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EFEKTIFITAS FUNGSI SATUAN PEMBINAAN MASYARAKAT MENURUT PERATURAN KEPALA KEPOLISIAN NEGERA REPUBLIK INDONESIA NOMOR 3 TAHUN 2015 TENTANG PEMOLISIAN MASYARAKAT : (Effectiveness of Community Development Function According to Police Chief Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 3 2015 about the Community Government) Lutfi Rumkel; Darwin Rukua; Rustam Rustam
Uniqbu Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Uniqbu Journal of Social Sciences (UJSS)
Publisher : LPPM UNIQBU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (484.472 KB) | DOI: 10.47323/ujss.v1i2.38


This study examines the effectiveness of the function of coaching units according to the regulation of the Head of the Republic of Indonesia police Force No. 3 year 2015 about community development, Polres Buru has been formed several years since Buru Island was set to be the Buru regency, originally named Polres Pulau 2005 Buru The police themselves in this case have prepared personnel representing the field of community coaching. Essentially build a partnership between the police and the community so that it materialize mutual trust, respect and mutual respect between the police and the community. The police are acceptable and supported by the community. Police activities to encourage, direct, and mobilize the community to play a role in the Binkamtibmas (Security coach and community order) through the form of Pamswakarsa and the implementation of the Community Policing model among others conducted through the assignment of police members to Bhayangkara Pembina Kamtibmas (Bhabinkamtibmas) which refers to the head of the Republic of Indonesia National Police number: B/3377/IX/2011/Baharkam dated 29 September 2011 about the deployment of Bhabinkamtibmas in the village.
JUDICAL REVIEW OF THE CRIME OF NARCOTICS ABUSE CATEGORY I: (Tinjauan Yuridis Terhadap Tindak Pidana Penyalagunaan Narkotika Golongan I) Sofian Malik; Ridwan Syarif Goa; Darwin Rukua; Salmah Yusuf
Uniqbu Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Uniqbu Journal of Social Sciences (UJSS)
Publisher : LPPM UNIQBU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (492.216 KB) | DOI: 10.47323/ujss.v1i2.41


Abstract This study describes the basis for the application of material criminal law to criminal acts of drug abuse and to determine the judge's consideration in making a decision on case No. 5 / Pid.Sus / 2020 / PN Nla. This research was conducted in the city of Namlea, namely in the Namlea District Court using primary and secondary data methods. Data (interview) directly with the parties concerned. Meanwhile, secondary data collection techniques are carried out by reading documents or regulations and literature books related to the material to be presented in the thesis. After all the data is collected, the data is processed and analyzed qualitatively and then presented descriptively, that is, searching for and collecting data related to the object and the problem under study, then systematically arranging it to get a clear and complete picture, so that an answer is obtained as a conclusion to the problem. researched. Based on the results of research and discussion, it shows that: 1) in Decision No. 5 / Pid.Sus / 2020 / PN Nla, the Public Prosecutor uses the second indictment, namely Article 127 paragraph (1) letter a of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics the elements in the indictment have been deemed proven by the Public Prosecutor. that is, the acts and elements of the article match each other, and according to the author, the application of material criminal law in this case is not in accordance with the applicable criminal law in Indonesia. 2) in Decree No. 5 / Pid.Sus / 2020 / PN Nla, the author does not agree with the Panel of Judges in implementing Article 127 because the elements are not proven and do not match each other, the Panel of Judges is wrong in making decisions without looking at Articles 54, 55 and 103 of the Republic of Indonesia Constitution No.35 Years 2009 About Narcotics. Thus, in relation to the convictions of the defendants, both criminal sanctions and complementary rehabilitation measures. Keywords: Criminal. Narkotika, Namlea
DEATH OF BPJS PESIENTS DUE TO SLOW HANDLING BY THE HOSPITAL: (Kematian Pesien BPJS Karena Penanganan Lambat oleh Rumah Sakit) Laeko Lapandewa; Darwin Rukua; Belinda Sam
Uniqbu Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Uniqbu Journal of Social Sciences (UJSS)
Publisher : LPPM UNIQBU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47323/ujss.v2i1.91


                The purpose of this study is to see what the legal consequences are for the late hospital BPJS patients that cause death and whether there are factors that can affect the handling of BPJS participant patients by the hospital. This research includes normative law or doctrinal legal studies, library research or document studies—the Dean of the Law (statute approach), and the conceptual system (conceptual approach). Meanwhile, the abstract approach (conceptual approach) departs from the views and doctrines in the science of law to see which should be implemented or applied with the handling of BPJS participants by the hospital that causes death. The results showed that 1. Following the legal basis of Article 32 letter q of Law no. 44 of 2009 concerning Hospitals, reads: "Every patient has the right: to sue and/or sue the Hospital system. The hospital is suspected of providing services that do not comply with standards, both civil and criminal; In polite terms, the patient can file a lawsuit in court or through a dispute settlement agency against the hospital whose actions have harmed the patient so that the legal consequence of the hospital is the late arrival of the BPJS patient which causes death. In the form of verbal warning; Written warning; or fines and revocation of hospital license. And or take a criminal route by reporting the hospital's head and/or its health workers to the authorities. 2. In-hospital handling services for BPJS participants information by various factors, including; The level of competence of the hospital apparatus, the quality of the equipment used in the hospital, the organizational culture, the lack of knowledge of BPJS participants about procedures and patients in health care services
THE ROLE OF THE VILLAGE REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL IN IMPLEMENTING VILLAGE GOVERNMENT IN MALUKU : (Peran Badan Permusyawaratan dalam Pelaksanaan Pemerintah Desa di Desa Karang Jaya, Maluku) mansyur nawawi; Darwin Rukua; Laeko Lapandewa; Salmah Yusuf; Belinda Sam
Uniqbu Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Uniqbu Journal of Social Sciences (UJSS)
Publisher : LPPM UNIQBU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47323/ujss.v2i1.106


                The territory of the Republic of Indonesia is very wide covering many large and small islands, so it is not possible if everything will be managed entirely by the Government which is domiciled in the State Capital, to manage the administration of state government to all corners of the country, it is necessary to form a regional government. Local governments and village governments have shifted from a centralized system of government to a decentralized one so that providing services to the public is closer and can be done optimally. This implementation brings a lot of hope to the improvement, management, and quality of local performance. This study aims to examine the role of the Village Consultative Body (BPD) in the Village Government and what factors hinder the role of the Village Consultative Body (BPD) in the Village Government in Karang Jaya Village. This research is a descriptive type of research, namely a study that describes the phenomena of a BPD cooperation management with the village head, thus the approach used is the normative approach. The results show that the BPD in Karang Jaya village has not been able to carry out its role optimally because the human resources of BPD members are still low, especially in the education sector so that in carrying out its roles and functions the BPD does not understand what to do concerning the control and supervisory functions. becomes its authority in controlling and supervising the performance of the Village Government / Village Head.
MEDIA BINA ILMIAH Vol 16, No 6: Januari 2022
Publisher : BINA PATRIA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33758/mbi.v16i6.1448


 Kesehatan adalah kebutuhan primer manusia untuk menjalankan fungsi dan peranannya sehingga mampu memperoleh kesejahteraan, dan menjadi hak bagi setiap warga Negara. Rumah sakit sesuai dengan fungsinya (melaksanakan pelayanan medis, dan pelayanan penunjang medis) berkewajiban mengupayakan, menyediakan, dan menyelenggarakan pelayanan bermutu dan memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat akan pelayanan yang berkulitas. Jaminan sosial berupa penanggulangan kesehatan bagi masyarakat diimplementasikan dalam bentuk program JKN yang akan diselenggarakan oleh Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) yang sesuai dengan Undang-Undang RI Nomor 24 Tahun 2011 tentang Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial
SOSIALISASI “SADAR SAMPAH” PADA MASYARAKAT DI MASA PANDEMIC COVID-19 Nanik Handayani; Agusman Agusman; Nanik Indrayani; Nurhaya Yusuf; Sjaid S Fais Assagaf; Darwin Rukua; Susiati Susiati
Journal of Community Dedication and Development (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Edisi Juli - Desember 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Mandailing Natal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (686.537 KB)


Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini, yakni menyosialisasikan perilaku dan aksi “sadar sampah” sebagai wujud dalam membangun kesadaran masyarakat desa Namlea di masa pandemic covid-19. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dan Sosialisasi. FGD dilakukan secara indoor, yakni terdiri dari 25 peserta yang berasal dari para perangkat desa dan masyarakat desa Namlea. Sementara pada metode sosialisasi dilaksanakan dengan sistem door to door, dengan menggunakan media pamflet dan tanya jawab langsung kepada para warga. Hasil pelaksanaan sosialisasi ini, yakni masyarakat sudah dapat membedakan sampah organik dan anorganik serta cara pengelolaan sampah dengan metode 3R. Selama proses tanya jawab, peserta sangat antusias dalam diskusi. Tidak sedikit yang memberikan ide terkait pengelolaan limbah sampah menjadi hiasan yang memiliki nilai ekonomis. Membangun kesadaran masyarakat dalam menyikapi lingkungan harus selalu digiatkan dan kegiatan pengabdian ini sudah memberikan banyak manfaat dan informasi kepada masyarakat desa Namlea agar selalu menjaga kebersihan serta membuang sampah pada tempatnya.