastal ecosystems is improved from the criteria of the coastal ecosystem damaged by coastal ecosystems index 44,44% in 2008 turned into good condition with the index of coastal ecosystems 88,89% in 2029